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Project Gutenberg's Encyclopedia, vol. 1 ( A - Andropha

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the name of the Church of Our Lady of the Isle, owing to its 
insulation by a moat meeting the river Arrow.  The monastery 
was suppressed among the smaller houses in 1536.  Traces of 
the moat and the foundations are still to be seen in Priory 
Close.  The ancient fairs survived to the end of the 19th century. 
in 1830 the needle-manufacture employed nearly a thousand hands. 

ALCESTIS (ALKESTIS), in Greek legend the daughter of 
Pelias and Anaxibia, and wife of Admetus, king of Pherae in 
Thessaly.  She consented to die in place of her husband, 
and was afterwards rescued by Heracles.  This beautiful 
story of conjugal devotion forms the subject of the 
Alcestis of Euripides, which furnished the basis of 
Robert Browning's Balaustion's Adventure. Sophocles 
also wrote an Alcestis, of which only fragments remain. 

See Dissel, Der Mythos von Admetus und Alkestis, 1882. 

ALCHEMY. In the narrow sense of the word, alchemy is the 
pretended art of making gold and silver, or transmuting the 
base metals into the noble ones.  The idea of such transmutation 
probably arose among the Alexandrian Greeks in the early 
centuries of the Christian era; thence it passed to the 
Arabs, by whom it was transmitted to western Europe, and its 
realization was a leading aim of chemical workers down to the 
time of Paracelsus and even later.  But ``alchemy'' was something 
more than a particularly vain and deluded manifestation of 
the thirst for gold, as it is sometimes represented; in its 
wider and truer significance it stands for the chemistry of 
the middle ages.  The idea of transmutation, in the country 
of its origin, had a philosophical basis, and was linked 
up with the Greek theories of matter there current; thus, 
by supplying a central philosophical principle, it to some 
extent unified and focussed chemical effort, which previously, 
so far as it existed at all, had been expended on acquiring 
empirical acquaintance with a mass of disconnected technical 
processes.  Alchemy in this sense is merely an early phase of 
the development of systematic chemistry; in Liebig's words, it 
was ``never at any time anything different from chemistry.'' 

Regarding the derivation of the word, there are two main views 
which agree in holding that it has an Arabic descent, the 
prefix al being the Arabic article.  But according to one, 
the second part of the word comes from the Greek chumeia, 
pouring, infusion, used in connexion with the study of the 
juices of plants, and thence extended to chemical manipulations 
in general; this derivation accounts for the old-fashioned 
spellings ``chymist'' and ``chymistry.'' The other view 
traces it to khem or khame, hieroglyph khmi, which 
denotes black earth as opposed to barren sand, and occurs in 
Plutarch as chumeia; on this derivation alchemy is explained 
as meaning the ``Egyptian art.'' The first occurrence of 
the word is said to be in a treatise of Julius Firmicus, an 
astrological writer of the 4th century, but the prefix al 
there must be the addition of a later copyist.  Among the 
Alexandrian writers alchemy was designated as e tes chrusou 
te kai argurou poieseos techne theia kai iera or 
e episteme iera.  In English, Piers Plowman (1362) 
contains the phrase ``experimentis of alconomye,'' with 
variants ``alkenemye'' and ``alknamye.'' The prefix al 
begins to be dropped about the middle of the 16th century. 

Origins of Alchemy.--Numerous legends cluster round the 
origin of alchemy.  According to one story, it was founded 
by the Egyptian god Hermes (Thoth), the reputed inventor of 
the arts and sciences, to whom, under the appellation Hermes 
Trismegistus, Tertullian refers as the master of those who 
occupy themselves with nature; after him later alchemists 
called their work the ``hermetic art,'' and the seal of 
Hermes, which they placed upon their vessels, is the origin 
of the common phrase ``hermetically sealed.'' Another legend, 
given by Zosimus of Panopolis, an alchemistical writer said 
to date from the 3rd century, asserts that the fallen angels 
taught the arts to the women they married (cf. Genesis vi. 
2), their instruction being recorded in a book called 
Chema. A similar story appears in the Book of Enoch, 
and Tertullian has much to say about the wicked angels who 
revealed to men the knowledge of gold and silver, of lustrous 
stones, and of the power of herbs, and who introduced the 
arts of astrology and magic upon the earth.  Again, the 
Arabic Kitab-al-Fihrist, written by al-Nadim towards the 
end of the 10th century, says that the ``people who practise 
alchemy, that is, who fabricate gold and silver from strange 
metals, state that the first to speak of the science of the 
work was Hermes the Wise, who was originally of Babylon, but 
who established himself in Egypt after the dispersion of the 
peoples from Babel.'' Another legend, also to be found in Arabic 
sources, asserts that alchemy was revealed by God to Moses and 
Aaron.  But there is some evidence that, in accordance with 
the strong and constant tradition among the alchemists, the 
idea of transmutation did originate in Egypt with the Greeks of 
Alexandria.  In the Leiden museum there are a number of papyri 
which were found in a tomb at Thebes, written probably in the 
3rd century A.D., though their matter is older.  Some are 
in Greek and demotic, and one, of peculiar interest from the 
chemical point of view, gives a number of receipts, in Greek, 
for the manipulation of base metals to form alloys which simulate 
gold and are intended to be used in the manufacture of imitation 
jewellery.  Possibly this is one of the books about gold 
and silver of which Diocletian decreed the destruction about 
A.D. 290--an act which Gibbon styles the first authentic 
event in the history of alchemy (Decline and Fall, chap. 
xiii.).  The author of these receipts is not under any 
delusion that he is transmuting metals; the MS. is merely 
a workshop manual in which are described processes in daily 
use for preparing metals for false jewellery, but it argues 
considerable knowledge of methods of making alloys and colouring 
metals.  It has been suggested by M. P. E. Berthelot that 
the workers in these processes, which were a monopoly of the 
priestly caste and were kept strictly secret, though fully 
aware that their products were not truly gold, were in time 
led by their success in deceiving the public to deceive 
themselves also, and to come to believe that they actually 
had the power of making gold from substances which were not 
gold.  Philosophical sanction and explanation of this belief 
was then found by bringing it into relation with the theory 
of the prima materia, which was identical in all bodies 
but received its actual form by the adjunction of qualities 
expressed by the Aristotelian elements--earth, air, fire and 
water.  Some support for this view is gained from study 
of the alchemistical writings of the period.  Thus, in the 
treatise known as Physica et Mystica and falsely ascribed 
to Democritus (such false attributions are a constant feature 
of the literature of alchemy), various receipts are given 
for colouring and gilding metals, but the conception of 
transmutation does not occur.  This treatise was probably 
composed at a date not very different from that of the Leiden 
papyrus.  Later, however, as in the Commentary on this 
work written by Synesius to Dioscorus, priest of Serapis at 
Alexandria, which probably dates from the end of the 4th 
century, a changed attitude becomes apparent; the more 
practical parts of the receipts are obscured or omitted, 
and the processes for preparing alloys and colouring 
metals, described in the older treatise, are by a mystical 
interpretation represented as resulting in real transmutation. 

But while there are thus some grounds for supposing that the 
idea of transmutation grew out of the practical receipts of 
Alexandrian Egypt, the alchemy which embraced it as a leading 
principle was also strongly affected by Eastern influences 
such as magic and astrology.  The earliest Greek alchemistical 
writings abound with references to Oriental authorities and 
traditions.  Thus the pseudo-Democritus, who was reputed the 
author of the Physica et Mystica, which itself concludes 
each of its receipts with a magical formula, was believed 
to have travelled in Chaldaea, and to have had as his master 
Ostanes1 the Mede, a name mentioned several times in the 
Leiden papyrus, and often by early Christian writers such as 
Tertullian, St Cyprian and St Augustine.  The practices of 
the Persian adepts also are appealed to in the writings of the 
pseudo-Democritus, Zosimus and Synesius.  The philosopher's 
egg, as a symbol of creation, is both Egyptian and 
Babylonian.  In the Greek alchemists it appears as the symbol 
at once of the art and of the universe, enclosing within 
itself the four elements; and there is sometimes a play of 
words between to on and to won.  The conception of 
man, the microcosm, containing in himself all the parts 
of the universe or macrocosm, is also Babylonian, as again 
probably is the famous identification of the metals with the 
planets.  Even in the Leiden papyrus the astronomical symbols 
for the sun and moon are used to denote gold and silver, and 
in the Meteorologica of Olympiodorus lead is attributed to 
Saturn, iron to Mars, copper to Venus, tin to Hermes (Mercury) 
and electrum to Jupiter.  Similar systems of symbols, but 
elaborated to include compounds, appear in Greek MSS. of 
the 10th century, preserved in the library of St Mark's at 
Venice.  Subsequently electrum (an alloy of gold and silver) 
disappeared as a specific metal, and tin was ascribed to Jupiter 
instead, the sign of mercury becoming common to the metal and the 
planet.  Thus we read in Chaucer (Chanouns Yemannes Tale):-- 

 The bodies sevene eek, lo! hem heer anoon: 
Sol gold is, and Luna silver we threpe,
Mars yren, Mercurie quik-silver we clepe,
Saturnus leed and Jupiter is tin,
And Venus coper, by my fader kin!
Literature of Alchemy.--A considerable body of Greek chemical 
writings is contained in MSS. belonging to the various great 
libraries of Europe, the oldest being that at St Mark's, just 
mentioned.  The contents of these MSS. are all of similar 
composition, and in Berthelot's opinion represent a collection 
of treatises made at Constantinople in the 8th or 9th 
century.  The treatises are nearly all anterior to the 7th 
century, and most appear to belong to the 3rd and 4th centuries; 
some are the work of authentic authors like Zosimus and 
Synesius, while of others, such as profess to be written by 
Moses, Democritus, Ostanes, &c., the authorship is clearly 
fictitious.  Some of the same names and the same works can 
be identified in the lists of the Kitab-al- Fihrist. But 
the Arabs did not acquire their knowledge of this literature 
at first hand.  The earliest Hellenic culture in the East was 
Syrian, and the Arabs made their first acquaintance with 
Greek chemistry, as with Greek philosophy, mathematics, 
medicine, &c., by the intermediary of Syriac translations. 
of such translations are preserved in MSS. at the British 
Museum, partly written in Syriac, partly in Arabic with Syriac 
characters.  In Berthelot's opinion, the Syriac portions 
represent a compilation of receipts and processes undertaken in 
the Syrian school of medicine at Bagdad under the Abbasids in 
the 9th or 10th century, and to a large extent constituted by 
the earlier translations made by Sergius of Resaena in the 6th 
century.  They contain, under the title Doctrine of Democritus, 
a fairly methodical treatise in ten books comprising the 
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