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BH>should forever dispel the myth that r.a.s.t.b5 is a group for the
BH>worship of the JMS deity.

Oh yes, I've seen JMS's opinion on that too. ;-) Apparently there's this
running "JMS SUCKS ****" and similiar-themed threads (where the subject
rarely gets changed, natch, even when the theme does)

BH>JH> Not that interested, I'm afraid. Fidonet eats up more of my time
BH>Actually, you'd be amazed at how much more you'd enjoy modeming if
BH>you had an Internet connect. I've pretty much given up everything

Point of view, I suppose. I've run into enough obnoxious Internetters
who share Fido, and seen the cross-posts, to be quite leery of the idea.
The FTP would be nice, I suppose the Web would be fun but more of a
waste of time than anything particularly useful. And, like I said, I
spend more than enough time on Fido as it is - I know about the huge
newsgroups as well.

Now given a very intelligent filter which could sense everything I would
want to read and dump the rest, that would be fun. Perhaps something
with an AI simulation of myself that could read everything and just pass
on the good stuff... ;-)

BH>At least over on Usenet, they whine about B5 plenty. I pulled 50
BH>random headers from one of the ST groups and at least 30% of them
BH>were directed at B5. That might not be a great sample so if someone

If people change subject headers on Internet anything like they do on
Fido, that's not a good indication of what's happening now. Hell, they
might have carried over from the first season!
 * Crazy-J * If people behaved like governments, you'd call the cops.

--- SLMAIL v3.5C  (#1540)
 * Origin: Robotech ž Lake City's Music*Demo BBS ž [904] 758*9477 (1:3600/7)

 Msg  : 158 of 300
 From : Jeff Hancock                        1:3600/7        .åņ 16 Hī˙ 95 00:42
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : B5 Vs. Trek, Again.

BH>JH> In a few markets, I hear, it even gets shifted around nearly every w
BH>JH> with either a wrong or no TV guide listing at all.

BH>Unfortunately, this is a PTEN problem, not a B5 problem. This has
BH>been a problem with *ALL* PTEN shows.

In what way? PTEN certainly doesn't encourage this.

Read something from JMS today, via crossposts to the B5 echo...

 >Comments about stations dropping the show, and stations that keep it:

    The stations that keep the show consistent do well with it, and
don't usually drop it.  So you're probably in good shape here.

And then you have the stations which, according to what I hear from
irate posters, shift it around practically every other week. Of course
that makes it impossible to do well with it.

In my own situation, they shifted it with not enough advance warning to
update the weekly TV listings, when I called on a hunch one of the
things they said to me is that "we know fans will follow the show", to
which I was replying "but don't we have to KNOW about it?" This wasn't
exactly advertised, either... but, they did put a scrolling message at
the beginning of the replacement as to the new day and time, fortunately
it was shifted to later in the week.

As far as I know, some stations still have no plans to renew for the
fourth season. This makes me suspect that JMS may be pulling all the
strings he can, speeding things up on the show for more of a blowout in
order to punch those ratings.

On the other hand, I hear they're moving a show to coincide with the
November sweeps, and while it's supposed to be good, it'll also have
nearly zip in the way of F/X. That won't please a lot of potential
converts, I suspect....
 * Crazy-J * "You killed my hostage? ... YOU - KILLED - MY - HOSTAGE!"

--- SLMAIL v3.5C  (#1540)
 * Origin: Robotech ž Lake City's Music*Demo BBS ž [904] 758*9477 (1:3600/7)

 Msg  : 159 of 300
 From : Jeff Hancock                        1:3600/7        .åņ 16 Hī˙ 95 00:50
 To   : The Raven
 Subj : B5 VS. TREK, AGAIN.

TR> JH> Yes, yes, but that doesn't mean that it should overshadow all
TR> JH>other SF just because it is popular.
TR>     The question is moot, Jeff.  Whether or not it should doesn't
TR>matter, because it already does.  Period.  And there's very little we
TR>can do about it, short of altering history.

Or attempting to promote the alternative and encourage the media to give
it more attention?

TR> JH> That's still no reason not to give it a mention now and then,
TR> JH>even a mini-review.
TR>     In point of fact, they gave it a four page article just a couple
TR>of months ago... it was the one in which the picture of the station
TR>was upside down.

That's TV Guide, which I don't read. I was talking about Entertainment

But while we're on the subject, I also recently heard that TV Guide
wasn't giving it any sort of description, just listing the name and
time. This was according to someone in the B5 echo, who was gleefully
posting that FINALLY they were giving it a description (it was about an
alien probe, "A Day in the Strife"). I doubt you'll be able to verify
that now if they've just changed their policy, unless you have some old
TV Guides, but it still shows a lack of respect. Or space.

TR> JH> That doesn't change the bias on the part of the reviewer, it
TR> JH>just shows that the editors at least believe in some form of
TR> JH>fairness.
TR>     Reviewers are *supposed* to be biased.  They get payed for their
TR>personal opinions, Jeff.  That is, in fact, what they are there for.

Which makes it all the more annoying when you disagree with them,
doesn't it? Granted, the guy isn't exactly nuts about SF at all, but
then he's not the only reason I read the thing anyway.

They could at least hire someone who gives a damn about SF television,
he's not the only TV reviewer but apparently gets more weight than the
others about what's printed in that section.
 * Crazy-J * Any similarity is due to the overlapping quantum reality.

--- SLMAIL v3.5C  (#1540)
 * Origin: Robotech ž Lake City's Music*Demo BBS ž [904] 758*9477 (1:3600/7)

 Msg  : 160 of 300
 From : Jeff Hancock                        1:3600/7        .åņ 16 Hī˙ 95 01:13
 To   : Robert Parson

RP>        Lennier provides not only a sounding board, but also a manner
RP>to pass along information that might prove valuable in The Great War.
RP>He would be in an extremely sensitive position, to say the least, and
RP>he is openly hostile to Morden.

When did Lennier meet Morden?

Does Lennier even know who Morden IS? One would suppose Delenn would
have told him, but we don't know that.
 * Crazy-J * She has beautiful eyes ... too bad she has three of them.

--- SLMAIL v3.5C  (#1540)
 * Origin: Robotech ž Lake City's Music*Demo BBS ž [904] 758*9477 (1:3600/7)

 Msg  : 161 of 300
 From : Jeff Hancock                        1:3600/7        .åņ 16 Hī˙ 95 23:13
 To   : David Reffitt
 Subj : Vir Cotto

DR>Yes, I did see it. Then from what you are saying, if Londo dies then
DR>there will be no Centauri on Babylon 5 as representatives?

The Centauri would undoubtedly send a new one.

Here's something to think about. Londo and Vir were both sent because
the position was nothing to be envious of. The Centauri were gradually
backsliding, Londo was a fall guy who got to make all the visible
concessions for their race; Vir was sent because no one wanted him at

Vir was nearly recalled when Londo's position started becoming more
important after his Shadow alliance, but Londo stepped in and protected

Now, Londo has broken with the Shadows. The post is, presumably, still
important - but Londo isn't. As was in the opening third-season episode,
Morden and Refa have gotten together, so Londo is superfluous.

So, what's to stop the Centauri, and Refa in particular, from deciding
the post is too important to be trusted to someone like Londo, who has
been reluctant to cooperate and is no longer needed - or able - to pull
any significant strings?

Of course, one may argue why they need much of an ambassador at all any
more, since they plan to conquer half the galaxy anyway. But even so,
Mollari may find himself dispossessed of his position...
 * Crazy-J * "The computer was down, and we had to think all day long"

--- SLMAIL v3.5C  (#1540)
 * Origin: Robotech ž Lake City's Music*Demo BBS ž [904] 758*9477 (1:3600/7)

 Msg  : 162 of 300
 From : Paul Goverts                        1:2613/135      .˙ņ 17 Hī˙ 95 22:13
 To   : Ed Brannin
 Subj : red dwarf

-=> Quoting Ed Brannin to All <=-

 EB> anyone here like red dwarf?

i Do!


... "Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again." - L. Long

--- QScan/PCB v1.18b / 01-0527
 * Origin: Wise BBS - Irondequoit, NY (1:2613/135)

 Msg  : 163 of 300
 From : Robert Parson                       1:3822/1        .óį 18 Hī˙ 95 14:08
 To   : Frank Swarbrick
FRANK had this to say

 FS> I'm sitting here watching The Invaders (the new mini-series) and was
 FS> wondering if anyone else finds it as boring as I do.  Unbelievable!
 FS> Not to mention bad acting, cliched writing, and a plot that really
 FS> makes no sense. I never saw the series, but I bet it was much better
 FS> than this.  Sheesh, very disappointing.

I've had pretty much the same reaction.  I recorded the first half, watched
it on Tuesday morning, recorded the second half tuesday night and here it is
friday, and I still haven't watched it.  It had some nice touches, but nice
touches don't make for a compelling show.  Maybe I'll get around to watching
the second half Real Soon Now.

I remember a few snatches of scenes from the original series, but that's all.
I was six or seven when it first aired.

Robert (tm)

... Frank, are you pondering what I'm pondering...?
 * Silver Xpress V4.3 SW23473

--- QScan/PCB v1.18b / 01-0162
 * Origin: Jackalope Junction 501-785-5381 Ft Smith AR (1:3822/1)

 Msg  : 164 of 300
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:202/720.3     .˙ņ 17 Hī˙ 95 15:09
 To   : Frank Swarbrick
 Subj : The Invaders
Whilst falling into the sun on 14 Nov 95, Frank Swarbrick yelled to All:

 FS> I'm sitting here watching The Invaders (the new mini-series) and was
 FS> wondering if anyone else finds it as boring as I do.  Unbelievable!
 FS> Not to mention bad acting, cliched writing, and a plot that really
 FS> makes no sense. I never saw the series, but I bet it was much better
 FS> than this.  Sheesh, very disappointing.

I have, and yes, it was, from all accounts.

Todd Sullivan

... "Soon the Gypsy Queen, in a glaze of vaseline, will perform
     on guillotine.  What a scene, what a scene!" --ELP
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