Msg : 174 of 233
From : Aaron Boyden 1:206/2720 .ят 10 .ай 96 05:06
To : David Johnston
Subj : Starship Troopers
>-> There were killer bugs in _Starship Troopers_, though they never
>-> overran Earth. However, one would think that the fellow who saves the
>-> Earth would be Rico. A small problem with Harris in that role is
>-> that, at least as I recall, Rico wasn't white.
> What's your point?
Well, I see yours. The whole significance of Rico's non-whiteness is that
nobody in _Starship Troopers_ pays the slightest bit of attention to it.
Color-blind casting would, in a way, respect this, which I guess is the
motivation for your comment. But if Rico is white, there isn't any message any
more; nobody is going to wonder about how people are ignoring Rico's whiteness,
as ignoring people's whiteness is the norm.
--- TosScan(q) 1.00
* Origin: Remember: Cthulhu Cthaves! -Campus Crusade for Cthulhu (1:206/2720)
Msg : 175 of 233
From : Kay Shapero 1:102/524 .ят 10 .ай 96 08:25
To : All
Subj : (1/3) Acronyms
ACRONYMS (and things that look like them)
part one of three posts
(last updated February 6, 1996)
This is the edited list; for the full list (including more detailed
definitions and things not particularly current) file request ACRO-
NYMS.ZIP from StormGate Aerie (1:102/524).
A couple of notes:
The purpose of this list is to provide folks with a place where they
can find out what all of those strange acronyms they see in here mean
without having to write a lot of "What is that?" messages (goodness
knows we've enough traffic in here already.) Please don't deluge me
with obscure acronyms unless they're actively in use...) Also please
tell me if you see something not currently in use so I can delete it.
I post this on BOTH SFFAN and in SF - not everything in here is on
topic in the latter echo!
: Grin, : Great Big Grin), : Grin, Duck and Run
APA: Amateur Press Association. Sort of like this bulletin board
only each member prints up his/her own comments and passes
them to the Official Collator (or Official Editor) to fasten
together and distribute copies to members. Most, but not
all, appear monthly or bimonthly.
Authors abbreviated: Agberg = Silverberg, AnneMc = Anne McCaf-
frey, DeJohn = John DeChancie, JRRT = J.R.R. Tolkien, KMac =
Michael P. Kube-McDowell, LWE = Lawrence Watt-Evans, PTerry
= Terry Pratchett, RAH = Robert A. Heinlein, Xanthony =
Piers Anthony
AWGTHTGTTA?: Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again?
Alternative form is AWGTHTGTATA (...Through ALL This
BIP: Books In Print
BLORF: The sound generated by a very large number of EchoMessages
arriving in a very short period of time.
BNF: Big Name Fan
BOOF: A typo for "book" which appears to have caught on. It
means "book". "Bif", "bhooves" and "bhoven" have been
suggested as the plural of "boof", possibly rotten "bif" are
"barf", "bif in a series are "biffies" and so on. Really
LARGE bif may be called "beef".
BOZON: Described in the Wunderment echo as: A particle which
causes large problems which can often be looked at in a
humourous light; most often applied to computer hardware
and/or software, but not exclusively so. See the full list
for the delightfully silly details.
BTIC: But then, I'm crazy. (Sam Tuirel)
BTW: By The Way
CBIP: Current Book In Progress. Used when you want to talk about
the book you're reading now but don't need an OOTC because
your message is already on-topic. (Travis Butler)
CHVC: Columbia House Video Club (Mainly tapes)
CHLC: Columbia House Laserdisc Club (Self-explanatory)
DUFF and TAFF: Respectively the Down Under Fan Fund and the Trans
Atlantic Fan Fund (funds to import fen from same for World-
cons.) A Mid Atlantic Fan Fund for well known fuggheads is
occasionally suggested...
DUOE: Dried-Up Old Eunuch. To quote Jo Peshek "DUOE was formed in
reaction to the claim of one infamous poster who asserted
that an adult novel, or short story, could NOT be believable
or realistic unless it had sex in it. Not just hand holding,
not flirtation, not simple attraction, but full-blown (oops!
8* ) explicit, juicy sex scenes. The poster said anyone who
disagreed had to be a dried-up old eunich...several of us
disagreed. We do not object to sexual content, merely dis-
agree that it MUST appear. Thus was born the DUOE and Pru-
ney...Pruney usually shows up when a member wants to convey
shock (or mock shock). [This :* is a pruney. KS]
ETOL: Evil Twin On Line. For those occasions when you couldn't
_possibly_ be saying the things you really want to say...
(Sam Tuirel)
FASA: A game company that made a Star Trek role playing game,
before Paramount (or someone) decided it was a mistake and
pulled the rights. AKA F**A by someone who agrees with
Paramount. I've never seen it, myself, so couldn't say.
(continued next post)
--- msged 2.06
* Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)
Msg : 176 of 233
From : Kay Shapero 1:102/524 .ят 10 .ай 96 08:25
To : All
Subj : (2/3) Acronyms
ACRONYMS (and things that look like them)
part two of three posts
FBT: Frigging Blue Turtleoid. Refers to the gigantic blue six
legged turtle like critter with several people tied to its
back which appears on the cover of John DeChancie's novel,
CASTLE KIDNAPPED. It does not appear anywhere INSIDE the
FIAWOL: Fandom Is A Way Of Life
FIJAGH: Fandom Is Just A Ghoddam Hobby (or possibly "Ghu-dam
hobby" if you're into invoking fannish ghods [personally I
like The Great Spider or The Church of Herbangelism -
"Praise Herbie and Pass the Buck"], note also the fannish
insertion of silent "h"s into things, such as "bheer".)
FILK: Is not an acronym. It started out life as a typo of
"fannish folk songs" and was adopted by the perpetrators of
same. So Filksongs are fannish folksongs. (for more infor-
mation ask me via e-mail, or see the FILK echo if you have
it available...)
FITB: Fill In The Blank....
F.U.B.S. (fubs) n. [ F(ido) U(sed) B(ook) S(quad)] 1. A pack of
hounds ravaging the countryside in search of a copy of _A
Spell for Chameleon_. 2. A gallant band of FidoNet readers
roaming Used Book Stores (UBS) around the world for books to
trade with others (hopefully that the "others" want, in
trade for another book, money, or gratitude). (definition by
Will Purvine) Some notables include Zane Melder & Travis
Butler, but a message to All with FUBS in the title will
probably get you the attention you need. (Term credited to
Glenn Chambers) And special blessings on Travis, Keith
Stokes, and Lisa Reeves for the FUBS t-shirt they came up
FUGGHEAD: Fannish term meaning roughly airhead, someone whose
head is thoroughly fogged. One can also consider the "fugg"
to be a substitute for the more famous four letter word
beginning with "f".
FYI: For Your Information
GAFIATE: Get Away From It All (as in drop out of Fandom)
GIWIST: Gee I Wish I'd Said That
ICOCBW: I Could, Of Course, Be Wrong
IIRC: If I Remember Correctly. "The obligatory statement of
modesty before making a sweeping generalization about
something read five years ago." (credited to Travis Butler)
IITYWIMWYBMAD: If I tell you what it means, will you buy me a
IMHO: In My Humble (or Honest) Opinion. Also IMNSHO: In My Not-So
Humble Opinion and IMOBO: In My Own Biased Opinion.
INPO: In No Particular Order
LASFS: The Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, which is the
oldest continuously meeting science fantasy society in this
world (since Oct 17, 1934). Every Thursday at 11513 Burbank
Blvd., N. Hollywood, CA 91601 telephone (818) 760-9234.
LLTA: Lots and Lots of Thunderous (or Thundering) Applause
LOL: Laughing Out Loud
MLAS: Mind (or Memory) Like A Sieve (variant introduced by Joshua
Kronengold, MLASBWABHII [Mind Like A Steel Bucket With A
Bloody Hole In It])
NASFiC: North American Science Fiction Convention (aka North
NECROHIPPOSADISM: Not an acronym, and probably self evident, but
anyway a reference to beating a dead horse.
NESFA: The New England Science Fiction Association home of NESFA
Press among other things. P.O. Box 809, Framingham, MA
OOK!: This is not an acronym - it's the abbreviated form of Ook
ook slobber drool!" This started out as "Ook ook!" which Ed
Buchman introduced to the LASFS claiming a strange lady told
him it meant "your pleasure centers had been diddled." He
soon modified it to the longer form.
OOP, OP: Out Of Print
OOTC: Obligatory On Topic Comment
OOTQ: Obligatory On Topic Quote
OYDB: Over _your_ dead body. (Sam Tuirel)
PJF: Pre Joycean Fellowship. Steven Brust, Pamela Dean, Emma
Bull, Will Shetterly, Jane Yolen, and Neil Gaiman and
various others who consider that James Joyce did the liter-
ary world a disservice by deemphasizing plot. To quote
Pamela; " We're a bunch of writers who worry about the di-
vorce of so-called popular and so-called literary values,
and hope to reconcile them. Some of us don't really blame
Joyce for the breakup, and some of us do."
*plonk*: The sound of someone hitting a killfile or twit filter.
POV: Point Of View
RAH: Robert A. Heinlein
RETCON: REtroactive COntinuity; explaining changes (especially to
a TV series) by claiming they aren't really changes.
(continued next post)
--- msged 2.06
* Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)
Msg : 177 of 233
From : Kay Shapero 1:102/524 .ят 10 .ай 96 08:25
To : All
Subj : (3/3) Acronyms
ACRONYMS (and things that look like them)
part three of three posts
ROFLASTC! (or ROFLASC!): Rolling On The Floor Laughing And Scar-
ing The Cat. Originated, I'm told by Pamela Dean, who types
with a cat on her lap. Variants include ROFL!, ROTFLH and
SITCLH("ROFL Hysterically", and "Sitting in the chair LH").
Also ROFLWMCSOIA (While My Cat Stared On In Amazement),
ROFLSHIFOMCASMC (So Hard I Fell Off My Chair And Scared My
Cat), and any number of other things along that line.
ROTBA: Reality On The Blink Again (scientific inaccuracy or just
plain nonsense).
RSN: Real Soon Now
RTFM: Read The Fershlugginer Manual
The Salmon Of Correction: A useful creature for whapping those
who annoy you.
SFBC: Science Fiction Book Club
SFWA: Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America. Sometimes
abbreviated SFFWA. Pronounced "sif-wa".
SIASL: Stranger In A Strange Land
SMOF: Secret Masters of Fandom
ST:TOS, ST:TNG, ST:TAS, ST:TMP, ST:DSN: Respectively Star Trek:
The Original Series, The Next Generation, The Animated
Series, The Motion Picture (the first one), and Deep Space