TR>standards regarding language and nudity aren't as stringent.
TR> Jack Butler
Who is she. Is she an Immortal. if not does she know what he really is.
TR>... "Nothing we do will bring anyone back!" -- Duncan MacLeod
TR>--- Blue Wave/RA v2.20 [NR]
TR> * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando, FL -=- 407-679-6561 (1:363/309)
* SLMR 2.0 * Wanna get rid of your old game systems call 203>334 1626!
--- Maximus 3.00
* Origin: The Pleasure Palace BBS (1:141/450)
Msg : 157 of 423
From : Richard Hudson 1:141/450 .˙ō 01 .åę 95 23:56
To : Nancy Crockett
Subj : Highlander: New Season
BBS: The Pleasure Palace BBS
Date: 11-28-95 (22:42) Number: 2005
From: NANCY CROCKETT Refer#: 1958
Subj: Highlander: New Season Conf: (9) Sffan
NC> RH> Im a highlander fan. Let's talk. By the way who is your
NC> RH> favorite villan.
NC> That is a hard one. I have four years to choose from! Slan, from the
NC>first episode, (played by "Bull" from Nightcourt) was a fun
NC>one. With the stories developing to where immortals heal so
NC>well, I don't know why Slan was worried about his face
NC>being messed up! I can only assume that was before they
NC>thought about wounds healing. I thought that Kalas was
NC>quite devious and I twisted and squirmed and every new
NC>hitch he threw in Duncans efforts to kill him. I'm not to
NC>crazy about Kenny, but then I don't care for bratty kids. I
NC>liked the episode with the irish female immortal that
NC>fought with Richie, but that is because of her "talk" with
NC>Duncan out on the pier! I'll think some more on that, maybe
NC>one more favorite will come to me.
NC> Did you like Tessa or Ann better?
NC>... "His names Forrest." Jenny
NC>--- FMail/386 1.02
NC> * Origin: Tulsa Chat BBS-Tulsa, Ok-(918) 234-1352 (1:170/600)
My favorite Villans are...
Xaiver St. Cloud As a black peoson, I wish that there were more black
villians like him. He was intelligent,suave and inpeccibaly dressed.
Plus it took several weeks for Duncan to finally take his head, which
made watching the Quickening even sweeter. He also had onle of the
greatest lines in ther series to date. "When you eat,eat well. When you
make love, make it last a long time. And when you kill, kill for
pleasure" That line was perfect for him and in fact, alot of the really
good evil Immortal.
James Horton.
He is'nt an Immortal but he knows all about them.
For 25 years he was a Watcher.
A high ranking member of a secret organization who observes and records
but never interferes in the affairs of Immortals.
Until the day when he decided that all immortals were evil and had to
die, including Darius, an acient Immortal who lived on holy ground,
waiting until the time of the Gathering, when he would take his place as
the last immortal and bring everlasting light to the world.]
By killing Darius, he has made himself an enemy of Immortals and
Watchers everywhere, including the Immortal who has tried to kill him
twice and failed.An immortal who vows to avenge the death of his friend
and the world's great hope for peace. An Immortal named Duncan Macloed.
He is the man that not even the Highlander can kill.
He is my brother in law.
James Horton
Personally I think that James Horton is not exactly mortal,even if he
is'nt an Immortal and Duncan should treat him if he was an immortal and
cut off his head if they should ever meet again. If being stabbed, shot
and shot and drowned dosen't kill him than nothing short od a beheading
will. I like him simply because, well nothing can seem to stop this guy.
He provides a contrast to the watchers and Joe In particular. I think
that Horton should be a recurring character and more of a menace to
Duncan. I also think that there should be a spinoff of Highlander
featuring the Diffrent Watchers watching diffrent immortals each week
and their take on the Game.
Other faves include.
So do you like the Animated series.
Richard Hudson
who thinks thart Duncan shoul marry Amanda.
* SLMR 2.0 * "Bother" said Xavier St. Cloud , as Duncan took his head.
--- Maximus 3.00
* Origin: The Pleasure Palace BBS (1:141/450)
Msg : 158 of 423
From : Mark Jones 1:105/302.47 .˙ō 01 .åę 95 18:56
To : Ken Mayes
Subj : Sorry for eavedropping ...
On (30 Nov 95) Ken Mayes wrote to All...
KM> Sorry can't remember the source, so take it for what it's
KM> worth...
KM> In the mid to late fifties there was a large nuclear waste
KM> dumping site in the Ural mountains. Thousands of tons of nuclear waste
KM> were dumped there. One day the waste concentrations reached such
KM> proportions that they achieved critical mass and detonated destroying
KM> the entire facility and polluting a sizable chunk of countryside.
Sounds like an urban legend or cold war propaganda to me.
It takes a great deal of precision engineering to build a *bomb*
that will detonate correctly. If the radioactives aren't driven
together fast and hard enough to achieve critical mass before they
"fizzle", you get a dud.
Simply tossing cans of nuclear waste into a pile will not achieve
the desired effect.
That said, I'm willing to believe that the Soviets thoroughly
polluted and effectively destroyed an area with sloppy waste handling.
But not by creating an accidental bomb.
--- PPoint 1.78
* Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium ( (1:105/302.47)
Msg : 159 of 423
From : Mark Jones 1:105/302.47 .ķá 02 .åę 95 16:02
To : Shawn Merrow
Subj : Sci-Fi TV
On (02 Dec 95) Shawn Merrow wrote to All...
SM> The main reson I am upset with the Nelson ratings is it allows a very
SM> small and narrow audience control whats on tv. If it isnt a mindless
SM> sitcom it dosent get ratings and it gets cancealed. All Sci-Fi shows
SM> have fought the ratings they usally lose (Star Trek: TOS). I have
Unfortunately, the Neilson ratings system is the best tool available
at the moment, flawed though it may be. The decision makers need
*some* kind of feedback to tell them what is being watched (and by
whom), and what isn't. The Neilson folk provide that.
As for a "very small and narrow audience"... I expect that they try
for as accurate a cross-section of the public as possible. Whether
they always get it is another matter. But consider that we now have
B-5, DS9, Voyager, Hercules, Xena, X-Files and other "sci-fi" shows
on. The original Star Treke got canned after three seasons--but
science fiction seems to have finally achieved commercial success on
television. Don't complain *too* much.
SM> also noticed that in replys to my first post complain that Seaquest
SM> 2032 isnt Scientfic enough for them. I want to take an impromtu survy
SM> on this. The question is.
SM> 1. How many of you would be willing to watch a show where it 5 to
SM> 10 hours of air time showing debates, meetings, conferances, and
SM> large amounts of lab work to solve just a basic problem. And
SM> rember when this is going on you going have problems with brusied
SM> egos and other problems between the personel.
You're missing the point. If you were watching NYPD Blue or Homicide,
and the detectives suddenly whipped up a "Guilt Sensor" that could
quickly and easily determine who the killer was, you'd turn off the
show, wouldn't you?
When the Seaquest crew did an episode about giant (200') alligators...
When they discovered Neptune's Pyramid, which was "older than time"
yet was also supposedly built by the "ancient Greeks" a THOUSAND years
ago (about the time the Saxons and the Normans were fighting in
1066...they not only demonstrated total ignorance of history.
They demonstrated that they didn't CARE how ignorant they were--nor
did they care, apparently, whether the audience knew how blatantly
stupid the characters sounded.
It's an insult to the viewers. It *deserved* to be cancelled.
--- PPoint 1.78
* Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium ( (1:105/302.47)
Msg : 160 of 423
From : David Johnston 1:342/14 .cę 03 .åę 95 00:45
To : Shawn Merrow
Subj : Sci-Fi Tv
-> The main reson I am upset with the Nelson ratings is it allows a very
-> small and narrow audience control whats on tv. If it isnt a mindless
-> sitcom it dosent get ratings and it gets cancealed. All Sci-Fi shows
-> have fought the ratings they usally lose (Star Trek: TOS). I have
-> also noticed that in replys to my first post complain that Seaquest
-> 2032 isnt Scientfic enough for them. I want to take an impromtu survy
Actually more people DO watch sitcoms than science fiction. That isn't
just an illusion produced by the Nielson polling system. As for those
people, I have to ask, were they complaining about the revamp's reduced
emphasis on "scientific missions" or just about the scientific flaws
which were particularly endemic last season?
--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
* Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)
Msg : 161 of 423
From : Frank Swarbrick 1:104/825 .ķá 02 .åę 95 14:56
To : Robert Lidgren
Subj : X-FILES
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12 92-0022
On 11-29-95 22:09 Ambassador Robert Lidgren of the Minbari Federation said:
-> RL> Perhaps the very toughest thing for any top-notcxh series to do
-> is RL> keep their STORIES at a high level of excellence week after
-> week. I RL> think, on the whole, though, X-Files has many more
-> "hits" than misses.
-> Perhaps, but the "ick" factor has been pretty high lately.
RL> I certainly agree - especially the espisode which revolved around the
RL> abduction and torment of the your girl! This episode was VERY TOUGH
RL> for me to watch although, I suppose, the material was handled in a
RL> powerful way. Being a parent with a son and daughter, I must admit
RL> that the victimization of children will NEVER be "entertaining" for me.
Hmmm, "Oubliette" (the episode you're refering to) didn't seem to have
much of an "ick" factor at all to me. I felt it was one of the best
episodes of the season. Of course, it was very affecting, but that
was the point. I feel the ones where the main characters are affected
in some way are the best of all, and Mulder was definately affected in
this one.
As for victimization of children, what did you think of the opening
scene of "The Calusari" from last season, where the little kid got hit
by the train. Now that, I admit, was teetering on exploitation, but I
still think it was well done.
... People think I'm insane because I am frowning all the time.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12