Subj : nuclear BS
On (20 Dec 95) Bianca Wesslak wrote to Todd Sullivan...
BW> Maybe the core never hit air but the three mile Island explosian
BW> is a good example of how dangerous nuclear energy is. Three mile
BW> Island is still being cleaned out by robots due to the dangerous
BW> radiation. Lead is the only shield that I know of that can
BW> withstand radiation, that and cockroaches. As for the success of
BW> the navy subs, I won't say anything on them due to no knowledge,
BW> but I'd hate to see one get blown up.
The core at TMI *never* was in danger of "hitting air". The safety
systems worked as intended despite more human error than had been
planned for. The TMI reactor was designed so that if the cooling
system malfunctioned, the reaction in the core STOPPED--because the
water used for cooling also facilitated the reaction.
This is exactly the opposite of the Chernobyl design, where the
failure of the cooling system caused the core to heat up. (Such a
design was considered here at one time--and rejected for just that
Bottom line: TMI never killed or harmed anyone. As for it being
cleaned out by robots due to the dangerous radiation:
1. Better robots than "bio-robots" (i.e., conscripted humans) that
the Soviets used at Chernobyl.
2. Do you have proof of this claim?
3. STILL NOBODY DEAD. At least we *have* robots. How many coal
miners and oil drillers have died in the name of fossil fuels?
And I expect that the Navy would hate have one of their nuclear
subs blow up, too. But for other reasons.
--- PPoint 1.78
* Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium ( (1:105/302.47)
Msg : 6 of 187
From : Mark Jones 1:105/302.47 .˙ō 22 .åę 95 12:06
To : Bianca Wesslak
Subj : nuclear
On (20 Dec 95) Bianca Wesslak wrote to David Durgee...
BW> Your looking at the present and not the future. Radiation half
BW> life takes centuries and maybe eons to become stable. Uranium
BW> hurts and kills more people over time than does black lung.
BW> Point, Nagasaki and hiroshima, those that were not killed by the
BW> blast died from cancer, exposure and other sickness, also people
BW> in the navy who were swimming in the ocean during the attack that
BW> were in our navy. Evidence the book hiroshima.
A radioactive substance can be highly radioactive OR it can have an
extremely long half-life. Not both. (If such a substance did exist,
it would be the ideal fuel source--lots of energy output and usable
for centuries. If such a thing existed, we wouldn't have a
radioactive waste problem--it would still be inside the reactor,
generating power!)
Total up the number of people ever killed by black lung disease (and,
to be fair, by mining accidents, cave-ins, drowning, gas explosions in
the mines, etc etc) vs the number of people killed by uranium
contamination. Betcha I know which number is higher--even if you
limit the black lung deaths to the same number of years we've been
fooling with uranium....
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not nuclear power accidents. They were
destroyed by WEAPONS. Ditto for Navy swimmers on our side at the
time. Friendly fire casualties. It happens. Would you be any
happier with the abysmal casualties in those two cities if they'd been
incinerated by saturation bombing with incendiaries (like Dresden)?
BW> No amound of defence will ever be enough!
That you for your input. We'll give your opinion all the
consideration it deserves.
--- PPoint 1.78
* Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium ( (1:105/302.47)
Msg : 7 of 187
From : Mark Jones 1:105/302.47 .˙ō 22 .åę 95 12:14
To : The Raven
Subj : nuclear
On (21 Dec 95) The Raven wrote to Scott Royall...
TR> I borrowed this from Larry Niven, but it works.
TR> Put collections of arrays in a wide, bare expanse, like any
TR> desert. Surround the entire thing with big, tall fence at a range
TR> of 6 or 7 miles outside the exposure zone, and every fifty feet
TR> or so put signs on it that read "If you cross this fence you will
TR> die".
TR> Sure, a few fools will go anyway. They die, and the collective
TR> IQ of the human species increases. Think of it as evolution in
TR> action.
Are you sure it was Niven? I could have sworn it was Heinlein who
suggested this. (He also suggested a solution for the "insoluble"
problem of nuclear waste. Mix it in concrete and form blocks from it.
Then stack the blocks in an inhospitable desert location...with a
huge fence around it, with signs saying "If you cross this fence, you
will die!" in a variety of languages.
After all, just because *we* don't know of any good uses for
nuclear waste, that doesn't mean there isn't one. And one day they
may find one. (After all, once upon a time, those pools of oil
bubbling up out of the ground were considered a real nuisance....)
--- PPoint 1.78
* Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium ( (1:105/302.47)
Msg : 8 of 187
From : Frank Glover 1:2613/477 .ķá 23 .åę 95 00:22
To : Otto Cordray
Subj : Re: Gibson
OC> MJ> Wanna bet? If it's *possible* to do pornographic sim/stim,
OC> MJ> somebody *will* do it. And he'll end up with more money than
OC> God.
OC> MJ> Especially if AIDS continues to be a problem. How much safer
OC> can sex
OC> MJ> get, after all?
OC> Safe for whom? Dennis Miller once posed this thought:
OC> When an unemployed steelworker can sit at home and pay $29.95 to
OC> have "sex" with Cindy Crawford or Claudia Schiffer, crack is going to
OC> seem like bubble gum by comparison.
Perhaps. But it's not as if there are no such problems today. TV `Couch
Potatoes,' video game addicts...even some people who can't tear themselves away
from their computers and BBS/nets.
Larry Niven has addressed the matter of direct stimulation of brain pleasure
centers for the masses (wireheading) in his stories for ages.
I doubt that high-fidelity virtual sex will have more of an impact than
current electronic pastimes, but there's the question of what it will do to
one's *literal* reality interactions with others.....
--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
* Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)
Msg : 9 of 187
From : Frank Glover 1:2613/477 .ķá 23 .åę 95 00:26
To : Bianca Wesslak
Subj : Re: nuclear BS
BW> being cleaned out by robots due to the dangerous radiation. Lead is
BW> the only
BW> shield that I know of that can withstand radiation, that and
Lead has the advantage of being nice and dense (gold would be about as good),
but enough of *any* material will do. Even vacuum, if you're simply far enough
--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
* Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)
Msg : 10 of 187
From : Paul Goverts 1:2613/135 .ķá 23 .åę 95 17:50
To : Michael Harper
Subj : Kubrick
-=> Quoting Michael Harper to Frank Glover <=-
MH> Yeah, and Robby ended up in at least one more movie, made an
MH> appearance on LIS, and finally got stuck in the lobby of the MGM Grand
MH> in Vegas, where his housing stands to this day...
Didn't he also appear in Gremlins?
... What do you mean? You actually read this tagline?!?
___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.21
--- QScan/PCB v1.18b / 01-0527
* Origin: Wise BBS - Irondequoit, NY (1:2613/135)
Msg : 11 of 187
From : Otto Cordray 1:106/1393 .cę 24 .åę 95 10:02
To : Mark Jones
Subj : Gibson
MJ> I would only worry about unemployed steelworkers robbing and
MJ> killing people to get their virtual-sex fix if the virtual sex is made
MJ> illegal.
That was one part of what I meant (do you think that President Pat
Buchanan or Phil Gramm would ever allow such a thing to exist legally?).
The other part: even with it legal, if ol' Mr. Steelworker is unemployed
and he's hooked he'll end up doing anything to "plug in".
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: The Round Table, BBS of Gulf Coast Mensa * 922-1393 (1:106/1393)
Msg : 12 of 187
From : Jon Glenn 1:396/1030 .îí 18 .åę 95 22:41
To : Mark Jones
Subj : Sorry for eavedropping ..
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12 93-0696
Mark posts in the sunlit world he believes is reality...
JG> radioactive wastes. The fallout plume wiped out a few dozen
JG> villages, and ongoing ground water contamination from the plant
JG> had done the same thing downsteam along the Techa River. So,
JG> there most likely was an explosion involved, but not a nuclear
JG> one.
MJ> Now *this* I'm willing to buy. A steam explosion, or something
MJ> similar, is plausible. But the claim of a nuclear blast was
MJ> ludicrous.
Doesn't make much difference for the poor shmucks downwind of the
blast, though....
... Drink your coffee! There are poor people in India sleeping.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
* Origin: FIDONET:Black Tower BBS! 504-393-9412 (1:396/1030.0)
Msg : 13 of 187
From : Mark Jones 1:105/302.47 .ķá 23 .åę 95 15:04
To : Frank Glover
Subj : SeaQuest
On (21 Dec 95) Frank Glover wrote to Michael Harper...
MH> For my money, the best depiction in sf of undersea operations is
MH> still _The Abyss_.
FG> Indeed, they even *invented* one along the way. The faceplate
FG> design allowed the camera to see actors faces without distortion.
FG> Divers liked being able to readily recognize the faces and
FG> expresions (espically if they may be in distress!) of nearby
FG> divers, too. Most existing designs let you see out okay, but
FG> distort your face to someone looking in....
And now that helmet design is being commercially manufactured and sold
for divers. Life imitates art....
--- PPoint 1.78
* Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium ( (1:105/302.47)
Msg : 14 of 187
From : Mark Jones 1:105/302.47 .ķá 23 .åę 95 15:06
To : Frank Glover
Subj : Gibson
On (21 Dec 95) Frank Glover wrote to Mark Jones...