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Demon's Souls |#19| Final
Demon's Souls |#18| Old King Allant
Demon's Souls |#17| Penetrator

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it, they cacancelled it, and now it's coming back, who the heck is the
dude that makes the deicisions to what stays or not, this sucks

--- WM v3.11/93-0947
 * Origin: Waterside BBS - NJ - (201) 641-5375 28.8k  (1:2604/568)

 Msg  : 181 of 187
 From : Chris Ogniben                       1:2604/568      .åō 04 .íâ 96 13:41
 To   : Eric Reinholt
 Subj : Star Trek

  Hi eric, i am still around in 1996, and still my life sucks, with no

--- WM v3.11/93-0947
 * Origin: Waterside BBS - NJ - (201) 641-5375 28.8k  (1:2604/568)

 Msg  : 182 of 187
 From : Marco Catalano                      2:2802/152.3    .ōp 02 .íâ 96 08:59
 To   : Trevor Pack
 Subj : X-files
Hello Trevor!

Wednesday December 27 1995, Trevor Pack writes to All:

 TP> i am looking for people to talk to about X-files.

You've found one!

What would you like to talk about? My favorite episode would be "The Erleynmeyer
Flask", and yours?

Greetings from Marco

... Don't hit me, Mr. Moderator... I'll go back on topic... I swear!

--- FMail/386 1.02
 * Origin: 61 Cygni. There's life Jim! But not as we know it. (2:2802/152.3)

 Msg  : 183 of 187
 From : Brion Lienhart                      1:213/700.2     .˙ō 05 .íâ 96 16:07
 To   : Patrick Long
 Subj : nuclear
On Mon Jan 01, Patrick Long said to Bianca Wesslak:

 -PL>Even while working with nuclear weapons, I was exposed to less
 -PL>radiation from the weapons than I did from a normal chest X-ray.
 -PL>_Much_ less.  The US Navy's nuclear vessels expose their crews to
 -PL>_very_ little radiation.  The old Soviet nuclear vessels, OTOH,
 -PL>exposed their crews to more, but that was due to their lack of proper
 -PL>shielding.  Built well, operated properly, nuclear power plants are
 -PL>quite safe.

When I was in the submarine service, I wore my dosimeter back to Nevada on leave
one time, and messed up my dosage for the whole quarter. I'm getting more
radiation living up here in Nevada, than I was underwater.

--- QM v1.31
 * Origin: Ministry of Peace - Carson City, NV (1:213/700.2)

 Msg  : 184 of 187
 From : Brion Lienhart                      1:213/700.2     .˙ō 05 .íâ 96 16:08
 To   : The Raven
 Subj : nuclear
On Wed Dec 27, The Raven said to Mark Jones:

 TR> Sure, a few fools will go anyway.  They die, and the collective IQ of
 TR> the human species increases. Think of it as evolution in action.
 MJ>     Are you sure it was Niven?  I could have sworn it was Heinlein who
 MJ>  suggested this.  (He also suggested a solution for the "insoluble"

 -TR>     I took it almost directly from Niven's "A Modest Proposal".  I'm
 -TR>not sure where else you can get it, but its in either "N-Space" or
 -TR>"Playgrounds of the Mind".  He offered that as a solution to the nuclear



But they won't die soon enough to prevent them from carrying the crap outside
the disposal site and screwing up the surrounding countryside.

--- QM v1.31
 * Origin: Ministry of Peace - Carson City, NV (1:213/700.2)

 Msg  : 185 of 187
 From : Brion Lienhart                      1:213/700.2     .˙ō 05 .íâ 96 16:19
 To   : The Raven
 Subj : Good Ole Riker...
On Mon Jan 01, The Raven said to Robert Lidgren:

 -TR>     He guested on a recent episode of "Lois and Clark", as well as
 -TR>having directed half a dozen episodes of DS9, Voyager, L&C, and a bunch of

 -TR>other shows.  He also regularly does voice work for Disney's "Gargoyles"
 -TR>cartoon series.

I thought that was him, but I kept missing the credits. I also could have sworn
that I heard Michael Dorn and Patrick Stewart as various voices, any info on

--- QM v1.31
 * Origin: Ministry of Peace - Carson City, NV (1:213/700.2)

 Msg  : 186 of 187
 From : Brion Lienhart                      1:213/700.2     .˙ō 05 .íâ 96 16:13
 To   : Ecarey
On Tue Jan 02, Ecarey said to Bianca Wesslak:

BW> What about an inside mishap in a nuke sub, I seriously doubt weapons fire
BW> is the only thing that can hurt a nuke sub, then again they said the Titani
BW> was unsinkable.

 -E>But in fact there haven't been any such "mishaps". There's a _lot_ of
 -E>nuclear subs out there, and some of them are getting old. Proper
 -E>features combined with proper safety procedures and proper maintenance
 -E>really do make a difference, and it's pointless to base your arguments
 -E>on what _could_ happen, if everyone involved with the design and
 -E>operation of nuclear subs was a complete, blithering idiot.

I was involved with the operation of nuclear subs for six years, and I like to
think that I'm not a complete, blithering idiot. That said however, the US has
had two subs sink due to various causes, and the Soviet Union is believed to
have lost a half dozen or so. The reactor vessel and various systems keep the
radioactive stuff pretty well contained, even after the ship goes down. It's
certainly no worse than the barrels of radioactive waste that were purposely
dumped at sea.

--- QM v1.31
 * Origin: Ministry of Peace - Carson City, NV (1:213/700.2)

 Msg  : 187 of 187
 From : Lori Brown                          1:363/1701      .åō 04 .íâ 96 00:04
 To   : Darre LuAllen
 Subj : Re: ST Voyager

DL>   Figures a Trek fan would jump on this.   Seriously though...

Sorry.  :) Sometimes I get bored and just have to reply to something! :)

DL>   I'm a fan a ST and have been since I was a kid.  I just think that
DL>   Roddenberry was a bit of a "Pollyanna."  The only problem that I

I'm afraid I don't understand "Polyanna?" Who is that?

DL>   ship councilors catch on to the Tech-speck.  In college, you are
DL>  suppose
DL>   to receive a well-rounded enducation.  However, I know of a lot of
DL>  students
DL>   who get lost when I start talking about something as simple as
DL>  Freshman
DL>   Writing.  Sure, occasionally they have one of the characters not

True...but being able to talk about the theory or rules of something is a little
different than being able to operate it. I have no idea of how a car works, but
I can drive. Naval trainees learn to operate a lot of equipment on the ship
(especially submarine trainees), but have no idea how it works. I would think
the training would be more of that nature.

DL>   ideas can be thrown around.  My gripe is at how fast everyone seems
DL>  to
DL>   catch on.  I'm a computer programmer by trade.  I work with several

True again....but than there's not a lot of time in one episode to allow someone
time to learn, so part of this can be chalked up to "poetic license".

DL>   Sisco just looks at the custom built lock Rom had assembled, with
DL>  Ferengi
DL>   know-how and quotes the Security System and Model number.  This

I don't remember that scene in that episode, but I'll agree he shouldn't have
known that. Writers do foul up! :)

DL>   I'd love to live in a universe like this, and even empathize with
DL>  those
DL>   who loose themselves in the fantasy.  (And by no means am I implying
DL>  that
DL>   you are such a person.  However, I once was to an extent.)  My
DL>  original
DL>   comment was more of a smart elicked statement.  So now, I've
DL>  supported my
DL>   statement.  And I look forward to your reply. I hope I made sense...

No offense taken...I was ALMOST a "get a lifer" until I met my fiancee and got
involved in other areas, such as computers and graphics (my livihood is as a
graphic designer). Now I spend more time at my keyboard & tablet than I do with
a Star Trek book!

Anyway, I understand your points, too. It just doesn't bother me as much. I also
hope my comments made sense as I am a bit tired tonight! :)


... I know a good tagline when I steal one!
--- QuickBBS 2.80 (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: NCC-1701 - Orlando, FL   407-380-1701 (1:363/1701)

 Msg  : 1 of 225
 From : Lawrence E Dunlap                   1:106/2927      .åō 04 .íâ 96 19:10
 To   : Kevin Ahearn
 Subj : tv and sf

KA>Yeah, if we could just get rid of that pesky First Amendment, we *could* have
KA>effective governmental regulation of what's broadcast on television.


KA> Origin: (1:109/104)

   The First Amendment is partly a problem. However, it is only a small
part of the problem.

   My issue is the manner in which the (obviously materialistic)
creative community openly admits severely educationally compromised
producers into their ranks.

   In any alternative television occupation such as media news
journalism or the technical television occupations, such analogs of the
educationally compromised producers wouldn't make the final cut for the
*first* interview.

   The defectives seem to be liberally indulged in their unworkable
flights of fancy which sometimes make a great amount of unexpected
money. I suspect there are times when these are loathed when
obmoxiously insouciant with some more literate producer or outsider.

   Producers like Roddenberry (in his time ) and Stracyznski today now
makes up the distant exceptions which rise above the muititude of
generally good and preponderantly poor television productions, not even
discussing *bad sf tv producers* in the same breath.

   What I'm wishing for is a housecleaning of educational defectives
from TV and movie studios at the hands of several fairly visionary media
executive leaders who will expect nothing less than substantial capacity
to be inspired, challenged and motivated to produce "high quality" yet
accessable prodcutions because of their exposure to moderm and classical
literature and arts. Most of our classical literature was populist
writings that struck an echo in successive generations.

   Next is a housecleaning of advertizing agnecy executives who lower
the denominators of the concepts in TV that corrupts the average viewer
to accept literal *sewage*

   I would prefer the literacy of British TV producers to the American
defectives. American TV houses don't expect enough of their employees or
their executives. American ad executives are educationally further down
the food chain and function with even less integrity than the
production house workers.

    Europeans expect greater exposure to high literature and arts to
create an understanding of the best of the breed of the arts--leading to
production tensions between high art and the tasdte of the multitudes.

   Most disturbing is the low quality of commerical American TV and the
realtively improved quality of European TV. I've never seen anything as
good on PBS as it's produced by some of the most inept universities who
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