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Stoneshard |#1| The Birth of a Pyromancer!
Demon's Souls |#19| Final
Demon's Souls |#18| Old King Allant
Demon's Souls |#17| Penetrator

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Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

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--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 151 of 187
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .åō 28 .åę 95 12:22
 To   : Robert Lidgren


RL>Now, what I'd like to know is more about the story line to date.

RL>1.  Who is this group which seems to want to use any method to get at
RL>    Tom's film and his diary?

We don't know. Tom doesn't know. It certainly has people _within_ the
government, in key positions, but it's not clear that it _is_ the
government. I'd say probably not, but we don't have conclusive evidence
either way.

RL>2.  Am I correct in concluding that, at one time, Tom Veil was placed in
RL>    an insane asylum by this group in an effort to coerce him into
RL>    cooperating?

Yes, first episode. He escaped.

RL>3.  Is there anything else in Tom's set of negative that the "group"
RL>    seems to want to get from him?

It seems to be that particular negative, but obviously Tom is keeping
safe the entire set of negatives of pictures he took at that time.

RL>4.  What role, if any has his wife played in this conspiracy.  I.E. do
RL>    you get the impression she is some innocent victim too or is she
RL>    part of the process of "taking out" Tom Veil?

Again, we don't know for sure. There's evidence that points both ways.

RL>5.  At any point in the series, has there appeared ANYONE who is playing
RL>    an on-going supporter for Tom?  If there has not, he really IS up to
RL>    his a** in "alligators!" 

There is a private investigator that he has hired to track down some
information for him, whom he checks in with [by phone] every few
episodes. The P.I. doesn't know the whole story - Tom's not taking any
more chances than he has to. And other than that, no, there's no one
who's on Tom's side on an ongoing basis.

Aside from anything else, he doesn't want to place anyone else in

 * OLX 2.1 TD * If this were an actual tagline, it would be funny.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 152 of 187
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .˙ō 29 .åę 95 06:37
 To   : Darre Luallen
DL> DL> I   cannot remember.  I'm also a fan of Poe and Lovecraft.
DL> LS>                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
DL> LS> So am I.  _Ia_, _Ia_, _Cthulhu_ _ftagn_!   :)

DL> Poe re-invented the short story.  He may have never have written any
DL> Science Fiction (I'm not sure.  Been a strange X-mas break.), but he
DL> did do some fine horror-fantasy pieces.

He did write some sf, some fairly hard sf for its time, too, attempting
to justify everything on the basis of proven or suspected scientific
fact. In addition, he did, as you mention, horror-fantasy, and fantasy
and what might best be classed as "science fantasy".

 * OLX 2.1 TD * I'm in shape ... round's a shape isn't it?

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 153 of 187
 From : Judy Hayes                          1:154/40        .åō 04 .íâ 96 15:31
 To   : Phill Ash
 Subj : Re: Personal Favorites.

->Quoshara grinned at Phill and said, "Personal Favorites.? No problem!"

 MW> The hardest thing I
 MW> think is to blend the edges. In front of the mirror it'll look all
 MW> good, then after about an hour, the stuff on the applications dries
 MW> to a different color than the stuff on the skin. :-(

 JH> There's got to be a way to correct that...How do you do it with your
 JH> Klingon headpiece?
 PA> Paint the appliance with Kryolan "Rubber Mask Grease Paint"
 PA> and the skin with an appropriate BenNye color on a
 PA> well-moisturized foundation.


Should I be able to find the Rubber mask paint in the same place I buy my
stage makeup?

Can/should this be used over latex appliances as well as store bought
pre-fabricated headpieces?


... CAT PHILOSOPHY: When in doubt, cop an attitude.
 * Origin: Anonymous BBS -=- Non plus Ultra -=- 414-251-2580 (1:154/40)

 Msg  : 154 of 187
 From : Rudy Hardy                          2:293/3901.102  .pä 27 .åę 95 12:12
 To   : All
 Subj : Space: Above & Beyond Episode List Wanted
Hello All,

    Does someone have the episode list of the series "Space: Above & Beyond".
Thanks in advance.

Good Bye,


--- GoldED/2 2.50
 * Origin: Mon Dieu! (2:293/3901.102)

 Msg  : 155 of 187
 From : Darre LuAllen                       1:3637/1        .åō 04 .íâ 96 13:23
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : ST Voyager
 On 12-30-95 Mark Jones wrote to Darre LuAllen...

 DL> Tuvok is a super-brain Vulcan (who's wasting himself as a
 DL> security officer).

 MJ> I beg to differ.  I can't think of anyone else on the ship better
 MJ> suited to acting as a security officer.  Tuvok is five times stronger
 MJ> than the humans (the majority of the crew)--and probably of most of
 MJ> the rest of the crew as well.  He's probably faster.

 I never questioned his qualifications as a security officer.  In fact,
 in light of your statements, he seems over-qualified.  I meant to say
 that he would be better qualified for something more cerebral.  Perhaps
 as chief engineer, science officer or even nav/pilot.  Frankly, I'd love
 to have someone with such good reflexes and such a calm mind in charge of
 keeping the ship in one piece.  But, if that's what he wants, then let
 him be a Security Chief.

 MJ> Assuming he runs true to Vulcan form (and there's no reason not to
 MJ> assume this), he has an eidetic memory, he's a lightning calculator,
 MJ> he has an encyclopedic knowledge of his chosen field (for Spock, it
 MJ> was science; for Tuvok, presumably it is crime, law, security
 MJ> procedures, background info on all the crew and maquis, the history
 MJ> and use of most weapons, security tools, mechanical and electronic
 MJ> lockpicking, computer hacking and security, etc.).  There's probably
 MJ> very little trouble anyone could try to cause that he wouldn't be
 MJ> prepared to handle (aside from convenient oversights driven by bad
 MJ> writing...).

 Criminal investigations are a field where command of emotions is just as
 important as command of logic.  How do you logiaclly reason out how to
 deal with a psycho dropping random bombs at random locations? (for instance)
 Oftimes, a gut feeling is all an investigator has to go on.  Can Mr. Vulcan,
 find a substitute for human instinct?  If so, then more's the better.

 MJ> And, of course, there's the fact that being a logical Vulcan doesn't
 MJ> mean you can't be as cunning and deadly as the next guy.


 MJ>    Just because you're a logical Vulcan, you don't *have* to be a
 MJ> pacifist.

 I never questioned that.  In fact, a Vulcan is not hampered by all those
 nasty human emotions which keep us from killing everyone who truly
 deserves it.  A logical, cold-blooded killing machine, Tuvok could be.
 Quick, someone get an X-ray.  He might have an exoskeleton.  

                                                Darre LuAllen
                                                Still a ST fan
                                                regardless of
                                                other fanaticisms
 * OFFLINE 1.56 * THE TELEPATHS WHO ATE MY BRAIN! - (Starring Talia Winters)

--- Maximus/2 3.00
 * Origin: Cumberland BBS TN 615/526-3347 V34 (1:3637/1)

 Msg  : 156 of 187
 From : Patrick Long                        1:271/380       .åō 04 .íâ 96 16:07
 To   : All
 Subj : Underway again
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  94-0096
Time to get underway again.  I'll see you all in March.

... I used to be an agnostic, but now I'm not sure...

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Gondor BBS, member of Fidonet, the best RPG's!  (1:271/380.0)

 Msg  : 157 of 187
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .åō 04 .íâ 96 07:39
 To   : All
 Subj : F&SF???
.TID: GE 1.11+


        Doesn't anyone talk about Science Fiction & Fantasy anymore???

        All I've seen for the past few weeks is babble about the pros &
        cons of nuclear power...

                Who Cares????

Your pal:  PhlAsh
... "Pull him down!" the soldier said, "I'll put an arrow in his head"
 * thanatos@infi.net *
~~~ ReneWave v1.01 [NR]
--- Smile :)
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)498-3070 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 158 of 187
 From : Steven Sullivan                     1:289/34        .ōp 02 .íâ 96 15:39
 To   : Todd Sullivan
TS> MD>> Nuclear power is the most cost-effective and nearly the safest.

TS> JW>  Until it ***ks up...look under 'Chernobyl' or 'Three Mile


TS>Chernobyl, yes; TMI, no.  Not once did the reactor core become exposed to
TS>open air at TMI.  Comparing water to graphite moderated reactors is as bad
TS>as comparing apples and oranges; little if any coresponedence.

TS>If nuclear power was so god-awfully dangerous, how do you explaing the
TS>success of the US Navy's submarines?  Don't say dumb luck; you've no
TS>knowledge, other than what those rags have mis-represented; I was involved.

Agreed and seconded.  To bring the subject back on topic, Heinlein makes
the same point in a story where a woman becomes president.  (My
apologies, the name of the short escapes me.)  As an addendum, "JW",
look up the number of people suffering from smog in LA right now, or the
death toll of "yellow fog" (caused by the coal burning plants) in
Britain in the 18th and 19th centuries.  Power comes at a cost, and
although SF can apprise us of POTENTIAL costs, it IS occasionally
inaccurate.  To reference Heinlein again, albeit years earlier, point JW
towards _Blowups Happen_.  I'm a proponent of nuclear power; it's hard
to envisage a future where there isn't nuclear power, and the way to get
to SAFE nuclear power is to work our way through the pitfalls of unsafe
nuclear power.
(This message brought to you from a coal burning town 60 miles from the
Kingdom of Callaway, home of the country's best nuclear power plant.)


--- FLAME v1.1
 * Origin: Holy Bytes, it's The Batboard TBBS - (314) 446-0475 (1:289/34)

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1 ... 214 215 216 217 218 219 220  221 222 223 224 225 226 227 ... 500
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