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peole see  it  sitting in the Baltic, while in Kamchatka it rises out of
the Pasific  Ocean  at  the some time. People in our country see the New
Year in eleven times in one night.
   If you  begin  to trevell in the Far East by air and fly 8 000 (eight
thousend)kilometres towards  the  west, you  will  land in Moscow on thr
same hour same day that you left the Far East.
   It is  a wonderful  sight  yo see our country from the plane. One can
hardly imagine a country more interesting to trevellers whan Russia.
   Siberia covers  millions of square kilometres. You fly over mountain,
endless forests,  large and small rivers, railways, motorways. You leave
behind the  lights  of  young  and  small  towns, plants  and factories.
Siberia is a rigeon of untold riches.
   Father West  are  the  Ural  Mountains  the  border  between Asia and
europe. The Urals are riche in different minerals.
   The country's  European  part  covers the territory from Urals to the
Baltic Sea. The  largest  cities  of  the  Russia  are  situated between
theBlack Sea  in  the  south and the Black Sea in the north. Such an our
country from East to West. There is no over countrys in which the climet
differs so much from one part to another. When it is still winter in the
northen regions  of our country the first warm days arrive in the south.
In the central regions show storms and cold are still in power, while in
the south  people  begin  to  think  of spring crops. In the same season
nature looks different in different parts of our country.
   Russia is rich in oil, coul, iron, gold, silver and other minerals.

                            THE NATIONAL  THEATRE
   It took  over  the  hundred  years  to  establish  a national theatre
company. It's first director from 1962 was Lawrence Olivier. This is the
first state  theatre Britain has ever had. A special building for it was
opened in 1976. It has three theatres in one:  "The Oliver theatre", the
biggest is  for  the  main classical repertoire; "The Lyttilton",  a bit
smaller is  for  new writing and for visiting foreigh countries and "The
Cottesloe theatre", the  smallest  is  used for experimental writing and
productions. "The  Royal  Shakespeare  company"  are devided between the
country and  the  capital  and it's produces plays mainly by Shakespeare
and his  contempraries  when  it  performs  is "Stratford -on-Avon", and
modern plays in it's two auditoria in the Cities, Barbican centre.

                                        Moscow theatres

   For decades  Moscow  has  had a reputation as a city of theatres. The
birth plays  of the historic "Bolshoy", "Maly" and "Moscow Art" theatres
the city  has been and steel is a centre for the development exploretary
modern ideas  in the dramatic art and is famous for it's great number of
highlygifted, interesting directors, actors, playwrigts and artists.
   Every evening  the  doors  of  Moscow  theatres  open  to  streams of
theatre-gowers. The   best   Moscow   theatres   devoded  themselves  to
developing the   principals   of  directing  and  acting  laid  down  by
Stanislavsky, Meerhold, Nemerovich-Danchenko, Vachtangov and others. The
discoveries and  successes  of  Moscow  theatres  today  exists  due  to
experience and triumphs of preceding generations.
   I'd like to tell you about the Bolshoy Theatre. The magestic building
of the  Bolshoy  Theatre  stands  in  Theatre Square in Moscow's central
quater,  not far  from  Kremlin. This is the leading Russian opera house
with the best vocalists and choreographers in it's company.
   The Bolshoi traces it's history to 1776 when a standing opera company
was organized  in  Moscow. The  first opera shown in Bolshoi theatre was
opera "life  of  tsar"  (now  "Ivan  Susanin"). At later times operas by
Dargomyzhsky, Serov,  Tcaikovsky,  Borodin, Moussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov
and Rubinstein were produced here.
   At the  same  time  the  Bolshoi  company  staged the best operas and
ballets by  West  European composers-Mozart, Rossini,  Weber,  Verdi and
   The bolshoi  ballet  company enjoys well-deserved fame as the world's
finest. This  is  equally  true  of  it's  brilliant  realistic style of
perfomance and repertoire.

                                      My favorite painter

   One of  my favorite artists is Rembrant is the greatest Dutch master,
one of  the  supreme geneuses in the history of art. To this day the art
of Rembrant  remains one of the most profound witness of the progress of
the soul  in  it's  earthly pilgrimage towards the realisation of higher
destiny. The  son of the prosperous miller,  Rembrant was born in Leiden
in 1608. He  studied  at  Leiden  University,  but his real vocation was
painting. His  rapid  sugsess  promoted  him to move to the Amsterdam in
   In 1632  Rembrant  bought  a splendid  house, started a collection of
paintings and rarities.
   The universal artist dealt with many world subjects. Rembrant created
a number of portraits and some group portraits which were traditional to
the Dutch  art. The  best  of them are "Anatomy lesson of Dr.  Tulp" and
"The night watch".
   In 1655  Rembrant  found  himself  in  the midst of several financial
troubles. At  that  period  he  painted "The Polish Rider",  which is an
allegory of the man's earthly journey.
   Probably in  1669, the  year  of his own death,  Rembrant painted his
famous "Return of the Prological son", which stands at the ultimate peak
of Cristian  spirituality, illuminating  the relationship of the self to
the eternity.
   The biblical  theme  was  very  important  to  Rembrant.  He  painted
"Artakserks, Oman and Eshpir", "The Saint Family".
   Rembrant was  not  understood  when he was alive. He died in poverty.
But it  is  the spirituality of his art that distinguishes Rembrant from
his Dutch contemporaries making him the greatest artist of the world.

                     Theatres, music halls and cinemas

   Theatres are very much the same in London as anywhere else; the chief
theatres ,music  halls  and  cinemas  are  in  the  West End. If you are
staying in  London for a few days, you'll have no difficulty whatever in
finding somewhere  to  spend  an  enjoyable  evening. You'll find opera,
balley,  comedy,  drama,  revue,  musical comedy  and variety. Films are
shown in the cinemas during the greatest part of the day.
   The best  seats  at  theatres are those in the stalls, the circle and
the upper  circle. Then  comes the pit,  and the last of all the gallery
where the seats are cheapest. Boxes,  of course, are the most expensive.
Most theatres   and  music  halls  have  good  orchestras  with  popular
   You ought  to make a point of going to the opera at least once during
the season  if  you  can. There  you can get the best of everything - an
exellent orchestras,  famous  conductors,  celebated  singers  and  well
dressed audience. But,  of  course,  if  you  are  not fond of music and
singing, won't interest you.
   At the  West  End  theatres  you  can  see most of the famous English
actors and  actresses. As  a rule,  the plays are magnificently staged -
costumes, dresses,  scenery,  everything  being  done of the most lavish
scale. Choose a good play, and you'll enjoy yourself thoroughly from the
moment the  curtain  goes  up to the end of the last act. Get your seats
beforehand, either  at the box-office of theatre itself or at one of the
agencies. When you go to a theatre, you'll probably want to seat as near
to the  stage as possible. But if you are at the cinema,  you may prefer
to seat some distance from the screen. In fact, I would say, the further
away the better.

 Music in our life

   Music -  it art, reflecting validity in sound art images,  one of the
forms of  public  ideology. Having  by  powerful  force direct emotional
effect, music  during  of  all  history of man-kind plays a huge social,
cultural and educational role.
   Leading composers  are  connected  to  progressive  public movements,
life, interests and aspirations people. Each nations differs by peculiar
national features. Folk  music,  being  improved  by creative efforts of
many generations  of  the people, reaches a high degree of art maturity.
On the basis of riches of national music professional musical creativity
of composers  is developed. Rejection of music from advanced ideas epoch
of national  culture, national roots of art leads to it's to decline and
   Idea emotional  contents of music is passed through sound art images,
implemented in musical sounds. The basis of music is the tune. According
to the  way  of  performance  music  is  devided  into  2 main branches:
instrumental and vocal.
   There are  a great number of different styles of music, such as Jazz,
Pop,  Rock,  Classic;  and new  musical directions. One of the new music
directions is  Rave. I  prefer  to listen hard-core and more quiet music
such as Roxette and others.
   Now days  the  number  of  music  styles  is growing, and every young
people, which  are  fond  of  music  can  easily choose that style which
appeals to them.

 Learning languages

   The problem  of  learning  languages is very important today. Foreign
languages are  socially demanded especially at the present time when the
progress in  science and technology has led to an explosion of knowledge
and has  contributed  to an overflow of information. The total knowledge
of mankind  is  known to double every seven years. Foreign languages are
needed as  the  main and most efficient means of information exchange of
the people of our planet.
   Today English  is  the language of the world. Over 350 million people
speak it  as  a mother  tongue. The  native  speakers of English live in
Great Britain, the United States of America,  Australia and New Zealand.
English is  one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada,
the South  African  Republic. As  a second  language  it  is used in the
former British and US colonies.
   It is  the  major  international  language  for communication in such
areas as science,  technology,  business and mass entertainment. English
is one  of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and
other political  organization. It  is  the  language  of the literature,
education, modern music, international tourism.
   Russia is  integrating  into  the  world community and the problem of
learning English  for  the purpose of communication is espicially urgent
today. Learning  a foreing  language is not as easy thing.  It is a long
and slow  process  that  takes  a lot  of time and patience. But to know
English is  absolutely  necessary  for  every educated person, for every
good specialist.
   It is  well  known  that reading books in the original , listening to
the BBC news, communicating with the English speaking people will help a
lot. When  learning a foreign language you learn the culture and history
of the  native  speakers. One  must  work  hard  to  learn  any  foreign

LONDON, Jack  (1876-1916).

   The novelist and short-story writer Jack London was, in his lifetime,
one of the most popular authors in the world. After World War I his fame
was eclipsed in the United States by a new generation of writers, but he
remained popular  in  many  other  countries, especially  in  the Soviet
Union, for   his  romantic  tales  of  adventure  mixed  with  elemental
struggles for survival.
   John Griffith London was born in San Francisco on Jan. 12, 1876.  His
family was  poor, and  he  was  forced  to  go  to work early in life to
support himself. At  17 he sailed to Japan and Siberia on a seal-hunting
voyage. He  was  largely self-taught,  reading voluminously in libraries
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