-=>If agent orange is one of them, we are still facing problems with
-=>that incident from vietnam.
Agent Orange was a defoliant, incendiaries _burn_ - real firestorms.
-=>I believe cancer, birth defects and a lot of other
-=>nasty stuff still go on.
I'm sure they do - but I'll wager more from commercially available
fertilizers and insecticides than from nuclear power plants.
Even while working with nuclear weapons, I was exposed to less
radiation from the weapons than I did from a normal chest X-ray.
_Much_ less. The US Navy's nuclear vessels expose their crews to
_very_ little radiation. The old Soviet nuclear vessels, OTOH,
exposed their crews to more, but that was due to their lack of proper
shielding. Built well, operated properly, nuclear power plants are
quite safe.
... A Joint Checking Account permits the wife to beat you to the draw.
--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
* Origin: The Gondor BBS, member of Fidonet, the best RPG's! (1:271/380.0)
Msg : 123 of 187
From : Longhair 1:123/569 .ōp 02 .íâ 96 06:08
Subj : Good Ole Riker...
.TID: GE 1.11+
-=> And ROBERT LIDGREN did express this opinion to ALL <=-
RL> Jonathan Frakes (Riker) seemed the MOST disappointed when STTNG was
RL> cancelled.
RL> Has anyone seen much of him at all? I think I've seen him in
Haven't -seen-, but he is doing the voice of the villian on the Gargoyles
animated show.
... Back up my hard disk? I can't find the reverse switch!
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
* Origin: 9 out of 5 Schizos prefer Lunatic Fringe! 382-LUST (1:123/569)
Msg : 124 of 187
From : Samantha Dobbs 1:229/610 .ķá 30 .åę 95 09:04
To : All
Subj : Space: Above & Beyond
Are there any fan out there?
--- CNet/3
* Origin: The Neutral Zone...(1:229/610.0)
Msg : 125 of 187
From : Joel Ranger 1:256/105 .ōp 02 .íâ 96 15:04
To : Robert Lidgren
> I wonder if there are even seven of us watching NOWHERE MAN???
Yep, I really enjoy the show. Unfortunately, during it's first run-thru,
I missed a few of the episodes....just saw the one with New Phoenix....
boy did it ever remind me of The Prisoner....
What are you thoughts/ideas/opinions on the show?
... No matter how big a pair she's got, an enemy is an enemy.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- FLAME v1.1
* Origin: Certa Cito. Lanark County, Ontario. 613-264-8114 (1:256/105)
Msg : 126 of 187
From : Ken Hawkins 1:359/530 .ōp 02 .íâ 96 13:26
To : Jackson Raster
JR>Perhaps a cyber version of AIDS, then? After all- isn't that
JR>what most viruses turn out to be, anyway? And, if you can interface
JR>directly with the human mind and feed it data, why can't you fee[d it
JR>programming- INCLUDINGD virii...;)
Now theres a scary thought!!! I wonder what kind of prophylactic you
would need to protect you from a "wetware" virus? It would become a case
where Brainwashing would be done to protect you rather than change you.
* UniQWK v4.1 * The Windows Mail Reader
--- PCBoard (R) v15.22/10
* Origin: Sasquatch BBS, Terrace, BC (1:359/530)
Msg : 127 of 187
From : Eric Reinholt 1:2604/309 .cę 31 .åę 95 09:43
To : Michael Harper
Subj : Re: Quark
On 12-28-95 MICHAEL HARPER wrote to ERIC REINHOLT...
ER> Weren't those girls "The Bettys"?
MH> Yep. One was a clone of the other, and they were constantly arguing
MH> over which was which...
HA HA HA! Yes! That was it! I used to love those arguments!
** Eric **
* OFFLINE 1.54 * Babylon 5 rule #2: NO ONE is what they seem...
--- WM v3.10/93-0747
* Origin: Plain Brown Wrapper BBS-Cresskill NJ.(201)569-6685 (1:2604/309)
Msg : 128 of 187
From : Eric Reinholt 1:2604/309 .cę 31 .åę 95 09:47
To : Frank Glover
Subj : Re: Niven, Magic & Scienc
On 12-28-95 FRANK GLOVER wrote to ERIC REINHOLT...
ER> If I remember correctly, Niven also gave us a few examples of
ER> 'logical' spells, low level magic that did NOT strenuously
ER> drain the surrounding magic. One was a coolness spell with a
ER> tiny demon that did not allow heated molecules into a cave.
ER> Almost a scientific definition for magic!
FG> And originally thought of by a scientist. It was based on
FG> `Maxwell's Demon,' from a thought experiment of James Clerk Maxwell on
FG> a way to beat the laws of thermodynamics. (Which has been refuted,
FG> BTW. Takes more energy to distinguish hot from cold molecules than
FG> you'd get from the temperature gradient you're making.)
FG> That's why the sorecerer called in the demon; "Oh Maxwell!"
Ah, thank you! Makes the story even more interesting.
Now this refutation of the theory leaves something to be
desired. It should be fairly easy to distinguish if you simply
set an energy level and discriminate against higher energy
molecules, no? Anything with a significant Brownian Motion is
left outside the door. Of course, humans would be unable to
cross the barrier . . .
** Eric **
* OFFLINE 1.54 * Babylon 5 is open for business.
--- WM v3.10/93-0747
* Origin: Plain Brown Wrapper BBS-Cresskill NJ.(201)569-6685 (1:2604/309)
Msg : 129 of 187
From : Nicolai Shapero 1:102/524 .îí 01 .íâ 96 07:48
To : Len Lekx
Subj : nuclear
On , Len Lekx (1:250/224.171@fidonet) wrote to Mark Jones:
LL> (`Course, Larry and Jerry collaborate on quite a few stories,
LL>so it's no surprise that they share similar ideals... ^_^)
I think you have that the wrong way around...
-- Nicolai Shapero, the Mad Russian Sysop of StormGate Aerie
--- msged 2.06
* Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)
Msg : 130 of 187
From : Kay Shapero 1:102/524 .ōp 02 .íâ 96 12:34
To : All
Subj : (1/3) Acronym List
ACRONYMS (and things that look like them)
(part 1 of 3)
(last updated November 14, 1995)
This is getting too long again, and I don't see enough of the echo these days to
know what can be culled. Please send me netmail nominating things to remove
from the monthly list (worry not, everything stays in the full list). Thanks.
This is the edited list; for the full list (including more detailed definitions
and things not particularly current) file request ACRONYMS.ZIP from StormGate
Aerie (1:102/524). A couple of notes:
The purpose of this list is to provide folks with a place where they can find
out what all of those strange acronyms they see in here mean without having to
write a lot of "What is that?" messages (goodness knows we've enough traffic in
here already.) Please don't deluge me with obscure acronyms unless they're
actively in use...) Also please tell me if you see something not currently in
use so I can delete it.
I post this on BOTH SFFAN and in SF - not everything in here is on topic in the
latter echo!
: Grin, : Great Big Grin), : Grin, Duck and Run
APA: Amateur Press Association. Sort of like this bulletin board only each
member prints up his/her own comments and passes them to the Official Collator
(or Official Editor) to fasten together and distribute copies to members. Most,
but not all, appear monthly or bimonthly.
Authors abbreviated: Agberg = Silverberg, AnneMc = Anne McCaffrey, DeJohn = John
DeChancie, JRRT = J.R.R. Tolkien, KMac = Michael P. Kube-McDowell, LWE =
Lawrence Watt-Evans, PTerry = Terry Pratchett, RAH = Robert A. Heinlein,
Xanthony = Piers Anthony
AWGTHTGTTA?: Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again? Alternative form is
AWGTHTGTATA (...Through ALL This Again?).
BIP: Books In Print
BLORF: The sound generated by a very large number of EchoMessages arriving in a
very short period of time.
BNF: Big Name Fan
BOOF: A typo for "book" which appears to have caught on. It means "book".
"Bif", "bhooves" and "bhoven" have been suggested as the plural of "boof",
possibly rotten "bif" are "barf", "bif in a series are "biffies" and so on.
Really LARGE bif may be called "beef".
BOZON: Described in the Wunderment echo as: A particle which causes large
problems which can often be looked at in a humourous light; most often applied
to computer hardware and/or software, but not exclusively so. See the full list
for the delightfully silly details.
BTIC: But then, I'm crazy. (Sam Tuirel)
BTW: By The Way
CBIP: Current Book In Progress. Used when you want to talk about the book
you're reading now but don't need an OOTC because your message is already
on-topic. (Travis Butler)
CHVC: Columbia House Video Club (Mainly tapes)
CHLC: Columbia House Laserdisc Club (Self-explanatory)
DUFF and TAFF: Respectively the Down Under Fan Fund and the Trans Atlantic Fan
Fund (funds to import fen from same for Worldcons.) A Mid Atlantic Fan Fund for
well known fuggheads is occasionally suggested...
DUOE: Dried-Up Old Eunuch. To quote Jo Peshek "DUOE was formed in reaction to
the claim of one infamous poster who asserted that an adult novel, or short
story, could NOT be believable or realistic unless it had sex in it. Not just
hand holding, not flirtation, not simple attraction, but full-blown (oops! 8* )
explicit, juicy sex scenes. The poster said anyone who disagreed had to be a
dried-up old eunich...several of us disagreed. We do not object to sexual
content, merely disagree that it MUST appear. Thus was born the DUOE and
Pruney...Pruney usually shows up when a member wants to convey shock (or mock
shock). [This :* is a pruney. KS]
ETOL: Evil Twin On Line. For those occasions when you couldn't _possibly_ be
saying the things you really want to say... (Sam Tuirel)
FASA: A game company that made a Star Trek role playing game, before Paramount
(or someone) decided it was a mistake and pulled the rights. AKA F**A by
someone who agrees with Paramount. I've never seen it, myself, so couldn't say.
FBT: Frigging Blue Turtleoid. Refers to the gigantic blue six legged turtle
like critter with several people tied to its back which appears on the cover of
John DeChancie's novel, CASTLE KIDNAPPED. It does not appear anywhere INSIDE
the book.
--- msged 2.06
* Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)