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Project Gutenberg's Encyclopedia, vol. 1 ( A - Andropha

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aqueduct.  The fine winter climate of Algeciras attracts many 
invalid visitors, on whom the town largely depends for its 
prosperity.  The harbour is bad, but at the beginning of 
the 20th century it became important as a fishing-station.  
Whiting, soles, bream, bass and other fish are caught in 
great quantities by the Algeciras steam-trawlers, which 
visit the Moroccan coast, as well as Spanish and neutral 
waters.  There is also some trade in farm produce and building 
materials which supplies a fleet of small coasters with cargo. 

Algeciras was perhaps the Portus Albus of the Romans, but 
it was probably refounded in 713 by the Moors, who retained 
possession of it until 1344.  It was then taken by Alphonso 
XI. of Castile after a celebrated siege of twenty months, 
which attracted Crusaders from all parts of Europe; among them 
being the English earl of Derby, grandson of Edward III. It 
is said that during this siege gunpowder was first used by the 
Moors in the wars of Europe.  The Moorish city was destroyed 
by Alphonso; it was first reoccupied by Spanish colonists from 
Gibraltar in 1704; and the modern town was erected in 1760 by 
King Charles III. During the siege of Gibraltar in 1780- 1782, 
Algeciras was the station of the Spanish fleet and floating 
batteries.  On the 6th of July 1801 the English admiral Sir 
James Saumarez attacked a Franco-Spanish fleet off Algeciras, 
and sustained a reverse; but on the 12th he again attacked the 
enemy, whose fleet was double his own strength, and inflicted 
on them a complete defeat.  The important international 
conference on Moroccan affairs, which resulted in an agreement 
between France and Germany, was held at Algeciras from the 
16th of January to the 7th of April 1906. (See MOROCCO.) 

ALGER OF LIEGE (d c. 1131), known also as ALGER OF 
CLUNY and ALGERUS MAGISTER, a learned French priest who 
lived in the first half of the 12th century.  He was first a 
deacon of the church of St Bartholomew at Liege, his native 
town, and was then appointed (c. 1100) to the cathedral 
church of St Lambert.  He declined many offers from German 
bishops and finally retired to the monastery of Cluny, where 
he died about 1131 at a great age and leaving a good reputation 
for piety and intelligence.  His History of the Church of 
Liege, and many of his other works, are lost.  The most 
important of those still extant are: 1. De Misericordia et 
Justitia, a collection of biblical and patristic extracts 
with a commentary (an important work for the history of 
church law and discipline), which is to be found in the 
Anecdota of Martene, vol. v. 2. De Sacramentis Corporis 
et Sanguinis Domini; a treatise, in three books, against 
the Berengarian heresy, highly commended by Peter of Cluny and 
Erasmus. 3. De Gratia et Libero Arbitrio; given in B. Pez's 
Anecdota, vol. iv. 4. De Sacrificio Missae; given in the 
Collectio Scriptor. Vet. of Angelo Mai, vol. ix. p. 371. 

See Migne, Patrol Ser. Lat. vol. clxxx. pp. 739-.972; Herzog- 
Hauck, Realencyk.fur prot.  Theol., art. by S. M. Deutsch. 

ALGER, RUSSELL ALEXANDER (1836--1907), American soldier and 
politician, was born in Lafayette township, Medina county, 
Ohio, on the 27th of February 1836.  Left an orphan at an early 
age, he worked on a farm to pay his expenses at Richfield 
(Ohio) Academy, was a schoolmaster for two winters, and, 
having studied law in the meantime, was admitted to the bar in 
1859.  He began practice at Cleveland, Ohio, but early in 
1860 he removed to Michigan, where he abandoned his profession 
and engaged in the lumber business.  Enlisting in a Michigan 
cavalry regiment in September 1861, he rose from captain to 
colonel, distinguished himself in the Gettysburg campaign 
and under Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley, and in 1864 and 
1865 respectively received the brevets of brigadier-general 
and major-general of volunteers.  After the war he invested 
extensively in pine lands in Michigan, and accumulated a large 
fortune in the lumber business.  In 1884 he was elected governor 
of Michigan on the Republican ticket, serving from 1885 to 
1887.  In 1889--1890 he was commander-in-chief of the Grand 
Army of the Republic.  From 1897 to 1899 he was secretary 
of war in President McKinley's cabinet.  His administration 
of the war department during the Spanish-American War was 
severely criticized for extravagance in army contracts, for 
unpreparedness, and for genetal inefficiency, charges which he 
answered in his The Spanish-American War (1901).  The extent 
of his personal responsibility is at least uncertain.  In 1902 
he was appointed by the governor of Michigan, and in 1903 was 
elected by the state legislature, as United States senator to 
complete the unexpired term of James Mcmillan (1838-1902).  
He died at Washington, D.C., on the 24th of January 1907. 

ALGERIA (Algerie), a country of North Africa belonging 
to France, bounded N. by the Mediterranean, W. by Morocco, 
S. by the Sahara and E. by Tunisia.  The boundaries, 
however, are in part not accurately determined.  Algeria 
extends for about 650 m. along the coast, and stretches 
inland from 320 to 380 m., lying between 2 deg.  10' W. and 8 deg.  
50, E., and 32 deg.  and 37 deg.  N. It is divided, politically, 
into three departments-- Oran in the west, Algiers in the 
centre and Constantine in the east.  Its area is 184,474 sq. 
m., exclusive of the dependent Saharan regions, which have 
an area of some 750,000 sq. m. (see SAHARA, TUAT, &c.). 

Physical Features.--The character of the Algerian coast 
is severe and inhospitable.  The western half is bordered 
by a hilly rampart, broken only here and there, in the bays 
where the larger streams find their outlet, by flat and sandy 
plains.  Between Dellys and Philippeville high mountains rise 
almost sheer from the sea, leaving only a narrow strip of 
beach.  East of Philippeville the mountains recede from the 
coast, and the rampart of hills reappears.  Only between Bona 
and La Calle is the general character of the sea-board low and 
sandy.  Save near the towns and in the cultivated district of 
Kabylia, the coast is bare and uninhabited; and in spite of 
numerous indentations, of which the most important going from 
west to east are the Gulf of Oran, the Gulf of Arzeu, the Bay 
of Algiers, and the gulfs of Bougie, Stora and Bona, there 
are few good harbours.  From time immemorial, indeed, this 
coast has had an evil reputation among mariners, quite apart 
from the pirates who for centuries made it the base of their 
depredations.  A violent current, starting from the Straits 
of Gibraltar, rushes eastward along the shore, and, hurled 
back from the headlands, is deflected to the West.  In summer 
the east wind brings dense and sudden fogs; while in winter 
the northerly gales blow straight into the mouths of the 
harbours.  In these circumstances navigation is especially 
perilous for sailing craft.  The terrors of this ``savage sea 
and inhospitable shore,'' once described by Sallust, have, 
however, been greatly mitigated by the introduction of steam, 
the improvement of the harbours, and the establishment by 
the French government of an excellent system of lighthouses. 

Southward from the sea the country falls naturally into three 
divisions, clearly distinguished by their broad physical 
characteristics.  The healthy, and on the whole fertile coast 
region, from 50 to 100 m. in width, is known, as in Morocco and 
Tunisia. as the Tell (Arabic for ``hill'').  It is a mountainous 
country intersected with rocky canons and fertile valleys, 
which occasionally broaden out into alluvial plains like that 
of the Shelif, or the Metija near Algiers, or those in the 
neighbourhood of Oran and Bona.  Behind the Tell is a lofty 
table-land with an average elevation of 3000 ft., consisting 
of vast plains, for the most part arid or covered with esparto 
grass, in the depressions of which are great salt lakes and 
swamps (Arabic, shats) fed by streams which can find no outlet 
to the sea through the encircling hills.  To the south this 
region is divided by the Great Atlas from the deserts of the 
Sahara, with its oases, in which the boundary of Algeria is lost. 

The country is traversed by lofty ranges of the Atlas system, 
which run nearly parallel to the coast, and rise in places over 
7000 ft.  These are commonly divided into two leading chains, 
distinguished as the Great1 and Little Atlas.  The Great, 
or Saharan Atlas contains some of the highest points in the 
country.  The chief ranges are Ksur and Amur in the west 
and the Aures in the east.  The peak of Shellia, the highest 
point in Algeria, in the Aures range, has a height of 7611 
ft.  In the Amur are Jebel Ksel (6594 ft.) and Tuila Makna (6561 
ft.).  The Little Atlas, otherwise the Tell or Maritime Atlas, 
lies between the sea and the Saharan Atlas, and is composed 
of many distinct ranges, generally of no great elevation and 
connected by numerous transverse chains forming extensive 
table-lands and elevated valleys.  The principal ranges of 
the Little Atlas--from west to east--are the Tlemcen (5500 
ft.); the Warsenis (with Kef Sidi Omar, 6500 ft.); the Titeri 
(4900 ft.); the Jurjura, with the peak of Lalla Kedija (7542 
ft.) and Mount Babor (6447 ft.); and the Mejerda (3700 ft.), 
which extends into Tunisia.  The Jurjura range, forming the 
background of the plains between Algiers and Bougie, extends 
through the district of Kabylia, with which for grandeur of 
scenery no other part of Algeria can compare.  South of the 
Jurjura and separated from it by the valley of the Sahel, 
is the Biban range with a famous double pass of the same 
name, through which alone access is gained to the highlands 
beyond.  The Bibans or Portes de fer (Iron Gates) consist of 
two defiles with stupendous walls of rock, which by erosion have 
assumed the most fantastic shapes.  In the case of the Petite 
porte the walls in some places are not more than twelve feet 
apart.  The Dahra range (see MOSTAGANEM) overlooks the 
sea, and is separated from the Warsenis by the valley of 
the Shelif (see ATLAS MOUNTAINS, SAHARA and TUAT.) 

The rivers are numerous but the majority are short.  Most of 
them rise in the mountains near the coast, and rush down through 
deep and rocky channels.  During the rainy season they render 
communication between different parts of the country extremely 
difficult.  The most important river, both from its length and 
volume, is the Shelif.  It rises on the northern slopes of 
the Amur mountains and flows N.E. across the high plateau, 
piercing the little Atlas between the Warsenis and Titeri 
ranges.  It then turns W. and reaches the Mediterranean at the 
eastern end of the Gulf of Arzeu.  The Shelif, which has many 
tributaries, is about 430 m. long.  The Seybuse (about 150 m. 
long), formed by the union of several small streams in the 
department of Constantine, runs through a fertile valley and 
reaches the Mediterranean near Bona.  The Sahel (about 100 m. 
long), which contains the greatest body of water after the 
Shelif, rises in the department of Algiers near Aumale, and 
flows for the most part N.E. to its mouth near Bougie.  The 
Kebir or Rummel--the river is known by both names--is formed 
by the union of several small streams south of Constantine, and 
flows past that town N.W. 140 m. to the sea.  Among the less 
important rivers which empty into the Mediterranean are the 
Macta, the Tafna, the Harrach and the Mazafran.  The Macta, 
but 3 m. long, enters the sea in the Gulf of Arzeu, some 25 
m.  W. of the mouth of the Shelif.  It is formed by the 
Habra (140 m.) and the Sig (130 m.), which rise in the Amur 
mountains and flowing north unite in a marshy plain, whence 
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