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an essential of gastric digestion, and thereby arrests this 
process.  The desirable effects produced by alcohol on 
the stomach are worth obtaining only in cases of acute 
diseases.  In chronic disease and in health the use of 
alcohol as an aid to digestion is without the support of 
clinical or laboratory experience, the beneficial action 
being at least neutralized by undesirable effects produced 
elsewhere.  The continued use of large doses of alcohol produces 
chronic gastritis, in which the continued irritation has led 
to overgrowth of connective tissue, atrophy of the gastric 
glands and permanent cessation of the gastric functions. 

A single dose of concentrated alcohol (e.g. brandy) produces 
very valuable reflex effects, the heart beating more rapidly and 
forcibly, and the blood-pressure rising.  Hence the immediately 
beneficial effect produced in the cases of ``fainting'' or 
syncope.  After absorption, which is very rapid, alcohol 
exerts a marked action upon the blood.  The oxygen contained 
in that fluid, and destined for consumption by the tissues, 
is retained by the influence of alcohol in its combination 
with the haemoglobin or colouring matter of the red blood 
corpuscles.  Hence the diminished oxidation of the tissues, 
which leads to the accumulation of unused fat and so to the 
obesity which is so often seen in those who habitually take 
much alcohol.  The drug exerts a noteworthy action upon the 
body-temperature.  As it dilates the blood-vessels of the 
skin it increases the subjective sensation of warmth.  The 
actual consequence, however, is that more heat than before 
is necessarily lost from the surface of the body.  Alcohol 
also diminishes the oxidation which is the main source of the 
body-heat.  It follows that the drug is an antipyretic, and 
it is hence largely used in fevers as a means of reducing the 
temperature.  This reduction of the temperature, carried to an 
undesirable extreme, is the reason why the man who has copiously 
consumed spirits ``to keep out the cold'' is often visited with 
pneumonia.  The largest amount of alcohol that can be burnt up 
within the healthy body in twenty-four hours is 1 1/2 oz., but 
it must be consumed in great dilution and divided into small 
doses taken every four hours.  Otherwise the alcohol will for 
the most part leave the body unused in the urine and the expired 
air.  In fever the case is different.  The raised temperature 
appears to facilitate the oxidation of the substance, so that 
quantiries may be taken and completely utilized which would 
completely intoxicate the individual had his temperature been 
normal.  It follows that alcohol is a food in fever, and its 
value in this regard is greatly increased by the fact that 
it requires no primary digestion, but passes without changes, 
and without needing change, to the tissues which are to use 
it.  According to Sir Thomas Fraser nothing else can compete 
with alcohol as a food in desperate febrile cases, and to 
this use must be added its antipyretic power already explained 
and its action as a soporific.  During its administration in 
febrile cases the drug must be most carefully watched, as its 
action may prove deleterious to the nervous system and the 
circulation in certain classes of patient.  The state of the 
pulse is the best criterion of the action of alcohol in any 
given case of fever.  The toxicology of alcohol is treated 
in other articles.  It includes acute alcoholism (i.e. 
intoxication), chronic alcoholism, delirium tremens, and 
all the countless pathological changes--extending to every 
tissue but the bones, and especially marked in the nervous 
system-- which alcohol produces. (See DRUNKENNESS: DELIRIUM.) 

After death the presence of alcohol can be detected in all the body 
fluids.  Its especial affinity for the nervous system is indicated 
by the fact that, when all traces of it have disappeared elsewhere, 
it can still be detected with ease in the cerebro-spinal fluid. 

ALCOHOLS, in organic chemistry, a class of compounds which may 
be considered as derived from hydrocarbons by the replacement of 
one or more hydrogen atoms by hydroxyl groups.  It is convenient 
to restrict the term to compounds in which the hydroxyl group is 
attached to an aliphatic residue; this excludes such compounds 
as the hydroxy-benzenes, naphthalenes, &c., which exhibit many 
differences from the compounds derived from the aliphatic alkyls. 

Alcohols are classified on two distinct principles, one depending 
upon the number of hydroxyl groups present, the other on the 
nature of the remaining groups attached to the carbon atom which 
carries the hydroxyl group.  Monatomic or monohydric alcohols 
contain only one hydroxyl group; diatomic, two, known as glycols 
(q.v.); triatomic, three, known as glycerols (q.v.); and so on. 

The second principle leads to alcohols of three distinct 
types, known as primary, secondary and tertiary.  The genesis 
and formulation of these types may be readily understood by 
considering the relation which exists between the alcohols 
and the parent hydrocarbon.  In methane, CH4, the hydrogen 
atoms are of equal value, and hence only one alcohol, 
viz.  CH3OH, can be derived from it.  This compound, 
methyl alcohol, is the simplest primary alcohol, and it is 
characterized by the grouping .CH2OH.  Ethane, C2H6, in 
a similar manner, can only give rise to one alcohol, namely 
ethyl alcohol, CH3CH2OH, which is also primary.  Propane, 
CH3CH2CH3, can give rise to two alcohols --a primary 
alcohol, CH3CH2CH2OH (normal propyl alcohol), formed 
by replacing a hydrogen atom attached to a terminal carbon 
atom, and a secondary alcohol, CH3.CH(OH).CH3 (isopropyl 
alcohol), when the substitution is effected on the middle carbon 
atom.  The grouping CH.OH characterizes the secondary alcohols; 
isopropyl alcohol is the simplest member of this class.  
Butane, C4H10, exists in the two isomeric forms--normal 
butane, CH3.CH2.CH2.CH3, and iso-butane, CH(CH3)3.  
Each of these hydro-carbons gives rise to two alcohols: 
n-butane gives a primary and a secondary; and iso-butane a 
primary, when the substitution takes place in one of the 
methyl groups, and a tertiary, when the hydrogen atom of the 
:CH group is substituted.  Tertiary alcohols are thus seen to 
be characterized by the group :C.OH, in which the residual 
valencies of the carbon atom are attached to alkyl groups. 

In 1860 Hermann Kolbe predicted the existence of secondary and 
tertiary alcohols from theoretical considerations.  Regarding 
methyl alcohol, for which he proposed the name carbinol, as 
the simplest alcohol, he showed that by replacing one hydrogen 
atom of the methyl group by an alkyl residue, compounds of the 
general formula R.CH2.OH would result.  These are the primary 
alcohols.  By replacing two of the hydrogen atoms, either 
by the same or different alkyls, compounds of the formula 
(R.R1)CH.OH (i.e. secondary alcohols) would result; while 
the replacement of the three hydrogen atoms would generate 
alcohols of the general formula (R.R1.R2)C.OH, i.e. 
tertiary alcohols.  Furthermore, he exhibited a comparison 
between these three types of alcohols and the amines.  Thus:-- 

 R.NH2 (R1R2)NH (R1R2R3)N 
R.CH2OH     (R1R2)CH.OH   (R1R2R3)C.OH
 Primary.           Secondary.             Tertiary.
To distinguish Priinary, Secondary and Tertiary Alcohols.-- 
Many reactions serve to distinguish these three types of 
alcohols.  Of chief importance is their behaviour on oxidation.  
The primary alcohols are first oxidized to aldehydes (q.v.), 
which, on further oxidation, yield acids containing the same 
number of carbon atoms as in the original alcohol.  Secondary 
alcohols yield ketones q.v.), which are subsequently 
oxidized to a mixture of two acids, Tertiary alcohols yield 
neither aldehydes nor ketones, but a mixture of two or more 
acids.  Another method is based upon the different behaviour 
of the corresponding nitro-alkyl with nitrous acid.  The 
alcohol is first acted upon with phosphorus and iodine, and 
the resulting alkyl iodide is treated with silver nitrite, 
which gives the corresponding nitro-alkyl.  The nitro-alkyl is 
then treated with potassium nitrite dissolved in concentrated 
potash, and sulphuric acid is added.  By this treatment a 
primary nitro-alkyl yields a nitrolic acid, the potassium 
salt of which forms an intense red solution; a secondary 
nitro-alkyl forms a pseudo nitrol, which gives an intense blue 
solution, while the tertiary compound does not act with nitrous 
acid.  The reactions outlined above may be thus represented:-- 

  R.CH2OH   --> R.CH2I   --> R.CH2.NO2   --> R.C<
  Primary alcohol.                               \NO2
                                               Nitrolic acid.
      R\                  R\                                        R\    /NO2
        >CH.OH  -->    >CH.I  -->  >CH.NO2 -->     >C<
  R1/              R1/                                     R1/    \NO
  Secondary alcohol.                                             Pseudo nitrol.
  (R1R2R3)C.OH  --> (R1R2R3)C.I  --> (R1R2R3)C.NO2
  Tertiary alcohol.

By heating to the boiling point of naphthalene (218 deg. ) tertiary 
alcohols are decomposed, while heating to the boiling point of 
anthracene (360 deg. ) suffices to decompose secondary alcohols, the 
primary remaining unaffected.  These changes can be followed out by 
determinations of the vapour density, and so provide a method for 
characterizing alcohols (see Compt.  Rend. 1904, 138, p. 984). 


Alcohols may be readily prepared from the corresponding alkyl 
haloid by the action of moist silver oxide (which behaves as 
silver hydroxide): by the saponification of their esters; or 
by the reduction of polyhydric alcohols with hydriodic acid, 
and the subsequent conversion of the resulting alkyl iodide 
into the alcohol by moist silver oxide.  Primary alcohols 
are obtained by decomposing their sulphuric acid esters (from 
sulphuric acid and the olefines) with boiling water; by the 
action of nitrous acid on primary amines; or by the reduction 
of aldehydes, acid chlorides or acid anhydrides.  Secondary 
alcohols result from the reduction of ketones; and from the 
reaction of zinc alkyls on aldehydes or formic acid esters. 

                                 /C2H5                         /C2H5
  CH3CHO --> CH3.CH<                --> CH3.CH<
                                 \OZnC2H5                      \OH
  Acetaldehyde.                                     Methyl ethyl carbinol.
     //O                      /OZnCH3                /CH3                    /CH3
  HC HC<-CH3     --> R.C<-OZnCH3   --> R.C<-OH
     \OC2H5             \Cl                       \CH3                    \CH3
  Formic ester.                                                  Isopropyl alcohol.

Tertiary alcohols may be synthesized by a method devised 
by A. Butlerow in 1864, who thus discovered the tertiary 
alcohols.  By reacting with a zinc alkyl (methyl or ethyl) on 
an acid chloride, an addition compound is first formed, which 
decomposes with water to give a ketone.  If, however, a second 
molecule of a zinc alkyl be allowed to react, a compound is 
formed which gives a tertiary alcohol when decomposed with water. 

         //O             /CH3                       /CH3                    /CH3
  R.C R.C<-OZnCH3  --> R.C<-OZnCH3   --> R.C<-OH
         \Cl             \Cl                           \CH3                    \CH3
  Acid chloride.                                                        Tertiary alcohol.

It is interesting to note that, whereas zinc methyl and ethyl 
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