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Project Gutenberg's Encyclopedia, vol. 1 ( A - Andropha

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are many creameries in the county.  Sumerous artesian wells 
furnish the city with an ample supply of water of unusual 
excellence.  Albert Lea was settled in 1855 and received a 
city charter in 1878.  The city and the lake were named in 
honour of Lieutenant Albert Miller Lea (1808--1801), a West 
Point graduate (1831) who, on behalf of the United States 
government, first surveyed the region and described it in 
a report published in 1836.  He was a lieutenant-colonel 
of engineers in the Confederate army during the Civil War. 

ALBERT NYANZA, a lake of Central Africa, the northern of 
the two western reservoirs of the Nile, lying in the western 
(A!bertine) rift-valley, near its north end.  The southern 
reservoir is Albert Edward Nyanza (q.v..) Lake Albert lies 
between 1 deg.  9' and 2 deg.  17' N. and 30 deg.  30' and 31 deg.  35' E., 
at an elevation of about 2000 ft. above the sea.  Its greatest 
length is about 100 m., its greatest width 22 m., its area 
being approximately 1640 sq. m., about the size of Lancashire, 
England.  South of the lake is a wide plain, traversed by the 
Seniliki river, which enters the Nyanza through a swamp of tall 
weeds, chiefly ambach and papyrus.  Both east and west the 
walls of the rift-valley are close to the lake,the waterin 
many places washing the base of the cliffs.  Elsewhere the 
narrowforeshore is thicklywooded.  The ascent to the plateaus 
is generally by three tiers of hills rising one behind the 
other.  On the west side the mountains present many pointed 
and conical summits; on the east the cliffs rise abruptly 
1000 to 2000 ft.  On either coast wild gorges and ravines, 
densely wooded, break the outline of the mountains.  Through 
these gorges dash magnificent cascades, others leaping the 
escarpments of the plateaus in waterfalls of great volume and 
depth.  Towards the north the hills recede from the coast and 
on both sides flats extend for distances varying from 5 to 15 
m.  On the eastern side, 92 m. from the southern end of the 
Nyanza, the Victoria Nile enters the lake, here not more 
than 6 m. across, through a wilderness of woods, the delta 
of the Nile extending over 4 m.  The mouth of the main stream 
is obstructed by a bar of its own formation; the current is 
sluggish; there are many side channels, and the appearance 
of the lake gives no hint that a great river has joined its 
waters.  For 5 or 6 m. north of the junction of the Victoria 
Nile the lake suffers no material diminution in width.  Then, 
however, the eastern and western shores approach each other, 
and a current is perceptible flowing north.  The lake has 
become the Bahr-el-Jebel, or Mountain river, as this section 
of the Nile is called.  Throughout its extent Albert Nyanza 
is shallow; at its southern end the water for a considerable 
distance is not more than 3 ft. deep.  The deepest soundings 
give only 50 to 55 ft., the average depth being 30 to 40 ft. 

The Alberline Basin of the Nile.---Albert Nyanza receives the 
whole of the drainage of Albert Edward Nyanza and the Semliki 
river, and with them and its own basin forms the ``Albertine'' Nile 
system.  Its waters, as stated above, mingle with those of the 
Victoria Nile, their united volume flowing north towards the 
Mediterranean.  A study of the changes going on in the riftvalley 
in which the lakes lie leads, however, to the belief that 
the Albert Edward and Albert Nyanzas are drying up, a process 
which the nature of the drainage areas is helping to bring 
about.  That the Albert Edward Nyanza once covered a much 
larger area than it does at present is certain.  At that 
time, recent from a geological standpoint, the valley to the 
north, through which now flows the Semliki river, was blocked.  
The removal of the block led to the shrinkage of the lake and 
the formation.of the Semhki, which found its way to the more 
northern lake-Albert Nyanza.  Gradually the Semliki eroded 
its bed, and consequently the level of Albert Edward Nyanza 
continued to fall.  The process continues but is checked by 
the existence of the rock barrier which stretches across the 
Semliki.  This stream leaves Albert Edward Nyanza at its 
N.W. end in 0 deg.  8' 30q S., and after a course of about 160 
m. enters Albert Nyanza in 1 deg.  9' N. In its upper and in its 
lower course the river flows either through high alluvial 
plains, in which it has scored a deep channel, or across swamp 
land.  In the middle section, which has a length of some 75 
m., the river runs in a deep narrow valley -covered with 
the densest forest.  On the west this valley is bounded by 
the Congo mountains, which form the wall of the rift-valley, 
on the east by the mighty range of Ruwenzori, whose heights 
tower over 16,000 ft. above sea-level.  In this length 
of 75 m. the river falls in cataracts and rapids over 800 
ft.  This rocky barrier acts as a regulator for the water 
received from Albert Edward Nyanza snd, by checking the 
erosion of the river bed, tends to maintain the level of the 
lake.  When this bar wears away Albert Edward Nyanza will, in 
all probability, disappear as a lake and will become a river, a 
continuation of its present most southern affiuentj the Ruchuru. 

Albert Nyanza, on the other hand, is threatened in the 
distant future with destruction from another cause--the 
filling of its bed by the alluvium poured into it by the 
Semliki, the Victoria Nile and, in a lesser degree, by other 
streams.  The Semliki receives directly or indirectly the 
whole of the drainage of Ruwenzori, and also that of the 
eastern face of the Congo mountains as well as the drainage 
basin of Albert Edward Nyanza.  The amount of alluvial matter 
carried is enormous; from Ruwenzori alone the detritus is very 
great.  Charged with all this matter, the Semhki, as it 
emerges from the region of forest and cataracts (in which, 
often closely confined by its mountain barriers, the stream 
is deep and rapid), becomes sluggish, its slope flattens 
out, and its waters, unable to carry their burden, deposit 
much of it upon the land.  This process, continually going 
on, has formed a large plain at the south end of Albert 
Nyanza, which has seriously encroached upon the lake.  At 
the northern end of the lake the sediment brought down by the 
Victoria Nile is producing a similar effect.  Albert Nyanza 
has indeed shrunk in its dimensions during the comparatively 
few years it has been known to Europeans.  Thus at the S.W. 
end, Nyamsasi, which was an island in 1889, has become a 
peninsula.  Islands which in 1876 were on the east coast 
no longer exist; they now form part of the foreshore.  On 
the other hand, the shrinkage of the lake level caused the 
appearance in 1885 of an island where in 1879 there had been 
an expanse of shallow water.  It seems probable that, in a 
period geologically not very remote, the ``Albertine'' system 
will consist of one great river, extending from the northern 
slopes of the Rivu range, where the Ruchuru has its rise, to 
the existing junction of the Victoria Nile with Albert Nyanza. 

The combined drainage area, including the water surface of 
Albert Edward Nyanza, the Semhki and Albert Nyanza, is some 
16,600 sq. m.  Throughout this area the rainfall is heavy (40 
to 60 in. or more per annum), the volume of water entering 
Albert Nyanza by the Semliki when in flood being not less 
than 700 cubic metres per second.  Of the water received 
by Albert Nyanza annually (omitting the Victoria Nile from 
the calculation) between 50 and 60% is lost by evaporation, 
whilst 24,265,000,000 cubic metres are annually withdrawn 
by the Bahr-el-Jebel.  The ``Albertine'' system plays a 
comparatively insignificant part in the annual llood rise 
of the White Nile, but to its waters are due the maintenance 
of a constant supply to this river throughout the year. 

Discovery and Exploration.---Albert Nyanza was first reached 
by Sir Samuel Baker on the 14th of March 1864 near Vacovia, 
a small village of fishermen and salt-makers on the east 
coast.  From a granitic cliff 1500 ft. above the water he 
looked out over a boundless horizon on the south and south-west, 
and towards the west descried at a distance of 50 or 60 m. 
mountains about 7000 ft. high.  Albert Nyanza was consequently 
entered on his map as a vast lake extending about 380 m.  But 
the circumnavigation of the lake by Gessi Pasha (1876), and 
by Emin Pasha in 1884, showed that Baker had been deceived as 
to the size of the lake.  By the end of the 19th century the 
topography of the lake region was known with fair accuracy.  
The lake forms part of the (British) Uganda Protectorate, 
but the north-west shores were leased in 1894 to the (iongo 
Free State during the sovereignty of king Leopold II. of 
Belgium.  Of this leased area a strip 15 m. wide, giving 
the Congo State a passage way to the lake, was to remain in 
its possession after the determination of the lease. - See 
Nile; Sir W. Garstin's Report upon the Basin of the Upper 

Loile (Egypt, No. 2, 1904); Capt.  H. G. Lyons' The 
Physiography oj. the River Nelc and its Basin (Cairo, 1906), 
and the authorities quoted in those works. (W. E. G.; F. R. C.) 

ALBERTUS MAGNUS (ALBERT OF COLOGNE.? 1206-1280), count of 
Bollstadt, scholastic philosopher, was born of the noble 
family of Bollstadt at Lauingen in Suabia.  The date of his 
birth, generally given as 1193, is more probably 1206.  He was 
educated principally at Padua, where he received instruction 
in Aristotle's writings.  In 1223 (or 1221) he became a member 
of the Dominican order, and studied theology under its rules 
at Bologna and elsewhere.  Selected to fill the position of 
lecturer at Cologne, where the order had a house, he taught for 
several years there, at Regensburg, Freiburg, Strassburg and 
Hildesheim.  In 1245 he went to Paris, received his doctorate 
and taught for some time, in accordance with the regulations, 
with great success.  In 1254 he was made provincial of his 
order, and fulfilled the arduous duties of the office with 
great care and efficiency.  During the time he held this office 
he publicly defended the Dominicans against the university of 
Paris, commented on St John, and answered the errors of the 
Arabian philosopher, Averroes.  In 1260 the pope made him 
bishop of Regensburg, which office he resigned after three 
years.  The remainder of his life he spent partly in preaching 
throughout Bavaria and the adjoining districts, partly in 
retirement in the various houses of his order; in 1270 he 
preached the eighth Crusade in Austria; almost the last of 
his labours was the defence of the orthodoxy of his former 
pupil, Thomas Aquinas.  He died in 1280, aged seventy-four.  
He was beatified in 1622, and he is commemorated on the 16th of 
November.  Albert's works (published in twenty-one folios by 
the Dominican Pierre Jammy in 1651, and reproduced by the Abbe 
Borgnet, Paris, 1890, 36 vols.) sufficiently attest his great 
activity.  He was the most widely read and most learned man 
of his time.  The whole of Aristotle's works, presented in the 
Latin translations and notes of the Arabian commentators, were 
by him digested, interpreted and systematized in accordance 
with church doctrine.  Albert's activity, however, was rather 
philosophical than theological (see SCHOLASTICISM.) The 
philosophical works, occupying the first six and the last 
of the twenty-one volumes, are generally divided according 
to the Aristotelian scheme of the sciences, and consist of 
interpretations and condensations of Aristotle's relative 
works, with supplementary discussions depending on the 
questions then agitated, and occasionally divergences from the 
opinions of the master. His principal theological works are a
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