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SCP 090: Apocorubik's Cube
SCP 249: The random door
Demon's Souls |#15| Dragon God
Demon's Souls |#14| Flamelurker

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Rambler's Top100
Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

ėāé 1995 - ņåíō˙áđü 1996

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1 ... 453 454 455 456 457 458 459  460 461 462 463 464 465 466 ... 500
 Msg  : 58 of 233
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .cę 28 .īp 96 19:18
 To   : Bob Klahn

BK>   The show makes a lot more sense if you get rid of the magic and move
BK>  it
BK>   toward a more rational basis.

  I won't even touch this arguement, being only an occasional Highlander
watcher. However, I suggest you might like Poul Anderson's `The Boat of A
Million Years.' It deals with apperant immortals, no magic, just an odd genetic
quirk that keeps them physically in their 20's or so, fast (but not magically
fast) healing, but quite killable. And unable to pass along their trait (which
destines them to outlive their children, among other things).

   A long read, and not truly S-Ffy till the last third (about 1975 on) of the
story. If you liked the original Trek episode `Requieum for Metheusala' (sp?)
you may enjoy this even more.


--- QuickBBS 2.80 (Zeta-2)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 59 of 233
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .cę 28 .īp 96 19:22
 To   : Todd Sullivan
 Subj : Re: sci-fi cartoons

TS>   FG>>    I particularly enjoyed `The Herculoids' (like Space
TS>   FG>> Ghost, a Hanna-Barbera product) at the time. Always
TS>   FG>> thought it had potential, if handled a little better.
TS>   PT> How 'bout 'The Galaxy Trio'?
TS>  Sounds like the original (Japanese) title of "The Amazing Three".

   Nope. I realized later that The Galaxy Trio was indeed a Hanna-Barbera
product from the same time as the original Herculoid episodes. I was confusing
them with another trio (also from H-B) that were often teamed with Space Ghost
and/or The Herculoids in more recent (late 1970's?) episodes.


--- QuickBBS 2.80 (Zeta-2)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 60 of 233
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:202/720.3     .cę 28 .īp 96 18:37
 To   : Bob Klahn
Reports from the Interior indicate that Bob Klahn leaked the following to Kay

 KS>> On , Bob Klahn (1:234/2) wrote to Kay Shapero:

 KS>>> Earl Green's spiffy spoiler warning having been trashed by my quoter,
 KS>>> I hereby substitute a lot of returns.

 KS>> The idea makes me a tad uneasy for some reason.  Probably because it
 KS>> hovers about several hoary old cliches and thus far this series had not
 KS>> been noted for cliches.  And of course the politics involved....  Oi.

 BK>  I concur. It was so nice without the romantic entanglement. Besides,
 BK> you are
 BK>  right about the politics. Here they are, in the middle of a war,
 BK> trying to
 BK>  establish alliances. The last thing they need is to raise questions
 BK> about
 BK>  their motives. Their enemies could use any involvement against them at
 BK>  tremendous cost to both worlds.

Seems to me that JMS would exploit this situation.  Think of it; he's always
been telling us that life isn't a fairy tale, with happy endings for everyone.
I get the feeling that Sheridan and Delenn are in for a rough time.

Todd Sullivan

... "No one on Babylon 5 is what they seem." --G'Kar

-- ASTG 1.9 --

--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
 * Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)

 Msg  : 61 of 233
 From : Dave MacLean                        1:259/536       .îí 29 .īp 96 02:14
 To   : Paul Worley
 Subj : stuff
hi paul.  actually i was guessing on the ships i am surprised that i got as many
right as i did.  do you have an e mail address by chance because if i cannot
find those bases but you have a e mail address that might be a way we can do our
trading.  as for forever night and there last episodes it has been ver eratic in
its airing and it has been actually some time since i saw an episode.  talk to
you next time.


--- ......................... 2.01wb
 * Origin: USS Proxima = Toronto, Canada (416)265-3867 (1:259/536)

 Msg  : 62 of 233
 From : Dave MacLean                        1:259/536       .îí 29 .īp 96 02:23
 To   : Bob Klahn
 Subj : SCI FI
i agree for the most part but once in a while trek can realy surprise you.

--- ......................... 2.01wb
 * Origin: USS Proxima = Toronto, Canada (416)265-3867 (1:259/536)

 Msg  : 63 of 233
 From : Dave MacLean                        1:259/536       .îí 29 .īp 96 02:25
 To   : Kay Shapero
 Subj : SCI FI
i loved the bug scence to but boy what do you think he might be like if he had a
bad itch or poison ivy.  as for vir i am glad he did not get married.  hope to
talk to you again.

--- ......................... 2.01wb
 * Origin: USS Proxima = Toronto, Canada (416)265-3867 (1:259/536)

 Msg  : 64 of 233
 From : Lori Brown                          1:363/1701      .îí 29 .īp 96 16:51
 To   : Todd Sullivan
 Subj : Re: Kindred: Embrace

TS>  So, which one do you consider yourself?
TS>  Me?  Gangrel, of course. 

Toreador, of course! The artistic ones!

(P.S. new shorter email address for Dan & I: Tachycon@ao.com - we're now on the
internet & having fun!!)

... Hi, my name is Annie Key. Please don't hit me!
--- QuickBBS 2.80 (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: NCC-1701 - Orlando, FL   407-380-1701 (1:363/1701)

 Msg  : 65 of 233
 From : Brandon Wolgast                     1:363/281       .cę 28 .īp 96 23:49
 To   : All
 Subj : Survey: Results!!     1/7
.TID: GE 1.2
Well, okay, after all this time the results are now ready to be posted for
all to see and marvel at.  What I am going to do is again, state the question,
then the number of people that replied to that particular question, then the
answers with the percentage and the actual number of people who voted for each
next to each of them.  In some cases I will not post ALL the possible answers
just the ones that were picked.  The reason I am putting the exact number of
people who voted on each is because that not everyone who replied voted on
ALL of them.  In some cases some questions have 30+ replies, while others
may have only 28 or so.  So please do not think I left anyone off on purpose.
If you replied to it rest assured your responses ARE here.  I did have to
in some cases pick an answer for people.  For instance, two people for their
favorite character picked both Luke and Han, so what I did I just put one
down for Han and Luke down for the other person.  That was really the only
one I can think of off hand.  After each question is stated with the results
I will post a little "comment" (perhaps not little, maybe long in some cases)
about some of them.  To see if I agree, or disagree, or was surprised, and
then anyone who wants to reply and either agree or not with me can do so, and
maybe others will have comments on the results.  I will say some of the
results I was NOT expecting.  I had always thought I was in the minority for
a few of them and after this I found out I was in the majority.  So, without
waiting any longer, here we go.  Again, thanks to each and everyone who took
the time to reply to the survey.

1.  Do you play the Star Wars role playing game?
    Total responses:  38
    A.  Yes                                 34%    13 votes
    B.  No                                  60%    23 votes
    C.  Tried it, but did not stick with it  5%     2 votes

2.  Do you Game Master the Star Wars role playing game?
    Total responses:  38
    A.  Yes                          18%     7 votes
    B.  No                           72%    28 votes
    C.  Tried it, but prefer to play  7%     3 votes

3.  Who is your favorite character in the movies (not the comics or books)?
    Total responses:  38
    A.  Han Solo               23%    9 votes
    B.  Luke Skywalker         10%    4 votes
    D.  Boba Fett               7%    3 votes
    F.  Grand Moff Tarkin       5%    2 votes
    G.  Darth Vader            13%    5 votes
    H.  The Emperor             2%    1 vote
    J.  R2-D2                  10%    4 votes
    K.  Chewbacca               2%    1 vote
    N.  Admiral Ackbar          5%    2 votes
    O.  Wedge Antilles          2%    1 vote
   AE.  Obi-Wan Kenobie         7%    3 votes
   AS.  Wicket                  2%    1 vote
   AT.  Yoda                    5%    2 votes


To tell the truth this one did not surprise me on who won, or who came in
second.  I was freaked at first because R2-D2 was winning for the longest
time, it was not until the end that Han Solo shot past 3 votes.  People
were picking just other characters, and then BOOM, the Solo votes just
started to come in.

4.  What is your favorite character out of the movies, comics, books, etc.?
    Total responses:  38
    A.  Han Solo                    23%    9 votes
    B.  Luke Skywalker               7%    3 votes
    C.  Princess Leia                2%    1 vote
    D.  Boba Fett                    5%    2 votes
    F.  Grand Moff Tarkin           10%    4 votes
    G.  Darth Vader                  5%    2 votes
    J.  R2-D2                        5%    2 votes
    Z.  Yarna D'Al'Gargan            2%    1 vote
   AC.  IG-88                        2%    1 vote
   AE.  Obi-Wan Kenobi               2%    1 vote
   AY.  Bollux/Blue Max              2%    1 vote
   BA.  Gaeriel Captison             2%    1 vote
   BC.  Grand Admiral Thrawn         5%    2 votes
   BQ.  Mara Jade                   10%    4 votes
   BR.  Talon Karrde                 2%    1 vote
   BS.  Exar Kun                     2%    1 vote
   BV.  Captain Gilad Pellaeon       2%    1 vote
   CD.  Jaina Solo                   2%    1 vote


Again, no surprise here.  Although one thing, you will note that the big fat
ugly dancing girl in Jabba's palace, Yarna D'Al'Gargan, got one vote.  At
first I thought that it was a "joke" on the part of the person replying,
however the rest of the entire survey seemed real and honest.  And that was
what he put, so, well, she got a vote.   I was surprised however that Mara
Jade got 10% of the vote, I knew she would get some, but I was thinking
perhaps at the most 2 votes for her.

5.  What is the worst character from the movies?
    Total responses:  36
    D.  Boba Fett              11%   4 votes
    E.  Jabba the Hutt          3%   1 vote
    F.  Grand Moff Tarkin       3%   1 vote
    H.  The Emperor             5%   2 votes
    I.  C-3PO                   5%   2 votes
    M.  Greedo                  3%   1 vote
    P.  Ponda Baba              3%   1 vote
Īđåäûäķųā˙ ņōđāíčöā Ņëåäķūųā˙ ņōđāíčöā
1 ... 453 454 455 456 457 458 459  460 461 462 463 464 465 466 ... 500
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