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                                 8. Gulliver's Travels.
   In 1726 Swift's masterpiece "Gulliver's Travels" appeared. This work made a great sensation in Ireland as well as in England, it equally strirred the interests  of those in politics as well as the readers of novels.
   In this work Swift intended to satirise the evils of the existing society in the form of fictions travels. It tells of the adventures of ship surgeon, as related by himself and divided into four parts of four voyages:
1. A voyage to Liliput.
2. A voyage to Brobdignag.
3. A  voyage to Laputa.
4. A voyage to the country of Houyhnhnms.

   1. The first voyage was to a strange country Lilliput. As the result of a shipwreck Gulliver finds himself in a country, inhabited by a race of people about six inches high. Everything else in this country is on a correspondent scale. Swift meant this small country with it's shallow interest, corrupted laws and evil customs to symbolize the England of the 18'th centure, the court with it's atmosphere of hostility, hypocrizy and flattery where the author felt as lonely as his hero when among the liliputians.
   2. Before long Gulliver undertakes another voyage. The ship anchors near the land of the giants to take in a supply of water. While on shore Gulliver is captured by the giants. They are good-natured creatures and treat Gulliver kindly, though they are amused by his small size and look upon him as a plaything.
   Brobdingnag is an expression of Swift's desire to find the ideal and escape from the disgusting world of the Liliputians. The author idealizes an agricultural country ruled by ideal monarch. Swift creates such a monarch in the king of Brobdingnag. He is clever, honest and kind to his people. He hates wars and wants to make his people happy.
   3. The third voyage is to Laputa, a flying island Laputa. Swift's imagination the bitterness of his  satire reach their climax in the third part where he shows the academy of sciences in Laputa (the author touches upon all the existing sciences). It is easy enough to understand that in ridiculing the academy of Laputa. Swift ridicults the scientists of the 18'th century. The scientists are shut in their chambers isolated from all the world.
   3. In the 4'th part Swift describes Gulliver's adventures at the Heuyhnhnms - a ideal land where were is neither sickness, dishonesty, non any of the frivo-lities of human scociety. The human race ocupies a position of servility there and a noble race of horces rules the country by reason and justice.
   "Gulliver's travels was one of the greatest works of the period of the Enlightment in world literature. Swift's democratic ideas expressed in the book had a great influence on the English writers who came after Swift.

                                        9. Robert Burns.
   RB is the national poet of Scotland. Every year on his bithday scotsmen all over the world gather together for a traditional celebration in which his memory is glorified,his poems are recited and his song are sung. Burns poetry is loved and enjoied by all his countrymen. They love Burns for the generosity and kindness of his nature, for his patriotism and truthfulness. In his poems he sang the pride and dignity of the Scotish peasantry.
   Burns sang the beauty and the glory of his native land. He gloryfield true love and friendship.
   Burns was born in Alloway, near Ayr, on the 25 of January, 1759. His father was a hard-working man and he took great trouble to give his family all the education he could.
   When Robert was 6, he was send to a school at Alloway Miln. Robert were given a good knowledge of English.
   For some years Burns worked on the family farm. They lived very poor.
Burns wrote his first poem at the age of 14. And from then till his death his poems and songs came out, giving delight and joy to the himself, his countrymen and all the world around. Burns worked with his father and brothers. The death of his father in 1784 left Burns free to chose his own kind of life, but it also gave him new resposobilities as head of the family. As a farmer he was unsuccessful and moved to other place - Burns published his poems in Kilmarnock in 1786. The success was great.
   Burns wrote many poems and songs. After a short illness he died on 21'st July, 1796. Millions of people all over the world highly esteem and love Burns poems.
   S. Marshak, a great soviet poet, brought Burns to russian people throught his fine translate.

                            My Heart's in the Highlands.
           My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
           My heart's in the Highkands, a chasing the deer;
           A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe -
           My heart in the Highlands wherever I go.
         Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
         The birthplace of valour, the country of worth:
         Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
         The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.
           Farewell to the mountains high cover'd with snow;
           Farewell to the straths  and green valleys below;
           Farewell to the forests and wild-handing woods;
           Farewell to the torrents and loud pouring floods.
         My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
         My heart's in the Highkands, a chasing the deer;
         A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe -
         My heart in the Highlands wherever I go.

                        THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
1. Geographical position and phisical teatures:
  The USA occupy a large territory and are situated in the sentral and southen part of north America. The USA is washed by the Atlantic ocean in the east and by the Pasific ocean in the west. In the north, the USA is borders on Canada and in the south on Mexico.
2. Climet:
  Mountain rangres coss the country from north to south and don't protect it from the north and warm ear from the south. The USA has a continental climet.
3.Riches of the USA:
  Large reserves of oil, coal, iron and other minerals from solid Baise from development of america industry.
  The USA is divited into free arias:Esten area a highland,central area a plain and Western area wich is Mountains and includes the Rocky Mountains and the Sierria Nevada.
5. Lakes
  There are five great lakes in the northen part of the USA.There are: Huren, Michigan, Supireo, Onterio, Erie. There are connected by channeis cut by rapids one of them the Neagara Folls.
6. Rivers
  The Missisipy together with the Missury is the longast river in the world. The rivers of the west are unsutible for navigation.The larges of them are Colombia and Colorado rivers.
       PART 2 National Economy.
  The USA is a  hardly developed capitalitic country.Heavy industry prevails in the USA,including such brauches as the mining , metalurgical,engineering out chemical industes.Being well developed light industry includes,textile, leather and footwear industries.The food industry is also well developed.
As agriculture bouth animal husbeudry and arally farming are prominent in the economy of the USA.     
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