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 To   : Steve Wiser
 Subj : H20 Wrld=thunderdome+h2o
-> RL> I think the premise is that, due to Global Warming, the earth is
-> virtually RL> covered with water and there exist a number of
-> "floaties" that vie for RL> domination but beyond that I don't know
-> too much about the plot. RL>
-> Why would a ThunderDome on water cost so much?  I don't think
-> the original with Mel Gibson cost very much.

It costs a lot because building sets on water, BIG sets on water is an
expensive proposition.  So is filming underwater.  So is having one of
your boats sink.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 7 of 158
 From : Steve Wiser                         1:264/417       .тp 20 .юн 95 19:08
 To   : Jeff Young
 Subj : Re: bABYLON5
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  94-2151

JY>  SH> And what is that planet it is orbiting around?

Its neutral territory and the planet is call Epsilon Three.
No, its not Minbari own, although a Minbari was chosen by
the caretaker to be his replacement. Apparently the master
brain of the planet has now a Minbari, one of Delenns
favorite  teachers. An old race that has gone on apparently
has left a weapons cache for the future of the universe and
this is it.  The new caretaker now has the control of the
planet and can look out over the universe(at least that's
what he said he could do from the planet below).

Has anyone seen the post that the writer/producer has stated
that is the most complete analysis yet of the B5 arc?  I have
it from the internet if anyone would like me to cross-post it
here.  There are two post that JMS complimented.

Steve Wiser

 * KWQ/2 1.2g * Bablyon Five, the best of Televison...

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Richmond Connection, Richmond, VA  804-740-2186  (1:264/417.0)

 Msg  : 8 of 158
 From : Steve Wiser                         1:264/417       .тp 20 .юн 95 19:38
 To   : Bill Bottke
 Subj : JMS compiled messages [6/
.SPLIT: 22 Jun 95 08:57:52 @264/417     16    01/02 +++++++++++
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  94-2151

BB> From: bottke@organpipe.uug.arizona.edu (Bill Bottke )
BB> =================================================================
BB> Comments, questions, or additional information should be sent to:
BB> Bill Bottke  (E-mail: bottke@lpl.arizona.edu)
BB> *** Note:  This is *really* the last one for a few weeks.  I mean it
BB>            this time!
BB> =================================================================

BB>      The warrior caste was subdued by the coming of Valen, who brought
BB> the law about not killing other Minbari, and formed the Grey Council.  The
BB> Rim is the edge of known space.  The absolute bottom/rim gravity in B5 is
BB> about 1.2 G; the C&C gravity is about 1/3rd G.

BB>                                                                       jms
BB>      If something happens to me...nobody gets the notes.  The whole POINT
BB> is that this is a personal story, told out of a personal vision.  So if
BB> you want to see this story finished, it behooves y'all to keep my sorry
BB> ass alive for the next 3 years.
BB>                                                                  jms
BB> : In your opinion, knowing what you know now, with no obligation to
BB> : stay, what is the probability that you will still be on this newsgroup
BB> : one year from now if:
BB> : 1) Nothing changes
BB> : 2) This newsgroup is moderated
BB> : 3) This newsgroup is moderated and a .creative newsgroup is also
BB> :    formed.
BB> : 4) This newsgroup is moderated and an unmoderated newsgroup is formed
BB> :    (much like the alt group, story ideas frowned upon)
BB> : Jay Denebeim
BB>      I imagine that the odds of my continuing are pretty much the same
BB> for options 2 through 4; option 1 will eventually cause a problem, I
BB> think, the way things are going.  While the group was of resaonable
BB> size, it was easier to influence things; with the mammoth increase in
BB> membership, and the increase in plot speculation, eventually the limit
BB> on what I can afford to be exposed to will have to be hit.
BB>                                                                     jms
BB> :   wrote:
BB> : >     The warrior caste was subdued by the coming of Valen, who brought
BB> : >the law about not killing other Minbari, and formed the Grey Council.  T


BB> : Holy Valen! So the warrior caste has been ticked off for 1,000 years.  No
BB> : wonder they're so scary.  They've held a grudge against Valen for that
BB> : long. Now all their scoffing at the prophecy and the religious caste
BB> : makes sense.  Personally, I think these guys killed Dukhat to ruin
BB> : Valen's prophecy  -- Revenge motivation (of course the humans could have
BB> : gotten VERY lucky and I'm wrong).
BB> : Delenn refuses to help the Children of Time because someone interfered
BB> : with Minbari religion and the results have caused her and her people to
BB> : avoid doing so to others.  Valen is said to return.
BB> : So 1,000 years ago, how did Valen do his coming and going?  I'm beginning
BB> : to seriously wonder is this Valen guy was a Minbari at all.  Someone
BB> : subduing a violent caste sounds like manipulation.  And those prophecies
BB> : do hint at more knowledge than the Minbari had at that time.  Of course
BB> : he could be a Minbari with powerful friends so he could maintain control
BB> : and reign in the warrior caste AND set up the new Minbari government.  Or
BB> : he could be powerful himself.  Perhaps he had the help of three
BB> : triluminaries; I'm sure their powers, creatively applied, could go a long
BB> : way.
BB> : Christopher Novosad
BB>      Christopher: save this message of yours and keep it at hand going
BB> into the second season, around the 10th episode or so.
BB>                                                                  jms
BB>      (sigh...I meant third season, wrote second...still dealing with
BB> the renewal.)
BB>      Whether one becomes religious, warrior or worker caste is something
BB> that arises early on, not through birth or genetics, but what you are
BB> called to do, or feel called to do.  If you believe that you are calleed
BB> to the religious life, you go to that part for a time, a few years, and
BB> that is determined by you and to a certain extent, others.  If you seem
BB> not suited toward that, they may work with you to find what you are more
BB> suited for (and perhaps you felt *expected* to be called a certain way,
BB> but that's not really where you're best suited).
BB>                                                              jms
BB>      We'll see Minbar at least once in year three, perhaps more.
BB>                                                                       jms

BB>      No, the last ep of this season wasn't per se a cliffhanger, though it
BB> does tip over a few things, so it flows from 222 to 301 fairly smoothly.
BB>                                                                    jms

BB> :    I recently had an opportunity to go back and watch some episodes.  The
BB> : name of the particular episode escapes me, but it is where the Shadowship

BB> : attack the Narn outpost.  In it the perspective of the camera sweeps
BB> : around, zooms through the protruding spines on the ships and we see the
BB> : shadows firing on the outpost on the planet below.
BB> :    I watched it on a friends large TV with stereo pumped and I must say,
BB> : as I've said before, that one scene qualifies in my mind as a true piece
BB> : of art.
BB> :    This is indicative of the CGI FX for the entire show.  Not only are yo

BB> : using this new technology to take care of FX for the show, but you seem t

BB> : be pushing its potential, not settling for traditional, straight shots --
BB> : making sure those of us in the audience can get that rush of awe and
BB> : wonder we look for in sf (both in the FX and in the epic proportions of
BB> : the storyline.
BB> :    I would just like to extend my congratulations and thanks to you and
BB> : the people who worked on that scene and others: I consider something like
BB> : that an achievement equal to that of any great artist.
BB> : Tudor Lewis
BB>      Thanks.  That scene in "Coming of Shadows" is one of my favorites;
BB> it does, as you say, convey that sense of wonder which is one of my main
BB> goals with this show.
BB>      Until "The Long Twilight Struggle," nothing else has come close to
BB> that scene for me.  But there's some stuff in there that finally manages
BB> to surpass it.  Just gorgeous and scary and awe-inspiring.
BB>                                                                   jms

BB>      Of course we're going to find out more about why the shadows are
BB> doing and what they want; it'd be kinda pointless otherwise, no?
BB>                                                                  jms

BB> : If the Minbari prophecies regarding humans go all the way back to Valen a


BB> : the founding of the Grey Council, why did the Grey Council endorse the
BB> : Earth-Minbari war as they did?  The Minbari certainly gave all appearance

BB> : of planning to wipe us clean off the galactic map (although this is of
BB> : course open to question).  At any rate, it seems that they should have be


BB> : leary of interfering with whatever destiny we're supposed to have in stor


BB> : as a war of that scale could surely do.
BB> : Steven M.
BB>       There was the prophecy, but they didn't know specifically to which
BB> race it pertained until much later.
BB>                                                                      jms

BB> Subj:  Initials                         Section: Babylon 5
BB>   To:  Tuesday, June 13, 1995 1:22:03 AM
BB> From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#239120
BB>  >> Is it just a coincidence that Jeff Sinclair, John Sheridan
BB> and Joe Straczynski all have the same initials? <<
BB>      Probably not.
BB>                                                       jms
BB> Subj:  <>-Spoiler          Section: Babylon 5
BB>   To:  Wednesday, June 14, 1995 2:50:18 AM
BB> From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#240268
BB> >>Talia Winters is either getting killed off or thrown in jail
BB> back on earth.  She is the one who tried to kill Kosh at very
BB> beginning of show.  In real life, the actress who plays her and
BB> the actor that plays Garabaldi are engaged!!!  The shadows
BB> attack the Narn home world and do major damage.  Vir is getting
BB> killed off.I wonder if their sources are reliable.
BB> We will see..............<<
BB>      I'd say overall that's the most breathtakingly jumbled
BB> batch of half-rumors and quarter-truths I've seen.  You can
BB> disregard, oh, 98% of it.
BB> Subj:  Why B5 on TV?                    Section: Babylon 5
BB>   To:  Wednesday, June 14, 1995 11:15:17 PM
BB> From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#241212
BB>      Any time I come up with a story, I try to look around
BB> to determine where it would work best.  This one *felt*
BB> like it belonged to TV.
BB>      More than that, though...I went into this looking to
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