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Rambler's Top100
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май 1995 - сентябрь 1996

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    Q.  Doctor Evazan           3%   1 vote
    T.  Salacious Crumb         5%   2 votes
    V.  Biggs                   3%   1 vote
    Z.  Yarna D'Al'Gargan      16%   6 votes
   AD.  Dannik Jerrkiko         5%   2 votes
   AG.  Beru Lars               3%   1 vote
   AI.  General Madine          3%   1 vote
   AK.  Mon Mothma              3%   1 vote
   AN.  Sy Snootles             5%   2 votes
   AO.  Max Rebo                3%   1 vote
   AP.  Droopy McCool           3%   1 vote
   AS.  Wicket                 11%   4 votes
   AV.  Admiral Piett           3%   1 vote


Now this one I was not expecting, but upon thinking of some of the choices
I can see why.  First, Yarna, I'm glad she won the honor of worst character.
I am sick of all the book saying she's an alien with six breasts, and she
puts on fake warts and moles because she reminds Jabba of his mother.  NO!
She is a fat chunky 'ol human who is the ugliest thing to ever grace the
screen of a science fiction movie.  And Boba Fett, at first I was shocked
to see him getting that many votes, but I believe I know why.  People tend
to agree with the opinion that (and I do also) he is WAY over-hyped.  He did
nothing cool in the movies, at least Greedo had the courage to face Solo, and
Fett, the most awesome supreme bounty hunter in the universe has to wait until
he can stand safely behind Vader for protection to confront him.  I used to
love Boba when I was little, but when Star Wars was making it's big comeback,
they blew him way out of proportion and just made him into an idiot.  I was
also very shocked to see that 3PO even got ONE vote.  There would be no R2
with a 3PO, and I cannot bring myself to think why he got 2 votes.  Also
interesting to note that Jabba's band all got at least one vote...

6.  What is the worst character in the movies, comics, books, etc.?
    Total responses:  36
    B.  Luke Skywalker                5%     2 votes
    E.  Jabba the Hutt                3%     1 vote
    F.  Grand Moff Tarkin             3%     1 vote
    H.  The Emperor                   3%     1 vote
    I.  C-3PO                         5%     2 votes
    T.  Salacious Crumb               5%     2 votes
    X.  Bib Fortuna                   3%     1 vote
    Z.  Yarna D'Al'Gargan             3%     1 vote
   AD.  Dannik Jerrkiko               3%     1 vote
   AN.  Sy Snootles                   5%     2 votes

>>> Continued to next message

 * OLX 2.1 * Press "+" to see another tagline.

--- Use the FORCE!!!
 * Origin: Feduberator * STAR WARS Support * (407)381-2798 (1:363/281)

 Msg  : 66 of 233
 From : Brandon Wolgast                     1:363/281       .cк 28 .пp 96 23:49
 To   : All
 Subj : Survey: Results!!     2/7
.TID: GE 1.2

>>> Continued from previous message

   AO.  Max Rebo                      3%     1 vote
   AS.  Wicket                        5%     2 votes
   AV.  Gallandro                     3%     1 vote
   AW.  Jodo Kast                     3%     1 vote
   AZ.  Callista                      3%     1 vote
   BB.  Joruus C'Baoth                5%     2 votes
   BC.  Grand Admiral Thrawn         19%     7 votes
   BD.  Queen Mother Ta'A Chume       3%     1 vote
   BE.  Admiral Daala                 3%     1 vote
   BP.  Prince Isolder                3%     1 vote
   BW.  Ulic Qel-Droma                3%     1 vote
   CA.  Dev Sibwarra                  3%     1 vote
   CM.  Qwi Xux                       3%     1 vote
   CP.  Waru                          3%     1 vote


Well, well, well, well, well I was greatly shocked and pleased by the response
to this one.  I am glad there are people out there who share my disgust for
probably the cheesies SW character ever, Thrawn.  I was so sick and tired of
him predicting where battles would take place by looking at zillion year old
art.  Dang, if only he would have bothered to look at Noghri art he would have
known the exact time and date and place of his own death.  I mean, you know,
that art tells all.  "Hmm... there are nine-hundred places that Ackbar could
go, if I study this Wookie art I will know exactly where."  Okay, anyway, I
was also glad to see someone voted on Jodo Kast, he was a pretty lame
character, some member of the Fett Cult created him.  Again, very surprised
at 3PO, he and R2 are usually the only ones that make any of these SW books
worth reading.  And Luke, although the people that voted I don't think hate
Luke, I believe they, like me, hate the way Luke is treated in the books.
Let me get this straight, the little twins can walk through a force field,
defeat monsters, put a hyperdrive on a TIE Fighter, fly the Falcon better
than most could, shoot down an above average pilot, and Luke can't even
open his eyes or hold his breath long enough to make it to the exit on
Centerpoint Station????

7.  Do you consider the book part of the Star Wars canon?
    Total responses:  34
    A.  Yes    44%     15 votes
    B.  No     55%     19 votes


Let me note here, that in some cases there are percentages that do not come
out even.  If that is the case I have been usually leaving them off because
they are fairly low, such as .1 or such.  But onto the comments for this
question.  I knew that most considered the books as not a part of it, however
I was not expecting so many to find it as part of Star Wars.  I can honestly
say I respect the people who votes yes, but I don't know, it's just this
"feeling" I get when I hear that someone says, "Yeah, I consider them part of
it."  I can't describe it, it's very strange really.  Again, this is not saying
I do not like the books, I can say I have every single one of them, and the
ones that came out in hardback first, I have them all in hardback.  I think
most of them are great, it's just I cannot support that they are part of
Star Wars.

8.  Do you consider the comics part of fthe Star Wars canon?
    Total responses:  35
    A.  Yes      25%    9 votes
    B.  No       74%   26 votes


I was surprised at this one for one main reason.  I would have thought the
people who considered the books part of SW canon, would consider the comics
as part of it.  The books BUILD OFF the comics and vice versa.  Although the
entire story behind the reborn Emperor and other such stories are lame I still
think it made for a better story than Zahn's books.  But overall most people
do not consider them as part of SW.

9.  Do you consider the games part of the Star Wars canon?
    Total responses:  35
    A.  Yes      20%      7 votes
    B.  No       80%     28 votes


VERY surprised here.  I cannot help but thinking how can anyone consider the
games as part of it?  I mean, how many people destroyed the Death Star?  Luke,
Rookie 1 Male, Rookie 1 Female, and whatever you named your character in
X-Wing.  And how could the Emperor possibly be kidnapped from his own flagship
I might ask?  I mean, to consider TIE Fighter part of SW, is, well, I don't
know... strange to say the least.  The entire Zaarin situation was the lamest
thing to hit the computer screen in a long, long time.  (although it is a
great game on the CD-ROM!)  I mean, come on, they made it out that he took
more than half of the Empire with him.  Yeah right, oh no, he destroyed four
plants!  I'm sure they have THOUSANDS of manufacturing facilities.  I'll calm
down, I was just blown away by it even getting 7 votes.

10.  What is your favorite Star Wars computer game?
     Total responses:  35
     A.  X-Wing (including add-on's)             6%    2 votes
     B.  X-Wing CD-ROM                           3%    1 vote
     C.  TIE Fighter (including add-on)          6%    2 votes
     D.  TIE Fighter CD-ROM                     31%   11 votes
     F.  Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire     3%    1 vote
     G.  Dark Forces                            14%    5 votes
     H.  Do not play them                       37%   13 votes


Well, a couple of these were a surprise, but the winner, aside from H that is,
was obvious.  As is shown with 31% of the vote TIE Fighter CD-ROM is the clear
winner.  I loved TIE Fighter and it's first add-on, but you cannot go wrong
with a SVGA TIE Fighter, moving turrets, full voice, all new cut-scenes, and
another add-on.  The X-Wing votes made me go "Hmm" though.  Why would anyone
pick the disk version over the CD version?  The only reason I can think is
that perhaps they did not play the CD-ROM version, same goes for the TIE
Fighter games.  I was surprised that Dark Forces got that many votes. Although
it was an excellent game the first week or so, it did ware down to me, it had
a very lame story line, and the cinema scenes were just pathetic.  The ending
made me want to cry it was so stupid, "The Force is strong with him."  Yeah,
it seems that the Jedi's just abounded in the SW universe and were overlooked
in the movies.  In this one though, the winner was well deserved in my

11.  What is your favorite Star Wars video game?
     Total responses:  35
     A.  Star Wars (NES version)          3%    1 vote
     B.  Star Wars (Game Boy version)     3%    1 vote
     E.  Super Star Wars                  8%    3 votes
     F.  Super Empire Strikes Back       11%    4 votes
     G.  Super Return of the Jedi         3%    1 vote
     H.  Do not play them                71%   25 votes


I was really expecting more people to have at least played the video games.
If you have not you might be missing some fun stuff.  I have to say again that
I am glad that Super Empire Strikes Back won, to me that was an outstanding
achievment of a video game, it truly graced the screen of the Super Nintendo.
Even though they may sound childish to some, if you want a good challenge,
and want it in the Star Wars universe, and have a SNES, or has a child with
one, buy or rent Super Empire, you won't be dissapointed.

12.  What is the best Star Wars comic series?
     Total responses:  34
     A.  Star Wars:  Jabba the Hutt                            6%    2 votes
     C.  Star Wars:  X-Wing                                    3%    1 vote
     D.  Star Wars:  Dark Empire I and II and Empire's End    21%    7 votes
     G.  Star Wars:  Tales of the Jedi                         9%    3 votes
     H.  Star Wars:  The Freedon Nadd Uprising                 3%    1 vote
     K.  Star Wars:  Droids                                    9%    3 votes
     L.  Do not read them                                     50%   17 votes

>>> Continued to next message

 * OLX 2.1 * Press "+" to see another tagline.

--- Use the FORCE!!!
 * Origin: Feduberator * STAR WARS Support * (407)381-2798 (1:363/281)

 Msg  : 67 of 233
 From : Brandon Wolgast                     1:363/281       .cк 28 .пp 96 23:49
 To   : All
 Subj : Survey: Results!!     3/7
.TID: GE 1.2

>>> Continued from previous message


I have to say I would have thought more people have read the comics.  I myself
voted on the Dark Empire series, and although the plot and story are kinda
lame, I just believe it was a good read.  If you want to laugh however you
cannot go wrong with Jabba the Hutt or Droids, both are pretty darn funny and
fit the characters well.  If you were one of the 50% that does not read them,
go and buy one issue, try 'em out.

13.  What is the best Star Wars novel?
     Total responses:  34
     A.  Splinter of the Mind's Eye            9%    3 votes
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