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to devise a general method.  His solution, which is sometimes 
erroneously ascribed to Rafael Bombelh, was published in the 
Ars Magna. In this work, which is one of the most valuable 
contributions to the literature of algebra, Cardan shows 
that he was familiar with both real positive and negative 
roots of equations whelher rational or irrational, but of 
imaginary roots he was quite ignorant, and he admits his 
inability to resolve the so-called ``irreducible case'' (see 
EQUATION.) Fundamental theorems in the theory of equations 
are to be found in the same work.  Clearer ideas of imaginary 
quantities and the ``irreducible case'' were subsequently 
published by Bombelli, in a work of which the dedication is 
dated 1572, though the book was not published until 1579. 

Contemporaneously with the remarkable discoveries of the 
Italian mathematicians, algebra was increasing in popularity 
in Germany, France and England.  Michael Stifel and Johann 
Scheubelius (Scheybl) (1494-1570) flourished in Germany, and 
although unacquainted with the work of Cardan and Tartalea, 
their writings are noteworthy for their perspicuity and the 
introduction of a more complete symbolism for quantities and 
operations.  Stifel introduced the sign (+) for addition or 
a positive quantity, which was previously denoted by plus, 
piu, or the letter p. Subtraction, previously written as 
minus, mone or the letter m, was symbolized by the sign 
(-) which is still in use.  The square root he denoted by 
(sqrt. ), whereas Paciolus, Cardan and others used the letter R. 

The first treatise on algebra written in English was by 
Robert Recorde, who published his arithmetic in 1552, and 
his algebra entitled The Whetstone of Witte, which is the 
second part of Arithmetik, in 1557.  This work, which is 
written in the form of a dialogue, closely resembles the 
works of Stifel and Scheubelius, the latter of whom he often 
quotes.  It includes the properties of numbers; extraction of 
roots of arithmetical and algebraical quantities, solutions of 
simple and quadratic equations, and a fairly complete account of 
surds.  He introduced the sign (=) for equality, and the terms 
binomial and residual. Of other writers who published 
works about the end of the 16th century, we may mention Jacques 
Peletier, or Jacobus Peletarius (De occulta parto Numerorum, 
quare Algebram vocant, 1558); Petrus Ramus (Arithmeticae 
Libri duo et totidem Algebrae, 1560), and Christoph Clavius, 
who wrote on algebra in 1580, though it was not published until 
1608.  At this time also flourished Simon Stevinus (Stevin) of 
Bruges, who published an arithmetic in 1585 and an algebra 
shortly afterwards.  These works possess considerable 
originality, and contain many new improvements in algebraic 
notation; the unknown (res) is denoted by a small circle, 
in which he places an integer corresponding to the power.  He 
introduced the terms multinomial, trinomial, quadrinomial, 
&c., and considerably simplified the notation for decimals. 

About the beginning of the 17th century various mathematical 
works by Franciscus Vieta were published, which were afterwards 
collected by Franz van Schooten and republished in 1646 at 
Leiden.  These works exhibit great originality and mark an 
important epoch in the history of algebra.  Vieta, who does 
not avail himself of the discoveries of his predecessors--the 
negative roots of Cardan, the revised notation of Stifel 
and Stevin, &c.--introduced or popularized many new terms 
and symbols, some of which are still in use.  He denotes 
quantities by the letters of the alphabet, retaining the 
vowels for the unknown and the consonants for the knowns; 
he introduced the vinculum and among others the terms 
coefficient, affirmative, negative, pure and adjected 
equations.  He improved the methods for solving equations, and 
devised geometrical constructions with the aid of the conic 
sections.  His method for determining approximate values 
of the roots of equations is far in advance of the Hindu 
method as applied by Cardan, and is identical in principle 
with the methods of Sir Isaac Newton and W. G. Horner. 

We have next to consider the works of Albert Girard, a Flemish 
mathematician.  This writer, after having published an edition 
of Stevin's works in 1625, published in 1629 at Amsterdam a 
small tract on algebra which shows a considerable advance on 
the work of Vieta.  Girard is inconsistent in his notation, 
sometimes following Vieta, sometimes Stevin; he introduced the 
new symbols ff. for greater than and sec.  for less than; he 
follows Vieta in using the plus (+) for addition, he denotes 
subtraction by Recorde's symbol for equality (=), and he had 
no sign for equality but wrote the word out.  He possessed 
clear ideas of indices and the generation of powers, of the 
negative roots of equations and their geometrical interpretation, 
and was the first to use the term imaginary roots. He also 
discovered how to sum the powers of the roots of an equation. 

Passing over the invention of logarithms (q.v.) by John 
Napier, and their development by Henry Briggs and others, the 
next author of moment was an Englishman, Thomas Harriot, whose 
algebra (Artis analyticae praxis) was published posthumously 
by Walter Warner in 1631.  Its great merit consists in the 
complete notation and symbolism, which avoided the cumbersome 
expressions of the earlier algebraists, and reduced the art 
to a form closely resembling that of to-day.  He follows 
Vieta in assigning the vowels to the unknown quantities and 
the consonants to the knowns, but instead of using capitals, 
as with Vieta, he employed the small letters; equality he 
denoted by Recorde's symbol, and he introduced the signs 
> and < for greater than and less than. His principal 
discovery is concerned with equations, which he showed to be 
derived from the continued multiplication of as many simple 
factors as the highest power of the unknown, and he was thus 
enabled to deduce relations between the coefficients and 
various functions of the roots.  Mention may also be made 
of his chapter on inequalities, in which he proves that the 
arithmetic mean is always greater than the geometric mean. 

William Oughtred, a contemporary of Harriot, published an 
algebra, Clavis mathematicae, simultaneously with Harriot's 
treatise.  His notation is based on that of Vieta, but he 
introduced the sign X for multiplication, @ for continued 
proportion, :: for proportion, and denoted ratio by one 
dot.  This last character has since been entirely restricted 
to multiplication, and ratio is now denoted by two dots 
(:). His symbols for greater than and less than (@ and 
@) have been completely superseded by Harriot's signs` 

So far the development of algebra and geometry had been 
mutually independent, except for a few isolated applications 
of geometrical constructions to the solution of algebraical 
problems.  Certain minds had long suspected the advairages which 
would accrue from the unrestricted application of algebra to 
geometry, but it was not until the advent of the philosopher 
Rene Descartes that the co-ordination was effected.  In his 
famous Geometria (1637), which is really a treatise on the 
algebraic representation of geometric theorems, he founded 
the modern theory of analytical geometry (see GEOMETRY), 
and at the same time he rendered signal service to algebra, 
more especially in the theory of equations.  His notation is 
based primarily on that of Harriot; but he differs from that 
writer in retaining the first letters of the alphabet for 
the known quantities and the final letters for the unknowns. 

The 17th century is a famous epoch in the progress of science, 
and the mathematics in no way lagged behind.  The discoveries 
of Johann Kepler and Bonaventura Cavalieri were the foundation 
upon which Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz 
erected that wonderful edifice, the Infinitesimal Calculus 
(q.v..) Many new fields were opened up, but there was still 
continual progress in pure algebra.  Continued fractions, one 
of the earliest examples of which is Lord Brouncker's expression 
for the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle 
(see CIRCLE), were elaborately discussed by John Wallis and 
Leonhard Euler; the convergency of series treated by Newton, 
Euler and the Bernoullis; the binomial theorem, due originally 
to Newton and subsequently expanded by Euler and others, was 
used by Joseph Louis Lagrange as the basis of his Calcul 
des Fonctions. Diophantine problems were revived by Gaspar 
Bachet, Pierre Fermat and Euler; the modern theory of numbers 
was founded by Fermat and developed by Euler, Lagrange and 
others; and the theory of probability was attacked by Blaise 
Pascal and Fermat, their work being subsequently expanded by 
James Bernoulli, Abraham de Moivre, Pierre Simon Laplace and 
others.  The germs of the theory of determinants are to be 
found in the works of Leibnitz; Etienne Bezout utilized them 
in 1764 for expressing the result obtained by the process of 
elimination known by his name, and since restated by Arthur Cayley. 

In recent times many mathematicians have formulated other 
kinds of algebras, in which the operators do not obey the laws 
of ordinary algebra.  This study was inaugurated by George 
Peacock, who was one of the earliest mathematicians to recognize 
the symbolic character of the fundamental principles of 
algebra.  About the same time, D. F. Gregory published a paper 
``on the real nature of symbolical algebra.'' In Germany the 
work of Martin Ohm (System der Mathematik, 1822) marks a step 
forward.  Notable service was also rendered by Augustus de 
Morgan, who applied logical analysis to the laws of mathematics. 

The geometrical interpretation of imaginary quantities had a 
far-reaching influence on the development of symbolic algebras.  
The attempts to elucidate this question by H. Kuhn (1750-1751) 
and Jean Robert Argand (1806) were completed by Karl Friedrich 
Gauss, and the formulation of various systems of vector analysis 
by Sir William Rowan Hamilton, Hermann Grassmann and others, 
followed.  These algebras were essentially geometrical, and it 
remained, more or less, for the American mathematician Benjamin 
Peirce to devise systems of pure symbolic algebras; in this 
work he was ably seconded by his son Charles S. Peirce.  In 
England, multiple algebra was developed by James Joseph 
Sylvester, who, in company with Arthur Cayley, expanded the 
theory of matrices, the germs of which are to be found in the 
writings of Hamilton (see above, under (B); and QUATERNIONS.) 

The preceding summary shows the specialized nature which algebra 
has assumed since the 17th century.  To attempt a history 
of the development of the various topics in this article is 
inappropriate, and we refer the reader to the separate articles. 

REFERENCES.---The history of algebra is treated in all 
historical works on mathematics in general (see MATHEMATICS: 
References.) Greek algebra can be specially studied in 
T. L. Heath's Diophantus. See also John Wallis, Opera 
Mathematica (1693-1699), and Charles Sutton, Mathematical and 
Philosophical Dictionary (1815), article ``Algebra.'' (C. E.*) 

[The article on Algebraic Forms is typeset in TeX and is available

ALGECIRAS, or ALGEZIRAS, a seaport of southern Spain in the 
province of Cadiz, 6 m.  W. of Gibraltar, on the opposite side of 
the Bay of Algeciras.  Pop. (1900) 13,302.  Algeciras stands at 
the head of a railway from Granada, but its only means of access 
to Gibraltar is by water.  Its name, which signifies in Arabic 
the island, is derived from a small islet on one side of the 
harbour.  It is supplied with water by means of a beautiful 
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