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Rocky Horror
    Contact: mossap@essex.ac.uk (Adam Moss)

    Purpose: To distribute news and creative material concerning the
    film: "The Rocky Horror Picture Show", the stage shows, or anything
    else in any way connected with the Rocky Horror films or their stars.

    Mailings infrequent but reliable. :)

sffranco  SF in French
    This group is devoted to the discussion of all topics pertaining to
    SF written or produced in French (translations usually excluded).  The
    language of use is French, which one must understand to subscribe.
    The address is:

    To subscribe, e-mail a request to:
      Jean-Louis Trudel 


--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0615
 * Origin: Old Nick's Site (2:5052/4.2)

 Msg  : 104 of 307
 From : Sergei Nickolaev                    2:5052/4.2      .ет 13 .юл 95 14:00
 To   : All
 Subj : .нтернет: книжные ресурсы. Part II - mailing lists (3/3)
.RFC-Path: mtc!f1.n5052!f4.n5052!not-for-mail
Hello All!

    SF mailing list for the Norway/Scandinavia area.  This list is the
    place to mail to if you ever wonder what's happening in this part
    of the world, if you're traveling this way etc.  The language of
    the list is Norwegian/Scandinavian, so there's no point in
    subscribing to it if you can't read the language.  But you're
    welcome to post queries in English.


    sf-infos form}l er prim{rt } v{re et lavtrafikk-forum for rask
    innhenting og spredning av relevant informasjon for folk som er
    interessert i SF og relaterte genre.  Alle som har en elektronisk
    nettadresse (brukernavn) kan abonnere p} sf-info.

    Eksempler p} ting som h|rer hjemme p} sf-info:
    -- annonsering av m|ter, kongresser osv.
    -- annonsering av utgitte b|ker, fanziner o.a. publikasjoner
    -- annonsering av film, video, relevant musikk osv. som
       kommer til Norge
    -- sp|rsm}l og svar om hvor man kan f} tak i b|ker,
       andre publikasjoner, filmer etc. -- b}de fra norske
       butikker, postordre fra utlandet etc.
    -- sp|rsm}l og svar om hvem som skrev/produserte X,
       n}r og hvor X ble utgitt etc.
    -- annonsering etter personer, grupper etc. som har en
       eller annen s{r obskur interesse som du tror kanskje
       du er den eneste som har
    -- nyheter (X blir laget neste }r, NN d|de ig}r etc.)
    -- korte, konsise og noenlunde h|flige meningsytringer
       og utvekslinger

    Listens adresse:
    For } poste til selve listen:  sf-info@math.uio.no
    Admin, (de-)abonnement etc.:   sf-info-request@math.uio.no
    List owner: Thomas Gramstad:   thomas@math.uio.no

    Contact: sf-lovers-request@rutgers.edu (Saul Jaffe)

    Purpose: SF-LOVERS has discussed many topics, all of them related
    in some way to the theme of science fiction and fantasy.  The
    topics have ranged very widely from rewritten stories, SF and
    fantasy books, SF movies, and SF conventions to reviews of books,
    movies and television shows.  The range of topics is quite wide and
    anyone is welcome to submit material on these or other topics of
    interest in this general area.

    The digest has a very large number of readers, and trivial messages
    are strongly discouraged due to the heavy load SF-LOVERS puts on
    the hosts CPU and disk space.  Messages to SF-LOVERS are batched
    and broadcast periodically.  Please be sure to read the file
    SFLOVERS.POLICY available from the archives.

    For INTERNET subscribers, all requests to be added to or deleted
    from this list should be sent to SF-LOVERS-REQUEST@RUTGERS.EDU.
    BITNET subscribers may issue the following command:

    TELL LISTSERV at RUTVM1 command SFLOVERS "name"

    where "command" is either SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE as appropriate.
    Problems and administrative questions should always be sent to

    Contact: shadows-update-request@sunee.uwaterloo.ca

    Purpose: Regular synopses of the episodes of the television series
    "Dark Shadows", currently being show on the "Sci-Fi" cable channel.
    (see also "dark-shadows" in the list)

    Satellite of Love Newsletter (SOLN)

    Contact: rsk@gynko.circ.upenn.edu (Richard Kulawiec)

    Discussion of _Mystery Science Theater 3000._

    To subscribe to SOLN, send mail to Richard Kulawiec with the
    keywords "MST3K," "SOL," "MST 3000" or "Mystery Science Theater
    3000" anywhere on the subject line.

    Contact: stormbringer-request@ocf.Berkeley.EDU

    Purpose: The Stormbringer mailing list exists for both the fans of
    Michael Moorcock's books and those who enjoy Chaosium's games,

STREK-L on LISTSERV@PCCVM    Star Trek Discussion list

   To subscribe, send the following command to LISTSERV@PCCVM via
   mail or interactive message:                ========

        SUB STREK-L your_full_name

   where "your_full_name" is your name.  For example:

        SUB STREK-L Anthony Giegler

   Owner:  Anthony Giegler 
   Owner:  Iris Jefferson 


   The purpose of this list is to discuss and to exchange information on
   subjects related to J.R.R.  Tolkien's mythological books.
   If you want to enter the list, just send your request to the owner
   OR to LISTSERV@JHUVM.BITNET with the body containing:

         SUB TOLKIEN yourfirstname yourlastname

   A "peer" list is hosted on LISTSERV@PUCING.

   Owner:  GANDALF@PUCING  Escuela de Ingenieria

    Contact: tolklang-request@lfcs.ed.ac.uk (Julian Bradfield)

    Purpose: Discussions of the linguistic aspects of J.R.R. Tolkien's
    works. This covers everything from Elvish vocabulary and grammar
    to his use of Old English. The list is (lightly) moderated.

    Contact: LISTSERV@cornell.edu (Michael Scott Shappe)

    Purpose: TREK-REVIEW-L exists as a noise-free forum for reviews
    of Star Trek material. This category includes but is not limited
    to television programs, feature films, novels and novelizations,
    comic books, games and parodies of Star Trek.

    The list is not rooted in any specific generation of Trek.
    Original Series, Animated Series, Movie Era, Next Generation
    and Deep Space Nine materials are all valid.

    TO subscribe to the list, send the following command IN MAIL to

        SUBSCRIBE TREK-REVIEW-L Firstname Lastname

Twilight Zone
    Contact: r.c.karsmakers@stud.let.ruu.nl

    Purpose: Twilight Zone is a fiction-only on-line magazine. It's
    published quarterly and is available only in ASCII. Fiction
    featured in it is primarily fantasy, scifi and (hopefully)
    humorous. Subscriptions may be acquired by sending mail. Writers
    welcome, as long as they don't like carnivorous plants.

    The T-Zone Discussion list is devoted to the exchange of opinion
    and information about the original Twilight Zone series created by
    Rod Serling.  The list is unmoderated. Listowner: Dr. Ron Evans.

    To subscribe send email address to

UK-SF on LISTSERV@UEL.AC.UK    UK Science Fiction and Fantasy

   A new list is now available from the University Of East London,
   England, which covers Science Fiction & Fantasy produced from the
   United Kingdom.

   To join the list send a message to LISTSERV@UEL.AC.UK with the line:

        SUBSCRIBE UK-SF Your Name

   Despite the recent apathy regarding SF in the UK from some
   broadcasting quarters, there has been a surprising number of
   successes too, both now and from the past.

   This list is dedicated to the Science Fiction and Fantasy that the UK
   has given us!  There are many gems from many years, quite a few of
   which are being repeated even now!

   Some SF shows that could be discussed are: Blakes Seven, Hitch-Hikers
   Guide To The Galaxy, Star Cops, Sapphire And Steel, Thunderbirds,
   Captain Scarlet, The Tomorrow People, Space 1999, Survivors, Adam
   Adamant, The Prisoner, Day Of The Triffids, ...

   Please note that there are two lists already for Dr Who (drwho-l) and
   Red Dwarf (reddwarf), both available from this list server.

   For further details contact the owner.

   Owner: ListMaster@uel.ac.uk

   UK Science Fiction literature.

   To join the list send a message to LISTPROC@UEL.AC.UK with the line:


   Owner: ListMaster@uel.ac.uk

   (Please note that some Sci-Fi info is now available from the URL:
     http://www.uel.ac.uk/misc/sf     )


   VAMPYRES is for fans of vampiric lore, fact and fiction.

   To subscribe, please either SEND the command

        SUBSCRIBE VAMPYRES firstname lastname

   for people who do not have access to BITNET, send MAIL to
   LISTSERV@GUVM (no subject) that contains one line in the text:

        SUBSCRIBE VAMPYRES firstname lastname

   Owner: Jim Wilderotter 


   Mailing list for discussion of Paramount's syndicated science fiction TV
   series "War of the Worlds".

   Send subscription requests to war-worlds-request@PANARTHEA.EBAY.SUN.COM.

   Coordinator: Steven Grimm 

"The Bold and the Beautiful is a virtual reality program."
  -- Petteri JДrvinen, columnist in a Finnish computer magazine.


P.S. Пока все - остальное позже :-).

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0615
 * Origin: Old Nick's Site (2:5052/4.2)

 Msg  : 105 of 307
 From : Paul Soloviov                       2:451/2         .ет 13 .юл 95 16:21
 To   : All
 Subj : might and magic... тьфу, ".еч и посох"
.TID: FastEcho 1.40 931211575
Hello All!

  Купил себе пеpвые 2 тома обещаемого в этой сеpии 12-томника Фаpмеpа, пpочитал
аннотации в конце - и посему вопpос к уважаемым, сидящим ближе к центpам
миpового книгопечатания: есть ли что-либо еще из этой сеpии, а если есть, стоит
ли покупать, и, более того, читать?

With best wishes,

--- FineWriter
 * Origin: Brain Salad Surgery ю Grodno, Belarus ю (0152)·335-332 (2:451/2)

 Msg  : 106 of 307
 From : Like&Lee                            2:463/2.23      .ят 14 .юл 95 08:22
 To   : Boris Duke of Sea
 Subj : .обор .антастики. .селенский.
Hello Boris!

 >>> BC Господа - нас призывают на Вселенский Собор Фантастики. Соберемся?

 AL>> Соберемся.

 BC> А кого будем папой выбирать? Предлагаю Рому Арбитмана.

Потому что он Roma, хоть и не римский? Ежели сей высокомерный римлянин папой
станет, придется мне стать красивым. А так же четвертым и немножко Филиппом:)
Пошлю рыцаря Гуго Леона Вершинина бить железною перчаткою по сусалам, стаскивать
с трона и немеряно низлагать.:)
                       Засим искренне ваш     Лайк Без Hомера Симпатичный
ЗЫ И бежим-бежим отсюда в SU.SF&F.FANDOM, пока в офф-топик не угадали!!:)
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