prevent him from receiving auditing. Many people claim
that antibiotics work more rapidly and effectively if one
is receiving auditing at the same time.
12.5 Is it okay to take any sort of drugs when you are in
Except for antibiotics or prescribed medical drugs by a
medical doctor, no.
If one has a medical or dental condition requiring
treatment and wishes to take some medical drug other than
antibiotics, he should inform his Director of Processing.
A medical or dental consultation will be advised and a
handling worked out in liaison with the Director of
Processing to best accommodate one's progress in
Any other drug use, such as the use of street drugs or
psychiatric mind-altering drugs, is forbidden.
Drugs are usually taken to escape from unwanted emotions,
pains or sensations. In Scientology, the real reasons for
these unwanted conditions get handled and people have no
need or desire for drugs. Drugs dull people and make them
less aware. Scientology's aim is to make people brighter
and more aware.
Drugs are essentially poisons. Small amounts may act as
a stimulant or as a sedative, but larger amounts act as
poisons and can kill one.
Drugs dull one's senses and affect the reactive mind so
that the person becomes less in control and more the
effect of his reactive mind, a very undesirable state.
Despite the claims of psychiatrists that drugs are a
"cure-all," at best they cover up what is really wrong,
and at worst, actually harm one. The real answer is to
handle the source of one's troubles -- and that is done
with Scientology.
12.6 How many hours of auditing a day do people receive?
This depends upon one's particular auditing program. Some
receive longer or shorter hours of auditing than others,
but an average would be 2.5 hours a day. Auditing is best
done intensively, at least 12.5 hours a week. The more
intensively one is audited, the more rapid progress he
makes as he is not bogged down by current life upsets.
Therefore it is best to arrange for many hours of
consecutive auditing, i.e. 50 to 100 hours at 12.5 hours
a week minimum.
Of course, one is not always receiving auditing so when
one is, his best chance of making rapid progress is
12.7 Has the technology of auditing changed since the early
days of Scientology?
The basics of auditing have not changed, but there have
been considerable advances and refinements in auditing
processes over the years. L. Ron Hubbard continued his
research and development of Scientology auditing
technology throughout his life, and completed it before
he passed away. All of his technology is now available
and laid out in an exact sequence of gradient steps in
which it should be used.
12.8 What will I get out of auditing?
Scientology auditing is delivered in a specific sequence
which handles the major barriers people encounter when
trying to achieve their goals. After receiving auditing,
you will start to recognize for yourself that you are
changing, that your outlook on life is improving and that
you are becoming more able. In Scientology, you will not
be told when you have completed an auditing level -- you
will know for yourself, as only you can know exactly what
you are experiencing. This gives you the certainty that
you have attained what you want to attain from each
There will also no doubt be some outwardly demonstrable
or visible changes that occur: Your IQ may increase, you
might look healthier and happier, and may well have
people comment on how calm or cheerful you look or, for
instance, how you are doing better on your job.
Results like these are the products of auditing. Each
person knows when he has achieved them.
12.9 Does auditing really work in all cases?
Dianetics and Scientology technologies are very exact and
well-tested procedures that work in 100 percent of the
cases in which they are applied standardly.
The only proviso is that the preclear must be there on
his own determinism and must abide by the rules for
preclears during his auditing to ensure optimum results.
The Church makes no guarantee of results as auditing is
something which requires the active participation of the
individual. Auditing is not something done *to* an
individual -- it is something done in which he is the
active participant.
12.10 What auditing handles physical pain or discomfort?
Dianetics auditing is used to help handle physical pains
or discomfort stemming from the reactive mind.
12.11 What can auditing cure?
Scientology is not in the business of curing things in
the traditional sense of the word. Auditing is not done
to fix the body or to heal anything physical, and the
E-Meter cures nothing. However, in the process of
becoming happier, more able and more aware as a spiritual
being through auditing, illnesses that are psychosomatic
in origin (meaning the mind making the body ill) often
12.12 Can one go exterior (be separate from the body) in
Exteriorization is the state of the thetan, the
individual himself, being outside his body with or
without full perception, but still able to control and
handle the body.
Exteriorization is a personal matter for each individual.
Many Scientologists have been known to go exterior, so it
would not be at all surprising if you do too at some
point during your auditing.
This can happen at any time in auditing. When a person
goes exterior, he achieves a certainty that he is himself
and not his body.
13.1 What is Clear?
'Clear' is the name of a specific state achieved through
auditing, or a person who has achieved this state. A
Clear is a being who no longer has his own reactive mind,
and therefore suffers none of the ill effects the
reactive mind can cause.
13.2 How does one go Clear?
Simply by taking one's first step in Scientology, or by
taking the next step as shown on the Classification,
Gradation and Awareness Chart and then continuing up the
levels as laid out on this chart.
13.3 How long does it take to go Clear?
It varies from person to person, but it takes an average
of anywhere from one year to two years to go from the
bottom of the Grade Chart through Clear, depending on how
much time one spends each week on his auditing. Those who
get intensive auditing and do not stop along the way
progress the fastest.
13.4 If one goes Clear, will he lose his emotions?
No, on the contrary, a Clear is able to use and
experience any emotion. Only the painful, reactive,
uncontrolled emotions are gone from his life. Clears are
very responsive beings. When one is Clear, he is more
himself. The only loss is a negative -- the reactive mind
-- which was preventing the individual from being
13.5 What can you do when you are Clear?
A Clear is able to deal causatively with life rather than
react to it. A Clear is rational in that he forms the
best possible solutions he can with the data he has and
from his own viewpoint. A Clear gets things done and
accomplishes more than he could before he became Clear.
Whatever your level of ability before you go Clear, it
will be greatly increased after you go Clear.
13.6 Are Clears perfect?
No, they are not perfect. Being a Clear does not mean a
person who has had no education, for example, suddenly
becomes educated. It does mean that all the abilities of
the individual can be brought to bear on the problems he
encounters and that all the data in his analytical memory
banks is available for solution to those problems.
A Clear has become the basic individual through auditing.
The basic individual is not a buried, unknown or a
different person, but an intensity of all that is best
and most able in the person.
13.7 Do Clears eat food and sleep?
Most definitely.
13.8 Do Clears get colds and get sick?
A Clear can still get sick, but this occurs much less
often than before he became Clear. In other words, a
Clear still has a body and bodies are susceptible at
times to various illnesses. However, no longer having his
reactive mind, he is much more at cause and is not
adversely affected by, many of the things that would have
caused psychosomatic illness before he went Clear.
To measure a Clear only by his health, however, would be
a mistake because this state has to do with the
individual himself, not his body.
13.9 If Clears no longer have a reactive mind, why do they
still need to get auditing?
There are many more states of awareness and ability that
can be achieved above the state of Clear as he is only
Clear on the first dynamic. Once Clear, an individual
wants to continue his auditing to achieve these higher
14.1 What is meant by Operating Thetan (OT)?
Operating Thetan is a state of beingness above Clear.
'Thetan' refers to the spiritual being, and 'operating'
means here "able to operate without dependency on
things." An Operating Thetan (OT) is able to control
matter, energy, space and time rather than being
controlled by these things. As a result, an OT is able to
be at cause over life.
There are numerous auditing steps on the Bridge called OT
levels. People on these levels are progressing to the
state of full OT and becoming more and more OT along the
14.2 How would you describe the state of Operating Thetan?
OT (Operating Thetan) is a state of spiritual awareness
in which an individual is able to control himself and his
environment. An OT is someone who knows that he knows and
can create positive and prosurvival effects on all of his
dynamics. He has been fully refamiliarized with his
capabilities as a thetan and can willingly and knowingly
be at cause over life, thought, matter, energy, space and
As a being becomes more and more OT, he becomes more
powerful, stable and responsible.
14.3 Why are the OT materials confidential?
Because understanding of and ability to apply the OT