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FE >has improved,
FE >there is no guarantee this same team will continue to
FE >produce the B5
FE >comic...

It seems (from similar changes at Marvel) that they're rotating the teams to
keep them from burning out, and to get a fresh look, ala' the long run John
Byrne had on Superman, Batman, and Marvel's X-Men and Avengers.  A different
look can do wonders, and saves the pencillers and inkers and writers from the
loony bin.
 * Origin: Fell From The Trap Door (407)382-2955 (1:363/60)

 Msg  : 102 of 384
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:363/60        .ķá 27 .āé 95 20:03
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : BEST SF
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 10118
* In a message originally to Scott Gates, Frank Eva said:

FE >SG "FE=>        Read Harlan Ellison's comments in the latest
FE >issue of
FE >SG "FE=>Sci-Fi Universe for his views on Star Trek (not that
FE >he is the
FE >SG "FE=>only authority who really counts, mind you...) They
FE >are truly
FE >SG "FE=>eye-opening! Even though he is a 'conceptual
FE >consultant' on B5,
FE >SG "FE=>he has some complaints about that show, too!
FE >SG "Harlan's problem with B5 is he doesn't get his way 110%
FE >of the time.
FE >SG "(the extra 10% comes when he does get his way, was
FE >wrong, and will
FE >SG "blame someone else.

FE >He did sound like a whiny baby in the SFU interview...

Harlan's been that way before all of us made our collective debut. I find his
general behavior amusing (looking at a child, I suppose), but he makes some good
points, especially if you've read "The Glass Teat" and "The Other Glass Teat".
Hmmmm, now there's an idea:  A B-5 version of TGT.  I wonder how long that would
 * Origin: Fell From The Trap Door (407)382-2955 (1:363/60)

 Msg  : 103 of 384
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:363/60        .ķá 27 .āé 95 20:06
 To   : Rumble
 Subj : SeaQuest
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 10118
* In a message originally to John Kahane, Rumble said:

RR >Piccalo is obiously seaQuest's Quark. I think he's
RR >hilarious. I wonder waht the plots will be like next year. I
RR >think they need a mix. Some science plots to keep the scince
RR >fiction aspect up and some fantasy/action plots to keep
RR >another part of the audience. You have to admit that
RR >seaQuest has more action than any other sci-fi show.

Mostly because SQ is postulating that even though we might actually get a world
gov't that everyone accepts, it can't control everything, ie. the outlaw
whalers, that sleazeball general and his buddy that put Brody's mom on ice, etc.
Sorta like the US and its problems with its various agencies.
 * Origin: Fell From The Trap Door (407)382-2955 (1:363/60)

 Msg  : 104 of 384
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:363/60        .ķá 27 .āé 95 20:07
 To   : Rumble
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 10118
* In a message originally to Robert Lidgren, Rumble said:

RR >didint you hear? seaQuest was moved to wednsdays at eight.
RR >Besides 90210 ll the networks pulled their "powerhouse"
RR >shows from that time slot. They must be afraid of seaQuest
RR >or something.

More likely they don't want to kill NBC's chances of having a time slot of its
own.....Sorry, lost my mind for a second. :)
 * Origin: Fell From The Trap Door (407)382-2955 (1:363/60)

 Msg  : 105 of 384
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:363/60        .ķá 27 .āé 95 20:11
 To   : Rumble
 Subj : Re: SeaQuest Survives
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 10118
* In a message originally to Steven Wesen, Rumble said:

RR >Remeber the explosion on the alien ship was in the middle.
RR >They were on the outside, so they may survive. I know that
RR >some of them are goind to plus the seaQuest can reapare a
RR >hole in itself. It has bioginetic skin or something.

Perhaps, but that "hole" was half SeaQuest's beam across.  You might be right,
but SQ's going to need one hell of a rebuild...just similar enough to when they
scuttled SQ #1 to get your attention.
Kinda makes you wonder how they'll permanently kill her.  Overload the reastors
and set off the nukes?  No, that's been done THIS season...or will be in the
next's finale.
 * Origin: Fell From The Trap Door (407)382-2955 (1:363/60)

 Msg  : 106 of 384
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:363/60        .ķá 27 .āé 95 20:14
 To   : Jeff Kovach
 Subj : Sliders Continuity
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 10118
* In a message originally to Jack Butler, Jeff Kovach said:

JK >On 20 May 95  05:56:01 Jack Butler wrote...

JK >JB>      Heard the word through Entertainment Weekly's show.  Sliders has
JK >JB> been picked up for next season, and Jerry O'Connell is *still* going
JK >JB> to be a regular.      So yes, Quinn gets shot, but no, Quinn doesn't
JK >JB> die.

JK >To which Jeff Kovach replies...

JK >Seeing that FOX announced that they cancelled the show, is
JK >it possible that
JK >someone else picked it up or that it might go into
JK >syndication?

Syndication?  Not likely, as it has to run for 3 years (I think) before any show
can be syndicated.
Before you mention it, ST:TNG _was_ released in syndication, but that was after
20 years of re-runs, which were in syndication, and Roddenberry's reputation,
which was still solid after the aforementioned 20 yrs.
 * Origin: Fell From The Trap Door (407)382-2955 (1:363/60)

 Msg  : 107 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .ķá 27 .āé 95 21:49
 To   : ALL
Earth 2 is CANCELLED.  Didn't like that decsion at all.  Now Sliders has been
cancelled!  Two series with great promis have been zapped while SeaQuest DSV
has been retained.  Evil demons just might exist based on the facts above.

Hey, by the way, do letters from fans make ANY DIFFERENCE AT ALL at this point
in time???  I'd be interested in input from ANYONE on this.

I wonder if Babylon 5, ST Voyager, ST Deep Space 9 and X-Files will now be
cancelled too so the networks can bring back "Lost in Space:  The 90's
edition":  AAARRRRGhhhhhhhh!!!

Is there any GOOD NEWS out there???
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 108 of 384
 From : Myranya Werlemann                   2:283/1701      .ōp 30 .āé 95 08:37
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Directorial Trademarks

 -=> Quoting Jack Butler to Myranya Werlemann <=-

 MW> I can see how you can include 'See you next Wednesday' in a movie,
 MW> but "Klaatu Beratis Nikto"??? What movie(s) is that from???
 MW> I'm not that good when it comes to who directs what...
 JB> Its originally a line from "The Day The Earth Stood Still".
 JB> (It's the command given to Gort the robot.)

 Doesn't 'directorial trademark' means it's included in all the movies
 from that director, though? How in the big wide world is he gonna
 put that line in all the movies???? I mean, the numbers, okay. 'See
 you next Wednesday', harder, but it'll work. "K. B. N." -?!? Or
 does he have the robot as a directorial trademark, too? 



... "If you let it, it'll almost fly itself."
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: EMICLAER BBS +31-33-553286 (2:283/1701)

 Msg  : 109 of 384
 From : VINCENT MCCONNELL                   1:2601/574      .ķá 20 .āé 95 07:15
 Subj : Re: what's in a name?

 -=> Quoting Patrick Thoms to All <=-

 PT> Can anyone tell me that name of that 3rd Highlander movie? I've seen
 PT> two different versions and am not sure which one is the real one.
 PT> Highlander: The Sorcerer
 PT> &
 PT> Highlander: The Final Dimension.

In the States it's the latter, elsewhere, the former.

... "Could you continue your petty bickering? I find it most intriguing."
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- GOMail v2.0v5 Beta [94-0191]
 * Origin: Image Gallery, 28.8, Internet, Adult and more! (1:2601/574)

 Msg  : 110 of 384
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .ķá 20 .āé 95 15:32
 To   : Richard Yamagata
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9
Richard Yamagata wrote about B5 Ripoff: Ds9

RY> I usually only quote 5 lines per post, but this needed setting up.
RY> In defense of Robyn, I have to agree with her about B5.  It does
RY> take an investment of time to follow it and the plotlines do not end
RY> neatly.

I'm not saying that Robyn was wrong.  I said that B5 *WAS* an investment of
time and that is what I like about it.  The plotlines *WILL* end neatly at the
end of the series, I assume, but you do have to spend some time thinking about
the show.  That is one of it's best qualities.

You said at the end that "unfortunately, B5 is not like Star Trek".  There is
nothing unfortunate about it.  It is not supposed to be like Star Trek, and if
it was, I certainly wouldn't watch it.

... "Babylon 5 was a dream given form..." B5

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day -25 X

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 111 of 384
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .ķá 20 .āé 95 15:36
 To   : Frank Swarbrick
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9
Frank Swarbrick wrote about B5 Ripoff: Ds9

FS> Actually, the Shadow attack on the Narn vessel in the openning
FS> credits is from "Revelations," the second episode of the second
FS> season.

  You're right.  Whoops.

... "This is starting to sound like a really BAD Trek episode."

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day -25 X

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 112 of 384
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .ķá 20 .āé 95 15:37
 To   : Richard Yamagata
 Subj : B5 Vs St
Richard Yamagata wrote about B5 Vs St

RY> Brian, you have really hit the nail on the head.  I just kept
RY> watching IN THE SHADOW OF Z'HA DUM over and over trying to get more
RY> out of it.  Watching the coming attraction for the next episode,
RY> KNIVES, it just forces you to watch the next episode to find out if
RY> there was a price for the actions Sheridan took in the present
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