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volume and forcing the piston (B) to rise, which completes the 
cycle.  The engine was double-acting, another heating vessel 
like A being connected with the upper end of the working cylinder 
at F. The stages at which heat is taken from the furnace and 
rejected to the cooler (C) are approximately isothermal at the 
upper and lower limits of temperature respectively, and the cycle 
accordingly is approximately ``perfect'' in the thermodynamic 
sense.  The theoretical indicator diagram is made up of two 
isothermal lines for the taking in and rejection of heat, and 
two lines of constant volume for the two passages through the 
regenerator.  This engine was the subject of two patents 
(by R. and S. Stirling) in 1827 and 1840.  A double-acting 
Stirling engine of 50 horse-power, using air which was 
maintained by a pump at a fairly high pressure throughout the 
operations, was used for some years in the Dundee Foundry, 
where it is oredited with having consumed only 1.7 lb. of coal 
per hour per indicated horse-power.  The coal consumption per 
brake-horse-power was no doubt much greater.  It was finally 
abandoned on account of the failure of the heating vessels. 

The type survives in some small domestic motors, an example of 
which, manufactured under the patent of H. Robinson, is shown 
in fig. 2. In this there is no compressing pump, and the main 
pressure of the working air is simply that of the atmosphere.  
The whole range of pressure is so slight that no packing is 
required.  Here A is the vessel in which the air is heated 
and within which the displacer works.  It is heated by a small 
cokefire or by a gas flame in C. It communicates through a 
passage (D) with the working cylinder (B) . The displacer (E) 
which takes its motion through a rod (I) from a rocking lever 
(F) connected by a short link to the crank-pin, is itself the 
regenerator, its construction being such that the air passes 
up and down through it as in one of the original Stirling 
forms.  The cooler is a water vessel (G) through which water 
circulates from a tank (H). Ylessrs.  Hayward and Tyler's 
``Rider'' engine may be mentioned as another small hot-air 
motor which follows nearly the Stirling cycle of operations. 

An attempt to develop a powerful air-engine was made in 
America about 1833 by John Ericsson, who applied it to marine 
propulsion in the ship ``Caloric,'' but without permanent 
success.  Like Stirling, Ericsson used a regenerator, but with 
this difference that the pressure instead of the volume of the air 
remained constant while it passed in each direction through the 
regenerator.  Cold air was compressed by a. pump into a receiver, 
where it was kept cool during compression and from which it 
passed through a regenerator into the working cylinder.  In 
so passing it took up heat and expanded.  It was then allowed 
to expand further, taking in heat from a furnace under the 
cylinder and falling in pressure.  This expansion was continued 
till the pressure of the working air fell nearly to that of the 
atmosphere.  It was then discharged through the regenerator, 
depositing heat for the next charge of air in turn to take 
up.  The indicator diagram approximated to a form made up 
of two isothermal lines and two lines of constant pressure. 

In the transmission of power by compressed air (see POWER 
TRANSMISSION) the air-driven motors are for the most part 
machines resembling steam-engines in the general features of 
their pistons, cylinders, valves and so forth.  Such machines 
are not properly described as air-engines since their function 
is not the conversion of heat into work.  Incidentally, 
however, they do in some cases partially discharge that 
function, namely, when what is called a ``preheater'' is used 
to warm up the compressed air before it enters in the motor 
cylinder.  The object of this device is not, primarily, to 
produce work from heat, but to escape the inconveniences 
that would otherwise arise through extreme cooling of the 
air during its expansion.  Without preheating the expanding 
air becomes so cold as to be liable to deposit snow from 
the moisture held in suspension, and thereby to clog the 
valves.  With preheating this is avoided, and the amount 
of work done by a given quantity of air is increased by the 
conversion into work of a part of the supplementary energy 
which the preheater supplies in the form of heat. (J. A. E.) 

AIREY, RICHARD AIREY, BARON (1803-1881), British general, 
was the son of Lieutenant-General Sir George Airey (1761-1833) 
and was born in 1803.  He entered the army in 1821, became 
captain in 1825, and served on the staff of Sir Frederick 
Adam in the Ionian Islands (1827-1830) and on that of Lord 
Aylmer in North America (1830-1832).  In 1838 Airey, then a 
lieutenant-colonel, went to the Horse Guards, where in 1852 
he became military secretary to the commander-in-chief, Lord 
Hardinge.  In 1854 he was given a brigade command in the 
army sent out to the East; from which, however, he was 
immediately transferred to the onerous and difficult post 
of quartermaster-general to Lord Raglan, in which capacity 
he served through the campaign in the Crimea.  He was made 
a major-general in December 1854, and it was universally 
recognized in the army that he was the best soldier on Lord 
Raglan's staff.  He was made a K.C.B., and was reported upon 
most favourably by his superiors, Lord Raglan and Sir J. 
Simpson.  Airey was a quartermaster-general in the older 
sense of the word, i.e. a chief of the general staff, but a 
different view of the duties of the office was then becoming 
recognized.  Public opinion held him and his department 
responsible for the failures and mismanagement of the 
commissariat.  Airey demanded an inquiry on his return to 
England and cleared himself completely, but he never recovered 
from the effects of the unjust persecution of which he 
had been made the victim, though the popular view was not 
shared by his military superiors.  He gave up his post at 
the front to become quartermaster-general to the forces at 
home.  In 1862 he was promoted lieutenant-general, and 
from 1865 to 1870 he was governor of Gibraltar, receiving 
the G.C.B. in 1867.  In 1870 he became adjutant-general 
at headquarters, and in 1871 attained the full rank of 
general.  In 1876, on his retirement, he was created a 
peer, and in 1879-1880 he presided over the celebrated Airey 
commission on army reform.  He died at the house of Lord 
Wolseley, at Leatherhead, on the 14th of September 1881. 

AIR-GUN, a gun in which the force employed to propel the 
bullet is the elasticity of compressed atmospheric air.  
It has attached to it, or constructed in it, a reservoir of 
compressed air, a portion of which, liberated into the space 
behind the bullet when the trigger is pulled, propels the 
bullet from the barrel by its expansion.  The common forms of 
air-gun, which are merely toys, are charged by compressing a 
spiral spring, one end of which forms a piston working in a 
cylinder; when released by a pull on the trigger, this spring 
expands, and the air forced out in front of it propels the 
bullet.  Air-guns of this kind are sometimes made to 
resemble walking-sticks and are then known as air-canes. 

AIRY, SIR GEORGE BIDDELL (1801-1892), British Astronomer 
Royal, was born at Alnwick on the 27th of July 1801.  
He came of a long line of Airys who traced their descent 
back to a family of the same name residing at Eentmere, in 
Westmorland, in the 14th century; but the branch to which 
he belonged, having suffered in the Civil wars, removed to 
Lincolnshire, where for several generations they lived as 
farmers.  George Airy was educated first at elementary 
schools in Hereford, and afterwards at Colchester Grammar 
School.  In 1819 he entered Trinity College, Cambridge, as a 
sizar.  Here he had a brilliant career, and seems to have 
been almost immediately recognized as the leading man of his 
year.  In 1822 he was elected scholar of Trinity, and in the 
following year he graduated as senior wrangler and obtained 
first Smith's prize.  On the 1st of October 1824 he was 
elected fellow of Trinity, and in December 1826 was appointed 
Lucasian professor of mathematics in succession to Thomas 
Turton.  This chair he held for little more than a year, being 
elected in February 1828 Plumian professor of astronomy and 
director of the new Cambridge observatory.  Some idea of his 
activity as a writer on mathematical and physical subjects 
during these early years may be gathered from the fact that 
previous to this appointment he had contributed no less than 
three important memoirs to the Philisophical Transactions of 
the Royal Society, and eight to the Cambridge Philosophical 
Society.  At the Cambridge observatory Airy soon gave evidence 
of his remarkable power of organization.  The only telescope 
erected in the establishment when he took it in charge was 
the transit instrument, and to this he vigorously devoted 
himself.  By the adoption of a regular system of work, 
and a careful plan of reduction, he was able to keep his 
observations reduced practically up to date, and published 
them annually with a degree of punctuality which astonished his 
contemporaries.  Before long a mural circle was installed, 
and regular observations were instituted with it in 1833.  
In the same year the duke of Northumberland presented the 
Cambridge observatory with a fine object-glass of 12 in. 
aperture, which was mounted according to Airy's designs 
and under his superintendence, although the erection was 
not completed until after his removal to Greenwich in 
1835.  Airy's writings during this time are divided between 
mathematical physics and astronomy.  The former are for the 
most part concerned with questions relating to the theory of 
light, arising out of his professorial lectures, among which 
may be specially mentioned his paper ``On the Diffraction of 
an Object-Glass with Circular Aperture.'' In 1831 the Copley 
medal of the Royal Society was awarded to him for these 
researches.  Of his astronomical writings during this period 
the most important are his investigation of the mass of 
Jupiter, his report to the British Association on the progress 
of astronomy during the 19th century, and his memoir On an 
Inequality of Long Period in the Motions of the Earth and Venus. 

One of the sections of his able and instructive report 
was devoted to ``A Comparison of the Progress of Astronomy 
in England with that in other Countries,'' very much 
to the disadvantage of England.  This reproach was 
subsequently to a great extent removed by his own labours. 

Airy's discovery of a new inequality in the motions of 
Venus and the earth is in some respects his most remarkable 
achievement.  In correcting the elements of Delambre's solar 
tables he had been led to suspect an inequality overlooked by 
their constructor.  The cause of this he did not long seek in 
vain.  Eight times the mean motion of Venus is so nearly equal 
to thirteen times that of the earth that the difference amounts 
to only the 1/240th of the earth's mean motion, and from the 
fact that the term depending on this difference, although very 
small in itself, receives in the integration of the differential 
equations a multiplier of about 2,200,000, Airy was led to 
infer the existence of a sensible inequality extending over 
240 years (Phil.  Trans. cxxii. 67). The investigation that 
brought about this result was probably the most laborious 
that had been made up to Airy's time in planetary theory, and 
represented the first specific improvement in the solar tables 
effected in England since the establishment of the theory of 
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