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SCP 090: Apocorubik's Cube
SCP 249: The random door
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Demon's Souls |#14| Flamelurker

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through - come to - come together - come under - come up - come up  against  -
come up for - come up to - come up with - come upon - come within to  come  to
bat amer. - столкнуться с трудной проблемой, тяжелым испытанием to  come  easy
to smb. - не представлять трудностей для кого-л. to come to harm -  пострадать
to come out with one's life - остаться в живых, уцелеть (после боя и т. п.) to
come in useful - прийтись кстати to come to stay -  утвердиться,  укорениться;
it has come to stay это надолго to come natural - быть естественным (which is)
to come - грядущий; будущий; things to come грядущее; in days to come в  буду-
щем; pleasure to come предвкушаемое удовольствие let'em all come! coll. - будь
что будет! to come to pass - случаться, происходить to come to the book - при-
носить присягу перед исполнением обязанностей судьи light come light go -  что
досталось легко, быстро исчезает to come it strong coll. -  действовать  энер-
гично to come it too strong coll. - перестараться to come apart at the seams -
потерять самообладание, выдержку to come down to brass tacks - говорить о фак-
тах to come down to earth - спуститься с небес на землю  to  come  when  one's
ship comes - когда кто-л. станет богатым to come in on the ground floor -  на-
чать дело с нуля to come of age - достигать совершеннолетия to come out of the
blue - неожиданно появляться, наступать to come out of one's shell - выйти  из
своей скорлупы Syn: arrive, gain, reach Ant: go, leave
   come a cropper а) упасть с лошади вниз головой б) потерпеть крах
   come a howler сесть в калошу
   come a mucker coll. а) тяжело упасть; б) попасть в беду; влипнуть;
   come about а) происходить, случаться Peace can only come about if each side
agrees to yield to the other. It all came  about  in  a  way  which  is  worth
recalling, if only for the light it throws on our Captain's character. How did
it come about that the man was dismissed? б) менять направление (о ветре,  ко-
рабле) It was too stormy to continue the voyage, so the ship  came  about  and
headed for the safety of the shore.
   come across а) (случайно) встретиться с кем-л.; натолкнуться  на  что-л.  I
came across this old photograph  in  the  back  of  the  drawer.  Outside  the
restaurant, we came across a man doing a fire-eating performance. б) быть  по-
нятым кем-л. Did his speech come across? в) приходить  в  голову  The  thought
came across my mind that I had met him before. It came across my mind  that  I
had met him before. г) come across! coll. признавайся! д) come  across!  coll.
   come across as казаться, производить впечатление He comes across as someone
who means what he says. He comes across its being very sincere.
   come after а) искать, домогаться б) следовать I can  never  remember  which
king came after which. в) наследовать г) преследовать I saw the big dog coming
after me.
   come again а) возвращаться I'm so glad you  enjoyed  your  visit;  do  come
again. б) повторять чьи-л. слова Come again? I didn't hear what you said.
   come along а) идти; сопровождать come along! идем!; поторапливайся! б) сог-
лашаться в) неожиданно приходить, наступать Trouble comes along when you least
expect it. Take every chance that comes along. г) улучшать How  is  your  work
coming along? It's coming along nicely, thank you.  д)  поправляться  (о  здо-
ровье) The doctor says Mother is coming along nicely now, thank you.  е)  спе-
шить Come along, children, or we'll be late! ж) усердно работать  Come  along,
Jane, you can do better than that. з) coll. выражает недоверие Oh, come along!
I know better than that!
   come amiss происходить (о чем-л. плохом) I hope nothing comes amiss when we
move into our new house.
   come apart распадаться на части It just came apart in my hands.
   come around а) наносить визит Why don't you come  around  and  see  us  one
evening? б) менять направление (о ветре, корабле)  Just  then  the  wind  came
round so we had to reset the sails. Take the wheel, see if you  can  stop  her
from coming around в) регулярно происходить Birthdays come around too  quickly
when one is older. г) очнуться, прийти в себя The girl fainted, but  she  came
round when we threw drops of water on her face. д) изменять мнение Don't worry
about the chairman, he'll soon come around (to our opinion).  е)  приходить  в
благожелательное расположение духа Jim and Mary often argue,  but  it  doesn't
take them long to come around. Father was in a very bad temper  this  morning,
but he had come around by evening.
   come around to а) находить что-л. Put the food where the cat can't come  at
it. I wanted to reply to your letter  in  detail,  but  I  can't  come  at  it
anywhere. б) гнаться за кем-л. I saw the big dog coming at me. в) обнаруживать
It is always difficult to come at the truth.
   come asunder распадаться на части
   come at а) нападать, набрасываться; добраться до кого-л. just let  me  come
at him дайте мне только добраться до него б) получить доступ  к  чему-л.,  до-
биться чего-л. how did you come at the information? как вы это узнали?
   come away а) уходить Come away with me on my next holiday. I  had  to  come
away before the end of the party. The young writer asked his teacher's wife to
come away with him. б) отламываться the handle came away in my hand ручка  от-
ломилась и осталась у меня в руках в) отстранять  что-л.  When  my  hand  came
away, blood poured from the wound.
   come away with уходить с какими-л. чувствами We came away with  such  happy
memories of the town that we are sure to go back.
   come back а) возвращаться We'd like to come back next year. When Jane comes
back, will you give her a message? б) вспоминаться Her name will come back (to
me) soon. в) очнуться, прийти в себя г) sport обрести прежнюю форму  д)  sport
отставать е) coll. отвечать тем же самым, отплатить той же монетой ж)  возвра-
щаться к активной деятельности Is the singer expected to come back?  з)  снова
становиться популярным, модным Long skirts are  expected  to  come  back  next
year. и) отвечать 'But you're just as guilty!'  Jane  came  back.  She  always
comes back at anyone who tries to be polite to her. I shall' speak for  twenty
minutes and then you can come back at me with  your  questions.  к)  повторять
чьи-л. слова I didn't hear you, could you come back? I will now ask the  first
speaker to come back. л) (о старом методе) снова  использоваться  Some  people
are hoping that the old system of punishment by death will come back.
   come back to а) возвращаться куда-л. или к кому-л. I always  come  back  to
the same town for a holiday as it's  so  nice.  б)  вспоминаться  кому-л.  The
details of the story are coming back to me now, although it  happened  a  long
time ago. It suddenly came back to mi where we met. в) возвращаться к предмету
разговора I think it's time to come back to the most important  question:  who
is to pay for the new building?
   come before а) предшествовать Did the  invention  of  the  telephone,  come
before the end of the last century? б) превосходить кого-л. рангом Members  of
the Royal Family come before lords and  ladies.  в)  быть  более  важным,  чем
что-л. Consideration of a fellow worker's  health  must  come  before  my  own
professional pride. г) представать перед судом When you come before the judge,
you must speak the exact truth. д) рассматриваться Your suggestion came before
the board of directors yesterday, but I haven't  heard  the  result  of  their
   come between а) пытаться развести, разделить  кого-л.  Never  come  between
husband and wife. It is dangerous to come between two fighting dogs. б) мешать
кому-л. The true artist lets nothing come between himself and his work.
   come by а) проходить мимо Just then a bus came by so we  got  on  and  rode
home. My teacher came by just as  we  were  talking  about  him.  Move  aside,
please, the firemen want to come by. б) доставать, достигать How did you  come
by that beautiful picture? A good job that you enjoy doing is hard to come by.
в) amer. заходить Why don't you, come by some afternoon and have  coffee  with
me? г) получать что-л. (особенно случайно) How did you come by that  wound  on
your arm?
   come clean все признавать, говорить правду After hours  of  stating  firmly
that he was not guilty, the prisoner came clean and admitted to  stealing  the
   come close to быть близким чему-л. Your suggestion comes close to  what  we
were looking for. The book comes close to perfection. The boy  came  close  to
falling off the high wall.
   come down а) падать (о снеге, дожде) б) спускаться; опускаться  Come  down,
Jane, your breakfast's ready! в) спадать, ниспадать The price  came  down.  My
weight has come down again. г) переходить по традиции This ring has come  down
in  my  family  for  two  centuries.  This  ring  has  come   down   from   my
great-grandmother д) приезжать из столицы на периферию, из университета домой,
из  центра  на  окраину  I  can't  come  down  till  I've  finished  my   last
examinations. When is your aunt coming down from London? The whole family  are
coming down to stay for Christmas. е) быть поваленным (о дереве) Several trees
came down in last night's storm. ж) быть разрушенным (о  постройке)  Three  of
the enemy planes came down in the battle. The old hotel is coming down  and  a
new one is to be built. з) деградировать to come down in  the  world  потерять
состояние, положение; опуститься и) набрасываться на кого-л. (upon, on);  бра-
нить, наказывать кого-л. (upon, on) к) coll. раскошелиться come down with your
money! раскошеливайтесь! л) amer. coll. заболеть чем-л. (with) м) приземляться
(о самолете) The plane came down safely in spite of  the  mist.  н)  сводиться
When it all comes down, there isn't much in his story. The whole matter  comes
down to a power struggle between the trade union and the directors.
   come down a peg сбавить тон
   come down on а) требовать от кого-л. The debt collector came down on us for
payment. Mother came down on me to clean my room. б)  наказывать  кого-л.  The
courts will come down (heavily) on young  criminals.  в)  ругать  кого-л.  The
director came down on Jim for being late again. г) решать в пользу кого-л. The
chairman will have to come down on one side or the other soon.
   come down to а) рассматривать что-л. When we come down to details, the plan
seems possible. When it comes down to a matter of principle, it seems we  have
no choice. б) переходить по традиции, по наследству к кому-л.  This  ring  has
come down to me from my grandmother. в) сводиться к чему-л. The  whole  matter
comes down to a power struggle between the trade union and the  directors.  г)
опуститься до чего-л. Has he come down  to  this?  He  came  down  to  selling
matches on street corners.
   come down with заболеть чем-л. Jane has come down with a bad cold.
   come first быть более важным My family comes first, my work second.
   come for а) заходить за I've come for my parcel. I'll come  for  you  at  8
o'clock. б) бросаться к кому-л. I saw the big dog coming for me.
   come forward а) выходить вперед; выдвигаться Just then, the  crowd  divided
and three men came forward to hand the citizens request to the king. б) откли-
каться в) предлагать свои услуги The police have asked for  witnesses  of  the
accident to come forward. Only two people have come forward  for  election  to
the committee. г) выделяться, выдаваться The great door  was  ornamented  with
figures, some coming forward so that they looked real.  д)  быть  готовым  для
продажи/использования Few chances like this come forward. There are  not  many
new houses coming forward  for  sale.  е)  предлагаться  к  рассмотрению  Your
suggestion will come forward at the next committee meeting.
   come from а) приходить откуда-л. What country  do  you  come  from?  Danger
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