To : Tommy Kellerman
Subj : SCI-FI TV
>SM> I think Sci-Fi (fans) should support Sci-Fi tv.
TK> When you say "Sci-Fi TV", do you mean special series and movies in
> general,
> or do you have some kind of dedicated TV-channel over there ?
In fact there is a cable channel, The Sci-Fi Channel, which is all sf, but I
think Shawn's talking about sf shows generally.
--- FLAME v1.0
* Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)
Msg : 311 of 423
From : Chip Griffin 1:320/301 .åō 14 .åę 95 00:03
Subj : Re: NUCLEAR
-> Solar and wind power have been attempted in large-scale and they are
-> failures.
-> Nuclear power is the most cost-effective and nearly the safest.
RL> Yeh, about as safe as "safe sex!" No, nuclear fission will never be
RL> safe enough. Fusion...maybe.
You got it backwards. Fusion requires such high temperatures that it must use
magnetic containment and the like ... It is MUCH LESS safe then fusion.
Believe it or not a nuclear reactor (fission) can be designed to be inherantly
safe! I have worked in the nuclear power field for quite a few years and do
so only because I have the utmost confidence in its safety. Most people who
think otherwise are severely lacking in understanding of how it works!
73s - de N1MIE, Chip, Granite; Sysop of Quarry; President of TRAUG
--- MacKennel 2.2.1
* Origin: The Quarry: 860-889-6427 -- Amateur Radio & Mac User (1:320/301.0)
Msg : 312 of 423
From : Chip Griffin 1:320/301 .åō 14 .åę 95 00:09
To : Frank Glover
Subj : Re: nuclear
SC> The only way solar power will make a diff. is IF we find a way to
SC> safly transfer power from satelites to Earth.
FG> I dunno...efficent photovoltaics, cheap superconductors and the desert
FG> southwest sound like a good (though not immediate) combination to me....
Solar takes too much land for how much power you get out. On just a few acres
in two states the five nuclear power units in the company I work for make a
combined 4500 MegaWatts electric output (about 1/3 of all of New Englands
normal demands). How much land would it take to create an equivalent amount
of power? And what would you do at night when the sun don't shine? How large
of a battery would you need to hold that amount overnight (and then scale up
your solar unit to charge it after a nights depletion). And then what about
an overcast day?
Naw, I see there will always be a need for a large scale power producing
entity such as the role provided today by the worlds Nuclear Power generation
73s - de N1MIE, Chip, Granite; Sysop of Quarry; President of TRAUG
--- MacKennel 2.2.1
* Origin: The Quarry: 860-889-6427 -- Amateur Radio & Mac User (1:320/301.0)
Msg : 313 of 423
From : Tommy Kellerman 2:205/356 .pä 13 .åę 95 21:03
To : Nancy Crockett
Subj : Highlander
In a message dated 09-Dec-95 21:10:02, Nancy Crockett wrote:
NC> There is a lot of info on America On Line, but I don't know if you can get
NC> that there. There is a lot of fans that write in AOL, and Adrian has been
NC> on it live twice. Jim Byrnes (Joe Dawson) has been on it, and so has Stan
NC> Kirsch (Richie Ryan).
NC> Let me know if I can be of any more assistance, and even if you just want
NC> to comment on the shows!
I'm afraid that the only computer connections with America are through Fido-
and InterNet.
Thank you for your valuable help, I do appreciate it.
NC> Have you seen the one with Adrian's butt shot yet?
WHAT?! Hahaha! No, I haven't, but that sounded kind of kinky...
NC> Don't lose your head!
NC> ... Never purge files after three sleepless nights.
Nope, not too fun...
/// -Tommy L.- \\\ * I have something to say: It's better to BURN out
than fade away !! *
--- Xenolink 1.0 Z.3, EmacsXL.4
* Origin: NoLimit, Furudal +46-258-10071 (2:205/356)
Msg : 314 of 423
From : Tommy Kellerman 2:205/356 .pä 13 .åę 95 21:22
To : Frank Glover
Subj : Re: Nuclear space drives
In a message dated 09-Dec-95 13:41:02, Frank Glover wrote:
TK> Well, is really everything proven about interstellar travel.
TK> Maybe wormholes can't be seen or scanned, NOW THAT'S SCIENCE FICTION
TK> !
TK> Of course, you got a point, but we don't know everything about space
TK> yet.
FG> There *may* be circumstances under which black holes that are charged
FG> and/orrotating could be gateways to...somewhere.
What is this theory based on?
FG> And, again theoretically, it may be possible to *create* wormholes.
FG> Carl Sagan unintentionally inspired theoretical work in this area when he
FG> consulted physicists to make his novel `Contact' as plausable as
FG> possible.
Is it newly written?
I haven't heard of it...
/// -Tommy K.- \\\
--- Xenolink 1.0 Z.3, EmacsXL.4
* Origin: NoLimit, Furudal +46-258-10071 (2:205/356)
Msg : 315 of 423
From : David Little 1:106/7315 .åō 14 .åę 95 11:34
To : Frank Swarbrick
Subj : Red Dwarf
-=< Frank used the Jedi Mind Trick on me! >=-
FS> Anyway, I am wondering if my station is not showing them quite in
FS> order. I saw "Kryten" about three or four episodes ago, but he hasn't
FS> been seen since. Is "Kryten" before or after "Stasis Leak"? Better
FS> yet, can someone post all the episodes in order?
Here's a section from the Red Dwarf FAQ list and how to get a recent
Subject: Is there an episode guide for RED DWARF?
Otto Heuer maintains a very good guide,
available by anonymous ftp:
| To get you started, here's a quick list created by Dale Clayton
| :
Series 1 - 1988 Series 2 - 1988
1 The End....................15 Feb 7 Kryten.................... 6 Sep
2 Future Echoes..............22 Feb 8 Better Than Life..........13 Sep
3 Balance of Power...........29 Feb 9 Thanks for the Memory.....20 Sep
4 Waiting For God............ 7 Mar 10 Stasis Leak...............27 Sep
5 Confidence & Paranoia......14 Mar 11 Queeg..................... 4 Oct
6 Me^^2......................21 Mar 12 Parallel Universe.........11 Oct
Series 3 - 1989 Series 4 - 1991
13 Backwards.................14 Nov 19 Camille...................14 Feb
14 Marooned..................21 Nov 20 D.N.A.....................21 Feb
15 Polymorph.................28 Nov 21 Justice...................28 Feb
16 Bodyswap.................. 5 Dec 22 White Hole.................7 Mar
17 Timeslides................12 Dec 23 Dimension Jump............14 Mar
18 The Last Day..............19 Dec 24 Meltdown..................21 Feb
Series 5 - 1992 Series 6 - 1993
25 Holoship..................20 Feb 31 Psirens................... 7 Oct
26 The Inquisitor............27 Feb 32 Legion....................14 Oct
27 Terrorform................ 5 Mar 33 Gunmen of the Apocalypse..21 Oct
28 Quarantine................12 Mar 34 Emohawk: Polymorph II.....28 Oct
29 Demons and Angels.........19 Mar 35 Rimmerworld............... 4 Nov
30 Back To Reality...........26 Mar 36 Out of Time...............11 Nov
Subject: How to find the latest version of this list
By WWW: Using NCSA Mosaic, lynx, or your favorite World Wide Web
browser, you can access an HTML version of this list at Thomas Fine's
FAQ site at Ohio State University:
The RED DWARF FAQ List is under R for RED DWARF.
By Gopher: If you have access to the Gopher service, you can connect
to the server at the University of New Brunswick (Canada):
| gopher://
By Anonymous FTP: Almost all Usenet FAQ lists can be found by
anonymous FTP to For the latest version of the Red
Dwarf FAQ List, get:
For more info on how to FTP, ask your friendly local systems staff or
see the periodic posting in news.announce.newusers entitled "Anonymous
FTP: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List."
Through Your Newsreader: The FAQ is posted every fourteen days to the
following newsgroups:
By Mail: If you can't FTP, you can use MIT's mail server to access
their FAQ archives.
To request the Red Dwarf FAQ, type the following as the body of your
send /pub/usenet/news.answers/tv/red_dwarf-faq
For complete information on using this service, type the following
(and nothing else) as the body of your message:
If All Else Fails: If you can't get a copy by any of the methods
described above, send me mail and I'll send you a copy.
-=The DoLittle 8-)=-
... "Cracking toast, Gromit!" - Wallace
--- FreeMail & Blue Wave/DOS v2.21
* Origin: The Wizard's Realm ** (713) 946-7315 ** (1:106/7315)
Msg : 316 of 423
From : Darre LuAllen 1:3637/1 .åō 14 .åę 95 08:51
To : Lyndon Soerensen
Subj : Favorites
On 12-11-95 Lyndon Soerensen wrote to Darre LuAllen...
DL> No need to run. Got to admit, Anthony is not my cup of tea either.
DL> I have heard that his stories are good. I'll have to take their word
DL> for it. Tried to get through one of his books once. Way too much
DL> detail to assimilate. Of course, that was a long time ago. Perhaps
LS> I got through _Alien_Plot_ and _Anthonology_. Anthony is
LS> just a bit too heavy-handed for me sometimes. It's only when he isn't
LS> obvious that IMHO, he turns into a really good writer.
Okay, when you're not slogging through an Anthony novel, what do you
prefer to read? Personally, I'll try to read about anything. In past,
I have read Ray Bradbury, Kurt Vonnegut, RAH, Mercades Lackey, A.C. Clarke
R.A. Salvatory (I think that's right), Randell Garrett, William Gibson
(wrote a paper on _Neuromancer_ for a history project =>) and even Anne Rice.
As far as classics go, I've read _2001..._, _Fahrenheit 451_, _20000 Leagues
Under the Sea_, _Slaughter House Five_, _1984_ and a few others that I
cannot remember. I'm also a fan of Poe and Lovecraft.
I never really developed a fav author as such. For me, if a story has some