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          materials are dependent upon having fully attained the
          earlier states of awareness and abilities per the
          Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart. Thus,
          these materials are released on a gradient, only to those
          who have honestly attained all earlier states.


   15.1  Can one audit as a career?

          Yes. There are many Scientology ministers who audit full
          time as their life's work. Auditing provides a rewarding
          career as it is one in which you are always helping
          people and constantly seeing miraculous results on your
          preclears. It is very satisfying to know that you are
          making people's lives happier and saner. Auditors are
          very valuable and in great demand. L. Ron Hubbard's
          opinion of auditors is well known: "I think of an auditor
          as a person with enough guts to *do something about it*.
          This quality is rare and this quality is courageous in
          the extreme. It is my opinion and knowledge that auditors
          are amongst the upper tenth of the upper twentieth of
          intelligent human beings. Their will to do, their
          motives, their ability to grasp and to use are superior
          to that of any other profession."

   15.2  Of what value would it be to have my child trained as an

          First of all, it would provide a young person with
          certainty and knowledge in dealing with every possible
          type of human problem, be it interpersonal, familial,
          organizational, ethical, moral or religious.

          Secondly, it would provide a career of fulfillment in
          aiding people from all walks of life to gain greater
          awareness and respect for themselves and others.

          Auditors are in demand in every church of Scientology and
          mission throughout the world. Therefore, your child would
          be fulfilling a great demand and contributing greatly to
          making this world a saner place by getting trained as an

   15.3  Can one make Scientology a career in some other way than
         by being a minister?

          Yes, there are thousands of professional Scientologists
          who work full time in churches and missions throughout
          the world as executives or administrative staff. There
          are also those who further the dissemination of
          Scientology on a one-to-one basis or through the
          dissemination of Scientology materials and books, those
          who hold jobs in the Church's social reform groups and
          those who work in the Office of Special Affairs involved
          in community betterment or legal work. All of these
          provide rewarding careers as each forwards the expansion
          of Scientology and thereby makes it possible for more and
          more people to benefit from its technology.


   16.1  I've heard that Scientologists are doing good things for
         society? What are some specific examples?

          These activities would fill a book in themselves, and are
          covered in more detail in Part 5 of [_What is
          Scientology?_], but here are just a few examples that are
          typical of the things that Scientologists are doing
          around the world.

          Scientologists regularly hold blood drives to get
          donations of blood for hospitals, the Red Cross and other
          similar organizations. As Scientologists do not use
          harmful drugs, these donations of drug-free blood are
          welcomed by those in charge of health care.

          Scientologists regularly hold drives to get donations of
          toys, food and clothing to make life happier for those in

          During the annual holiday season, Scientologists are
          particularly active in this sphere. In downtown
          Hollywood, California [USA], for example, Scientologists
          build a "Winter Wonderland" scene each Christmas,
          complete with a large Christmas tree, Santa Claus and
          even "snow," creating a traditional Christmas setting for
          children who otherwise might never see one.

          In Canada, a group of Scientologists spends many weeks
          each year raising funds to sponsor visits to summer camps
          by underprivileged children.

          Church members utilize their artistic talents to bring
          new experiences and joy to children by performing puppet
          shows in orphanages, schools and shopping malls, and
          magic shows for children in foster homes.

          Scientologists can also be found in many communities
          contributing to the care of the elderly. They visit
          old-age homes and provide entertainment, draw sketches or
          just drop by and talk with senior citizens.

          You will find Scientologists helping with "community
          cleanup" campaigns and assistance to the injured at
          Veteran's Administration hospitals.

          Scientologists have taken a leading role fighting drug
          abuse, actively educating community officials and groups
          on the dangers of drugs and solutions to the problems.
          There are many groups utilizing L. Ron Hubbard's
          technology and freeing people from the detrimental
          effects of drugs.

          L. Ron Hubbard's technology on how to study has been used
          by Scientologists around the world to help students and
          teachers alike. One place where this technology has made
          major inroads combating illiteracy is in South Africa,
          where well over a million native Africans have improved
          their ability to study.

          Another important area of activity for Scientologists is
          raising moral standards in society. Scientologists all
          around the world have distributed tens of millions of
          copies of the nonreligious moral code called "The Way to
          Happiness," now available in more than fifteen different
          languages. Its use has led to a revitalization of purpose
          for people of all ages who apply its simple truths to
          their lives and to the environment around them.

          The Church and many of its members are also engaged in
          interfaith activities, the main thrust of which has been
          to work with leaders of other faiths in the areas of
          interreligious dialogue, religious freedom,
          constitutional law and "religion in society" issues --
          all aimed toward protecting and forwarding the freedom of
          religion for everyone.

          Another prevalent activity for Scientologists is to
          expose and eradicate the violations of human rights
          perpetrated by psychiatry. Many Scientologists do this as
          members of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights
          (CCHR), a reform group which was established by the
          Church in 1969.

          They actively investigate psychiatric abuses and bring
          these to the attention of the media, legislators and
          other groups concerned with protecting people from brutal
          psychiatric techniques. Such practices as psychosurgery,
          electroshock treatment and the administration of
          dangerous psychiatric drugs have destroyed the minds and
          lives of millions of individuals. Through the efforts of
          Scientologists working for CCHR, public awareness of the
          disastrous results of psychiatric methods has been raised
          and major steps taken to outlaw such practices.

   16.2  Is Scientology active in Black communities and countries?

          Definitely. By the Creed of the Church, "All men of
          whatever race, color or creed were created with equal
          rights." Thus, there are no limitations placed on who can
          receive and benefit from Scientology services.

          There are Scientologists of all races, colors and
          religious backgrounds. For example, there are Dianetics
          and/or Scientology organizations in Ghana, Zaire,
          Zimbabwe, Ethiopia and Sierra Leone, among other
          countries, and Black Scientologists are applying
          Scientology technology in their communities wherever
          possible. The Church maintains a Department of Ethnic
          Affairs specifically to interact and work with

   16.3  Do doctors, schools, social workers, businessmen and other
         professional people use Scientology?

          Yes, they do. There are members of all of these
          professions who use Scientology technology to improve the
          results being obtained in their fields of endeavor.

          Schools and universities in many countries apply L. Ron
          Hubbard's study methods to improve literacy and teaching
          success, drug rehabilitation groups use his drug
          rehabilitation technology to successfully get people off
          drugs, doctors observe basic Dianetics principles to
          speed up the recovery of their patients, businessmen
          apply L. Ron Hubbard's administrative procedures to
          create thriving businesses.

          Scientology applies to all spheres of life and uniformly
          gets results when standardly used. Therefore, there is
          hardly an area of social or community concern where you
          will not find people using some aspect of L. Ron
          Hubbard's technology.

   16.4  Why has Scientology sometimes been considered

          Like all new ideas, Scientology has come under attack by
          the uninformed and those who feel their vested interests
          are threatened.

          As Scientologists have openly and effectively advocated
          social reform causes, they have become the target of

          For those vested interests who cling to a status quo that
          is decimating society, Scientology's technology of making
          the able more able poses a serious threat. Attacks follow
          as an attempt to stop application of Scientology

          When the Church steps in to handle the attack, the
          conflict grabs the attention of the press, which lives on
          controversy. Regardless of the unfounded nature of the
          attackers' claims, reporters freely promote the
          controversy. Those seeking to stop Scientology then join
          the media in regurgitating and regenerating the created

          Scientology has always flourished and prospered in the
          face of attacks. In every case where public disputes have
          been manufactured, intentional and blatant false reports
          about Scientology and its founder have been discovered to
          be the common denominator. As the falsehoods are proven
          lies, the controversy quickly fades, and the truth about
          Scientology, what the Church really is and what its
          members do replaces it. The source of these attacks and
          the controversy they have generated is detailed in
          Chapter 31 of [_What is Scientology?_].

   16.5  Why has Scientology been to court a lot of times?

          The Church has gone to court in many countries to uphold
          the right to freedom of religion. In Australia, as one
          example, legal actions by the Church brought about a
          landmark victory which greatly expanded religious freedom
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