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idea a scientific basis for chemistry, the progress of that 
subject has been wonderful beyond any conception that could 
previously have been entertained; and the atomic theory in 
some form appears to be an indispensable part of the framework 
of physical science.  Now this doctrine of material atoms is 
an almost necessary corollary to the doctrine of a universal 
aether.  For if we held that matter is continuous, one of two 
alternatives would be open.  We might consider that matter and 
aether can coexist in the same space; this would involve the 
co-existence and interaction of a double set of properties, 
introducing great complication, which would place any coherent 
scheme of physical action probably beyond the powers of human 
analysis.  Or we might consider that aether exists only 
where matter is not, thus making it a very rare and subtle 
and elastic kind of matter; then we should have to assign 
these very properties to the matter itself where it replaces 
aether, in addition to its more familiar properties, and the 
complication would remain.  The other course is to consider 
matter as formed of ultimate atoms, each the nucleus or core 
of an intrinsic modification impressed on the siurounding 
region of the aether; this might conceivably be of the 
nature of vortical motion of a liquid round a ring-core, 
thus giving a vortex atom, or of an intrinsic strain of some 
sort radiating from a core, which would give an electric 
atom.  We recognize an atom only through its physical 
activities, as manifested in its interactions with other atoms 
at a distance from it; this field of physical activity would 
be identical with the surrounding field of aethereal motion 
or strain that is inseparably associated with the nucleus, 
and is carried on along with it as it moves.  Here then we 
have the basis of a view in which there are not two media 
to be considered, but one medium, homogeneous in essence and 
differentiated as regards its parts only by the presence of 
nuclei of intrinsic strain or motion---in which the physical 
activities of matter are identified with those arising from 
the atmospheres of modified aether which thus belong to its 
atoms.  As regards laws of general physical interactions, 
the atom is fully represented by the constitution of this 
atmosphere, and its nucleus may be left out of our discussions; 
but in the problems of biology great tracts of invariable 
correlations have to be dealt with, which seem hopelessly 
more complex than any known or humanly possible physical 
scheme.  To make room for these we have to remember that the 
atomic nucleus has remained entirely undefined and beyond 
our problem; so that what may occur, say when two molecules 
come into close relations, is outside physical science---not, 
however, altogether outside, for we know that when the vital 
nexus in any portion of matter is dissolved, the atoms 
will remain, in their number, and their atmospheres, and all 
inorganic relations, as they were before vitality supervened. 

Nature of Properties of Material Bodies.---It thus appears 
that the doctrine of atomic material constitution and the 
doctrine of a universal aether stand to each other in a 
relation of mutual support; if the scheme of physical laws 
is to be as precise as observation and measurement appear to 
make it, both doctrines are required in our efforts towards 
synthesis.  Our direct knowledge of matter can, however, 
never be more than a rough knowledge of the general average 
behaviour of its molecules; for the smallest material speck 
that is sensible to our coarse perceptions contains myriads of 
atoms.  The properties of the most minute portion of matter 
which we can examine are thus of the nature of averages.  
We may gradually invent means of tracing more and more 
closely the average drifts of translation or orientation, 
or of changes of arrangement, of the atoms; but there will 
always remain an unaveraged residue devoid of any recognized 
regularity, which we can only estimate by its total amount.  
Thus, if we are treating of energy, we can separate out 
mechanical and electric and other constituents in it; and 
there will be a residue of which we know nothing except its 
quantity, and which we call thermal.  This merely thermal 
energy--which is gradually but very slowly being restricted 
in amount as new subsidiary organized types become recognized 
in it--though transmutable in equivalent quantities with the 
other kinds, yet is so only to a limited extent; the tracing 
out of the laws of this limitation belongs to the science of 
thermodynamics.  It is the business of that science to find 
out what is the greatest amount of thermal energy that can 
possibly be recoverable into organized kinds under given 
circumstances.  The discovery of definite laws in this 
region might at first sight seem hopeless; but the argument 
rests on an implied postulate of stability and continuity of 
constitution of material substances, so that after a cycle 
of transformations we expect to recover them again as they 
were originally---on the postulate, in fact, that we do 
not expect them to melt out of organized existence in our 
hands.  The laws of thermodynamics, including the fundamental 
principle that a physical property, called temperature, can be 
defined, which tends towards uniformity, are thus relations 
between the properties of types of material bodies that 
can exist permanently in presence of each other; why they 
so maintain themselves remains unknown, but the fact gives 
the point d'appui. The fundamental character of energy 
in material systems here comes into view; if there were any 
other independent scalar entity, besides mass and energy, 
that pervaded them with relations of equivalence, we should 
expect the existence of yet another set of pualities analogous 
to those connected with temperature. (See ENERGETICS.) 

Returning now to the aether, on our present point of view 
no such complications there arise; it must be regarded as a 
continuous uniform medium free from any complexities of atomic 
aggregation, whose function is confined to the transmission of 
the various types of physical effect between the portions of 
matter.  The problem of its constitution is thus one which 
can be attacked and continually approximated to, and which 
may possibly be definitely resolved.  It has to be competent 
to transmit the transverse waves of light and electricity, 
and the other known radiant and electric actions; the way 
in which this is done is now in the main known, though 
there are still questions as to the mode of expression and 
formulation of our knowledge, and also as regards points of 
detail.  This great advance, which is the result of the gradual 
focussing of a century's work in the minute exploration of 
the exact laws of optical and electric phenomena, clearly 
carries with it deeper insight into the physical nature 
of matter itself and its modes of inanimate interaction. 

If we rest on the synthesis here described, the energy of the 
matter, even the thermal part, appears largely as potential 
energy of strain in the aether which interacts with the kinetic 
energy associated with disturbances involving finite velocity of 
matter.  It may, however, be maintained that an ultimate 
analysis would go deeper, and resolve all phenomena of elastic 
resilience into consequences of the kinetic stability of steady 
motional states, so that only motions, but not strains, would 
remain.  On such a view the aether might conceivably be a 
perfect fluid, its fundamental property of elastic reaction 
arising (as at one time suggested by Kelvin and G. F. 
Fitzgerald) from a structure of tangled or interlaced vortex 
filaments pervading its substance, which might conceivably 
arrange themselves into a stable configuration and so resist 
deformation.  This raises the further question as to whether 
the transmission of gravitation can be definitely recognized 
among the properties of an ultimate medium; if so, we know 
that it must be associated with some feature, perhaps very 
deep-seated, or on the other hand perhaps depending simply on 
incompressibility, which is not sensibly implicated in the 
electric and optical activities.  With reference to all such 
further refinements of theory, it is to be borne in mind that 
the perfect fluid of hydrodynamic analysis is not a merely 
passive inert plenum; it is also a continuum with the 
property that no finite internal slip or discontinuity of 
motion can ever arise in it through any kind of disturbance; 
and this property must be postulated, as it cannot be explained. 

Motion of Material Atoms through the Aether.--An important 
question arises whether, when a material body is moved through 
the aether, the nucleus of each atom carries some of the 
surrounding aether along with it; or whether it practically 
only carries on its strain-form or physical atmosphere, which 
is transferred from one portion of aether to another after 
the manner of a shadow, or rather like a loose knot which can 
slip along a rope without the rope being required to go with 
it.  We can obtain a pertinent illustration from the motion 
of a vortex ring in a fluid; if the circular core of the ring 
is thin compared with its diameter, and the vorticity is not 
very great, it is the vortical state of motion that travels 
across the fluid without transporting the latter bodily with 
it except to a slight extent very close to the core.  We might 
thus examine a structure formed of an aggregation of very 
thin vortex rings, which would move across the fluid without 
sensibly disturbing it; on the other hand, if formed of stronger 
vortices, it may transport the portion of the fluid that is 
within, or adjacent to, its own structure along with it as 
if it were a solid mass, and therefore also push aside the 
surrounding fluid as it passes.  The motion of the well-known 
steady spherical vortex is an example of the latter case. 

Convection of Optical Waves.--The nature of the motion, 
if any, that is produced in the surrounding regions of 
the aether by the translation of matter through it can be 
investigated by optical experiment.  The obvious body to take 
in the first instance is the earth itself, which on account 
of its annual orbital motion is travelling through space at 
the rate of about 18 miles per second.  If the surrounding 
aether is thereby disturbed, the waves of light arriving 
from the stars will partake of its movement; the ascertained 
phenomena of the astronomical aberration of light show that 
the rays travel to the observer, across this disturbed aether 
near the earth, in straight lines.  Again, we may split a 
narrow beam of light by partial reflexion from a transparent 
plate, and recombine the constituent beams after they have 
traversed different circuits of nearly equivalent lengths, 
so as to obtain interference fringes.  The position of these 
fringes will depend on the total retardation in time of the 
one beam with respect to the other; and thus it might be 
expected to vary with the direction of the earth's motion 
relative to the apparatus.  But it is found not to vary at 
all, even up to the second order of the ratio of the earth's 
velocity to that of light.  It has in fact been found, with 
the very great precision of which optical experiment is 
capable, that all terrestrial optical phenomena--reflexion, 
refraction, polarization linear and circular, diffraction 
--are entirely unaffected by the direction of the earth's 
motion, while the same result has recently been extended to 
electrostatic forces; and this is our main experimental clue. 

We pass on now to the theory.  We shall make the natural 
supposition that motion of the aether, say with velocity 
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