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          Awareness Chart. An auditor's job is to ask the preclear
          to look, and get him to do so.

   6.20  What is the E-Meter and how does it work?

          E-Meter is a shortened term for 'electropsychometer'. It
          is a religious artifact used as a spiritual guide in
          auditing. It is for use only by a Scientology minister or
          a Scientology minister-in-training to help the preclear
          locate and confront areas of spiritual upset.

          In itself, the E-Meter does nothing. It is an electronic
          instrument that measures mental state and change of state
          in individuals and assists the precision and speed of
          auditing. The E-Meter is not intended or effective for
          the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any disease.

          The book  _Understanding the E-Meter_ offers a simple
          explanation of how the E-Meter works and what it actually
          measures. In order to understand what the E-Meter does,
          it is necessary to understand some basic Scientology

          There are three basic parts of man -- mind, body and
          thetan. The thetan is an immortal spiritual being -- the
          individual himself. He (the thetan) inhabits a body,
          which is a carbon-oxygen machine. He has a mind, which is
          a collection of mental image pictures he has created.

          These pictures have weight and mass and can impinge on
          the person when he is emotionally upset.

          This is what makes the E-Meter read -- the impingement of
          such pictures against the body.

          The E-Meter puts a very small electrical current
          (approximately one and a half volts) through the body.
          This is about the same amount of current as in the
          average battery-powered wristwatch.

          When a person thinks a thought, looks at a picture, re-
          experiences an incident or when he shifts some part of
          the pictures in his mind, he is moving and changing
          actual mental mass and energy. These changes in the
          person's mind affect the tiny flow of electrical energy
          generated by the E-Meter, which causes the needle on its
          dial to move.

          The E-Meter thus measures changes that are caused by the
          spiritual being in his own mind (i.e., the movement of
          mental masses around him) and in this capacity, it is a
          religious artifact.

          The E-Meter is used to help the individual who is being
          audited uncover truth. By locating areas of mental or
          spiritual trauma, the E-Meter helps both the auditor and
          the preclear locate exactly what to address in auditing.


   7.1  Scientology is a philosophy. Why does it need to be

          Scientology is an *applied* religious philosophy.
          Therefore organization is needed to make the technology
          available and teach people to apply it.

   7.2  How many people work in a Scientology church?

          The number of staff varies from church to church. Small
          churches may have 20 and large ones over 500.

   7.3  How is Scientology organized?

          There is a "mother church" which is the Church of
          Scientology International. It is headquartered in Los
          Angeles. It is responsible for the ecclesiastical
          supervision of the rest of the Scientology churches
          around the world, which are organized in a hierarchical
          structure not dissimilar to that of the Catholic Church.
          (For more information about the structure of the Church,
          see Part 5 [of _What is Scientology?_].)

   7.4  Where are Scientology churches located?

          Scientology churches and missions exist all over the
          world. There are a great many churches and far more
          missions in various countries.

   7.5  What does a Scientology church or mission actually do?

          The main activities of Scientology churches and missions
          are training Scientology ministers and providing
          auditing. The church also conducts Sunday services,
          weddings, funerals and christenings and delivers other
          chaplain services. The church helps the individual become
          more able to help himself and to help others.This is done
          by training and auditing.

   7.6  What is the Office of Special Affairs?

          The Office of Special Affairs (OSA) deals with legal
          affairs for the Church. It also publishes the facts about
          the social betterment works of Scientology, informing the
          government, the media, other religions and other groups
          with interests similar to those of the Church. OSA also
          oversees the social reform programs of the Church, among
          which are those that expose and effectively handle
          violations of individual and human rights.

   7.7  What is the Flag Service Organization?

          The Flag Service Organization (FSO), often referred to as
          "Flag," is located in Clearwater, Florida [USA]. It
          delivers advanced spiritual training and auditing. It
          retains its name from the days when it used to operate
          from the flagship 'Apollo', ("Flag" in nautical terms
          means "the flagship" or the vessel which gives orders to

   7.8  What is the Flag Ship Service Organization?

          The Flag Ship Service Organization is located aboard the
          450-foot ship called the 'Freewinds', and is an advanced
          religious retreat that delivers the level of auditing
          called New OT VIII and specialized training to

   7.9  What is the Sea Organization?

          The Sea Organization (commonly referred to as the Sea
          Org) is a confraternal organization existing within the
          formalized structure of the Church. It is composed of the
          most dedicated Scientology staff who have decided to
          devote their lives to the delivery and expansion of

          The Sea Organization has no separate corporate structure
          or identity and its members work for various different
          churches of Scientology and are subject, as are all other
          employees of that church, to the orders and directions of
          the board of directors.

          The Sea Org was established in 1967 and once operated
          from a number of ships. It was set up to help L. Ron
          Hubbard with research of earlier civilizations and to
          carry out supervision of Church organizations around the
          world to keep Scientology expanding. It is also entrusted
          to deliver the advanced services of Scientology.

          The Sea Organization retains its name in celebration of
          the fact that the Founder's life was majorly connected
          with the sea. It exists to help keep Scientology working.

   7.10  Is it true that people in the Sea Org sign a billion-year

          Yes, they do. It is a symbolic document which, similar to
          vows of dedication in other faiths and orders, serves to
          signify an individual's eternal commitment to the goals,
          purposes and principles of the Scientology religion. Sea
          Org members have dedicated their lives to working toward
          these ends and toward a world without war, drugs, crime
          and illiteracy.

   7.11  Why does Scientology have ministers? Are all
         Scientologists ministers?

          The Church of Scientology has ministers to deliver
          Scientology religious services to church parishioners.
          Only those who specifically enroll in and graduate from
          the Scientology Minister's Course and its prerequisites,
          and fulfill the requirements for ordination are
          Scientology ministers. All Scientology auditors are
          required to become ordained ministers; however, they are
          allowed to audit as ministerial students while fulfilling
          their ordination requirements.

   7.12  What are field staff members?

          Field staff members are individual Scientologists who
          disseminate Scientology, provide books to interested
          friends, family members and associates and introduce (or
          select) people to the Church. They are appointed by their
          nearest Scientology organization. Because they have had
          gains from Dianetics and Scientology themselves, they
          naturally want to share it with others.

   7.13  Why is everything copyrighted and trademarked in

          Scientology and Dianetics are technologies that work if
          applied exactly. If they are altered, the results will
          not be uniform.

          For this reason, the technology is copyrighted and the
          words and symbols which represent the technology are
          trademarked. This way, nobody can misrepresent something
          as standard Scientology or Dianetics that really isn't.

          In fact many persons have tried to rip off and profit
          from the technologies of Dianetics and Scientology. The
          subjects were developed for spiritual salvation, not for
          anyone's personal enrichment. Through ownership of the
          trademarks and copyrights, such ill-intentioned actions
          are prevented by the Church.

  [7.14  Does the IRS recognize Church organizations as non-profit
         charitable organizations?]

          [Yes, in the Fall of 1993, upon finishing an extensive in-
           vestigation of the Church's organizations and their fi-
           nances, the IRS ruled that the Church of Scientology and
           its organizations were non-profit charitable organizations
           and therefore eligible for tax exempt status in the United


   8.1  Why do Scientologists make donations?

          Some churches have a system of tithes, others require
          their members to pay for pew rentals, religious
          ceremonies and services. In the Church of Scientology,
          parishioners make donations for auditing or training they
          wish to take. These contributions by Scientologists are
          the primary source of financial support for the Church
          and fund all the community programs and social betterment
          activities of Scientology. Scientologists are not
          required to tithe or make other donations.

          Ideally, Dianetics and Scientology services would be
          free, and all Scientologists wish they were. But those
          are not the realities of life. When one considers the
          cost of delivering even one hour of auditing, requiring
          extensively trained specialists, and the overhead costs
          of maintaining church premises, the necessity of
          donations becomes clear.

          The donation system in Scientology is the most equitable
          as those who use the facilities of the Church are the
          ones who most directly contribute to its upkeep and
          continued existence. Naturally, no donation is expected
          from those not receiving auditing or training. And church
          doors are always open to those who wish to learn more
          about the philosophy of Scientology, be they parishioners
          or not. There are tape plays of L. Ron Hubbard's
          lectures, introductory lectures, books available, people
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