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Конференции - SU.BOOKS Весь текст 4894.16 Kb

март 1995 - сентябрь 1995

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1 ... 269 270 271 272 273 274 275  276 277 278 279 280 281 282 ... 418
alt.books.reviews .......... Sometimes reviews of SF/fantasy/horror books.
alt.books.sf.melanie-rawn .. Melanie Rawn's books.
alt.books.stephen-king ..... Stephen King's books.
alt.comics.batman .......... Batman.
alt.comics.elfquest ........ Elf Quest.
alt.comics.superman ........ Superman.
alt.cult-movies ............ Hmmm, not all cult movies are SF/fantasy/horror(-:
alt.cult-movies.evil-deads . Evil Dead movies.
alt.cult-movies.rhps ....... The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
alt.cult-movies.rocky-horror The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
alt.cyberpunk .............. High-tech low-life.
alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo ..... Literary virtual reality in a cyberpunk hangout.
alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo.d ... Discussion of chatsubo's stories.
alt.cyberpunk.movement ..... Cybernizing the Universe.
alt.cyberpunk.tech ......... Cyberspace and Cyberpunk technology.
alt.cyberspace ............. Cyberspace and how it should work.
alt.cyberspace.rebels ...... Huh?
alt.cybertoon .............. Cyberpunk epic.
alt.death-of-superman ...... What the name says.
alt.dragons-inn ............ Fantasy virtual reality pub similar to
alt.drwho.creative ......... Stories related to Dr. Who.
alt.fandom.cons ............ Announcements of conventions (SciFi and others).
alt.fandom.misc ............ Other topics for fans of various kinds.
alt.fan.addams.family ...... Fans of The Addams Family.
alt.fan.asprin ............. Fans of Robert Asprin.
alt.fan.authors.stephen-king Fans of Stephen King.
alt.fan.blade-runner ....... Fans of Blade Runner.
alt.fan.douglas-adams ...... Fans of Douglas Adams.
alt.fan.dragonlance ........ Fans of Dragonlance.
alt.fan.dragons ............ Fans of dragons.
alt.fan.dune ............... Fans of Frank Herbert's Dune.
alt.fan.heinlein ........... Fans of Robert A. Heinlein.
alt.fan.eddings ............ Fans of David Eddings.
alt.fan.mst-3000 ........... See rec.arts.sf.tv.mst3k.
alt.fan.mst3k .............. See rec.arts.sf.tv.mst3k.
alt.fan.nathan.brazil ...... Fans of the Well of Souls book series by
                             Jack L. Chalker.
alt.fan.pern ............... Fans of Anne McCaffrey's Pern.
alt.fan.philip-dick ........ Fans of Philip K. Dick.
alt.fan.piers-anthony ...... Fans of Piers Anthony.
alt.fan.pratchett .......... Fans of Terry Pratchett.
alt.fan.pratchett.announce . Announcements of Terry Pratchett.
alt.fan.robert-jordan ...... Fans of Robert Jordan.
alt.fan.sam-raimi .......... Fans of Sam Raimi.
alt.fan.tank-girl .......... Fans of Tank Girl.
alt.fan.tolkien ............ Fans of J. R. R. Tolkien.
alt.fan.tom-servo .......... This group seems to have something to
                             do with Mystery Science Theater 3000.
alt.fantasy.conan .......... Conan.
alt.folklore.ghost-stories . If you like horror, why not
                             go for the real thing. (-:
alt.galactic-guide ......... Entries for the actual Hitchhiker's Guide to
                             the Galaxy.
alt.history.future ......... Future histories.
alt.history.what-if ........ Alternate histories. ("What if Germany
                             had won WW II?" etc)
alt.horror ................. The horror genre.
alt.horror.creative ........ Horror stories.
alt.horror.cthulhu ......... The Cthulhu Mythos, including the "Call of
                             Cthulhu" RPG, and other weird fiction.
alt.horror.werewolves ...... Werewolf fiction.
alt.legend.king-arthur ..... King Arthur.
alt.movies.kubrick ......... Stanley Kubrick's movies.
alt.movies.monster ......... Monster movies.
alt.movies.spielberg ....... Steven Spielberg's movies.
alt.music.filk ............. Discussion of SF-related music.
alt.necromicon ............. Misspelled newsgroup discussing
                             H. P. Lovecraft's Necronomicon.
alt.necronomicon ........... Correctly spelled Necronomicon newsgroup.
alt.pulp ................... Hero pulp fiction, like The Shadow and Doc
                             Savage, many of which are in the SF genre.
alt.pub.dragons-inn ........ Fantasy virtual reality pub similar to
alt.ql.creative ............ Stories related to Quantum Leap.
alt.shared-reality.sf-and-fantasy   Huh?
alt.shared-reality.startrek.klingon Klingons.
alt.startrek ............... See rec.arts.startrek.misc.
alt.startrek.uss-amagosa ... Star Trek.
alt.startrek.cardassian .... Star Trek.
alt.startrek.creative ...... Stories and parodies related to Star Trek.
alt.startrek.klingon ....... Klingons.
alt.superman.death ......... The death of Superman.
alt.tv.babylon-5 ........... See rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.
alt.tv.dark_shadows ........ Dark Shadows TV series.
alt.tv.highlander .......... The Highlander TV series.
alt.tv.lois-n-clark ........ Lois and Clark: The new adventures of Superman.
alt.tv.mst3k ............... See rec.arts.sf.tv.mst3k.
alt.tv.prisoner ............ The Prisoner TV series.
alt.tv.quantum-leap.creative Stories related to Quantum Leap.
alt.tv.red-dwarf ........... The Red Dwarf TV series.
alt.tv.robocop ............. Robocop TV series.
alt.tv.robotech ............ Robotech TV series.
alt.tv.sliders ............. Sliders TV series.
alt.tv.star-trek.voyager ... Yet another Star Trek group.
alt.tv.x-files ............. X files.
alt.tv.x-files.creative .... Stories related to X files.
alt.vampyres ............... Discussion of vampyres and related writings,
                             films, etc.
bit.listserv.literary ...... Sometimes SF/fantasy/horror books.
misc.writing ............... A newsgroup for writers. Sometimes they discuss
                             about writing SF/horror.
rec.arts.anime ............. Japanese animation ("anime"); much of it is SF.
rec.arts.books ............. Sometimes SF/fantasy/horror books.
rec.arts.books.tolkien ..... Works of J. R. R. Tolkien.
rec.arts.comics ............ Sometimes SF/fantasy/horror comics.
rec.arts.drwho ............. Dr. Who TV series.
rec.arts.manga ............. Japanese graphic novels (some are SF).
rec.arts.prose ............. Short works of prose fiction and followup
                             discussion. Sometimes SF/fantasy/horror stories.
rec.arts.sf.announce.. ..... Major announcements of the SF world. (Moderated)
                             The submission address is:
                             sf-announce@uunet.UU.NET or uunet!sf-announce
rec.arts.sf.fandom ......... Discussions of SF fan activities.
rec.arts.sf.marketplace .... Personal forsale notices of SF materials.
rec.arts.sf.misc ........... Anything SFnal that doesn't fit to other groups.
rec.arts.sf.movies ......... SF movies that don't have their own groups.
rec.arts.sf.reviews ........ Reviews of science fiction/fantasy/horror works.
rec.arts.sf.science ........ Real and speculative aspects of SF science.
rec.arts.sf.starwars ....... Discussion of the Star Wars universe.
rec.arts.sf.starwars.collecting Star Wars.
rec.arts.sf.starwars.games . Star Wars.
rec.arts.sf.starwars.info .. Star Wars.
rec.arts.sf.starwars.misc .. Star Wars.
rec.arts.sf.tv ............. SF tv shows that don't have their own groups.
rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5 .... Babylon 5 TV series.
rec.arts.sf.tv.mst3k ....... Mystery Science Theater 3000.
rec.arts.sf.tv.quantum-leap  Quantum leap TV series.
rec.arts.sf.written ........ Written science fiction and fantasy.
                             Robert Jordan's books.
rec.arts.startrek.current .. New Star Trek shows, movies and books.
rec.arts.startrek.fandom ... Star Trek conventions and memorabilia.
rec.arts.startrek.info ..... Information about the universe of Star Trek.
rec.arts.startrek.misc ..... General discussions of Star Trek.
rec.arts.startrek.reviews .. Reviews of Star Trek products.
rec.arts.startrek.tech ..... Star Trek's depiction of future technologies.
rec.arts.tv.mst3k .......... Mystery Science Theater 3000.
rec.arts.tv.mst3k.announce . Announcements of Mystery Science Theater 3000.
rec.arts.tv.mst3k.misc ..... Mystery Science Theater 3000.
rec.mag.fsfnet ............. Dargon Zine Magazine (Is this group still around?)
rec.mag.dargon ............. Dargon Zine Magazine.
soc.history.what-if ........ Alternate histories. ("What if Germany
                             had won WW II?" etc)
uk.media.tv.sf.babylon5 .... Babylon 5 in the UK.
uk.media.tv.sf.x-files ..... X files in the UK.
"The Bold and the Beautiful is a virtual reality program."
  -- Petteri JДrvinen, columnist in a Finnish computer magazine.


--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0615
 * Origin: Old Nick's Site (2:5052/4.2)

 Msg  : 102 of 307
 From : Sergei Nickolaev                    2:5052/4.2      .ет 13 .юл 95 13:41
 To   : All
 Subj : .нтернет: книжные ресурсы. Part II - mailing lists (1/3)
.RFC-Path: mtc!f1.n5052!f4.n5052!not-for-mail
Hello All!

Этот список из того же источника, что и предыдущий и мои примечания к нему
полностью относятся.

This is a list of mailing lists somehow related to SF/fantasy/horror.
Mailing lists for SF/fantasy/horror games are not included.

Additions and corrections are welcome.

Last updated: 3 July 1995.


    ArthurNet is an electronic discussion group for scholars and
    students of Arthurian subjects from the early Middle Ages to the
    modern moment. Scholars in all fields, from literature and history
    to mythology and philosophy, and in the several languages pertinent
    to the Arthurian story, are invited to participate.

    To subscribe:
    send the one-line command "sub arthurnet " in a mail
    message to listserv@morgan.ucs.mun.ca

    Comments and questions should be addressed to the list owner:
    Deborah Everhart


    Discussion of Isaac Asimov's works.

    To subscribe to ASIMOV-L, send the following command to LISTSERV@UTDALLAS
    via mail text or interactive message:

      SUBSCRIBE ASIMOV-L Your_full_name.

    For example:  SUBSCRIBE ASIMOV-L Joe Smith

Babylon 5 Reviews Electronic Forum
    Contact: LISTPROC@cornell.edu

    Purpose: The Babylon 5 Reviews Electronic Forum exists as a
    noise-free outlet for reviews of materials pertaining to the
    _Babylon 5_ television series. This categroy includes but is not
    limited to television programs, novels and novelizations, comic
    books, games and parodies.

    This mailing list may or may not someday become tied to a newsgroup,
    as TREK-REVIEW-L is. We'll burn that bridge after we've crossed it.

    The mailing list is managed by a package called 'Unix-ListProcessor'.
    The server address is 'LISTPROC@cornell.edu'. Create a mailfile for
    this address with a single line in the BODY of the mailfile:

    SUBSCRIBE B5-REVIEW-L Firstname Lastname

    Owner and Moderator: Shelley Stuart (sls1@cornell.edu)

    Contact: blake7-request@lysator.liu.se (Calle Dybedahl)

    A mailing list dedicated to the British TV-series "Blake's 7". The
    address to the list is blake7@lysator.liu.se, the address to the
    maintainer (Calle Dybedahl) is blake7-request@lysator.liu.se.

    Contact: continuing-time-request@umich.edu

    Daniel Keys Moran mailing list.  Despite the name, the
    subject of conversation is all of the works of DKM.

    Owners: Sol Foster (colomon@eecs.umich.edu) and Charles Clark
    (cmclark@umich.edu).  Sol is the big DKM fan, and keeps archives
    and this message and such.  Charlie is the good friend who keeps
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