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Stoneshard |#1| The Birth of a Pyromancer!
Demon's Souls |#19| Final
Demon's Souls |#18| Old King Allant
Demon's Souls |#17| Penetrator

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 Msg  : 77 of 423
 From : David Cougle                        1:390/2         .pä 29 Hî˙ 95 19:31
 To   : Todd Sullivan
 Subj : awesome epic
I read that, I am know on trumps of doom.  I don't like merlin being the
narrator as much as Corwin.

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: The Fire Scene BBS-HST-(504)641-4789 (1:390/2)

 Msg  : 78 of 423
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .cę 26 Hî˙ 95 13:12
 To   : The Raven
 Subj : Krypton
On (25 Nov 95) The Raven wrote to Chris Ogniben...

 CO> If your a comic reader, than a collector.. You are missing out on
 CO> a great personal buisness or hobby. I mean, do you realize how
 CO> much money you can make by collecting comics, and you still can
 CO> read them.. But, you make a big profit later in life with them.

 TR>      To quote myself:  "Art is wasted on those who have no souls."
 TR> It is highly unlikely that you will make any money at all from
 TR> comic books, as very few of them have any lasting value. And I
 TR> hope like hell you aren't planning on making money off of those
 TR> pieces of toilet paper which have the word "Image" printed on
 TR> them..

   That's for sure.  I collected comics for over ten years.  I didn't
intend to collect them, I only bought them to read.  But I'm
obsessively careful about *all* my reading matter, hardbacks,
paperbacks and comics.  So the collection grew to fill a couple of
   When I eventually liquidated the collection, I got back far less
than I'd paid for them.  (This is despite have a very long run of
X-Men titles in it, when X-Men were practically printed on gold leaf.)
   Sure, it was nice to get a few hundred dollars back for something I
no longer wanted...but it was hardly a profit-making venture.

   ...and what's this about SME's?

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 79 of 423
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .îí 27 Hî˙ 95 23:23
 To   : Shawn Merrow
 Subj : Seaquest 2032
On (24 Nov 95) Shawn Merrow wrote to All...

 SM> ** News Flash **
 SM> Seaquest 2032 has been cancealed. No reason known.
 SM> Posilbly killed by the Nelsons. Recomnd kill the
 SM> Nelson family. For crimes aginst the science
 SM> fiction audieance.

Nelson Family (Ozzie, Harriet, Rick and Princess) should be awarded
the Congressional Medal of Honor for performing above and beyond the
call of duty!

All heil Ozzie!  All heil Harriet!  All heil Rick and Princess!

We, who abhor SeaQuest in all its incarnations, salute you!

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 80 of 423
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .ōp 28 Hî˙ 95 18:56
 To   : The Raven
 Subj : B5 -- Coincidence?
On (26 Nov 95) The Raven wrote to Chris Carter...

 TR>      I know I am going to get crunched for even thinking this, but
 TR> life can't exist in a vacuum. Every writer on the planet knows
 TR> that you can't help but be exposed to things, and you *always*
 TR> use what you are exposed to for inspiration, even when you don't
 TR> know that you are doing it.

   This true, but I think being passively exposed to the existence of
other works of fiction is different from actively filing the serial
numbers off and using them yourself (chortling evilly all the while,
of course...).

 TR>  KM> but the Earth Cruiser from the first season episode when that
 TR>  KM> old Minbari went down to the planet and the hostile aliens
 TR>  KM> came to try and claim it looked like it could have come right
 TR>  KM> out of Blazers, gun turrets and all.
 TR>      I always thought it looked like a submarine...

   That's what it looked like to me, too.  (And I still think it was a
bad design for a space-going warship....)

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 81 of 423
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .ōp 28 Hî˙ 95 19:02
 To   : Ml Sands
 Subj : Sorry for eavedropping ...
On (26 Nov 95) Ml Sands wrote to Bianca Wesslak...

 MS>         ...  Von Neuman (spelling uncertain), was for many years the
 MS> US's most outspoken advocate of things nuclear, and was also quite
 MS> certain that there was no danger. Apparently, he liked being present
 MS> at nuclear tests. Alas, he died, from a sudden and rapid case of
 MS> bone cancer.

   Yeah, and?  So what's your point?

   In case it hasn't crossed your mind, nuclear *weapons* are entirely
different from nuclear *power plants*.  One of these (I'll let you
figure out which) is designed to purposely spill unimaginable amounts
of heat, light and radiation across vast stretches of landscape,
destroying buildings, vehicles, plants, animals and people.  Some have
been specially designed to produce *extra* radiation in order to kill
people faster and reduce the damage to the landscape, so that its
owners can more quickly move in to mop up the resistance.
   The *other* nuclear technology is designed to be as safe and
reliable as humanly possible.  And to generate far less pollution
(while generating far more power) than any other form of energy
available--including solar energy.  The total number of people killed
or injured by this technology is dwarfed by the numbers who've died
directly or indirectly as a result of the use of coal, oil, gasoline,
kerosene, wood and other fuels.
   Can you tell me which one is which?

   Can you tell me how many coal miners have died to save you from the
evils of nuclear energy?  How many oil rig workers?  How many tanker
truck drivers?

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 82 of 423
 From : The Raven                           1:363/309       .pä 29 Hî˙ 95 23:00
 To   : Marc Zingarelli

 MZ> I think our beloved Highlander Guru is slipping and confusing Gerrit
 MZ> Graham  with Gary Graham.  Both are in voyager this season.

     Mea culpa.

     Jack Butler

... In Hollywood, a marriage is a success if it outlasts milk.
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.20 [NR]
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando, FL -=- 407-679-6561 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 83 of 423
 From : The Raven                           1:363/309       .pä 29 Hî˙ 95 23:00
 To   : Night Breed
 Subj : Quickening effects

 NB> Could you tell me what he's planning on doing now? Because I am legally
 NB> blind myself & have greatly enjoyed his work. I wish I could find an
 NB> address for him as I'd like to write & tell him so.

     According to the interview, he's going to keep working as long as
possible, which could be quite a while.  Actor Dana Eclar slowly went blind
and yet still appeared regularly in MacGyver (they even worked the fact that
he was going blind into the storyline of the series).  I've seen him in a
bunch of stuff since.
     As for an address, I'll see what I can find out.  I'm not sure which
agency has his contract.

 NB> Why can't I find any other roles for Adrian? Has he had any
 NB> other roles, where? I collect autographed photos & would like to
 NB> add his but so far can find no address to write to.

     Adrian Paul was in the short-lived "War of the World" series, the
film "Love Potion #9", and has done some soap opera work.

     Jack Butler

... "Where there's a will there's a won't." -+ Ambrose Bierce
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.20 [NR]
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando, FL -=- 407-679-6561 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 84 of 423
 From : The Raven                           1:363/309       .pä 29 Hî˙ 95 23:00
 To   : All
 Subj : Immortals List  1
     "From the Dawn of Time we came, moving silently down through the
centuries, leading many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of The
Gathering, when the few who remain will battle to the last.  No one
has known we were among you..."
     "Until now."
                                - Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez

     This is a list of Immortals from Highlander.  Information in this list
is taken from the first and third films, the television series, and (since
the information given in it is official) the trading card game.  I update
this list on a weekly basis after every new episode (and sometimes *during*
every new episode).
     No characters from that abortion of a film "Highlander 2" will ever find
a place on this list with the exception of Connor MacLeod and Ramirez, as I
no longer acknowledge the existance of said film.  No characters from that
abortion of a cartoon on USA will ever appear, either, mainly because I think
it sucks.
     This list is current up to "Chivalry".
     Some quick notes about the list:
     1.  The Immortals are listed in alphabetical order.
     2.  If the word "Unknown" appears in an entry, that means that either
the information has never been revealed or that I haven't been able to find
out about the info in question.  (And anyone who has missing info may feel
free to send it to me, with my thanks.)
     3.  The ages listed for the immortals are, in most cases, estimates
given from "flashback" appearances and dialog from the various episodes.
Where exact ages have been shown, I list those.
     4.  "Mentors" and "Students" covers any Immortal teaching any other
Immortal any subject, or otherwise taking a guiding hand in the other
Immortal's life.
     5.  "Other Appearances" does *not* list "fast flashback" appearances
(such as the pictured found in the Watchers database from "Finale"), but does
include "story flashbacks".  I am missing some information on some of the
Immortals (namely Richie Ryan and Darius), so some of these entries may be
missing info.
     6.  "Quickenings" only refers to those which have been revealed in the
series through dialog or direct portrayal.
     7.  The "Notes" section is a shorthanded way to help people recognize
which Immortal is which.  Some of these are more wordy than others, and for
this I apologize.  Personal preference.
     8.  There are occasions in which information on my list openly and
readily conflicts with the list constructed by Brian Haden.  This is not
meant to imply that Brian's list is wrong, or that my list is right, but
rather than his source information is different than mine.

Actor:  Elizabeth Gracen         Age:  1165
Status:  Alive
Mentors:  Rebecca Horne
Students:  Kenny, Michelle Webster
First Appearance:  "The Lady And The Tiger"
Other Appearances:  "The Return of Amanda", "Legacy", "The Cross of St.
Īđåäûäķųā˙ ņōđāíčöā Ņëåäķūųā˙ ņōđāíčöā
1 ... 154 155 156 157 158 159 160  161 162 163 164 165 166 167 ... 500
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