experience becomes nothing out of the ordinary.
Scientology believes that man is not his body, his mind
or his brain. He, a spiritual force, energizes the
physical body and his life.
Scientology proved, for the first time, that man was a
spiritual being, not an animal.
4.13 Does Scientology believe in reincarnation or past lives?
Reincarnation is a definite system and is not part of
Scientology. It is a fact that unless one begins to
handle aberrations built up in past lives, he doesn't
The definition of the term 'reincarnation' has been
altered from its original meaning. The word has come to
mean "to be born again in different life forms," whereas
its actual definition is "to be born again into the flesh
or into another body."
Today in Scientology, many people have certainty that
they have lived lives prior to their current one. These
are referred to as past lives, not as reincarnation.
Individuals are free to believe this or not; past lives
are not a dogma in Scientology, but generally Scientolo-
gists, during their auditing, experience a past life and
then *know* for themselves that they have lived before.
To believe one had a physical or other existence prior to
the identity of the current body is not a new concept --
but it is an exciting one.
In Scientology, you are given the tools to handle upsets
and aberrations from past lives that adversely affect you
in present time, thus freeing you to live a much happier
4.14 Does Scientology believe in charity and welfare?
It does. However, Scientologists also believe in the
principle that exchange is necessary. If a person only
receives and never gives, he will not be a happy person
and will lose his own self-respect. Therefore, any
Scientology-sponsored charity programs also encourage
those receiving the charity to make some form of
contribution by helping others so that self-respect can
be maintained.
4.15 Does Scientology hold any political views?
Scientology is nonpolitical. By its Creed, "All men have
inalienable rights to conceive, choose, assist or support
their own organizations, churches and governments."
Scientologists are free to hold their own political
views, vote for the candidates of their choice, etc., and
are not given direction from the Church as to what
position to take on political issues or candidates. The
Church believes there should be separation of church and
4.16 Can children participate in Scientology? How?
Yes, there are many children who participate in
Scientology. There are no age restrictions as to who can
take Scientology courses or receive auditing. Some
churches also deliver special courses and study programs
specifically designed for young people. If the person is
below the legal age, he must first get written consent
from his parents or guardian to take Scientology
services. Scientologists generally want their children to
have Scientology available to them so are quite agreeable
to have their children take Scientology services.
4.17 What does Scientology say about the raising of children?
L. Ron Hubbard has written a great deal about raising
children. In Scientology, children are recognized as
people who should be given all the respect and love
granted adults.
Scientologists believe children should be encouraged to
contribute to family life, not just be "seen and not
heard" as the old saying goes. Children are spiritual
beings, and as such they need to exchange with those
around them in order to thrive and live productive, happy
lives. For more information on handling children, the
book _Child Dianetics_ and the course "How to Be a
Successful Parent" are recommended.
Most children raised in good Scientology homes are above
average in ability and quickly begin to understand how
and why people act as they do. Life thus becomes a lot
safer and happier for them.
4.18 Can one make up his own mind about Scientology?
One can and indeed one should. Scientology enables you to
think for yourself. There is no purpose served in
studying Scientology because someone else wants you to.
But if you've taken a good look at your life and have
decided that you want to make it better, the best thing
is to start and find out for yourself what Scientology
can do for you. One should read one of the basic books by
L. Ron Hubbard, such as _Dianetics: The Modern Science of
Mental Health_ or _Scientology: The Fundamentals of
What is real in Scientology for you is what you find in
it that is real for you.
4.19 What is the Scientology cross?
It is an eight-pointed cross representing the eight parts
or dynamics of life through which each individual is
striving to survive. These parts are: the urge toward
existence as self, as an individual; the urge to survive
through creativity, including the family unit and the
rearing of children; the urge to survive through a group
of individuals or as a group; the urge toward survival
through all mankind and as all mankind; the urge to
survive as life forms and with the help of life forms
such as animals, birds, insects, fish and vegetation; the
urge to survive of the physical universe, by the physical
universe itself and with the help of the physical
universe and each one of its component parts; the urge to
survive as spiritual beings or the urge for life itself
to survive; the urge toward existence as infinity. To be
able to live happily with respect to each of these
spheres of existence is symbolized by the Scientology
As a matter of interest, the cross as a symbol predates
4.20 What religious holidays do Scientologists celebrate?
Scientologists celebrate several major holidays annually.
These include the birthday of L. Ron Hubbard (March 13);
the date marking the initial publication of _Dianetics_
(May 9); Auditor's Day, in honor of all auditors (second
Sunday in September); and the International Association
of Scientologists Anniversary, to mark the founding of
this organization which unites, supports and protects the
Scientology religion and Scientologists in all parts of
the world (October 7).
Additionally, each local country or area may observe its
own significant dates, such as the founding of the church
in its area or the opening of the first Dianetics or
Scientology organization in that country. Members of the
Church also observe traditional religious holidays such
as Christmas.
5.1 Is L. Ron Hubbard still alive?
No. L. Ron Hubbard passed away on January 24, 1986, but
he remains with us in spirit and through the legacy of
his technology and its continual application around the
5.2 Who was L. Ron Hubbard?
L. Ron Hubbard is the Founder of Dianetics and
Scientology and the author of its scriptures. His
research on the mind and life is recorded in the tens of
millions of words on the subject of the human spirit
which comprise Dianetics and Scientology philosophy. His
works cover subjects as diverse as drug rehabilitation,
education, marriage and family, success at work,
administration, art and many other aspects of life.
His best-selling self-help book _Dianetics: The Modern
Science of Mental Health_ alone has sold millions and
millions of copies and has continued to appear on the New
York Times and other best-seller lists around the world
over four decades after its original publication.
Testimony to the applicability and workability of his
discoveries are the millions of happy and successful
people and the hundreds of Dianetics and Scientology
churches, missions and groups internationally.
L. Ron Hubbard dedicated his life to helping others. He
saw that times needed to change, and he created a
workable technology so that needed changes could occur
for millions of people. He departed his body on January
24, 1986 leaving with us his life's work which is
continued today through the application of his
discoveries which help millions around the world.
5.3 What was L. Ron Hubbard's role in the Church?
L. Ron Hubbard founded the Scientology philosophy. A
group of Scientologists then formed the first Church of
Scientology in Los Angeles in 1954.
Mr. Hubbard ran the early Dianetics and Scientology
organizations until 1966, when he retired from running
them on a day-to-day basis and turned this function over
to Scientology Church executives. He continued to take an
interest in the Church's expansion and advised on
administrative matters when specifically asked for
advice, but he mainly spent his time researching the
upper levels of Scientology and codifying the technology.
5.4 Has L. Ron Hubbard's death affected the Church?
L. Ron Hubbard recorded the results of all his research
in writing, on film or in taped lectures so that the
technology would be preserved. As a result, Scientology
has continued to expand, and its future survival is
All great religious leaders of the past have died. Their
work flourishes. Men die. Wisdom and ideas do not.
5.5 How did L. Ron Hubbard rise above the reactive mind when
others didn't?
He applied to himself the principles he had found.
5.6 Did L. Ron Hubbard make a lot of money out of Scientology?
No. He received no royalties from the fees paid to
Scientology organizations for training and processing. In
fact, L. Ron Hubbard forgave Scientology churches a
thirteen-million-dollar debt in 1966 when he retired as
Executive Director.
He made his money from the royalties on his books. One
book alone, _Dianetics_, has sold *millions* of copies,
and his total book sales of both fiction and nonfiction are
in excess of one hundred million copies around the world,
including more than twenty national best-sellers in the
1980s. In fact, Mr. Hubbard's books still sell by the
millions each year and the royalties from the sale of
these books and his life's fortune were willed to the
Church to help ensure the future application of his
technology to the betterment of mankind.