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calls in the favor that Delenn owes him. Basically an episode in which
everything that can go wrong goes wrong.

4. (305) Passing Through Gethsemane - Written by JMS.  Lyta Alexander returns
to the station at Kosh's behest. Theo discovers that he may have a hidden

5. (304) Voices of Authority - Written by JMS.  Ivanova and Marcus enlist
Draal's help to attempt to contact more of the First Ones.

6. (306) Dust to Dust - Written by JMS. An addictive drug spreads through the
station, prompting a factfinding visit by Bester. G'Kar reaches a turning
point. Walter Koenig guest stars as Bester. Kosh...we'll see him again outside
his suit in "Dust to Dust," but in a somewhat unconventional fashion....

7. (307) Exogenesis - Written by JMS. Marcus and Dr. Franklin combat an
invasion by parasitic aliens that attach themselves to humans.

8. (308) Messages From Earth - Written by JMS. Sheridan discovers a connection
between President Clark and a sinister figure, leading to a confrontation with
the Earth military. The Nightwatch attempt to take over the station.

9. (309) Point Of No Return - Majel Barrett plays Emperor Turhan's Third Wife,
Lady Morella, a prophetess and seer.

10. (310) Severed Dreams - Major Twist in Babylon series.

11. (311) Ceremonies Of Light and Dark - We find out more about the
relationship between Delenn and Lennier.

13&14. (315&316) [Unknown] - Sinclair arrives to try and bring Babylon 4
forward in time.

From JMS....

* There will be an Ivanova romance...but not necessarily with whom you might
* Vir is *not* leaving the show. We're making some room for him to do his new
  sitcom; he's in episodes 3 and 5 so far, and more to come, of season 3.
* You'll be seeing more of Zack Allen.
* New characters: well, there's Marcus Cole, a Ranger assigned permanently to
  Babylon 5, played by British actor Jason Carter; we'll see Lyta Alexander
  more this year; and Theo...what can I say about Theo...well, perhaps better
  to let you see for yourself.
* We do plan to continue our practice of getting more ambitious each season;
  we saw virtually none of the homeworlds in year one; in year two we began to
  see more of Narn, and Centauri Prime, with some locations in the latter. We
  will continue to expand in each following year; in year three, we plan to
  show Minbar, more of Centauri Prime, the Narn homeworld, Earth and *maybe*
  the Vorlon homeworld, if I can figure out how to do it at this stage without
  totally imploding the show. New sets: yes, and we're creating situations in
  which we can see more of Earth, Mars, our other local planets, plus Narn,
  Centauri, Minbari and one other major world. As the Shadow War cranks into
  gear, you're going to need a place to meet in security and plan for it, so
  we're also building that. We'll see more of Draal's place on Epsilon 3.  And
  there's one other major set that we'll see in the first episode, and quite a
  bit thereafter. We'll see Minbar at least once in year three, perhaps more.
  We'll see more of the Epsilon 3 complex this coming season, yes.
* What's great is that this season, we haven't had one single episode on the
  level of War Prayer or Infection or Grail, some of our weaker first season
  eps.  The worst we've done is pretty darned good. What we're now working for
  in year three is that they're all better than that at their baseline rating.
  And so far, they're killer . . .  We're also doing some major EFX blow-outs
  of a type other than "they go into space and shoot stuff." Very interesting,
  creative, offbeat stuff.
* Never said the shadow war would be over in one year. Only that it wouldn't
  last three.
* What is the origin of the Human/Minbari connection? You'll find out this
  very season (year three), in no uncertain or ambiguous terms. You're
  assuming that the relationship you saw between Delenn and Sinclair was a
  romantic one. It was a close one, on her part in particular, but not based
  on romance.  We'll explain what that means in year three.
* Yes, the Rangers will play a more important part in year three, and
  Sinclair's part in it will be revealed.
David Strauss / dss2k@virginia.edu  <*>
Home Page: http://www.eskimo.com/~dstrauss/
Administrator, New York Islanders Mailing List
The Psi Corps is your friend.  Trust the Corps.

--- MsgPost 1.1
 * Origin: Deep Space Franchise (916) 721-1701 (1:203/1701)

 Msg  : 92 of 300
 From : Chris Carter                        1:105/290.23    .тp 14 Hоя 95 04:05
 To   : All
 Subj : B5 vs. The Evil Midnight Bomber...
"We now return to the Ten O'Clock News, with anchorman Brian

In tonight's entertainment segment our focus is on the popular
science fiction TV show, Babylon 5.  Sources inside Warner Brothers
have verified that dramatic changes are being made in what was to
be a soon-to-be-aired episode, due to infighting between the show's
creator, J. Michael Straczynski, and Ben Edlund, creator of 'The
Tick,' who was hired to co-write the upcoming episode with
Straczynski, as well as direct.  The episode, originally titled,
'Things That Make You Go Boom... Today!', was renamed to the less
suggestive 'Convictions' after a creative disagreement between the
two writers caused Straczynski to allegedly use his position as
Executive Producer to force Edlund off the project.  Airing of
'Convictions' will be delayed for several weeks as the episode must
be almost entirely reshot and edited, using a new script written
exclusively by Straczynski.

This station has obtained a videotape of the original version of
this episode, which was produced using a script penned primarily by
Mr. Edlund.  The Prime Time Entertainment Network has kindly
granted this station permission to broadcast some select scenes
from the tape, which should offer valuable insight into Edlund's
attempted contribution to the unfolding story arc of Babylon 5.


[pre-credits establishing scene -- An Earth transport is shown
entering the main docking bay.  Passengers disembark and are
queried by security personnel.  A small clock displays the current
time in the lower left corner of the screen, 1630 hours EST (Earth
Standard Time).]

Guard:  Sir, may I see your identicard, please?

Unidentified Human male:  And so he says to me, "Yeah baby, you're
the man with a jumpgate in your..."  uh, sure officer... 

Guard :  Well Mr. 'Bomber', your ID
checks out.  Replacement electrician, eh?

Mr. 'Bomber':  Yeah baby, just a parttime electrician.  I mean,
don't cut the red wire, baby!  Better red than dead!

Guard:  Uh, right.  Well, you can go about your business, Mr

[Mr. 'Bomber' takes his card and shuffles off toward the zocalo,
still mumbling to himself. -- pan back to the guard]

Guard:  Hmmm... Maybe I ought to report that guy to the Chief.
 Naah...   Ma'am, may I see

[zoom out -- musical cue -- fade to black]


[somewhere in DownBelow -- time displayed on screen, 2017 hours

Ambassador Mollari:  So you're clear on the plan now, my *good*
*dear* friend, Mr. 'Bomber'?  Don't activate the bombs until
*after* I leave the council chamber, eh...?

Mr. 'Bomber':  Oooh yeah, baby, we're gonna make the ultimate
conference call.  Kiss your bulkheads goodbye, space cadets!

Mollari:  Good, so long as we understand one another, yes...?  And
I almost forgot, here is your payment.

Mr. 'Bomber':   And so he says
to me, "You wanna buy Guy Fawkes Day, huh?"  And I say, "Penny for a
Guy?  You better believe it, you bunch of Jack Palance wannabees!
Hey parliament, conquer this!!!"

Mollari:  Of course, Mr. 'Bomber'.  And good day to you.

Mr. 'Bomber':  Keep playin' with fire, Londo!  You dunno how much
fire you're playin' with!  Haaaahahahahahahahaha...!!!


[Babylon 5 council chambers -- An emergency meeting of the Advisory
Council is in session. -- time displayed on screen, 2358 hours EST]

Sheridan:  Londo's been in the head a helluva long time now; nearly
ten minutes.

Delenn:  That's not unusual for a Centauri, I understand.

[sound of PPG firing -- Mr. 'Bomber' bursts into the council
chambers with a PPG in one hand and a device in the other, on which
he's flipping  a switch.  The seats belonging to the ambassadors of
the three of the four major species start chirping.]

Mr. 'Bomber':  Two minutes to Midnight, baby!  Two minutes 'til you
all suck vacuum!  Long live Rock'n'Roll!  You have all become
victims of The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs At Midnight!

[Sheridan tries to draw a PPG he doesn't carry with him to council,
then links to Garibaldi.  Ivanova bursts into the room through an
entrance opposite the Evil Midnight Bomber, jerks off one of her
shoes, throws, and hits the maniacally laughing Bomber in the head,
knocking him senseless.  Garibaldi appears from the entrance behind
the Bomber, scoops up the device the Bomber was holding and
examines it.]

Garibaldi:  Captain, this thing won't disarm the bombs.  We've got
to get them off the station before they blow.  And according to
this, we've only got a minute thirty left.

Sheridan :  I need a bag
or something.   Velcro.  This guy's pretty slick.

Delenn:  Here. 

[Sheridan puts the bombs in the bit of robe, secures the bundle,
and runs for the nearest airlock.  Once at an airlock, Sheridan
tosses the bundle inside, closes the inner pressure door, and opens
the outer pressure door without depressurizing the chamber, causing
the cluster of bombs to be violently ejected from the airlock.]

Sheridan:  Whew!  Just in time.

[exterior of station -- The bag with the bombs floats away from the
station rapidly.  Several hundred yards from the station, the bag
hits some debris recognizable as a cute teddy bear in a baseball
uniform.  The bear is carried along with the bombs for a few more
seconds; then, the bombs explode.  No bear remains can be seen once
the blast dissipates.]


Once again, our thanks to the Prime Time Entertainment Network for
allowing us to play those scenes for you.  Babylon 5 can be seen in
The City every Thursday night at eight o'clock p.m., on this

In other entertainment news, romance novel cover-model Fabio is
arrested outside of one of Hollywood's hippest restaurants,
'Spago.'  The charge:  "Flagrant display of pectorals," according
to Police Chief Darryl Bates.  More on the bust after these
commercial messages.

Chris - carter@teleport.com

... This post came to you through the courtesy of the Eagle Hand Laundry.

--- PPoint 1.98
 * Origin: Grid Epsilon Coords. 105x290x23 (1:105/290.23)

 Msg  : 93 of 300
 From : Michael Harper                      1:123/10        .ят 10 Hоя 95 21:21
 To   : David Durgee
 Subj : B5: the fall of night

 > I agree that the episode was well done. I was not surprised
 > in general at
 > Kosh's appearance, although they did ring in one unexpected
 > nuance for me.
 > I'm wondering about Londo's remark about seeing nothing. Was
 > he lying or
 > telling the truth? I hope we will have the answer to that in
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