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Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

ėāé 1995 - ņåíō˙áđü 1996

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1 ... 204 205 206 207 208 209 210  211 212 213 214 215 216 217 ... 500
 Msg  : 69 of 187
 From : Darre LuAllen                       1:3637/1        .˙ō 29 .åę 95 15:25
 To   : Brian Minsker
 Subj : Brisco County Jr.
To: 1:325/118

 On 12-21-95 Brian Minsker wrote to Darre Luallen...  (origin: SFFan)

 DL> Well, how about that.  First, I learn that TNT has bought the
 DL> rights to show reruns of Babylon 5, starting in a few years.
 DL> Now, I find out that they will be rerunning _The Adventures of
 DL> Brisco Country Jr._ in January.

 DL> Well, I might start liking Ted Turner yet.  :->

 BM> Actually, that's Time-Warner you're beginning to like. :)

 And here I was trying to find any reason what-so-ever NOT to hate him. :<

 Now I gotta go back to that Cartoon Network approach.

                                           Darre LuAllen
                                           Often Duplicated
                                           but never Imitated

 * OFFLINE 1.56 * Only an idiot would go in there...I'd better get started.

--- Maximus/2 3.00
 * Origin: Cumberland BBS TN 615/526-3347 V34 (1:3637/1)

 Msg  : 70 of 187
 From : Michael Harper                      1:123/10        .åō 28 .åę 95 23:48
 To   : Eric Reinholt
 Subj : Re: Quark

 -=> Over coffee and beignets, Eric Reinholt told Michael Harper all about
 -=> Quark...

 MH> Yep. Trish and Cybil Barnstable, former Doublemint Gum Twins. A bit
 MH> too slim for my liking, but still damn cute. God knows what happened
 MH> to them after the series ended...

 ER> Weren't those girls "The Bettys"?

 Yep. One was a clone of the other, and they were constantly arguing
 over which was which...

... Why did Shakespeare use so many famous quotations in his work?
--- RA/FD/FMail
 * Origin: The Electric Fox - Memphis,TN, U.S.A.  1-901-327-1008 (1:123/10)

 Msg  : 71 of 187
 From : Michael Harper                      1:123/10        .åō 28 .åę 95 23:48
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Re: Cybersex

 -=> Over coffee and beignets, Mark Jones told Michael Harper all about
 -=> Cybersex...

 MH> Agreed. But the ones I want to get my lustful paws on are Kristen
 MH> Cloke and/or Marie Marshall...

 MJ> Uhhmmm....who?  Never heard of them.

 Kristen Cloke is the dark-haired beauty who plays Vansen on Space:
 Above & Beyond. There's something about her that makes me want to grab
 her and run into the woods...

 Marie Marshall was in a single episode of B5, "GROPOS". She played
 Dodger, a Marine corporal who tries to rip Garibaldi's clothes off.
 Later, when she's boarding the ship to take her to the firefight she
 dies in, she gives Garibaldi a kiss that practically melts his

 The point is, neither of these women is a classical beauty, but there's
 something about them both that turns me on.

 Maybe it's the fire in their eyes that does it...

... "You'll never know what you missed, Garibaldi..." -- PFC Dodger
--- RA/FD/FMail
 * Origin: The Electric Fox - Memphis,TN, U.S.A.  1-901-327-1008 (1:123/10)

 Msg  : 72 of 187
 From : Michael Harper                      1:123/10        .îí 25 .åę 95 18:53
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Robby

-==> Over coffee and beignets, Frank Glover told Michael Harper all about
-==> Kubrick...

 FG> God yes, I forgot about him. Robby's been *everywhere* since
 FG> Forbidden Planet....!

Well, the son of Robby has, anyway... I think the original is still at
the Grand, and if he is, he's probably in pretty sad shape...

... "Lord, what fools these mortals be !" -- Shakespeare
--- RA/FD/FMail
 * Origin: The Electric Fox - Memphis,TN, U.S.A.  1-901-327-1008 (1:123/10)

 Msg  : 73 of 187
 From : Michael Harper                      1:123/10        .ōp 26 .åę 95 11:58
 To   : Aaron Turon
 Subj : Re: Star Trek

 -=> Over coffee and beignets, Aaron Turon told Everyone all about Star Trek...

 AT> Does ANYONE out there like Star Trek?
 AT> Please respond!

At one time, you'd have had a bazillion answers before you had time to
blink. Not anymore. New shows have supplanted Trek, some of them very
good; Space: Above & Beyond, Alien Nation, X-Files, and the truly
astonishing Babylon 5. The days when Trek was the only sf series worth
watching are long gone.

For what it's worth, yes, I like Trek. But I like Space a lot more, and
I love Babylon 5.

Does this answer your question?

... "Ignore the propaganda.  Focus on what you see" - Sinclair.
--- RA/FD/FMail
 * Origin: The Electric Fox - Memphis,TN, U.S.A.  1-901-327-1008 (1:123/10)

 Msg  : 74 of 187
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .åō 28 .åę 95 19:51
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Re: nuclear

MJ>     I could have sworn I read something by Heinlein suggesting that we
MJ>  stack blocks of nuclear waste in inhospitable pieces of desert, with
MJ>  a
MJ>  fence around it and signs that read, "If you cross this fence, you
MJ>  will die."
MJ>     Jack says it was Larry Niven.  I beg to differ.

   I know that in his `A Step Farther Out' column in Galaxy magazine, Jerry
Pournelle said this very thing of nuke waste storage, but I can't say if it
started there, either.


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 75 of 187
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .åō 28 .åę 95 19:59
 To   : Eric Reinholt
 Subj : Re: Niven, Magic & Science

ER>   FG>    It even has some relation to this thread, as it suggested
ER>  that
ER>   FG> magic was a finite, non-renewable resource....
ER>   If I remember correctly, Niven also gave us a few examples of
ER>   'logical' spells, low level magic that did NOT strenuously
ER>   drain the surrounding magic.  One was a coolness spell with a
ER>   tiny demon that did not allow heated molecules into a cave.
ER>   Almost a scientific definition for magic!

   And originally thought of by a scientist. It was based on `Maxwell's Demon,'
from a thought experiment of James Clerk Maxwell on a way to beat the laws of
thermodynamics. (Which has been refuted, BTW.Takes more energy to distinguish
hot from cold molecules than you'd get from the temperature gradient you're

   That's why the sorecerer called in the demon; "Oh Maxwell!"


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 76 of 187
 From : Rene Nieuwenhuizen                  2:512/5.9       .åō 28 .åę 95 14:06
 To   : Aaron Turon
 Subj : Star Trek
Hello Aaron!

24 Dec 95 16:05, Aaron Turon wrote to Everyone:

 AT> Does ANYONE out there like Star Trek?

Yes, I do like Startrek!!!!
Over here we can see TOS, TNG and DS9
I don't watch TOS very much because I think it's a bit out of date.
But I watch TNG two times a week and DS9 just once. I also keep them on tape so
I can watch them again.
I only tape them on the BBC because the dutch subtitels are a bit anoying I
think :-)
Tell me, what do you like the most about Startrek?

 AT> Please respond!

So be it.


--- FMail 1.02
 * Origin: But I _do_ know everything! (Q) (2:512/5.9)

 Msg  : 77 of 187
 From : Jo De Man                           2:291/1102.10   .åō 28 .åę 95 01:10
 To   : Aaron Turon
 Subj : Star Trek
Hello Aaron!

24 Dec 95, Aaron Turon writes to Everyone:

 AT> Does ANYONE out there like Star Trek?
 AT> Please respond!

Lots of people do (& I am one of them..)

        Bye ! ,
                Jo (Belgium)

Fidonet         : 2:291/1102.10
   Treknet US      : 87:6022/9104
      Treknet Europe  : 107:1901/104
         Warpspeed       : 147:1706/200.2

... A man is as young as the woman he feels.
--- FMail/386 1.02
 * Origin: Space for rent (2:291/1102.10)

 Msg  : 78 of 187
 From : Nicolai Shapero                     1:102/524       .˙ō 29 .åę 95 07:53
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : nuclear
On , Mark Jones (1:105/302.47) wrote to Frank Glover:

 MJ>   Yes, it was Larry Niven who coined the phrase, "This of it as
 MJ>evolution in action."  (In OATH OF FEALTY, I believe.)
 MJ>   That wasn't what I was getting at.

Larry was using the phrase long before OATH OF FEALTY.

 MJ>   I could have sworn I read something by Heinlein suggesting
 MJ>that we
 MJ>stack blocks of nuclear waste in inhospitable pieces of desert,
 MJ>with a
 MJ>fence around it and signs that read, "If you cross this fence,
 MJ>will die."

I believe Jerry Pournelle came up with that idea.

-- Nicolai Shapero, the Mad Russian Sysop of StormGate Aerie

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 79 of 187
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .˙ō 29 .åę 95 22:39
 To   : Garth Gilmore
 Subj : nuclear BS
On , Garth Gilmore (1:250/1066) wrote to Kay Shapero:

 GG>     I couldn't resist- hi, Mrs. Shapero! It's me, Twopaw! :)

Hello yourself!

We just got back to this echo ourselves - local feed blew up for a bit.  I'd
thought this particular thread off topic and warned everybody the moderator was
back, but since he seems to have joined in himself looks like I was wrong.  :->
Such is life.

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 80 of 187
 From : Judy Hayes                          1:154/40        .ķá 30 .åę 95 14:56
 To   : Myranya Werlemann
 Subj : Re: Personal Favorites.

->Quoshara grinned at Myranya, "Don't worry. I'll handle Personal Favorites."

 ->Cursing at a broken Holoprojector Quoshara heard: Personal Favorites.

 MW> Don't you hate it when those things keep breaking down? The worst has
 MW> got to be to hear the Doctor complain until they have been fixed. 

Yeah!  And you can't take out your frustrations on him by punching him out!
Well, actually, you can...it just doesn't help.

 JH> Contact Bill Hedrick over on the Klingon Echo, if you get that.  Oh,
 JH> or on the DS9 Echo...I know you get that one.  He's got great ideas on
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1 ... 204 205 206 207 208 209 210  211 212 213 214 215 216 217 ... 500
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