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SCP 017: "Shadow" Person
SCP 090: Apocorubik's Cube
SCP 249: The random door
Demon's Souls |#15| Dragon God

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Rambler's Top100
Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

ėāé 1995 - ņåíō˙áđü 1996

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1 ... 139 140 141 142 143 144 145  146 147 148 149 150 151 152 ... 500
claiming a strange lady told him it meant "your pleasure centers had been
diddled."  He soon modified it to the longer form.
OOP, OP: Out Of Print
OOTC: Obligatory On Topic Comment
OOTQ: Obligatory On Topic Quote
OYDB:  Over _your_ dead body. (Sam Tuirel)
PJF: Pre Joycean Fellowship.  Steven Brust, Pamela Dean, Emma Bull,  Will
Shetterly, Jane Yolen, and Neil Gaiman and various others who consider that
James Joyce did the literary world a disservice by deemphasizing plot.  To quote
Pamela; " We're a bunch of writers who worry about the divorce of so-called
popular and so-called literary values, and hope to reconcile them.  Some of us
don't really blame Joyce for the breakup, and some of us do."
POV: Point Of View
RAH: Robert A. Heinlein
ROFLASTC! (or ROFLASC!): Rolling On The Floor Laughing And Scaring The Cat.
Originated, I'm told by Pamela Dean, who types with a cat on her lap.  Variants
include ROFL!, ROTFLH and SITCLH("ROFL Hysterically", and "Sitting in the chair
LH").  Also ROFLWMCSOIA (While My Cat Stared On In Amazement), ROFLSHIFOMCASMC
(So Hard I Fell Off My Chair And Scared My Cat), and any number of other things
along that line.
ROTBA: Reality On The Blink Again (scientific inaccuracy or just plain
RSN: Real Soon Now
RTFM: Read The Fershlugginer Manual

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 236 of 300
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .pä 22 Hî˙ 95 23:49
 To   : All
 Subj : (3/3) Acronym List
ACRONYMS (and things that look like them)
(part 3 of 3)

The Salmon Of Correction:  A useful creature for whapping those who annoy you.
SFBC: Science Fiction Book Club
SFWA:  Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America.  Sometimes abbreviated
SFFWA.  Pronounced "sif-wa".
SIASL: Stranger In A Strange Land
SMOF:  Secret Masters of Fandom
ST:TOS, ST:TNG, ST:TAS, ST:TMP, ST:DSN: Respectively Star Trek: The Original
Series, The Next Generation, The Animated Series, The Motion Picture (the first
one), and Deep Space Nine.
TANJ: There Ain't No Justice
TANSTAAFL: There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
TITLE, NUMBER/BIGGER NUMBER: Not an acronym, but a method of indicating where
you are in a book.  Write the title first, followed by a parenthesis, followed
by the page number you are on, followed by the total number of pages in the
book.  For example, if you were on page 12 of Mort, it would be MORT, 12/285.
Who came up with this is unclear.
TPTB: The Powers That Be
TRQ: To Read Queue.  Also VTRQ "Virtual To Read Queue".
TSTMATS: The Sun, The Moon and the Stars by Stephen Brust.  Good book.
TTBOMK: To The Best Of My Knowledge
TTFN: Ta Ta For Now.
TTYL: Type (or Talk) To You Later
UBS: Used Book Store
WAMKSAM:  Why Are My Kids (or Kitties) Staring At Me?
WIP: Work In Progress
WYLABOCTGWTR, WYLASOMWTC: Would You Like A Bowl Of Cream To Go With That
Remark?, Would You Like A Saucer Of Milk With That Comment?  Created by Steven
Brust (& common in Minneapa)
YAHI, YAMI, YATI: Yet Another (Highlander, Mets, or Trek) Inconsistency
YAWA:  You and what army?   (Sam Tuirel)
YMMV: Your mileage may vary.

point of information - a message line preceeded by a > is a quote from a
previous message and not a comment by the current message poster.
another point of information - the moderator of SFFAN is Nicolai Shapero
(1:102/524).  The moderator of SF is David Dyer-Bennet (1:282/341).  The
moderator of FILK is Kay Shapero (1:102/524) (note shameless plug... :->)

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 237 of 300
 From : Chris Ogniben                       1:2604/568      .pä 22 Hî˙ 95 10:16
 To   : The Raven
 Subj : Quickening Effects

  I like those sword fights.  I usually watch the series Highlander
right now, where some other dude is playing the part.  And, he does a
fine job of it.. Perhaps better.  Lambert was cool to, but, i havn't
seen the movie to know who was better for the part.

--- WM v3.11/93-0947
 * Origin: Waterside BBS - NJ - (201) 641-5375 28.8k  (1:2604/568)

 Msg  : 238 of 300
 From : Chris Ogniben                       1:2604/568      .pä 22 Hî˙ 95 10:17
 To   : The Raven
 Subj : Krypton

  If your a comic reader, than a collector.. You are missing out on a
great personal buisness or hobby.  I mean, do you realize how much
money you can make by collecting comics, and you still can read them..
But, you make a big profit later in life with them.

--- WM v3.11/93-0947
 * Origin: Waterside BBS - NJ - (201) 641-5375 28.8k  (1:2604/568)

 Msg  : 239 of 300
 From : Chris Ogniben                       1:2604/568      .pä 22 Hî˙ 95 10:19
 To   : Robert Parson

   I doubt Vir is a ranger.  But, i have seen nothing to prove he is..
Since, he didn't show up in the firest of many meetings of rangers and
other people that know about the shadows.  Now, morden maybe this
human being, that works with the shadow's.. But, when you see that cold
stare he had, in the monitors back in a past episode.  You think he was
a shadow using Morden's body.. Those were the cold black dark eyes of
death, when you seen them.

--- WM v3.11/93-0947
 * Origin: Waterside BBS - NJ - (201) 641-5375 28.8k  (1:2604/568)

 Msg  : 240 of 300
 From : Chris Ogniben                       1:2604/568      .pä 22 Hî˙ 95 10:22
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : In General

  I was wondering about when this topic, of discussion with Space Above
and Beyond was going to start.  Since, i seen many episodes.  And,
since Space Above and Beyond doesn't have it's own conference.  That, i
thought no one is talking about it online.. Until now, which of course
the science fiction forum, would carry some discussion on it.  How do
you people feel of Vansen, wonder what her whole name is.. Being the
young female leader of the group of fighters.  I guess she does fit in,
only because she is attractive, and has no family, and her past fits
with the present to why she is there.

--- WM v3.11/93-0947
 * Origin: Waterside BBS - NJ - (201) 641-5375 28.8k  (1:2604/568)

 Msg  : 241 of 300
 From : Chris Ogniben                       1:2604/568      .pä 22 Hî˙ 95 10:23
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : Re: B5 -- Coincidence?

  Yamato, and a ship on water, converted into a spaceship. . Really
sounds like a good movie or show..

--- WM v3.11/93-0947
 * Origin: Waterside BBS - NJ - (201) 641-5375 28.8k  (1:2604/568)

 Msg  : 242 of 300
 From : Paul Goverts                        1:2613/135      .ōp 21 Hî˙ 95 16:28
 To   : David Hilling
 Subj : Favorites

-=> Quoting David Hilling to All <=-

 DH> Are there any other Robert Heinlein fans out there? All this TV
 DH> SF stuff is all well and good, but books are fun, too.

Well, I am starting to get into Heinlein, I read Stranger in a Strange
Land for the first time about a month ago...


... "42? 7 and a half million years and all you can come up with is 42?!"

--- QScan/PCB v1.18b / 01-0527
 * Origin: Wise BBS - Irondequoit, NY (1:2613/135)

 Msg  : 243 of 300
 From : David Durgee                        1:109/458       .åō 23 Hî˙ 95 06:54
 To   : Ruby Tuesday
 Subj : Canadian stuff
.TID: InterEcho 1.14 6E011108
In a message dated 11-2195, Ruby Tuesday said to All:

RT>has anybody come across any science fictin with "Canadian
RT>content" that's worthwhile?

What do you think of Spider Robinson? The last I heard he is living in Nova

 * MR/2 2.22 NR * AFDC: Absent Fathers, Delinquent Children.

--- InterEcho 1.14
 * Origin: The Shoreline BBS  - (301) 946-2771 - Silver Spring, MD (1:109/458)

 Msg  : 244 of 300
 From : David Hilling                       1:262/32        .îí 20 Hî˙ 95 07:32
 To   : Todd Sullivan
 Subj : Casting Pern
 AH> Hey, is this just idle speculation or has somebody in Hollywood started
 AH> to actually think about this?

 TS> I have no idea; I'd like to see it happen, but McCaffery's lawyers are
 TS> a nasty bunch; ask why Brigadoon isn't called PernNet any more.

I think a lot of us would like to see it happen, but I don't know if
it's going to be a bigger disappointment if they make the movie or if
they don't. Look at how many Grade A novels get turned into Grade B
(or worse) movies.  Dune, Nightfall, and The Puppet Masters come
immediately to mind. On the other hand, maybe that gang of nasty
lawyers could sit on them until they do it right. Of course, in two
of the above-cited examples, the authors were dead and couldn't complain.

On the other hand, while we're engaging in idle speculation on casting,
how about Uma Thurman as Marjorie (Friday) Baldwin? Sean Connery as
Lazarus Long? James Gammon as Mike Callahan?
Other movies I would like to see made:
Oath of Fealty (Niven/Pournelle)
I, Robot (Asimov, and Ellison has already done a pretty fair screenplay)
Stardance (Robison & Robinson)
Lucifer's Hammer (again Niven and Pournelle)
       ***and of course***
Stranger in a Strange Land
I've been hearing rumors for a couple of years that this one is in
production or will soon be in production.  Most of these rumors also
say that Tom Hanks will play Mike. I really think that is a little
bit of a stretch at his age, but since I've been praying for this
movie to happen for about 34 years now (since before I would have been
able to get in to see it) I'll take what we can get.

... "Kissing girls is a goodness.  It beats hell out of card games."
 Ā Blue Wave/DOS v2.21 [NR] Ā
--- Renegade v10-05 Exp
 * Origin: The Gallifrey BBS * 614-867-2812,,77 * Zoom 28.8k (1:262/32)

 Msg  : 245 of 300
 From : David Hilling                       1:262/32        .îí 20 Hî˙ 95 07:32
 To   : Ken Mayes
 Subj : Re: Foundation series?
::To: All  From: Ken Mayes  Subj: Re: Foundation series?  ::

 KM> You might also want to check out the Robot series which
 KM> actually sort of leads into the Foundation series. R Daneel Olivaw
 KM> turns up in the later Foundation novels if I remember right.

Yes, but he doesn't turn up until the whole series has turned to crap.

... "Look kid, when I tell you you're going to fly, believe it." - Aahz
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1 ... 139 140 141 142 143 144 145  146 147 148 149 150 151 152 ... 500
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