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and spending  a year  at the University of California. In the late 1890s
he joined  the  gold  rush  to  the  Klondike. This  experience gave him
material for his first book, 'The Son of Wolf',  published in 1900,  and
for 'Call of the Wild' (1903), one of his most popular stories.
   In his  writing career of 17 years, London produced 50 books and many
short stories. He  wrote  mostly  for  money,  to  meet  ever-increasing
expenses. His  fame as a writer gave him a ready audience as a spokesman
for a   peculiar   and   inconsistent  blend  of  socialism  and  racial
   London's works,  all hastily written, are of uneven quality. The best
books are the Klondike tales, which also include 'White Fang' (1906) and
'Burning Daylight'  (1910). His  most  enduring  novel  is  probably the
autobiographical 'Martin  Eden'  (1909), but  the  exciting  'Sea  Wolf'
(1904) continues to have great appeal for young readers.
   In 1910 London settled near Glen Ellen, Calif.,  where he intended to
build his  dream  home, "Wolf House." After the house burned down before
completion in 1913, he was a broken and sick man. His death on Nov.  22,
1916, from an overdose of drugs, was probably a suicide.

                                         	SPORTS IN GREAT BRITAN.
   The English  are  great lovers of sport; and they are neither playing
nor waching  games,  they  like  to  talk about them. However,  there is
important thing about sport in Britain which we must know. Today, an big
sports is professional and famous players can make a lot of money.
   Lat's take  Football for example. It is the most popular team game in
Britain. It is played in most of the schools, and there are thousands of
amatur teams  for young man in all parts of the country. But for most of
the public, football  is  a professionals  games  which  is  watched  on
saturday afternoons at the stadiym.
   Professional football  is  big  business. Every  larg town has one or
more professional clubs.
   Ragby football  is played with an oval ball which may be carried. The
players in  the  other team try to stop the man running with the ball by
frowin him to the ground. There are fifteen players in each team.
   Sports competition  get  big  crowds  in  Great Britan. All people in
Great britan  are  fond  of sport and Englishman know is they train hard
Sport will make them srong and helthy.

                          Customs and traditions of english speaking countries.

   Every country  and  every nation has it's own traditions and customs.
It's very  important to know traditions and customs of different people.
It will  help  you  to know more about the history and life of different
nations and  countries.One  cannot  speak about England without speaking
about it's  traditions  and customs .They are very important in the life
of English people.Englishman are proud of their traditions and carefully
keep them up. There are six public holidays a year in G.B.. Cristmas day
is one  of  their  favorite  holidays.It's  celebrated  on  the 25-th of
december. There  are some traditions connected with it.One of them is to
give presents  to  each  other.It  is  not  only children and members of
family.It's a tradition to give cristmas presents to the people you work
with.Another tradition  is  to  send  cristmas cards.All these cards are
brightly and  coloured.Most of big cities of G.B.,especially London, are
decorated with  coloured lights and cristmas trees. On Trafalgar Square,
in the center of London stands a big cristmas tree.It is a gift from the
people of Oslo.It is over 50 feet high. Many families celebrate cristmas
day in  the open air near the cristmas tree in order to catch the spirit
of cristmas.Children  find  cristmas  presents  in  their  stockings.The
traditional english dinner on cristmas is turkey and pudding.Other great
holidays are:FatherТs day,MotherТs day,Helloween and other.

`                                            Mass media.
   Mass media ( that is the press, the radio and television ) play an important role in the life of society. They inform, educate and entertain people. They also influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views. Mass media mould public opinion.Millions of people in their spare time watch TV and read newspapers.
   Everybody can find there something interesting for him. On the radio
one can hear music, plays, news and various discussions or commentaries of current events. Lot's radio or TV games and films attract a large audience. Newspapers uses in different ways,but basically they are read.
   There is a lot of advertisment on mass media. Some of the TV and radio stations and newspapers are owned by different corporations. The owners can advertise whatever they choose.
   But it is hardly fair to say that mass media do not try to raise cultural level of the people or to develop their artistic taste. Mass media brings to millions of homes not only entertaiment and news but also cultural and educational programs.
   There are more then six TV channels and lot's of radio stations and newspapers now in the Russian Federation.
                                 Education in Russia
   An educated person is one who knows a lot about many things.I think it is very important that everyone should be educated.Each pupils ought todo his best to become a useful member of our society. Education is very important in our life. Going on educational excursions gives us opportunities to acquire some scientific knowledge.
   In the Russian Federation the school education is compulsary. Pupils begin to go to school at the age of six. When they complete high grades they can either continue to study at school for more 2 years, or go to a professional school where they study not only main subjects , but are able to learn some profession. When school pupils leave school they can try to continue their educaton in institutes or universities.
   There are many school types of schools in Russia: specialized, politecnical, musical art and others. Nowdays appeared some new types of schools: gimnasiums and colledges.

                         The educational system of Great Britain.
   The educational system of G.B. is extreamely complex and bewildering.
It is very difficult to generalise about particular types of schools as schools
differ from one to the other. The departament of education and science is
responsible for national educational policy,but it doesn't employe teacher or prescribe corricular or text books.
   Each school has it's own board of governers consisting of teachers, parents, local politicians, members of local community, businessmen and sometimes pupils. According to the law only one subject is compulsary. Such as religious instruction.
   Schooling for children is compulsary from 5 to 16, though some provision is made for children under 5 and some pupils remain at school after 16 to prepare for higher education.
   The state school system is usually devided into 2 stages (secondary and primary).The majority of primary schools are mixed.They are subdevided into infant schools(ages 5 to 7),and junior schools(ages 7 to11). In junior schools pupils were often placed in A,B,C or D-streams, according to their abilities. Under the pressue of progressive parents and teachers the 11+ examination has now been abolished in most parts of the country. There are some types of schools in G.B.Grammar schools provided an academical cause for selected pupils from the age of 11 to 18. Only those children who have the best results are admitted to these schools. They give pupils a high level of academic education wich can lead to the university.
  Technical Schools offer a general education with a technical bias and serve those pupils who are more mecanically minded. The corricular includes more science and mathematics. Secondary modern schools were formed to provide a non-academic education for children of lesser attainment. The corricular includes more practical subjects. The comprehensive schools brings about a general improvement in the system of secondary education.

                                                Leasure time.
  Everybody sometimes has a free time. Somebody  prefer's only  to sleep in     their liesure time, but the  largest part of us prefer to do a great amount of things which are pleasant and interesting for us. It may be reading, a various types of sport game, watching TV, listening music and others. If   we have  a few day or  a week we prefer  to go to the attractive places. Many  peoples thing that pupils and studients have too much liesure ,but in my opinion, they are wrong. We are very busy. Many pupils have six  or  se-ven lessons a day  and go to school live or six day a week. Even during the holiday we learn our lessons after school. And we just no time to go some-there. Oldest of us are working after school or institutes. I'am not spend my time at school and ofter I have a free time. The large part of my free time  devote to reading. I like to read books about another coun-tries, another times and another worlds. Also I read books about history of our country.                                                                                         Besides reading I like to do physical exercises. I and my school friends often gather after school and play basketball, fooftball or other active games. But my favorite hobby is travelling. Usually I travel in summer and ofter it is a trip to the south, to the warm sea.  thing all peoples must have other occupation besides their basic work, because it extand the bounduries of the familar world and teach us something new about people and thing.

           Customs and traditions of english speaking countries.
  Every country and every nation has it's own traditions and customs.It's very important to know traditions and customs of different people.it will help you toknow more about  the history and life of different nations and countries.One cannot speak about england without speaking about it's traditions and customs .They are very important in the life of english people.Englishman are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. There are six public holidays a year in G.B.Cristmas day is one of their favorite holidays.It's celebrated on the 25-th of december. There are some traditions connected with it.One of them is to give presents to each other.It is not only choldren and members of family.It's a tradition to give cristmas presents to the people you work with.Another tradition is to send cristmas cards.All these cards are brightly and coloured.Most of big cities of G.B.,especially London, are decorated with coloured lights and cristmas trees. On Trafalgar Square,in the center of London stands a big cristmas tree.It is a gift from the people of Oslo.It is over 50 feet  high. Many families celebrate cristmas day in the open air near the cristmas tree in order to catch the spirit of cristmas.Children find cristmas presents in their stockings.The traditional english dinner on cristmas is turkey and pudding. Other great holidays are:Father's day,Mother's day,Helloween and other.



                                  Тхьы ъ чрўёЄє (15 ьр ):
   1. Renaissance.
   2. William Shakespeare.
   3. Shakespeare's works and Hamlet's soliloguy.
   4. Enlightment.
   5. Daniel Defoe.
   6. "Robinson Crusoe".
   7. Jonathan Swift.
   8. "Gulliver's Travels".
   9. Robert Burns.

                                  1.The Renaissance.
   The Renaissance or the revival of learning was the period then european culture was at it's high. It lasted from the 14'th centure till 17'th centure, and was coursed by complex economic situation and social conditions. The feudal system was been shuttled by the bourgeoisie, thich was getting stronger and stronger. It was more profitable to unite under a single rouler. Absolute monacy came into being. This lead to the forming  of nations and the true sense of the world. New social and economic conditions called for the new ideology, because the catholic dogmas didn't correspond to the new trend of life. For this reason in many european countries the protestant religion sprend up and national churches were established.
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