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1 ... 151 152 153 154 155 156 157  158 159 160 161 162 163 164 ... 500
it's not any kind of deathless classic, but it beats watching St*r Tr*k
reruns. IMHO his best work is the Wizard in Rhyme series. (Jeez, doesn't
anybody write just ONE book anymore?) The hero finds himself in a universe
governed (more or less) by the laws of Medieval Catholicism. Heaven and Hell,
God and Sata, good and evil all have objective, tangible reality. Our
protaganist, of course, begins as a skeptic.
The series starts with Her Majesty's Wizard, and includes The Oathbound
Wizard, The Witch Doctor and The Secular Wizard. There is one more,
but it's not out in paperback yet so I haven't read it.

... A seminar on time travel will be held two weeks ago.
 Ā Blue Wave/DOS v2.21 [NR] Ā
--- Renegade v10-05 Exp
 * Origin: The Gallifrey BBS * 614-867-2812,,77 * Zoom 28.8k (1:262/32)

 Msg  : 53 of 423
 From : Jon Roth                            1:143/254       .ōp 28 Hî˙ 95 13:23
 To   : Ritchie Funk
 Subj : Re: Nowhere Man
Id prefer it if they wouldnt show us anything that Tom didnt see, it would be
much more mysterious not to be given the answers and having to work it out for
        However, the ending to this weeks episode confused the hell out of me.
--- CNet/3
 * Origin: Gnome's Guest Room BBS - (408)554-6689 (1:143/254)

 Msg  : 54 of 423
 From : Jon Roth                            1:143/254       .ōp 28 Hî˙ 95 13:27
 To   : All
 Subj : Re: canadian stuff
        Im not sure where Forever Knight is based.  Does anyone know if it is
Canadian or not?
--- CNet/3
 * Origin: Gnome's Guest Room BBS - (408)554-6689 (1:143/254)

 Msg  : 55 of 423
 From : Nancy Crockett                      1:170/600       .ōp 28 Hî˙ 95 20:49
 To   : Steven Wesen
 Subj : red dwarf

 SW> Yes they are working on Series 7 and 8 with 2 Christmas
 SW> Specials.

     My God, am I behind! My husband and I borrowed a friend's tapes once to
watch the series. I think we saw 4 years, although David thinks it might have
only been 3. We have some catching up to do! Can you tell me something about the
4th year that would help me remember if I've seen it or not? The last thing I
can remember is when they met themselves in the future and the past. I hope we
can find a way to catch up, we haven't seen that friend much in the last couple
of years, so I'm not even sure that he has the newer years.

... "Don't call him stupid!" Lt. Dan
--- FMail/386 1.02
 * Origin: Tulsa Chat BBS-Tulsa, Ok-(918) 234-1352 (1:170/600)

 Msg  : 56 of 423
 From : Nancy Crockett                      1:170/600       .ōp 28 Hî˙ 95 20:54
 To   : Paul Goverts
 Subj : red dwarf
     Thanks for the info, Paul. I was just writing to Steven Wesen about how I
have some catching up to do. I have only seen the first 3 or 4 years. I sorta
thought that what they had on the sattelite was reruns, but I guess I should
have made more effort to tune in. Where have you been watching it?

... Readers of the lost .ARC
--- FMail/386 1.02
 * Origin: Tulsa Chat BBS-Tulsa, Ok-(918) 234-1352 (1:170/600)

 Msg  : 57 of 423
 From : Nancy Crockett                      1:170/600       .ōp 28 Hî˙ 95 21:04
 To   : Robert Parson

 RP> NANCY had this to say
 RP> NC> I have pre-recorded Euro-Versions

 RP> There's a different version going out to Europe?  What are
 RP> some of the major
 RP> differences?

     They have 4 extra minutes of footage in every episode. It is not stuff that
America WOULDN'T show or anything, it is just that we have more commercials.
(Lucky, aren't we?). It seems to me that a lot of the stuff cut out was better
development of Richie, which would hopefully made more people like him. My
husband and I hated him at first, then he gradually seemed to mature a little.
After he became immortal, he got even better. In the Highlander club, there is a
big following of Richie. Now that we like him, and have seen the old episodes
with extra footage, we see how nice he can be. The extra footage is also
probably of other stuff, too, but we missed a lot of the first year, so it is
hard for us to tell what is new. (I guess I could even be wrong about the Richie
scenes, since I missed some of those originally.) The second season I should be
able to tell more, I am expecting it in the mail anyday, I think they just
charged my VISA for them. We ordered them at the con in Denver.
     Both seasons also come with a lot of extra goodies, like shirts and other
merchandise. The first year came with a Behind the scenes tape and a blooper
tape, which is hilarious! The second year has a tape of "The Life and Times of
Duncan McLeod" with it. It focuses on the history of the world thru Duncans
eyes. Cool stuff!
     I take it you have seen everything up until now? I feel sorry for those
trying to catch up on USA, they are showing them so out of order.

... "Lt. Dan, this is my Jenny." Forrest Gump
--- FMail/386 1.02
 * Origin: Tulsa Chat BBS-Tulsa, Ok-(918) 234-1352 (1:170/600)

 Msg  : 58 of 423
 From : Nancy Crockett                      1:170/600       .ōp 28 Hî˙ 95 22:42
 To   : Richard Hudson
 Subj : Highlander:  New Season

 RH> Im a highlander fan. Let's talk. By the way who is your
 RH> favorite villan.

     That is a hard one. I have four years to choose from! Slan, from the first
episode, (played by "Bull" from Nightcourt) was a fun one. With the stories
developing to where immortals heal so well, I don't know why Slan was worried
about his face being messed up! I can only assume that was before they thought
about wounds healing. I thought that Kalas was quite devious and I twisted and
squirmed and every new hitch he threw in Duncans efforts to kill him. I'm not to
crazy about Kenny, but then I don't care for bratty kids. I liked the episode
with the irish female immortal that fought with Richie, but that is because of
her "talk" with Duncan out on the pier! I'll think some more on that, maybe one
more favorite will come to me.
     Did you like Tessa or Ann better?

... "His names Forrest." Jenny
--- FMail/386 1.02
 * Origin: Tulsa Chat BBS-Tulsa, Ok-(918) 234-1352 (1:170/600)

 Msg  : 59 of 423
 From : Nancy Crockett                      1:170/600       .ōp 28 Hî˙ 95 22:47
 To   : The Raven
 Subj : Highlander

 TR>      I know.  You sent me that message in the HIGHLANDER
 TR> echo.

 TR>      Jack Butler

     I didn't know I was in a Highlander echo. I just read about it from someone
else. I was going to look for it, it seems it found me. I didn't notice where
you are from. Are you in another state?

... "Who the HELL is that??" Bear Bryant
--- FMail/386 1.02
 * Origin: Tulsa Chat BBS-Tulsa, Ok-(918) 234-1352 (1:170/600)

 Msg  : 60 of 423
 From : Nancy Crockett                      1:170/600       .ōp 28 Hî˙ 95 22:50
 To   : Richard Sarner
 Subj : Highlander

 RS> out there. I do have a miniGathering tet. slated for
 RS> Jan-Feb to show off my Euros (mine! all mine! :)

     Good for you! We need to share all of the Highlander we can!

 RS> was great! Are you aware of the Fido Highlander echo? Ask
 RS> for it by name, it hails from Arkham Asylum. I just
 RS> recieved the second Highlander Store catalog and saw the
 RS> stuff we examined a month ago. Will you be attending
 RS> SyndiCon in Baltimore in May? Elizabeth Gracen and Arrian
 RS> are on the Invited list, but all the others from  the
 RS> Gathering will be there.

     I did not know about the Highlander echo, I will try to look for it. I have
never heard of Arkham Asylum. If you have any other info, please share it. I,
too, just received my catalog. I have tried not to drool too much. I am afraid
that Baltimore is out of my reach. We can't afford that plane tickets. We drove
to Denver, it took us 12 hours! Please fill me in on the con, I wish I could go.

... "I couldn't just let him lie there, all alone and scared." Forrest Gump
--- FMail/386 1.02
 * Origin: Tulsa Chat BBS-Tulsa, Ok-(918) 234-1352 (1:170/600)

 Msg  : 61 of 423
 From : Kevin Ahearn                        1:109/104       .ōp 28 Hî˙ 95 18:26
 To   : Todd Sullivan
 Subj : awesome epic

 TS> You're just now discovering that?  Wait'll you read
 TS> Vol.2, and the next set that involve Merlin.

 TS> Trumps Of Doom.
 TS> Blood Of Amber
 TS> Sign Of Chaos
 TS> Knight of Shadows

 TS> Todd Sullivan

Woops!  You forgot the last book in that series, _Prince of Chaos_


--- Maximus/2 3.00
 * Origin: ShanErin (1:109/104)

 Msg  : 62 of 423
 From : Myra I Fox                          1:123/10        .îí 27 Hî˙ 95 19:11
 To   : David Hilling
 Subj : Terry Pratchett

-=>Quoting David Hilling to Myra I Fox<=-

 MIF> No, but I just noticed that the SFBC has it this month.  Maybe I need
 MIF> to order myself an Xmas present .

 DH> Have you been naughty or nice? 

A little of both 

 DH> This is a really charming little story and well worth curling up with
 DH> on a long winter evening. Usually, my tastes run more toward hard SF,
 DH> but Pratchett is quite the storyteller.

But now I can't find the silly order form .  Maybe Jym hid it...
he thinks I spend way too much money on books  :-)

--- RA/FD/FMail
 * Origin: The Electric Fox - Memphis,TN, U.S.A.  1-901-327-1008 (1:123/10)

 Msg  : 63 of 423
 From : Darre LuAllen                       1:3637/1        .ōp 28 Hî˙ 95 15:04
 To   : David Hilling
 Subj : Favorites
 On 11-26-95 David Hilling wrote to Darre Luallen...

 DL> Anyway, I'd love to hear your opinion on various Heinlein (or others
 DL> if I have  read them or not) sories.  By the way, what did you think of
 DL> Puppet Masters?

 DH> Loved the book. I was somewhat less impressed with the movie at first.
 DH> Upon further reflection and a couple more viewings, I mellowed somewhat.
 DH> After all, people will only sit still for so long at a time. Besides, if
 DH> they had stuck too close to the book, this would have earned them the
 DH> dreaded NC-17 rating for excessive nudity.
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1 ... 151 152 153 154 155 156 157  158 159 160 161 162 163 164 ... 500
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