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Īåđåíîņ ņōđîę

    Īđîõîæäåíč˙ čãđ    
SCP 017: "Shadow" Person
SCP 090: Apocorubik's Cube
SCP 249: The random door
Demon's Souls |#15| Dragon God

Äđķãčå čãđû...

liveinternet.ru: īîęāįāíî ÷čņëî īđîņėîōđîâ įā 24 ÷āņā, īîņåōčōåëåé įā 24 ÷āņā č įā ņåãîäí˙
Rambler's Top100
Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

ėāé 1995 - ņåíō˙áđü 1996

Īđåäûäķųā˙ ņōđāíčöā Ņëåäķūųā˙ ņōđāíčöā
1 ... 138 139 140 141 142 143 144  145 146 147 148 149 150 151 ... 500
 Msg  : 229 of 300
 From : J Hulley-Miller                     1:107/330       .ōp 21 Hî˙ 95 18:48
 To   : Mark Holtz
 Subj : Upcoming Babylon Five Episodes
.TID: FastEcho 1.45a 60
Greetings Mark,

19 Nov 95 23:59, Mark Holtz wrote to All:

>MH> 3. (303) A Day in the Strife - Written by JMS.
>MH> Londo calls in the favor that Delenn owes him.

I must have missed this. Why does Delenn owe Londo a favour ?


... Have you crashed your Windows today?
 * Origin: * Informatix/2 * (1:107/330)

 Msg  : 230 of 300
 From : Lisa Martin                         1:323/120       .ōp 21 Hî˙ 95 16:31
 To   : All
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  91-0112

Sorry for interrupting?....  I am a new user of "conferences" and also
somewhat of a "fantasy" art enthusiast....i.e, Maitz, Kelly, Vallejo,
etc...and am in need of direction.

So I come to you with a quick question and promise not to bother you

Can anyone suggest a good bbs where I could possibly obtain some fantasy
art pictures?  I am trying to teach myself "graphic art" and well, I am
of the mind that if I am gonna do this then lets do it with stuff I
like....then possibly I might get "it" a bit quicker! (I dare to
dream!)...  Anyway, if you could possibly send me in the direction of
some gifs, jpegs, etc...I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you in advance.

Pssss... I do not have access to the "internet" so if it is there...no
dice.  But thanx anyway.

Happy Thanksgiving and all....

And dare I say, Engage!

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: ChowdaNet BBS  (1:323/120.0)

 Msg  : 231 of 300
 From : Chris Ogniben                       1:2604/568      .pä 22 Hî˙ 95 09:56
 To   : Kay Shapero
 Subj : Re: Vir Cotto

   Yeah, that would be cool.. I hate  Londo, and i would like to see
G'kar finally take his life.  Like that dream.  That sure could happen,
and would be awesome.

--- WM v3.11/93-0947
 * Origin: Waterside BBS - NJ - (201) 641-5375 28.8k  (1:2604/568)

 Msg  : 232 of 300
 From : Chris Ogniben                       1:2604/568      .pä 22 Hî˙ 95 10:14
 To   : The Raven
 Subj : B5 VS. TREK, AGAIN.

   Well, i think that having fans and trek fans from Babylon 5, go
against Star Trek, and vise versa.. Is as stupid as Star Trek, and Star
Wars, and the Borg and Star Wars.. Why do people do it.. I mean,
everything is in different time zones, and different years.  And,
different technologies.  So, it's stupid to talk about it.

--- WM v3.11/93-0947
 * Origin: Waterside BBS - NJ - (201) 641-5375 28.8k  (1:2604/568)

 Msg  : 233 of 300
 From : Chris Ogniben                       1:2604/568      .pä 22 Hî˙ 95 10:15
 To   : The Raven
 Subj : Quickening effects

   Hey if i was an actor, i would go for the money too.. I mean, only a
stupid person would not take a movie deal, and stay with tv.  Since,
you want more money, for the amount of hard work.. And movies are a bit
easier to make, since tv shows are like weekly events.  And actors and
actresses have to work more, for less pay.

--- WM v3.11/93-0947
 * Origin: Waterside BBS - NJ - (201) 641-5375 28.8k  (1:2604/568)

 Msg  : 234 of 300
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .pä 22 Hî˙ 95 23:45
 To   : All
 Subj : (1/3) Acronym List
ACRONYMS (and things that look like them)
(part 1 of 3)

(last updated November 14, 1995)
This is getting too long again, and I don't see enough of the echo these days to
know what can be culled.  Please send me netmail nominating things to remove
from the monthly list (worry not, everything stays in the full list).  Thanks.

This is the edited list; for the full list (including more detailed definitions
and things not particularly current) file request ACRONYMS.ZIP from StormGate
Aerie (1:102/524).  A couple of notes:

The purpose of this list is to provide folks with a place where they can find
out what all of those strange acronyms they see in here mean without having to
write a lot of "What is that?" messages (goodness knows we've enough traffic in
here already.)  Please don't deluge me with obscure acronyms unless they're
actively in use...)  Also please tell me if you see something not currently in
use so I can delete it.

I post this on BOTH SFFAN and in SF - not everything in here is on topic in the
latter echo!

: Grin, : Great Big Grin), : Grin, Duck and Run
APA: Amateur Press Association.  Sort of like this bulletin board only each
member prints up his/her own comments and passes them to the Official Collator
(or Official Editor) to fasten together and distribute copies to members.  Most,
but not all, appear monthly or bimonthly.
Authors abbreviated: Agberg = Silverberg, AnneMc = Anne McCaffrey, DeJohn = John
DeChancie, JRRT = J.R.R. Tolkien, KMac = Michael P. Kube-McDowell, LWE =
Lawrence Watt-Evans, PTerry = Terry Pratchett, RAH = Robert A. Heinlein,
Xanthony = Piers Anthony
AWGTHTGTTA?: Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again?  Alternative form is
AWGTHTGTATA (...Through ALL This Again?).
BIP: Books In Print
BLORF: The sound generated by a very large number of EchoMessages arriving in a
very short period of time.
BNF: Big Name Fan
BOOF: A typo for "book" which appears to have caught on.  It means "book".
"Bif", "bhooves" and "bhoven" have been suggested as the plural of "boof",
possibly rotten "bif" are "barf", "bif in a series are "biffies" and so on.
Really LARGE bif may be called "beef".
BOZON:  Described in the Wunderment echo as: A particle which causes large
problems which can often be looked at in a humourous light; most often applied
to computer hardware and/or software, but not exclusively so.  See the full list
for the delightfully silly details.
BTIC:  But then, I'm crazy.  (Sam Tuirel)
BTW: By The Way
CBIP: Current Book In Progress.  Used when you want to talk about the book
you're reading now but don't need an OOTC because your message is already
on-topic.  (Travis Butler)
CHVC: Columbia House Video Club (Mainly tapes)
CHLC: Columbia House Laserdisc Club (Self-explanatory)
DUFF and TAFF: Respectively the Down Under Fan Fund and the Trans Atlantic Fan
Fund (funds to import fen from same for Worldcons.)  A Mid Atlantic Fan Fund for
well known fuggheads is occasionally suggested...
DUOE: Dried-Up Old Eunuch. To quote Jo Peshek "DUOE was formed in reaction to
the claim of one infamous poster who asserted that an adult novel, or short
story, could NOT be believable or realistic unless it had sex in it. Not just
hand holding, not flirtation, not simple attraction, but full-blown (oops! 8* )
explicit, juicy sex scenes. The poster said anyone who disagreed had to be a
dried-up old eunich...several of us disagreed. We do not object to sexual
content, merely disagree that it MUST appear. Thus was born the DUOE and
Pruney...Pruney usually shows up when a member wants to convey shock (or mock
shock). [This :* is a pruney. KS]
ETOL:  Evil Twin On Line.  For those occasions when you couldn't _possibly_ be
saying the things you really want to say... (Sam Tuirel)
FASA: A game company that made a Star Trek role playing game, before Paramount
(or someone) decided it was a mistake and pulled the rights.  AKA F**A by
someone who agrees with Paramount.  I've never seen it, myself, so couldn't say.
FBT: Frigging Blue Turtleoid.  Refers to the gigantic blue six legged turtle
like critter with several people tied to its back which appears on the cover of
John DeChancie's novel, CASTLE KIDNAPPED.  It does not appear anywhere INSIDE
the book.

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 235 of 300
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .pä 22 Hî˙ 95 23:46
 To   : All
 Subj : (2/3) Acronym List
ACRONYMS (and things that look like them)
(part 2 of 3)

FIAWOL: Fandom Is A Way Of Life
FIJAGH: Fandom Is Just A Ghoddam Hobby (or possibly "Ghu-dam hobby" if you're
into invoking fannish ghods [personally I like The Great Spider or The Church of
Herbangelism - "Praise Herbie and Pass the Buck"], note also the fannish
insertion of silent "h"s into things, such as "bheer".)
FILK: Is not an acronym.  It started out life as a typo of "fannish folk songs"
and was adopted by the perpetrators of same.  So Filksongs are fannish
folksongs.  (for more information ask me via e-mail, or see the FILK echo if you
have it available...)
FITB: Fill In The Blank....
F.U.B.S. (fubs) n. [ F(ido) U(sed) B(ook) S(quad)] 1. A pack of hounds ravaging
the countryside in search of a copy of _A Spell for Chameleon_. 2. A gallant
band of FidoNet readers roaming Used Book Stores (UBS) around the world for
books to trade with others (hopefully that the "others" want, in trade for
another book, money, or gratitude). (definition by Will Purvine) Some notables
include Zane Melder & Travis Butler, but a message to All with FUBS in the title
will probably get you the attention you need. (Term credited to Glenn Chambers)
And special blessings on Travis, Keith Stokes, and Lisa Reeves for the FUBS
t-shirt they came up with.
FUGGHEAD: Fannish term meaning roughly airhead, someone whose head is thoroughly
fogged.  One can also consider the "fugg" to be a substitute for the more famous
four letter word beginning with "f".
FYI: For Your Information
GAFIATE:  Get Away From It All (as in drop out of Fandom)
GIWIST: Gee I Wish I'd Said That
ICOCBW: I Could, Of Course, Be Wrong
IIRC: If I Remember Correctly. "The obligatory statement of modesty before
making a sweeping generalization about something read five years ago."
(credited to Travis Butler)
IITYWIMWYBMAD: If I tell you what it means, will you buy me a drink?
IMHO: In My Humble (or Honest) Opinion. Also IMNSHO: In My Not-So Humble Opinion
and IMOBO: In My Own Biased Opinion.
INPO: In No Particular Order
LASFS: The Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, which is the oldest continuously
meeting science fantasy society in this world (since Oct 17, 1934).  Every
Thursday at 11513 Burbank Blvd., N. Hollywood, CA  91601 telephone (818)
LLTA: Lots and Lots of Thunderous (or Thundering) Applause
LOL: Laughing Out Loud
MLAS: Mind (or Memory) Like A Sieve (variant introduced by Joshua Kronengold,
MLASBWABHII [Mind Like A Steel Bucket With A Bloody Hole In It])
NASFiC:  North American Science Fiction Convention (aka North AmeriCon)
NECROHIPPOSADISM: Not an acronym, and probably self evident, but anyway a
reference to beating a dead horse.
NESFA: The New England Science Fiction Association home of NESFA Press among
other things.  P.O. Box 809, Framingham, MA  01701-0203
OOK!: This is not an acronym - it's the abbreviated form of Ook ook slobber
drool!"  This started out as "Ook ook!" which Ed Buchman introduced to the LASFS
Īđåäûäķųā˙ ņōđāíčöā Ņëåäķūųā˙ ņōđāíčöā
1 ... 138 139 140 141 142 143 144  145 146 147 148 149 150 151 ... 500
Âāøā îöåíęā:
(×ōîáû ęîėėåíōāđčč âņåãäā īîäīčņûâāëčņü Âāøčė čėåíåė, ėîæåōå įāđåãčņōđčđîâāōüņ˙ â Ęëķáå ÷čōāōåëåé)
Ęîėėåíōāđčč (9)
