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 To   : All
 Subj : .нтернет: книжные ресурсы. Part III - e-zines. (2/10)
.RFC-Path: mtc!f1.n5052!f4.n5052!not-for-mail
Hello All!

Britcomedy Digest

 "A monthly newsletter distributed on the Internet, Britcomedy Digest
  covers all aspects of British comedies -- radio, television, books,
  film, and plays. Past topics include Blackadder, Red Dwarf, Monty
  Python, Absolutely Fabulous, The Press Gang, and many more."

           Format: ASCII
        Frequency: monthly
             ISSN: 1077-6680

              WWW: http://cathouse.org/BritishComedy/
           Gopher: gopher.etext.org: Zines/BritComedy
                   cathouse.org (port 6969):
              FTP: ftp.etext.org: /pub/Zines/BritComedy
           Delphi: "UK-American Connexion" forum, cf171
            GEnie: In the "Showbiz" roundtable, page 185
           Usenet: alt.comedy.british

        Editor(s): Melinda "Bob" Casino 
                   Michelle T. Street 
                     (Contributing Editor)
                   James Kew  (Assistant Editor)
           Postal: Melinda Casino, Britcomedy Digest, 404 So. 20th
                     Street, Philadelphia, PA 19146, USA

Cat Machine

 "It's a literary web page, filled with stories, poems, pictures, and
  many interesting things."

           Format: HTML with inline GIFs
        Frequency: monthly

              WWW: http://ux5.cso.uiuc.edu/~c-cook/cat/
            Email: submissions: wiberg@ux5.cso.uiuc.edu

        Editor(s): chris wiberg 
                   juan aramburu 
                   case cook 
                   mer pavlock 
            Phone: +1 217 332 1955
           Postal: URH 263 Weston, 204 E Peabody Dr, Champaign, IL,
                     61820, USA

Channel Four

 "My ezine is a place for writings about, by, and for type Four in the
  personality analysis system known as the Enneagram. Fours are
  romantic, moody, introverted, sensitive, artistic, and tend to feel
  isolated from others. Famous fours: Pete Tchaikovskii, Tenessee
  Williams, Goethe, Laurance Olivier, Martha Graham, Audrey Hepburn,
  Franz Kafka, Commander Deanna Troi, Neil Young, Peter Gabriel, Pete
  Townshend, Roger Waters, Jeff Beck, and Eric Clapton. For more
  details, try Don Richard Riso's _Personality Types_."

           Format: HTML

              WWW: http://www.best.com/~informe/ch_4.html

        Editor(s): Mike Macleod 
      Submissions: informe@best.com

Chip's Closet Cleaner

 "Humor, trivia, fun. A zine full of stuff I find in my closet. See
  review in boing boing #12. "Hilarious" -- Factsheetfive.
  "Overwhelming" -- Chuck Shepherd, News of the Weird. "Wonderful,
  Chip. You sound like a neat guy!" -- Ann Landers."

           Format: ASCII text
        Frequency: 2/year
             ISSN: 1064-9719
             Note: Paper copies are available by snail-mail for $3
                     plus $1 postage.

              WWW: http://www.interaccess.com/users/chip/
           Gopher: gopher.etext.org: Zines/ChipsClosetCleaner
              FTP: ftp.etext.org: /pub/Zines/ChipsClosetCleaner/

        Editor(s): Chip Rowe 
           Postal: 175 North Harbor Drive, Chicago, IL 60601, USA

Citizen Poke Magazine -- Humor with Wallop

 "Citizen Poke is the Internet's only monthly comedy magazine. It is a
  fully layed out magazine, complete with color and graphics, dealing
  with all sorts of original humor and comedy written by students
  around the world. New submissions are always being accepted."

           Format: PDF
        Frequency: monthly

              WWW: http://www.amherst.edu/~poke
              FTP: unix.amherst.edu: /pub/poke/

        Editor(s): Josh Koppel 
                   Seth Mirick 
      Submissions: Citizen Poke Magazine 

Contes per a Extraterrestres

 "A zine devoted to short stories and related matters (reviews,
  dossiers, etc.). Texts written in Catalan, Spanish and English."

           Format: HTML
        Frequency: The archives are continouously updated

              WWW: http://www.uji.es/CPE/

        Editor(s): Carles Bellver and Josep M. Chorda


 "CORE is an electronic journal of poetry, fiction, essays, and

           Format: ASCII text

           Gopher: gopher.etext.org: Zines/CORE_Zine
                   gopher.cic.net: e-serials/alphabetic/c/core
              FTP: ftp.etext.org: /pub/Zines/CORE_Zine/
                   ftp.cic.net: /pub/e-serials/alphabetic/c/core/

        Editor(s): rita@etext.org


 "A place for the Witches, pagans, nature spirits, fey-folk, and
  assorted elder kin of Sherwood to share ideas, challenges, dreams,
  and projects, and to stir up a little magic of our own."

           Format: ASCII text

           Gopher: gopher.etext.org: Zines/Cousins
              FTP: ftp.etext.org: /pub/Zines/Cousins/

        Editor(s): Susan Gavula 

Creative Juices

 "Creative Juices is a quarterly (more or less) e-mag collection of
  quality short fiction of various genre, poetry and essays from
  contributing writers, both established and emerging."

           Format: READROOM
        Frequency: every three to four months

              BBS: Infomat (+1 714 366 1355)
                   selected BBSs that subscribe to the READROOM Door
            Email: don.wilder@solar.org (distribution is made by
                     attaching a file of the compressed (pkzip)
                     magazine to Internet e-mail messages, or by
                     sending the magazine as several [up to 16 per
                     issue] email messages)

        Editor(s): Don Wilder 
           Postal: Creative Juices, PO Box 2842, Mission Viejo, CA
                     92690, USA

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0615
 * Origin: Old Nick's Site (2:5052/4.2)

 Msg  : 168 of 307
 From : Sergei Nickolaev                    2:5052/4.2      .тp 18 .юл 95 13:31
 To   : All
 Subj : .нтернет: книжные ресурсы. Part III - e-zines. (3/10)
.RFC-Path: mtc!f1.n5052!f4.n5052!not-for-mail
Hello All!


 "A Web version of the paper magazine Cyanosis, published by System
  Zero, with additional interactivity. Cyanosis is dedicated to
  providing public access to highly unusual and/or controversial
  graphic art, literature and interviews. We exist to insure a forum
  for fearless creation, innovation and inspiriation."

           Format: HTML

              WWW: http://www.slip.net/syszero/syszero.html

        Editor(s): Darin De Stefano 
           Postal: System Zero, 309 Judah, Suite 310, San Francisco CA
                     94122, USA

Cyber Phuck

 "Cyber Phuck is NOT about sex or phreaking. It's easier to say it's
  not about either of those two topics than actually saying what it is
  about. Unlike most magazines, each issue doesn't begin with 10 pages
  of mental masturbation to waste the reader's time and annoy him so
  much that he doesn't bother reading it. We can do this because we
  have replaced bullshit with genuine articles."

           Format: ASCII text

              FTP: wuarchive.wustl.edu: /.../zines/phuck/
              BBS: Cyber (+1 513 863 0447)

        Editor(s): Tom Line 

Cyberkind -- Poetics and Prosaics for a Wired World

 "A WorldWideWeb magazine of 'Net-related fiction, nonfiction, poetry
  and art. CYBERKIND features prose and art submitted by the Internet
  population. All genres and subjects are included, as long as there
  is some connection to the Internet, cyberspace, computers or the
  networked world in general. Features range from an article on
  writing and the Internet to a computer-related mystery to
  hyperlinked poems. There is also an art gallery of Net-related art."

           Format: HTML
        Frequency: random (announcements mailed to list)

              WWW: http://sunsite.unc.edu/ckind/title.html

        Editor(s): Shannon Turlington 

Cyberspace Vanguard

 "News and Views of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Universe"

           Format: ASCII text

           Gopher: gopher.etext.org: Zines/Cyberspace.Vanguard
                   gopher.well.sf.ca.us: Publications
                   gopher.cic.net: e-serials/alphabetic/c/cyberspace-vanguard
              FTP: ftp.cic.net:
                   ftp.etext.org: /pub/Zines/Cyberspace.Vanguard/
              AOL: ???
            GEnie: ???
          FidoNet: file request from 1:157/200
            Email: cn577@cleveland.freenet.edu
                   Cyberspace Vanguard@1:157/564 (FidoNet)
            Other: Cleveland Freenet

        Editor(s): TJ Goldstein 
                   Sarah Alexander, Administrator
           Postal: Cyberspace Vanguard, POB 25704, Garfield Heights,
                     OH 44125, USA

DargonZine -- The Magazine of the Dargon Project

 "DargonZine is an electronic magazine printing stories written for
  the Dargon Project, a shared-world anthology similar to (and
  inspired by) Robert Asprin's Thieves' World anthologies, created by
  David 'Orny' Liscomb in his now retired magazine, FSFNet. The Dargon
  Project centers around a medieval-style duchy called Dargon in the
  far reaches of the Kingdom of Baranur on the world named Makdiar,
  and as such contains stories with a fantasy fiction/sword and
  sorcery flavor."

           Format: ASCII text

           Gopher: gopher.etext.org: Zines/DargonZine
                   gopher.cic.net: e-serials/alphabetic/d/dargonzine
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