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Swords, Blood in VR: EPIC BATTLES in Swordsman!
Demon's Souls |#15| Dragon God
Demon's Souls |#14| Flamelurker
Demon's Souls |#13| Storm King

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Rambler's Top100
Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

ėāé 1995 - ņåíō˙áđü 1996

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1 ... 174 175 176 177 178 179 180  181 182 183 184 185 186 187 ... 500
-> worse to worry about than going out of business..

Hated it.  Everything was too...simple.  Pretty=good.  Ugly=bad.
Wouldn't it have been infinitely more interesting if humanity had to
come to the rescue of peaceful BEMs being attacked by evil pretty

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 238 of 423
 From : Darre LuAllen                       1:3637/1        .˙ō 08 .åę 95 17:02
 To   : Chris Ogniben
 Subj : Nowhere Man
 On 12-02-95 Chris Ogniben wrote to Brandon Wolgast...

 CO>    I can't believe this thing is in this conference as a discussion..
 CO> After all the people i been talking to.. I would think there would
 CO> harly be any fans of the show NoWhere Man.. Apparently it's stupid,
 CO> and
 CO> is the worst i ever seen for a whatever it is.. And i don't think it's
 CO> a science fiction in nature kind of show.. Since he wasn't abducted
 CO> and
 CO> have his memory erased.  Anyways, i think anyone that considers to
 CO> speak about Nowhwere man in here, along with having any fans.. Are
 CO> losers, and they should right away change to another show, before
 CO> other
 CO> people attack you.. Because, nowwhere man sucks.

 Your lack of experience in the SF field is showing.  The amount of
 technology to pull off a "total life erasure" in itself qualifies this
 show as SF.  Not to mention episodes like the one with the psychic boy.
 Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  Whether you like the show or
 not, calling its fans losers just because they hold a different opinion is
 close-minded arrogance.  IMHO, that type of behavior has no place in fandom.
 As a disorganized society of SF fans, we all share a dream of things beyond
 the provable, beyond the mundane.  "We are singers of songs, dreamers of
 dreams." (I cannot give proper credit for this quote, but it fits better
 than anything.  I'm sorry.)  This itself is a sign of an open mind.
 Remember, minds are like parachutes.  They only work when they are open.
 * OFFLINE 1.56 * Severe mental error...Low level brain format recommended.

--- Maximus/2 3.00
 * Origin: Cumberland BBS TN 615/526-3347 V34 (1:3637/1)

 Msg  : 239 of 423
 From : Marshall Barry                      1:104/169       .cę 10 .åę 95 01:10
 To   : All
  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                           1995-December-09
  Contact: Marshall Barry, Michelle Weisblat
           IBECC, P.O. Box 21766, Denver, CO  80221-0766
           303-426-1847 (voice), 303-429-0449 (fax)
           Anacon@IBECC.Org (e-mail)

  IBECC is pleased to announce that STEVE JACKSON
  ("Steve Jackson Games (GURPS, etc)", and the infamous
  "Secret Service Seizure") will be a SPECIAL GUEST at
  Anaconism '96, Feb 16-19, 1996 in Denver, Colorado.

  Steve plans on being at the convention for the entire time
  (less anything else we have arranged for him, of course) and
  will be involved in both the "Gaming" and the "Internet"
  tracks and panels.  He has been a guest here before, and will
  be participate in the "Steve Jackson - 5 Years Later" special
  panel dedicated to just what is going on in the online realm.

  He will, of course, also be involved in the gaming panels, doing
  demonstrations of new (and unique) games, and will be available
  for general discussions with convention members.

  Anaconism '96 is a "Hard Science / Science Fiction / Space"
  conference sponsored by IBECC - A Colorado Non-Profit Corporation,
  and is open to anyone wishing to become a member.  Membership
  rates are now $25.00 for the four-day convention and all events,
  and will be $30.00 after January, 1996 and "at the door" (if
  available).  IBECC members will receive a $4.00 discount on their
  Anaconism memberships.

  Our other Guests include:

  Larry Niven - The Multiple Award-Winning Author of such works as:
  "Ringworld" and "Ringworld Engineers", "Integral Trees",
  "Protector", the "Dream Park" series (with Steven Barnes),
  "Mote in God's Eye" and "The Gripping Hand" (with Jerry Pournelle),
  and much, much more (well over 200 works and stories).

  ** Fan Guest **
  Randy Rau - from Phoenix, AZ, Randy has headed many conventions
  including Westercon and World Fantasy Con (several times).  He is
  a popular "scientist" and art collector, as well as having one of
  the largest personal collections of H.P. Lovecraft... not to
  mention a stuffed, cuddly(?!?), C'thulu (so, we won't mention it).
  Randy always seems to manage a surprise or two, so you really
  don't want to miss him!

  ** Authors and Others **

  Confirmed as of this time are:
  Edward Bryant - Author: SciFi (Early), Dark Fantasy
  P. D. Cacek - Author: Horror
  Greg Hyde - Author: SciFi
  Peter Kent - Author: Internet
  Rebecca Lyons - Author: SciFi, Fantasy
  Wil McCarthy - Author: Hard SF
  John Stith - Author: Hard SF
  Deena Larsen - Author: Hypertext fiction, SciFi
  Andrew Burt - SysAdmin: "nyx" - Publically Accessible Internet Site
  The Tacketts - SF Fen (Alburquerque) - What Fandom is All About!
  Rachel Drummond - Author/Personality: Electronic "Erotica" & Such

  -- with more being confirmed every day...

  EVENTS Include:
  Panels (Internet & Communications, Science Fiction, Space, etc.)
  Music (Filk, Dances, Performances)
  Art Show
  Dealer's Room (Books, Services, Games, Findings, etc.)
          ... and much more!

  The Convention Hotel is the "Sheraton Denver West Hotel and
  Convention Center" located at 360 Union Blvd, in Lakewood, CO.
  We have arranged for special rates of $59.00 (plus tax) per night
  for convention members.  Please check out our limited "free
  membership" offer for those wishing to stay at the hotel (for
  information, contact IBECC [see below]).  Reservations may be
  made by calling the hotel at: (303) 987-2000 - please be SURE
  to mention IBECC or Anaconism to receive these special rates!

  Other SPONSORS include: The Rocky Mountain Space Society (North),
  the "Wings Over the Rockies" Museum, The Internet Store{tm}, and
  -x86- Computers, Inc.

  For information or membership,
  please see our World Wide Web pages at:
  or contact the convention committee at:
  or contact IBECC at:
  P.O. Box 21766, Denver, CO  80221-0766
  303-426-1847 (voice), 303-429-0449 (fax), 303-426-1866 (BBS)


--- TMail v1.31.5
 * Origin: IBECC/TeleStar Host:USR DS/v.34+:CODEN:+1-303-426-1866 (1:104/169)

 Msg  : 240 of 423
 From : Dale Campbell                       1:278/118       .åō 07 .åę 95 18:52
 To   : Frank Swarbrick
 Subj : SAAB

-> I just now watched this last Sunday's episode of Space: Above and
-> Beyond, "Eyes."  I've watched all the previous episodes and really
-> haven't been very impressed.  This was really baffling, especially
-> concidering the executive producers are Glen Morgan and James Wong,
-> the writers of many of the best episodes of The X-Files.
-> Anyway, I must say that this episode was *very* good.  For one thing,
-> it didn't really focus that much on the stars of the show.  Which is
-> not to say that they weren't an intregal part of the show, just that
-> they weren't the sole focus.  The show just seemed "bigger."
-> It was also a major "conspiracy" type episode.  It reminded me a lot
-> of The X-Files as well as Babylon 5, both of which are big on
-> conspiracy stuff.  In fact, parts of it were quite similar to the
-> like named episode of Babylon 5.  Probably just coincidence, but
-> still interesting.
-> One major thing I hadn't liked up to this point was that it was much
-> too violent.  Of course, it is supposed to be a war show, but I just
-> didn't like it.  This episode had some gunplay still, but not just
-> people with machine guns blowing up everyone in sight.
-> Also had some good twists and turns.
-> And to think, I was concidering stopping watching the show before
-> seeing this episode.  I'll give it another chance, and some of you
-> might want to do the same.  Of course, next week's looks to be back
-> to the same ol' same ol', but who knows.
-> Frank
-> ... Ignorance and prejudice - and fear - walk hand in hand.
-> ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
-> --- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
-> * Origin: The Bailey Information Exchange BBS, 28.8k v.fc
-> (1:104/825.0)

Hi my name is dale, I also loved that episoded of SAAB. I wanted to know
what you thought about the other episodes which followed. Also do you
watch Deadly Games, I love it, and do you like it. I'll be waiting for
your answer.


--- QScan/WC v1.18b / 01-0574
 * Origin: The Haven BBS Bronx's Best 718-904-9054 (1:278/118)

 Msg  : 241 of 423
 From : Judy Hayes                          1:154/40        .cę 10 .åę 95 17:40
 To   : Phill Ash
 Subj : Re: Tosk

->Cursing at a broken Holoprojector Quoshara heard: Tosk

 CO> Hey whatever happen to Tosk, and are they ever going to let us know
 CO> if he was killed or captured in that universal game?  Or if he would
 CO> make a return trip to Ds9 for sanctuary, and to meet his good friend
 CO> O'Brien.

 PA> I doubt we'll ever see him again...

 PA> It'd mean they'd hafta pay the writer royalties.

Unless, of course, the new ep was written by the same writer.  Or unless
their contract says that any new characters are the property of Paramount,
to be used as they wish.

But, really, I think they were pretty much done with that character and there
simply is *not* a good reason to use him again.


... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
 * Origin: Anonymous BBS -=- Non plus Ultra -=- 414-251-2580 (1:154/40)

 Msg  : 242 of 423
 From : Tommy Kellerman                     2:205/356       .åō 07 .åę 95 22:41
 To   : Chris Banakos
 Subj : red dwarf
In a message dated 30-Nov-95 20:40:00, Chris Banakos wrote:

 CB> my name is chris banakos what is red dwarf?

A red dwarf is a small and hot sun, as far as I can tell.

Maybe Dave can fill you in on the rest... ?

/// -Tommy K.- \\\

--- Xenolink 1.0 Z.3, EmacsXL.4
 * Origin: NoLimit, Furudal +46-258-10071 (2:205/356)

 Msg  : 243 of 423
 From : Tommy Kellerman                     2:205/356       .åō 07 .åę 95 22:56
 To   : Todd Sullivan
 Subj : Nuclear space drives
In a message dated 01-Dec-95 09:34:07, Todd Sullivan wrote:

 TS> Whoa, Cool!  Chris Ogniben and Tommy Kellerman are inna cat fight about
 TS> "Nuclear space drives"!

Yeah, and I see you're kinda in to cleaning the claws yourself...    :)

 CO>    There are no wormholes in real space.  There are Black Holes, but,
 CO> even those would tear a ship apart, since nothing can go through a
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Âāøā îöåíęā:
(×ōîáû ęîėėåíōāđčč âņåãäā īîäīčņûâāëčņü Âāøčė čėåíåė, ėîæåōå įāđåãčņōđčđîâāōüņ˙ â Ęëķáå ÷čōāōåëåé)
Ęîėėåíōāđčč (9)
