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          to discuss questions with, and of course the more
          traditional church activities -- Sunday service, sermons,
          weddings, christenings, funerals -- all of which are
          provided without any donation necessary.

          Scientology does not have hundreds of years of
          accumulated wealth and property like other religions --
          it must make its way in the world according to the
          economics of today's society.

          Scientologists' donations keep the Church alive and
          functioning, fund its widespread social reform programs,
          make Scientology known to people who may otherwise never
          have the opportunity to avail themselves of it, and help
          create a safe and pleasant environment for everyone.

   8.2  Why does one have to make donations to separate
        organizations for their services?

          Scientology churches and missions are separate
          corporations and have separate financial records. The
          donations that go to each church for services delivered
          by that church must be separately banked and accurate
          records kept in alignment with the accounting procedures
          and laws in each country.

   8.3  What about those who cannot afford to make donations for

          There is a Free Scientology Center in churches of
          Scientology where those who cannot afford the donations
          can receive free auditing from ministerial students.

          Many Scientology services are free and the knowledge is
          free to all men. There are also books, books, books and
          free public lectures, Sunday services and other religious
          services for which there is no cost. Books can be
          obtained in the local area either by going to a church of
          Scientology, a public bookstore or local library.

          But it's interesting that once a person becomes more
          causative through the application of Scientology
          technology in his life, he does not usually need or want
          free services for very long. He becomes capable of
          holding a good job and thereby able to exchange for the
          services he wants.

          Ministers-in-training can receive free auditing from
          other students while they are doing their training.

   8.4  Is the Church profit-making?

          No. Scientology churches are nonprofit organizations, as
          the donations all go back into the support and expansion
          of the Church.

   8.5  How much does it cost to go Clear?

          The cost varies from individual to individual depending
          on which route to Clear one takes.

          One route is to pay for professional auditing and get
          audited all the way up to Clear. The preferred route,
          however, is to get trained as an auditor and co-audit
          with another Scientology student. The co-auditing route
          to Clear requires far less donations than professional
          auditing plus one helps another to progress. As
          professional auditing is much more expensive for the
          organization to deliver (requiring several staff to
          service one parishioner) the donations are necessarily
          higher. Training donation rates are much more economical
          and an incentive for persons to train while they co-audit
          without cost to the state of Clear.

          No matter which route one chooses to achieve the state of
          Clear, all who have attained it express the pricelessness
          of the increased spiritual freedom they have achieved.

   8.6  How well paid are Scientology staff?

          The pay varies from church to church and from time to
          time. Staff are paid in proportion to the amount of
          donations received by their individual organizations.
          Thus, staff members are in control of how much they make
          by virtue of how well they perform individually on their
          own jobs.

          In any event, Scientology staff aren't motivated by money
          and in no instance anywhere in the church structure is
          pay exorbitant. Scientology staff are motivated by a
          desire to help, not get rich.

  [8.6  Are donations made to the Church of Scientology tax
        deductible in the United States?]

          [Yes, according to a 1993 decision by the IRS, donations
          of any kind made to the Church of Scientology (including
          auditing and training donations), are tax deductible in
          the United States.]


   9.1  What is the best book for a beginning Scientologist to

          _Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health_ which is
          the best-selling self-help book of all time, is the book
          recommended for beginners who are interested in the mind
          and how it works. This book has been a best-seller for
          over forty years.

          In 1977, 'Publishers Weekly' called _Dianetics: The
          Modern Science of Mental Health_ "perhaps the
          best-selling non-Christian book of all time in the West."
          In 1988, 'Publishers Weekly' awarded _Dianetics_ its
          prestigious "Century Award" for more than 100 weeks on
          its best-seller list, officially designating it the No.
          1 best-selling self-help book of all time.

          If a person is more interested in starting with a broad
          summary of L. Ron Hubbard's research and findings about
          man as a spiritual being and basic principles of life,
          the first recommended book is _Scientology: The
          Fundamentals of Thought_. (Chapter 41 [of _What is
          Scientology?_] gives a more detailed explanation of the
          books available and suggested course of reading.)

   9.2  Are the books difficult to understand?

          Not at all. The books are quite easy to understand.
          Depending on what aspect of Scientology and Dianetics you
          are most interested in, any church Bookstore Officer can
          recommend the best sequence in which the books should be

   9.3  Where can L. Ron Hubbard's books be purchased?

          All of his books are available at missions and churches
          of Scientology. Many of his books are also available in
          popular bookstores and in libraries in cities all over
          the world.

   9.4  What books should one read to get information about:

        9.4.1  Dianetics:

               'The Basic Dianetics Picture Book'
               _Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health_
               _The Dynamics of Life_
               _Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science_
               _Child Dianetics_

        9.4.2  Basic Scientology principles:

               'The Basic Scientology Picture Book'
               _Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought_
               _A New Slant on Life_
               _Scientology 0-8: The Book of Basics_

        9.4.3  Self-help, tests and processes:

               _Self Analysis_

        9.4.4  Handling the residual effects of drugs and toxins:

               'Purification: An Illustrated Answer to Drugs'
               _Clear Body, Clear Mind: The Effective Purification

        9.4.5  Basic principles of communication:

               _Dianetics 55!_

        9.4.6  Predicting human behavior and understanding people:

               _Science of Survival_

        9.4.7  How to increase success on the job:

               _The Problems of Work_
               _How to Live Though an Executive_

        9.4.8  Basic principles of organization:

               _The Organization Executive Course_ volumes 0-7

        9.4.9  Basic principles of management:

               _Management Series_ volumes 1, 2 and 3

        9.4.10 The principles of ethics and how to use them to live
               a more productive life:

               _Introduction to Scientology Ethics_

        9.4.11 Study methods:

               _Basic Study Manual_
               _Learning How to Learn_
               _Study Skills for Life_
               _How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children_

        9.4.12 Procedures to increase one's spiritual awareness and

               _The Creation of Human Ability_
               _Advanced Procedure and Axioms_
               _Scientology 8-8008_
               _Scientology 8-80_

        9.4.13 Past lives and how they relate to this life:

               _Have You Lived Before This Life?_
               _A History of Man_

        9.4.14 The application of basic Scientology technology to
               help others improve their lives:

               _The Volunteer Minister's Handbook_

          These books were all written by L. Ron Hubbard or
          compiled from his works, and are just a few of the dozens
          and dozens of Scientology and Dianetics books available
          at churches of Scientology.

   9.5  How can one get happiness out of a book?

          The key to happiness is knowledge. Scientology and
          Dianetics books contain knowledge one can actually apply
          in life. Being able to accomplish these improvements
          definitely makes people happier.


   10.1  What is Dianetics?

          L. Ron Hubbard discovered the single source of stress,
          worry, self-doubt and psychosomatic illness -- the
          reactive mind. In his book _Dianetics: The Modern Science
          of Mental Health_ he described the reactive mind in
          detail and laid out a simple, practical, easily taught
          technology to overcome it and reach the state of Clear.
          Dianetics (which means "through soul") is that

   10.2  What is the mind? Where is the mind?

          The mind is basically a communication and control system
          between the thetan -- the spiritual being that is the
          person himself -- and his environment. It is composed of
          mental image pictures which are recordings of past

          The individual uses his mind to pose and resolve problems
          related to survival and to direct his efforts according
          to these solutions.

   10.3  What is the difference between the analytical mind and the
         reactive mind?

          The analytical mind is the conscious, aware mind which
          thinks, observes data, remembers it and resolves
          problems. The reactive mind is the portion of a person's
          mind which works on a totally stimulus-response basis,
          which is not under his volitional control, and which
          exerts force and the power of command over his awareness,
          purposes, thoughts, body and actions.

   10.4  What is the difference between Scientology and Dianetics?

          Dianetics is a technology which uncovers the source of
          unwanted sensations and emotions, accidents, injuries and
          psychosomatic illnesses, and which sets forth effective
          handlings for these conditions.

          'Dianetics' comes from the Greek 'dia' meaning "through"
          and 'nous', "soul." It is further defined as "what
          the soul is doing to the body."

          'Scientology' is the study and handling of the spirit in
          relationship to itself, universes and other life. It is
          used to increase spiritual freedom, intelligence and
          ability and to enable a person to realize his own
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