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"Covent Garden" became exclusively devoted to opera.
   Now "Covent  Garden"  in  busier  than  ever, it  is  one  of the few
well-known opera  houses  open  for 11 months of the year and it employs
over 600 people both of the Opera company and the Royal Ballet.

                      My favorite painter
     One of my favorite artists is Rembrant is the greatest Dutch
master, one  of  the  supreme geneuses in the history of art.  To
this day the art of Rembrant remains one  of  the  most  profound
witness of  the  progress  of the soul in it's earthly pilgrimage
towards the  realisation  of  higher  destiny.  The  son  of  the
prosperous miller,  Rembrant  was  born  in  Leiden  in 1608.  He
studied at Leiden University, but his real vocation was painting.
His rapid sugsess promoted him to move to the Amsterdam in 1631.
   In 1632 Rembrant bought a splendid house, started a collection
of paintings  and rarities.  The universal artist dealt with many
world subjects.  Rembrant created a number of portraits and  some
group portraits which were traditional to the Dutch art. The best
of them are "Anatomy lesson of Dr. Tulp" and "The night watch".
     In 1655  Rembrant  found  himself  in  the  midst of several
financial troubles. At that period he painted "The Polish Rider",
which is an allegory of the man's earthly journey.
     Probably in 1669,  the  year  of  his  own  death,  Rembrant
painted his  famous "Return of the Prological son",  which stands
at the ultimate peak of Cristian spirituality,  illuminating  the
relationship of the self to the eternity.
    The biblical theme was very important to Rembrant. He painted
"Artakserks, Oman and Eshpir", "The Saint Family".
     Rembrant was not understood when he was alive.  He  died  in
poverty. But it is the spirituality of his art that distinguishes
Rembrant from his Dutch contemporaries making  him  the  greatest
artist of the world.


   There are  many  young  people in our country. Each of them has one's
own view  point  on their life and their future. There are many problems
which are  common  for  all young people.For Example: how to spend their
free time, what to do after school,  choosing a profession,  how to deal
with girl and boy-friends and so on.
   The problem  number one of most of the young people is the problem of
fathers and  sons. All  young  people want to be independent,  they want
their parents  to  listen  to  their  opinion, not to interfere in their
private life. Some  parents  neglect  their children,  because they cant
find a common language with each other.
   Many problems were hushed up, but now we can speak openly about them.
I think  that the most difficult and sirious problem of modern teen-ages
is drug-habit. Some young man use drugs, because they think that will be
cool guys. But  they  don't  understand,  that it's wrong.  Some of them
can't stop  that,  and  they  become dependent on drugs. And they commit
different serious,  because they need some money to buy drugs. There are
also many other problems:  alchoholism, smokin and so on. There are many
youth organisations  in  our  country, wich unite young men on different
principles. Members  of  every organisation has ons own world out looks.
Each of  them  has  their  own morral qualities. There are some informal
organisations,  for example:  skinheads,  hippies,  panks and so on. Now
there exists  the  problem  of  missundrstanding beetwen different youth
   We also  face the problem how to spend our free time. We can do it in
different ways. Some  of  teen-ages  spend  their free time in different
night clubs. Other young people spend their free time in the strets.
   As for me, i spend my free time at home or in the night clubs. I also
have some  problems  with  my parents. But every time then i have them i
try to slove them without quorrel.
   Now we  are  young  people  and  we  are  the  future of our country.
Teen-aegs play  an important role in the modern society. Grown up's must
remember that we are the future of our country and in present moment our
character is  formed and that's why our parents must not assert pressure
on us.


     Theatres are very much the same in London as anywhere  else;
the chief  theatres ,music halls and cinemas are in the West End.
If you are staying in London  for  a  few  days,  you'll  have no
difficulty whatever  in  finding  somewhere to spend an enjoyable
evening. You'll find opera, balley, comedy, drama, revue, musical
comedy and variety.  Films are shown in the  cinemas  during  the
greatest part of the day.
     The best seats at theatres are  those  in  the  stalls,  the
circle and the upper circle.  Then comes the pit, and the last of
all the gallery where the seats are cheapest.  Boxes,  of course,
are  the most expensive.  Most theatres and music halls have good
orchestras with popular conductors.
     You ought  to  make  a  point of going to the opera at least
once during the season if you can.  There you can get the best of
everything - an exellent orchestras, famous conductors, celebated
singers and well dressed audience. But, of course, if you are not
fond of music and singing, won't interest you.
     At the West End theatres you can  see  most  of  the  famous
English actors   and   actresses.   As  a  rule,  the  plays  are
magnificently staged -  costumes,  dresses,  scenery,  everything
being done  of  the  most lavish scale.  Choose a good play,  and
you'll enjoy yourself thoroughly from the moment the curtain goes
up to the end of the last act.  Get your seats beforehand, either
at the box-office of theatre itself or at one  of  the  agencies.
When you go to a theatre, you'll probably want to seat as near to
the stage as possible.  But if you are at  the  cinema,  you  may
prefer to  seat some distance from the screen.  In fact,  I would
say, the further away the better.

   LONDON, Jack (1876-1916).

   The novelist and short-story writer Jack London was, in his lifetime,
one of the most popular authors in the world. After World War I his fame
was eclipsed in the United States by a new generation of writers, but he
remained popular  in  many  other  countries, especially  in  the Soviet
Union, for   his  romantic  tales  of  adventure  mixed  with  elemental
struggles for survival.
   John Griffith London was born in San Francisco on Jan. 12, 1876.  His
family was  poor, and  he  was  forced  to  go  to work early in life to
support himself. At  17 he sailed to Japan and Siberia on a seal-hunting
voyage. He  was  largely self-taught,  reading voluminously in libraries
and spending  a year  at the University of California. In the late 1890s
he joined  the  gold  rush  to  the  Klondike. This  experience gave him
material for his first book, 'The Son of Wolf',  published in 1900,  and
for 'Call of the Wild' (1903), one of his most popular stories.
   In his  writing career of 17 years, London produced 50 books and many
short stories. He  wrote  mostly  for  money,  to  meet  ever-increasing
expenses. His  fame as a writer gave him a ready audience as a spokesman
for a   peculiar   and   inconsistent  blend  of  socialism  and  racial
   London's works,  all hastily written, are of uneven quality. The best
books are the Klondike tales, which also include 'White Fang' (1906) and
'Burning Daylight'  (1910). His  most  enduring  novel  is  probably the
autobiographical 'Martin  Eden'  (1909), but  the  exciting  'Sea  Wolf'
(1904) continues to have great appeal for young readers.
   In 1910 London settled near Glen Ellen, Calif.,  where he intended to
build his  dream  home, "Wolf House." After the house burned down before
completion in 1913, he was a broken and sick man. His death on Nov.  22,
1916, from an overdose of drugs, was probably a suicide.

   Music -  it art, reflecting validity in sound art images,  one of the
forms of  public  ideology. Having  by  powerful  force direct emotional
effect, music  during  of  all  history of man-kind plays a huge social,
cultural and educational role.
   Lieading composers  are  connected  to  progressive public movements,
life, interests and aspirations people. Each nations differs by peculiar
national features. Folk  music,  being  improved  by creative efforts of
many generations  of  the people, reaches a high degree of art maturity.
On the basis of riches of national music professional musical creativity
of composers  is developed. Rejection of music from advanced ideas epoch
of national  culture, national roots of art leads to it's to decline and
   Idia emotional  contents of music is passed through sound art images,
implemented in musical sounds. The basic of music is the tune. according
to the  way  of  performance  music  is  divided  into  2 main branches:
instrumental and vocal.
   There are  a lot  of different styles of music. Such as:  Jazz,  Pop,
Rock, Classic;  and  new  musical directions.Such as:  Rave,  Hard Core,
Jungle,  Break Beat  and  many other. I like to listen to rave music and
Happy Hard Core.
   As for  me  i like  these  styles  because  they are very rythmic and
dancing. The  beginning of techno music was put very known singer Fredde
Mercuri was  the  first  to  compose music in the style techno. In those
years very few people evaluated new style of music. But with the years a
new style  has grown up to such global sizes. Now this music is listened
to by  large  part  of  youth. I  think it's very good that such musical
direction as  raiv  has  appeared. Because  in  raiv  there are a lot of
musical directions. Young  people  that  are  fond  of  music can easily
choose just that style which appeals to them.

                       THE NEWSPAPERS AND ITS READER.
   1. Press  is often called amirror of current events.  The information
we get  from  newspapers  and magazins helps us to know the life at home
and in other countrys.
   The newspapers  aim  is to inform the readers as fully as possible of
the events  taking place in Russia an afroad. They try to cover domestic
and foreighn policy and the public opinion on all topicall usenes.
   2. My family receives ...  . I think ... is most interesting i prefer
it because ... . It's a daly (weekly, monthly) newspaper (magazin).
   3. If  you  are  a regular reader of the press,  you can got a lot of

                         RADIO AND TELEVISION.
   Of all the discoveries ever made by man, radio or wireless, is one of
the most wonderfull. By means of wireless, you can speak to a man on the
other side  of  the world. Seated confortably in your own home,  you can
hear music  or  talks, broadcast thousand of miles away from your- talks
on national  and  international  affairs, on science,  history and other
educational subject.
   I listen to the wireless almost every evening, mine is are eght-valve
set an  arial  which  gives  splended results. I t has medium,  long and
short wave-lenghts  and  it  quit simple to manipulate. All I have to do
it's to tune into the station I require.
   I use my set a good deal for keeping up my forhn lanuges.

   Russia occupy  a large  territory.  It  strech  almost  10  000  (ten
thousend) kilometres  from east to west and nearly 5 000 (five thousend)
kilometres from  north  to  south. It's  population  is 150 000 000 (one
handred and fifty) million people.
   From spring till autmn the sun never sets over Russia: in Kaliningrad
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