чем что-л. I'm disappointed in your work; it is below your usual standard. д)
находиться в помещении корабля The captain was out in the bad weather but we
were below where it was dry and warm.
be beneath а) находиться ниже чего-л., кого-л. The home of a rabbit is
usually beneath the ground. б) быть позорным для кого-л. Cheating at cards is
beneath me. I should have thought it was beneath you to consider such an
be beneath contempt иметь невысокие моральные качества There is no excuse
for him - his cruel treatment of his family is beneath contempt.
be beneath smb.'s dignity быть позорным для кого-л. Asking Jim to marry her
was beneath Mary's dignity. It was beneath Mary's dignity to ask Jim to marry
be beneath smb.'s notice быть недостойным внимания Don't let what Jack said
worry you; that man's opinion of your performance is beneath your notice.
be beside находиться рядом с кем-л., чем-л. Your shoes are beside the
chair. You shall be beside me in the church.
be beside oneself быть в возбужденном, взволнованном состоянии Mary was
beside herself with joy when she heard the good news. When Peter lost the
race, he was beside himself with anger.
be beside the point быть неважным, несвязанным You decided to come home for
your own reasons; the fact that it rained is beside the point.
be better off быть богаче
be between находиться между чем-л., кем-л. The bank is between the shoe
shop and the post office. In this photograph, I'm between Fred and my mother.
be between ourselves, be between you and me, be between you, me, and the
gatepost являться секретом Remember that everything I've told you of the
firm's plans is between ourselves. There is news that the Minister is to leave
is to leave, but that's between you, me, and the gatepost.
be beyond а) находиться за чем-л. или вне пределов чего-л. The deer is
beyond the trees. I can't shoot it from this distance. The valley where we
live is beyond the mountains. б) не подлежать чему-л., выходить за рамки, пре-
делы чего-л. The soldier's brave deed was beyond the call of duty. Calling
spirits from the dead proved to be beyond the magician's powers. The hospital
says that the general is beyond medical help and will soon die. I'm afraid
this old piano is now beyond repair so we'd better get rid of it. в) быть
больше, чем что-л. The amount of money that I won was beyond all my hopes. г)
быть слишком сложным для кого-л. I'm afraid this book's beyond me; have you an
easier one? The children tried to build a hut in the garden, but the work was
beyond them and they had to ask their mother to help. It's beyond me which
house to choose, they're both so nice! Now that he's older, Jim's father feels
that he is beyond running the business on his own, and wants to employ someone
to help him on busy days.
be beyond a joke становиться слишком серьезным Your continual lateness is
now beyond a joke; if you're not on time tomorrow, you will he dismissed.
be beyond control выйти из подчинения
be beyond endurance быть невыносимым Your rudeness is beyond
endurance-kindly leave my house!
be beyond hope быть в безнадежном положении
be beyond one's ken быть слишком трудным для чьего-л. понимания The details
of different kinds of life insurance are quite beyond my ken, so I have to
take the advice of professionals.
be beyond question быть верным, истинным You can't possibly think Sheila
took your watch; her honesty is beyond question.
be beyond redemption быть окончательно погибшим In spite of all their
efforts to put things right, it looks as if their relationship is beyond
redemption. Is the state of the nation truly beyond redemption?
be biassed against иметь предубеждение против кого-л.
be blue хандрить
be bound up in быть занятым чем-л. I'm sorry I couldn't meet you, I was
bound up in committee meetings. His interests are completely bound up in his
wife and family.
be bound up with быть связанным с чем-л. The future of the island is bound
up with the fortunes of the ruling power.
be cold зябнуть, мерзнуть I am cold мне холодно
be confined рожать
be consumed on the premises продается распивочно
be continued продолжение следует
be convulsed корчиться в конвульсиях
be deceived in обманываться в ком-л. We've been deceived in that boy, we
thought his behaviour was improving, but now it's worse than ever.
be demented сходить с ума
be( mentally) deranged сойти с ума, быть сумасшедшим
be diplomatic дипломатничать
be down а) спускаться утром из своей спальни Is Mary down yet? Her eggs are
getting cold. б) сократиться, снизиться (о цене, количестве) The price of milk
should be down next week. Unemployment figures are down from last year. Bank
rates will be down another point by next month. в) записаться Make sure
everything you've agreed is down on paper before you leave the meeting. Your
contract says you must work at least 40 hows a week. it's down here in black
and white.
be down as быть записанным в качестве кого-л., чего-л. I see you're down as
a singer, is that right? Why am I down as belonging to the other group?
be down for а) записаться для чего-л. (особенно для участия в соревновании)
Both the girls are down for the third race
be down for the count быть в нокауте (бокс) I think the young fighter is
down for the count, yes, it's all over! Last time he was only down for a count
of three.
be down in the dumps быть несчастливым Mother was beginning to feel better,
but she's down in the dumps again.
be down in the mouth быть несчастливым Mother was beginning to feel better,
but she's down in the dumps again.
be down on а) сердиться, ругаться The teacher is always down on the slower
students. The director was down on Jim this morning for being late again. б)
быстро найти (ошибку) Be careful with the report you send to the director, as
he'll be down on any little mistake in a moment!
be down on one's luck находиться в тяжелом положении What are friends for,
except to help you when you're down on your luck for a short time?
be down to израсходовать I was down to my last penny when at last I found a
job. Thanks so much, I was down to my last cigarette.
be down with болеть Jane was down with a cold last week, so she didn't come
to work.
be driven to distraction быть доведенным до безумия
be drunk on the premises продается распивочно
be drunk to the premises допиться до чертиков
be fast asleep крепко спать
be fearsome внушать опасения/страх
be for стоять за кого-л., что-л., поддерживать You are for the chairman's
plan, aren't you? Yes, I'm all for it. No, I'm for keeping the old methods.
be for sale продаваться
be gazetted mil. быть произведенным; быть назначенным
be going собираться (с inf. часто придает значение будущего времени) the
clock is going to strike часы сейчас будут бить
be hard aboard стоять вдоль борта (другого корабля)
be hard at work усердно работать I see the men are still hard at work -
when do you think the digging will be finished? I like the classroom best when
all the children are hard at work on ideas that they have chosen themselves.
be hard up for нуждаться, не иметь средств You must be hard up for ideas if
you're using that old joke in the show!
be hip to быть в курсе дела, знать последние новости He likes to be hip to
the latest styles in popular music.
be ill быть больным
be in а) прийти, прибыть (о поезде, пароходе и т. п.); наступить (о времени
года) As soon as the total figures are in, we can make our calculations. б)
поспеть (о фруктах) Luckily all the wheat was in before the rain began. The
first apples should be in next week в) быть дома г) прийти к власти (о полити-
ческой партии) the labour candidate is in кандидат лейбористской партии прошел
на выборах д) быть модным Long skirts will be in again next year. е) гореть I
hope the fire's still in when we get home. ж) (о приливе) подниматься, дости-
гать высшей отметки When the tide is in, it covers most of the sand, and
sometimes reaches the seawall. з) быть свойственным, характерным для кого-л.
it is not in him to do such a thing это не в его натуре, на него это непохоже
be in a hurry торопиться, спешить
be in a mess быть в беде, иметь неприятности;
be in accord сходиться во взглядах, придерживаться одного мнения
be in accord with иметь хорошие отношения с кем-л.; иметь одинаковые вкусы,
мнения с кем-л. Luckily, the chairman's views are in accord with those of his
committee. Being in accord with one's fellow workers is an important part of
any job.
be in at а) завершать работу Having put all this work into the plan, I want
to be in at the finish. б) быть свидетелем исполнения чего-л. I hope to be in
at the death when the firm at last signs that big contract.
be in bad voice быть не в голосе
be in beer coll. быть выпивши
be in charge mil. быть за старшего, командовать
be in collar иметь работу
be in collision with договариваться секретно с кем-л., часто для совершения
чего-л. незаконного/аморального Who would ever have thought that the police
themselves were in collusion with the criminals?
be in control управлять, контролировать
be in derision быть посмешищем
be in disfavour быть в немилости
be in error заблуждаться
be in for а) ожидать (как правило, что-то плохое) It looks as if we're in
for some bad weather. б) записаться для чего-л. (для участия в соревновании)
Are you in for the running race? в) добиваться, просить (место) How many
people are in for the director's job now?
be in for it получать наказание You'll be in for it when they find out who
broke the window.
be in for trouble получать наказание You'll be in for trouble when they
find out who broke the window.
be in good voice быть в голосе
be in harmony with иметь хорошие отношения с кем-л. иметь одинаковые вкусы,
мнения с кем-л. Luckily, the chairman's views are in harmony with those of his
committee. Being in harmony with one's fellow workers is an important part of
any job.
be in jeopardy быть в опасности;
be in line with точно следовать (идеям, принципам и т.д.) His suggestion
was refused by the committee because it was not in line with the party's way
of thinking.
be in no hurry действовать не спеша
be in office быть у власти;
be in on принимать участие Alice is always wanting to be in on the act.
Jane was annoyed because the boys didn't want her to be in on their plans.
be in on the ground floor начинать бизнес с самого начала, с самого низкого
уровня The best way to ensure your success is to make sure to be in on the
ground floor.
be in order быть приемлемым по процедуре
be in orders быть духовным лицом
be in pocket а) быть в выигрыше, выгадать; б) иметь деньги, быть при
be in range of. быть в пределах досягаемости
be in red а) amer. быть убыточным, приносить дефицит; б) иметь задолжен-
ность, быть должником
be in the balance висеть на волоске, быть в критическом положении
be in the pouts дуться
be in the red а) amer. быть убыточным, приносить дефицит; б) иметь задол-
женность, быть должником
be in the road стоять поперек дороги, мешать, препятствовать
be in the running иметь шансы на выигрыш
be in the saddle верховодить
be in the track of идти по стопам, следовать примеру (кого-л.)
be in the way а) стоять поперек дороги, мешать; б) быть под рукой
be in the wrong быть неправым
be in trouble быть в горе, в беде
be in view а) быть видимым; б) предвидеться
be in with делиться секретами с кем-л. I think the local police are in with