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сильным,  чтобы энергично  браться за  КУСАНИЯ, ОХВАТЫВАНИЯ,
ЗАИМСТВОВАНИЯ.  Но  не  удивляйтесь   тому,  что,  когда  Вы
проходите первый  из них, после этого  обнаружите, что тэтан
использовал банк  существа. Любое воровство,  однако, хорошо
для   одитинга.   Любое   охватывание   по  второй  динамике
показывает Вашему  пк раз и навсегда,  что он ЯВЛЯЕТСЯ тэтой
без  тела -  если Вы  покажете ему  инцидент, доведя  его до

     Если кейс  неспособен найти тэтана в  текущей жизни, то
возьмите самое молодое существо и одитируйте его.

     Обычно это тэтан, но перенесенный вовнутрь тела.

     Сколько  Вам потребуется,  чтобы одитировать  тэтана до
состояния чистой тэты, никто Вам не скажет. Кейс поднимается
высоко очень быстро. Используя это ноу-хау и 80, Вы получите
клира MEST за очень короткое время. Помимо недоступных людей
и обычно психотиков, большинство кейсов должны стать клирами
MESTза несколько недель напряженного одитинга.


c Transfering  to  Microsoft  Windowsю  -  Write  Edition by
Dmitri Ileneech.  1994 Microsoft Windows  is a tragemark  of
Microsoft Corporation.

Printed in St.-Petersburg Church Of Scientology.  1994.

Applyed fonts:
1. Arial Cyrillic
2. Academy
3. MS Line Draw
4. Wingdings
- {СТР|2} -


                    "A SCIENTOLOGY CATECHISM"
                          [File 1 of 3]
               Part Nine of _What is Scientology?_
     Copyright (c) 1992, Church of Scientology International

1. ANSWERS TO COMMON QUESTIONS                   [Located in file 1 of 3]

   1.1  What does the word 'Scientology' mean?
   1.2  What is Scientology about?
   1.3  How did Scientology start?
   1.4  How come it's all based on one man's work?
   1.5  Why is Scientology called a religion?
   1.6  Why is Scientology a church?

2. WHAT SCIENTOLOGY DOES FOR THE INDIVIDUAL      [Located in file 1 of 3]

   2.1  How does Scientology work?
   2.2  What does Scientology accomplish?
   2.3  What claims are made for Scientology?
   2.4  How do people get into Scientology?

3. SCIENTOLOGY AND OTHER PRACTICES               [Located in file 1 of 3]

   3.1  Is Scientology like hypnotism, meditation, psychotherapy or
        other mental therapies?
   3.2  Is Scientology a secret society?
   3.3  In what way does Scientology differ from other religions
        and religious philosophies?
   3.4  Does Scientology interfere with other religions?
   3.5  What does Scientology think of other religions?
   3.6  What does Scientology have to say about Christianity?

4. SCIENTOLOGY BELIEFS                          [Located in file 1 of 3]

   4.1  Is man a spirit?
   4.2  How does one know man is a spirit?
   4.3  What is the Scientology concept of God?
   4.4  Can't God be the only one to help man?
   4.5  Does Scientology believe in brotherly love?
   4.6  Why do Scientologists want to help people?
   4.7  Does Scientology recognize good and evil?
   4.8  Does Scientology believe man is sinful?
   4.9  Will Scientology put man in control of his mind?
   4.10  Is Scientology about the mind?
   4.11  Does Scientology believe in mind over matter?
   4.12  Does Scientology believe one can exist outside of the
   4.13  Does Scientology believe in reincarnation or past lives?
   4.14  Does Scientology believe in charity and welfare?
   4.15  Does Scientology hold any political views?
   4.16  Can children participate in Scientology? How?
   4.17  What does Scientology say about the raising of children?
   4.18  Can one make up his own mind about Scientology?
   4.19  What is the Scientology cross?
   4.20  What religious holidays do Scientologists celebrate?

5. SCIENTOLOGY'S FOUNDER                         [Located in file 1 of 3]

   5.1  Is L. Ron Hubbard still alive?
   5.2  Who was L. Ron Hubbard?
   5.3  What was L. Ron Hubbard's role in the Church?
   5.4  Has L. Ron Hubbard's death affected the Church?
   5.5  How did L. Ron Hubbard rise above the reactive mind when
        others didn't?
   5.6  Did L. Ron Hubbard make a lot of money out of Scientology?
   5.7  Was L. Ron Hubbard a millionaire?
   5.8  How is it that one man could discover so much information?
   5.9  Do Scientologists believe that L. Ron Hubbard was Jesus
   5.10  Did L. Ron Hubbard go Clear?

6. SCIENTOLOGY ATTITUDES AND PRACTICES            [Located in file 2 of 3]

   6.1  How do Scientologists view life?
   6.2  What moral codes do Scientologists live by?
   6.3  What is Scientology's view on drugs?
   6.4  Why are there so many young people on staff in Scientology?
   6.5  Do you have any special dietary laws or rules against
        smoking or drinking in Scientology?
   6.6  Do Scientologists use medical doctors?
   6.7  In Scientology does one have to sacrifice one's
   6.8  What benefits can one get from Scientology?
   6.9  What is Scientology's system of ethics?
   6.10  What does 'clear the planet' mean?
   6.11  What does 'suppressive person' mean?
   6.12  What is disconnection?
   6.13  Is Scientology a cult?
   6.14  Does Scientology engage in brainwashing or mind control?
   6.15  Does Scientology actively promote for new members?
   6.16  Does one really need Scientology to do well in life?
   6.17  Does one have to believe in Scientology?
   6.18  Why do Scientologists sometimes seem so intent on what
         they are doing?
   6.19  What do the terms 'preclear', 'student' and 'auditor'
   6.20  What is the E-Meter(R) and how does it work?

7. THE ORGANIZATIONS OF SCIENTOLOGY              [Located in file 2 of 3]

   7.1  Scientology is a philosophy. Why does it need to be
   7.2  How many people work in a Scientology church?
   7.3  How is Scientology organized?
   7.4  Where are Scientology churches located?
   7.5  What does a Scientology church or mission actually do?
   7.6  What is the Office of Special Affairs?
   7.7  What is the Flag Service Organization?
   7.8  What is the Flag Ship Service Organization?
   7.9  What is the Sea Organization?
   7.10  Is it true that people in the Sea Org sign a billion-year
   7.11  Why does Scientology have ministers? Are all
         Scientologists ministers?
   7.12  What are field staff members?
   7.13  Why is everything copyrighted and trademarked in
  [7.14  Does the IRS recognize Church organizations as non-profit
         charitable organizations?]

8. CHURCH FUNDING                                 [Located in file 2 of 3]

   8.1  Why do Scientologists make donations?
   8.2  Why does one have to make donations to separate
        organizations for their services?
   8.3  What about those who cannot afford to make donations for
   8.4  Is the Church profit-making?
   8.5  How much does it cost to go Clear?
   8.6  How well paid are Scientology staff?
  [8.6  Are donations made to the Church of Scientology tax
        deductible in the United States?]

9. SCIENTOLOGY BOOKS                              [Located in file 2 of 3]

   9.1  What is the best book for a beginning Scientologist to
   9.2  Are the books difficult to understand?
   9.3  Where can L. Ron Hubbard's books be purchased?
   9.4  What books should one read to get information about:
        9.4.1  Dianetics?
        9.4.2  Basic Scientology principles?
        9.4.3  Self-help, tests, and processes?
        9.4.4  Handling the residual effects of drugs and toxins?
        9.4.5  Basic principles of communication?
        9.4.6  Predicting human behavior and understanding people?
        9.4.7  How to increase success on the job?
        9.4.8  Basic principles of organization?
        9.4.9  Basic principles of management?
        9.4.10  The principles of ethics and how to use them to
                live a more productive life?
        9.4.11  Study methods?
        9.4.12  Procedures to increase one's spiritual awareness
                and abilities?
        9.4.13  Past lives and how they relate to this life?
        9.4.14  The application of basic Scientology technology to
                help others improve their lives?
   9.5  How can one get happiness out of a book?

10. DIANETICS                                      [Located in file 2 of 3]

   10.1  What is Dianetics?
   10.2  What is the mind? Where is the mind?
   10.3  What is the difference between the analytical mind and the
         reactive mind?
   10.4  What is the difference between Scientology and Dianetics?

11. SCIENTOLOGY AND DIANETICS COURSES              [Located in file 3 of 3]

   11.1  What training should a person take first?
   11.2  What does one get out of Scientology and Dianetics
   11.3  How are Scientology and Dianetics training different from
         studying philosophy or other religions?
   11.4  Should I get my auditing before I get trained?
   11.5  When can I take Scientology courses?
   11.6  How are Scientology courses run?
   11.7  When do I actually gain experience in auditing others?
   11.8  When can I take the Minister's Course?
   11.9  How long do courses take?
   11.10  Are Scientology Course Supervisors university trained?

12. SCIENTOLOGY AND DIANETICS AUDITING            [Located in file 3 of 3]

   12.1  What is the difference between the auditing and training
         routes in Scientology?
   12.2  Do all the people on staff in Scientology receive auditing
         as well as training?
   12.3  Why does one have to wait six weeks for auditing if one
         has been habitually using drugs?
   12.4  Will antibiotics prevent me from getting auditing?
   12.5  Is it okay to take any sort of drugs when you are in
   12.6  How many hours of auditing a day to people receive?
   12.7  Has the technology of auditing changed since the early
         days of Scientology?
   12.8  What will I get out of auditing?
   12.9  Does auditing really work in all cases?
   12.10  What auditing handles physical pains or discomforts?
   12.11  What can auditing cure?
   12.12  Can one go exterior (be separate from the body) in

13. THE STATE OF CLEAR                            [Located in file 3 of 3]

   13.1  What is Clear?
   13.2  How does one go Clear?
   13.3  How long does it take to go Clear?
   13.4  If one goes Clear, will he lose his emotions?
   13.5  What can you do when you are Clear?
   13.6  Are Clears perfect?
   13.7  Do Clears eat food and sleep?
   13.8  Do Clears get colds and get sick?
   13.9  If Clears no longer have a reactive mind, why do they
         still need to get auditing?

14. THE STATE OF OPERATING THETAN               [Located in file 3 of 3]

   14.1  What is meant by Operating Thetan (OT)?
   14.2  How would you describe the state of Operating Thetan?
   14.3  Why are the OT materials confidential?

15. A SCIENTOLOGY CAREER                        [Located in file 3 of 3]

   15.1  Can one audit as a career?
   15.2  Of what value would it be to have my child trained as an
   15.3  Can one make Scientology a career in some other way than
         by being a minister?

16. SCIENTOLOGY IN SOCIETY                      [Located in file 3 of 3]

   16.1  I've heard that Scientologists are doing good things for
         society. What are some specific examples?
   16.2  Is Scientology active in Black communities and countries?
   16.3  Do doctors, schools, social workers, businessmen and other
         professional people use Scientology?
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