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Stoneshard |#1| The Birth of a Pyromancer!
Demon's Souls |#19| Final
Demon's Souls |#18| Old King Allant
Demon's Souls |#17| Penetrator

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 RL> I like actor's directors like Clint Eastwood.  Now there's a talented
 RL> man and a man with class!

Definitely. Clint's a nice guy and a great director, and I've always
been a fan of his. Even he has his off-days, though; Bronco Billy being
a good example there... ;)

 RL> What I like about YOUR writing is that it is clear, pointed and
 RL> powerfully executed.  There is not a trace of ambiguity.  You think
 RL> things through before writing them IMHO.

Thanks.  I hate to tell ya, though, but I compose on the fly,
and correct it as I go. I kinda think things through as I'm going...

But I do try to phrase things as clearly as I can, and leave nothing
open to misinterpretation. I've never been terribly shy when it came to
telling someone how I felt about something; just ask any of the women
I've been involved with!

 RL> Cheers and all the best to you and your family for Christmas and the
 RL> New Year.

You too, my friend. The spirit of the season be with you and yours.

... "Thus men may grow wiser every day." -- Shakespeare
--- RA/FD/FMail
 * Origin: The Electric Fox - Memphis,TN, U.S.A.  1-901-327-1008 (1:123/10)

 Msg  : 20 of 187
 From : Michael Harper                      1:123/10        .cę 24 .åę 95 22:47
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : The Abyss

 -=> Over coffee and beignets, Frank Glover told Michael Harper all about
 -=> SeaQuest...

 MH>  For my money, the best depiction in sf of undersea operations is
 MH>  still _The Abyss_.
 FG> Indeed, they even *invented* one along the way. The faceplate
 FG> design allowed the camera to see actors faces without distortion.
 FG> Divers liked being able to readily recognize the faces and expresions
 FG> (especially if they may be in distress!) of nearby divers, too. Most
 FG> existing designs let you see out okay, but distort your face to
 FG> someone looking in....

Exactly. Most underwater shots are of people in wetsuits, and looking
through a scuba mask and regulator it's hard to tell the difference
between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Kim Basinger. (Vive la difference!)
The O'Neil Drysuit and helmet that they came up with for _Abyss_ is one
of the best innovations in marine gear in the last century, and the
funny thing is, all they really did was reengineer the old-style diving
suit design that's been around for a century...

Give it five years, and some bright boy with Exxon will come up with an
undersea drilling rig just like Deepcore...

... "Bud, did you know your hand is blue?" --Lew Finler, "The Abyss"
--- RA/FD/FMail
 * Origin: The Electric Fox - Memphis,TN, U.S.A.  1-901-327-1008 (1:123/10)

 Msg  : 21 of 187
 From : Michael Harper                      1:123/10        .cę 24 .åę 95 22:47
 To   : Paul Goverts
 Subj : Robby the robot

 -=> Over coffee and beignets, Paul Goverts asked Michael Harper about

 Robby the robot...

 -=> Quoting Michael Harper to Frank Glover <=-

 MH> Yeah, and Robby ended up in at least one more movie, made an
 MH> appearance on LIS, and finally got stuck in the lobby of the MGM Grand
 MH> in Vegas, where his housing stands to this day...

 PG> Didn't he also appear in Gremlins?

 I don't think so... the original Robby is still at the MGM Grand,
 unless they've stuck him in a storeroom somewhere. Robby II was built
 from the same design specs by a propman in L.A. sometime in the early
 '70's, and is identical externally in all aspects. With some refitting,
 he's appeared on a number of shows over the years; he did an episode of
 Jack Webb's _Project UFO_ series, and turned up in a dream sequence in
 _Earth Girls Are Easy_.

 And now that I think on it further, I believe you're right. He did turn
 up in _Gremlins_...

 Robby's a good example of passionate obsession given form. The guy that
 built him, if I remember right, wanted the original Robby to restore,
 and MGM said no. Somehow he got hold of the plans, and duplicated him
 in every detail. In the process he repaired all design flaws of the
 original, and improved things so that the operator can stay inside the
 housing for longer periods. I think this redesign even allows Robby's
 legs to bend at the knee...

 And all because the guy remembered the robot from a favorite movie.
 Think about that... :D

... "Well, it *is* an imperfect universe." -- G'Kar
--- RA/FD/FMail
 * Origin: The Electric Fox - Memphis,TN, U.S.A.  1-901-327-1008 (1:123/10)

 Msg  : 22 of 187
 From : Michael Harper                      1:123/10        .îí 25 .åę 95 11:36
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Cybersex

 -=> Over coffee and beignets, Mark Jones told Otto Cordray all about Gibson...

 MJ> I would only worry about unemployed steelworkers robbing and
 MJ> killing people to get their virtual-sex fix if the virtual sex is made
 MJ> illegal.  Because, just like drugs and prostitution, it will never go
 MJ> away.  It'll just go underground and become very expensive.

 Very true. Any opiate, no matter what it is, does that when made
 illegal. Be it booze, weed, religion or Rush Limbaugh, if it's
 outlawed, there'll be an immediate black market for it...

 MJ> [As a completely irrelevant and sexist comment in passing:  Cindy
 MJ> or Claudia would okay, I guess.  But for my tastes, Joan Chen or
 MJ> Barbara Carrera are the ones to watch for.]

 Agreed. But the ones I want to get my lustful paws on are Kristen Cloke
 and/or Marie Marshall...

... "This lion is a very fox for his valor." -- Shakespeare
--- RA/FD/FMail
 * Origin: The Electric Fox - Memphis,TN, U.S.A.  1-901-327-1008 (1:123/10)

 Msg  : 23 of 187
 From : Gerry Normandeau                    1:163/430       .cę 24 .åę 95 02:22
 To   : Brion Lienhart
 Subj : Re: X-files
* On 12-21-95  16:03 Brion Lienhart strung up Chris Bach on the gallows pole
because of X-files

 BL> Speaking of which, did you see Weird Science last weekend?
 BL> There were two government agents, Scolder(Male) and
 BL> Molly(Female) checking around on some reports of strange
 BL> activity. I nearly wet 'em, I was laughing so hard.

Hi I wonder if you watch the Computer animated series Reboot! But on an
upcoming episode Gillian Anderson (Dana Scully) is going to give her voice
to a character Data Nully who is an investigator. This should be a scream!
Keep your eyes open for the date I think it is very soon!
                                    As a member of the government I deny any
                                    and all knowlage of what I just typed.
                            MERRY X-MASS FILES!

... "Aw, putting speed holes in my car.  Makes it go faster." - Homer
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Watership Down BBS, Kanata , ON (1:163/430)

 Msg  : 24 of 187
 From : Owen E. Oulton                      1:243/45        .cę 24 .åę 95 02:22
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : The Abyss

MH>  For my money, the best depiction in sf of undersea operations is
MH>  still  _The Abyss_.

'Course, it helped that all the live-action diving scenes were actually filmed

 FG>    Indeed, they even *invented* one along the way. The
 FG> faceplate design allowed the camera to see actors
 FG> faces without distortion. Divers liked being able to
 FG> readily recognize the faces and expresions (espically
 FG> if they may be in distress!) of nearby divers, too.
 FG> Most existing designs let you see out okay, but
 FG> distort your face to someone looking in....

Saw an interview with the diving supply company which supplied the equipment.
Apparently, they were asked to merely design a helmet faceplate to withstand the
10 or so metres of water they were filming in, and realised that the design was
actually superior in terms of visibility to the real stuff, so they went ahead
and engineered it for deeper dives.


--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Pandora's Box, Ottawa, Ont. 613-829-1209 (1:243/45)

 Msg  : 25 of 187
 From : Steven Wesen                        1:271/236       .îí 25 .åę 95 21:22
 To   : Frank Swarbrick
 Subj : Re: Red Dwarf
.TID: GE 1.11+
The Toxic Avenger or anything in the Sci Fi area Video Store

--- GEcho 1.11+
 * Origin: Time Machine Node 2, Newport News, VA 595-9383 (1:271/236)

 Msg  : 26 of 187
 From : Dan Kachoogian                      1:107/953       .cę 24 .åę 95 11:18
 To   : Aaron Turon
 Subj : Re: Hi!
*** Quoting Aaron Turon to Everyone ***

AT> Hello! I'm a total TREKIE! Does anyone else like it? Please write
AT> back!

Trek? Was that a show back in the 60's or something? Oh... wait.. That was the
job TJ Hooker used to have, right? :-)


 * Origin: The Juice Bar BBS (908) 298-0764 (1:107/953)

 Msg  : 27 of 187
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .îí 25 .åę 95 19:09
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Re: nuclear

MJ>   TR>      Sure, a few fools will go anyway.  They die, and the
MJ>  collective
MJ>   TR> IQ of the human species increases. Think of it as evolution in
MJ>   TR> action.
MJ>     Are you sure it was Niven?  I could have sworn it was Heinlein who
MJ>  suggested this.  (He also suggested a solution for the "insoluble"

   I know Niven used a line very much like that in `Not Long Before The End.'
with reference to sorcerers dealing with Conan-type swordsmen. (Niven was on the
side of the sorcerers.)

   It even has some relation to this thread, as it suggested that magic was a
finite, non-renewable resource....


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 28 of 187
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .îí 25 .åę 95 19:18
 To   : Otto Cordray
 Subj : Re: Gibson

OC>   MJ>    I would only worry about unemployed steelworkers robbing and
OC>   MJ> killing people to get their virtual-sex fix if the virtual sex
OC>  is made
OC>   MJ> illegal.
OC>  That was one part of what I meant (do you think that President Pat
OC>  Buchanan or Phil Gramm would ever allow such a thing to exist
OC>  legally?).

   So it would, as he said, drive it underground. It would require technology
that would almost *have* to be available for other `perfectly good' reasons.
Imagine trying to supress adult video/software without also supressing
VCRs/computers. It would be too easy to `roll your own,' so to speak.
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