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Demon's Souls |#14| Flamelurker
Demon's Souls |#13| Storm King

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Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

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1 ... 166 167 168 169 170 171 172  173 174 175 176 177 178 179 ... 500

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Bailey Information Exchange BBS, 28.8k v.fc  (1:104/825.0)

 Msg  : 162 of 423
 From : Jeff Hancock                        1:3600/7        .ķá 02 .åę 95 01:39
 To   : Chris Carter
 Subj : B5 -- Coincidence?

CC>As for inspiration, there are a few ways to look a that as well. JMS'
CC>exposure to anime is at this point, entirely unknown, aside from the
CC>comments he's made.  I would hesitate to say that anime has had an

And speaking of which, I ran across the following comment while perusing
my JMS files...

 >Date: Sat, 15 Jul 95 10:21:00 UTC
 >From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
 >To: babylon5@solaris.cc.vt.edu
 >Subject: ATTN JMS: WoH
 >Message-ID: <199507151043.AA003305005@relay1.geis.com>
 >     I am woefully and dreadfully ignorant on virtually ALL anime, WOH
 >                                                                    jms

(whatever WOH is....)

Of course that may have changed since, or may be totally inaccurate, but
that's how it goes.
 * Crazy-J * Double value meal - just as good coming back up!

--- SLMAIL v3.5C  (#1540)
 * Origin: Robotech ū Lake City's Music*Demo BBS ū [904] 758*9477 (1:3600/7)

 Msg  : 163 of 423
 From : Anne Hardcastle                     1:393/7         .cę 03 .åę 95 20:02
 To   : The Raven
 Subj : Re: Immortals List  1
Yes, I am so glad you have posted an updated version of this list.  I had seen
it before and didn't keep it and then it went away!! :(.  Thank you, it is
fabulous, especially for us latecomers to Highlander TS obsession.  Do you have
a list of episodes by season?  When USA shows them out of order, we are always
scrambling to figure out what season we are in.

anne hardcastle
--- CNet/3
 * Origin: The Bard's Tavern Denton, TX (817)243-5110 USR 28.8   (1:393/7)

 Msg  : 164 of 423
 From : Marc Zingarelli                     1:226/110       .îí 04 .åę 95 12:46
 To   : The Raven
 Subj : Methos
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  92-0004
Well Methos is back and with the tagline of the century.

"Talk about the blind leading the visually challenged"  I about rolled out of
the chair.  Any word on how long he'll be around.  I think there's more to
him than meets the eye though.

 Circleville Fire Department
 Local 1232
 Internet:  marc.zingarelli@tcr.com

 * OLX 1.52 * No woman ever shot a man while he was doing the dishes.

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Computer Room-Pickerington, Oh (614)861-8377  (1:226/110.0)

 Msg  : 165 of 423
 From : Nicola Theriault                    1:147/74        .˙ō 01 .åę 95 08:48
 To   : All
 Subj : Accelerator
.TID: GE 1.11+
     Had an idea for an interesting weapon; it would "harness and package" ball
lightning and then fire it faster than the speed of light. How fast? haven't
worked that out yet. The target, upon successful strike, would get younger.

     Any opinions?


Remember, you're never wrong.....Just mis-informed!

--- Telegard 2.99gamma 2
 * Origin: Darkmoore BBS - 405-799-3275 (1:147/74)

 Msg  : 166 of 423
 From : Nicolai Shapero                     1:102/524       .cę 03 .åę 95 08:32
 To   : Ed Brannin
 Subj : Re: red dwarf
On , Ed Brannin (1:2613/135@fidonet.org) wrote to Nicolai Shapero:

 EB> sorry!  i use blue wave, if i quote it does the whole thing.

Just delete everything that's non-essential.  My quoting mechanism quotes
everything, too.  But deleting a few lines is fairly straightforward in msged,
and I presume in blue wave as well.

-- Nicolai Shapero, Moderator of the SFFAN echo

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 167 of 423
 From : Tony Trujillo                       1:280/9         .˙ō 01 .åę 95 12:58
 To   : Myra I Fox
 Subj : Re: Tom Holt & PTerry
.TID: GE 1.11+

 TT>> I don't remember if I had asked you if you read MEN AT ARMS.
 TT>> To date, it's my all time favorite DISCWORLD book.
 MI> That is one I have missed... I'll keep looking for it though.

It's a wonderful follow-up to GUARDS! GUARDS! and in some
places is one of the most serious DW novels to date. Pterry
tackles some current issues such as racism in this one but
does it in a style so he doesn't whack you over the head with

 MI> I read "Good Omens" not long ago and it was funny.

I read it just after you finished it and thought it was a
great collaboration. I'd love to see Terry and Neil get
together for another book or a sequel to GO. One of my
favorite lines was when The Demon and The Angel (on Earth)
were going to battle the combined forces of Heaven and Hell
and the Angel (who picked up a flaming sword) said to
Crowly, "I sure hope I can remember how to use this
thing!" :^)

 MI> And I just read "Eric"

What did you think about this one? Jo told me she thought it
was OK but wasn't her favorite DW book. I think she said
something along the lines that she thought it was written
for younger audience/children.

 MI> I was checking out the new bookstore/coffee bar in town
 MI> called Borders.

We have a BORDERS BOOKS here in KC as well but it's so far
away from my house that I don't get to visit it often. I
really love the large selection but I tend to say closer
to this side of town when looking for books. However,
another reason is that there are so many books there I'd
probably spend all of my money if I did go their often! It's
one of the reasons I stay away from BARNES & NOBEL as well!

 MI> I think I'll take the little, locally owned Deliberate Literate
 MI> as a favorite place to browse and have an espresso.

It's always nice to support the local smaller stores...never
hurts to keep the money "in town".

... The Morpork Sunshine Sanctuary for Sick and Lost Dragons
--- Via Silver Xpress V4.02B03 SW01177
 * Origin: South of the River - Overland Park KS - (913)642-7907 V.* (1:280/9)

 Msg  : 168 of 423
 From : Brian Minsker                       1:325/118       .åō 30 Hî˙ 95 16:12
 To   : Jon Roth
 Subj : Canadian Stuff

 JR>         Im not sure where Forever Knight is based.  Does
 JR> anyone know if it is Canadian or not?

I don't really watch it, but it looks like the CN Tower in the ads,
which would put it in Toronto.

... Those 3 little words that mean so much: Klaatu Borada Nikto
___ via Silver Xpress V3.02

--- Maximus/2 3.00
 * Origin: The Ozone Layer, Williston, VT. (802) 862-5058 (1:325/118)

 Msg  : 169 of 423
 From : Chris Ogniben                       1:2604/568      .ķá 02 .åę 95 15:03
 To   : Chris Carter
 Subj : B5 -- Coincidence?

   I don't think people should waste their time, trying to figure out
of Babylon 5 been copying certain ideas from star trek.  I mean, when
you look at star trek, and then babylon 5.. And then all the possible
ideas that a human brain can use.  That, you are gonna see that most of
the ideas that were new, are all used.  And now they are just trying
whatever they can from ideas of other shows, along with books.. To find
new and cooler ideas to work into episodes of their shows.  And, unless
you got a free lance writer, that has tons of great ideas and writes up
a 3 to 4 year story of 200 or 300 episodes total.. To be able to just
read and film and read and film, as the fans just flock to the tv sets
and watch this one mans entire storyline go from beginning to end..
That it would be the only way to make it possible to see something new
than for it to have simliarities from other shows present to past.  So,
the best thing to do is, just forget about it and live with it.

--- WM v3.11/93-0947
 * Origin: Waterside BBS - NJ - (201) 641-5375 28.8k  (1:2604/568)

 Msg  : 170 of 423
 From : Chris Ogniben                       1:2604/568      .ķá 02 .åę 95 15:06
 To   : Brandon Wolgast
 Subj : Nowhere Man

   I can't believe this thing is in this conference as a discussion..
After all the people i been talking to.. I would think there would
harly be any fans of the show NoWhere Man.. Apparently it's stupid, and
is the worst i ever seen for a whatever it is.. And i don't think it's
a science fiction in nature kind of show.. Since he wasn't abducted and
have his memory erased.  Anyways, i think anyone that considers to
speak about Nowhwere man in here, along with having any fans.. Are
losers, and they should right away change to another show, before other
people attack you.. Because, nowwhere man sucks.

--- WM v3.11/93-0947
 * Origin: Waterside BBS - NJ - (201) 641-5375 28.8k  (1:2604/568)

 Msg  : 171 of 423
 From : Chris Ogniben                       1:2604/568      .ķá 02 .åę 95 15:08
 To   : Nancy Crockett
 Subj : Highlander

   I am watching Highlander with a new actor for Mccloud.  And, this is
on channel 17, USA.. Umm, apparently i don't watch the entire thing, i
only get hooked on it, for it's chivalry and sword action scenes.. But,
the more i learn of it, i see that it deals with something that is
kinda close to my sort of interests.. Since, i am a big fan or person
that is really interested in the life of those chilvalry years.  And,
since Highlander is based on the past and present.. It sure is a good
show.. Might try to start watching the hour episode than the sword
secens.. To learn of more.

--- WM v3.11/93-0947
 * Origin: Waterside BBS - NJ - (201) 641-5375 28.8k  (1:2604/568)

 Msg  : 172 of 423
 From : Chris Ogniben                       1:2604/568      .ķá 02 .åę 95 15:10
 To   : Nancy Crockett
 Subj : Highlander

  I know there was series, then a movie, then there seems to be another
series.. With a different actor as Mcloud.. And, now i don't know if
it's just all reruns that i havn't seen.. Of course, i am not a big fan
of Highlander.. I havn't been able to get myself hooked on it, since i
really didn't take the time to see what it was really about.. Until
now, since i enjoy the sword fighting scenes in the highlander series
on USA channel 17.  Weekdays.  Umm, not sure if there is new episodes.
Īđåäûäķųā˙ ņōđāíčöā Ņëåäķūųā˙ ņōđāíčöā
1 ... 166 167 168 169 170 171 172  173 174 175 176 177 178 179 ... 500
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