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Project Gutenberg's Encyclopedia, vol. 1 ( A - Andropha

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and, (c) the great Logos doctrine as the explanation of 
the relation between God and the material universe.  From 
these three arguments he developed an elaborate theosophy 
which was a syncretism of oriental mysticism and pure Greek 
metaphysic, and may be regarded as representing the climax 
of Jewish philosophy. (2) The first purely philosophical 
phenomenon of the Alexandrian school was Neo-Pythagoreanism, 
the second and last Neo-Platonism.  Leaving all detailed 
descriptions of these schools to special articles devoted to 
them, it is sufficient here to say that their doctrines were a 
synthesis of Platonism, Stoicism and the later Aristotelianism 
with a leaven of oriental mysticism which gradually became 
more and more important.  The world to which they spoke had 
begun to demand a doctrine of salvation to satisfy the human 
soul.  They endeavoured to deal with the problem of good and 
evil.  They therefore devoted themselves to examining the 
nature of the soul, and taught that its freedom consists in 
communion with God, to be achieved by absorption in a sort 
of ecstatic trance.  This doctrine reaches its height in 
Plotinus, after whom it degenerated into magic and theurgy 
in its unsuccessful combat with the victorious Christianity.  
Finally this pagan theosophy was driven from Alexandria back 
to Athens under Plutarch and Proclus, and occupied itself 
largely in purely historical work based mainly on the attempt 
to re-organize ancient philosophy in conformity with the 
system of Plotinus.  This school ended under Damascius when 
Justinian closed the Athenian schools (A.D. 529). (3) 
The eddies of Neo-Platonism had a considerable effect on 
certain Christian thinkers about the beginning of the 3rd 
century.  Among these the most important were Clement of 
Alexandria and Origen.  Clement, as a scholar and a theologian, 
proposed to unite the mysticism of Neo- Platonism with the 
practical spirit of Christianity.  He combined the principle 
of pure living with that of free thinking, and held that 
instruction must have regard to the mental capacity of the 
hearer.  The compatibility of Christian and later Neo-Platonic 
ideas is evidenced by the writings of Synesius, bishop of 
Ptolemais, and though Neo-Platonism eventually succumbed to 
Christianity, it had the effect, through the writings of 
Clement and Origen, of modifying the tyrannical fanaticism 
and ultra- dogmatism of the early Christian writers. 

AUTHORITIES.--Matter, Histoire de l'ecole d'Alexandrie, 
2nd ed. (3 vols., 1840-1844); Simon, Histoire de L'ecole 
d'Ajexandrie (2 vols., 1844-1845); Vacherot, Histoire critique 
de l'ecole d'Ajexandrie (3 vols., 1846-1851); Kingsley, 
Alexandria and her Schools (1854); Gfrorer, Philo und 
die Alexandrinische Theosophie (1835) Dahne, Geschict.  
Darstellung der Judisch-Alexandrinischen Religionsphilosophie 
(1834); Histories of Philosophy by Zeller, Uberweg, 
Windelband, &c., and Bibliography of CHURCH HISTORY, &c. 

1 A considerable fragment of his epic Hecale 
has been discovered in the Rainer papyrus. 

ALEXANDRIA TROAS (mod. Eski Stambul), an ancient Greek city 
of the Troad, situated on the west coast at nearly its middle 
point, a little south of Tenedos.  It was built by Antigonus, 
perhaps about 310 B.C., and was called by him Antigonia 
Troas.  Early in the next century the name was changed by 
Lysimachus to Alexandria Troas, in honour of Alexander's 
memory.  As the chief port of north-west Asia Minor, the place 
prospered greatly in Roman times, and the existing remains 
sufficiently attest its former importance.  Thence St Paul 
sailed for Europe for the first time, and there occurred 
later the episode of the raising of Eutychus (Acts xx. 
5-12).  The site is now covered with valonia oaks, and has 
been much plundered, e.g by Mahommed IV., who took columns 
to adorn his new Valideh mosque in Stambul; but the circuit 
of the old walls can be traced, and in several places they 
are fairly well preserved.  They had a circumference of about 
six English miles, and were fortified with towers at regular 
intervals.  Remains of some ancient buildings, including a 
bath and gymnasium, can be traced within this area.  Trajan 
built an aqueduct which can still be traced.  The harbour had 
two large basins, now almost choked with sand.  A Roman colony 
was sent to the place, as Strabo mentions, in the reign of 
Augustus.  The abridged name ``Troas'' (Acts xvi. 8) was 
probably the current one in later Roman times. (D. G. H.) 

ALEXANDRINE VERSE, a name given to the leading measure in 
French poetry.  It is the heroic French verse, used in epic 
narrative, in tragedy and in the higher comedy.  There is 
some doubt as to the origin of the name; but most probably 
it is derived from a collection of romances, collected in 
the 12th century, of which Alexander of Macedon was the 
hero, and in which he was represented, somewhat like the 
British Arthur, as the pride and crown of chivalry.  Before 
the publication of this work most of the trouvere romances 
appeared in octosyllabic verse.  There is also a theory that 
the form was invented by a poet named Alexander.  The new 
work, which was henceforth to set the fashion to French 
literature, was written in lines of twelve syllables, 
but with a freedom of pause which was afterwards greatly 
curtailed.  The new fashion, however, was not adopted all at 
once.  The metre fell into disuse until the reign of Francis 
I., when it was revived by Jean Antoine de Baif, one of the 
seven poets known as the Pleiades.  Jodelle mingled episodical 
Alexandrines with the vers communs of his tragedies and so 
introduced them into drama.  It was Ronsard, however, who made 
the verse popular, and gave it vogue in France.  From his time 
it became the recognized vehicle for all great poetry, and 
the regulation of its pauses became more and more strict.  
The following is an example of the verse as used by Racine-- 
    Ou suis-je? qu'ai-je fait?  || que dois-je faire encore?
    Quel transport me saisit?      || quel chagrin me devore?
Two inexorable laws came to be established with regard to the 
pauses.  The first is, that each line should be divided into 
two equal parts, the sixth syllable always ending with a 
word.  In the earlier use of this metre, on the contrary, 
it frequently happened that the sixth and seventh syllables 
belonged to the same word.  The other is that, except under 
the most stringent conditions, there should be none of 
what the French critics call enjambement, that is, the 
overlapping of the sense from one line on to the next.  
Ronsard completely ignored this rule, which was after his time 
settled by the authority of Malherbe.  The latest school of 
French prosody has given great attention to the breaking up 
of the Alexandrine, which no longer possesses the rigidity 
of authoritative form which it held until about 1880, but is 
often used with a licence no less than when Ronsard wrote. 

Michael Drayton, who was twenty-two years of age when Ronsard 
died, seemed to think that the Alexandrine might be as 
pleasing to English as it was to French ears, and in this 
metre he wrote a long poem in twenty-four books called the 
Polyolbion. The metre, however, failed to catch the English 
ear.  The principal English measure is a line of ten 
syllables, and the Alexandrine is used only occasionally to 
give it variety and weight.  In ordinary English heroic verse 
it is but rarely introduced; but in the favourite narrative 
metre, known as the Spenserian, it comes in regularly as the 
concluding line of each stanza.  In English usage, moreover, 
it is to be observed that there is no fixed rule as to the 
position of the pause, though it is true that most commonly 
the pause occurs at the end of the sixth syllable.  Spenser 
is very free in shifting the pause about; and though the 
later poets who have used this stanza are not so free, yet, 
with the exception of Shenstone and of Byron, they do not 
scruple to obliterate all pause between the sixth and seventh 
syllables.  Thus Thomson (Castle of Indolenee, i. 42):-- 

     And music lent new gladness to the morning air. 

The danger in the use of the Alexandrine is that, in 
attempting to give dignity to his line, the poet may 
only produce heaviness, incurring the sneer of Pope-- 

     A needless Alexandrine ends the song. 
    That, like a wounded snake, drags its slow length along.
The Alexandrine was the dominant metre in Dutch poetry from the 
16th to the middle of the 19th century, and about the time of its 
introduction to Holland it was accepted in Germany by the school of 
Opitz.  In the course of the 17th century, after being used 
without rhyme by Seckendorf and others, it formed a transitional 
station on the route to German blank verse, and has since then 
been rarely employed, except occasionally in rhymed comedy. 

ALEXANDRISTS, the name given to those philosophers of the 
Renaissance, who, in the great controversy on the subject 
of personal immortality, adopted the explanation of the De 
Anima given by Alexander of Aphrodisias.  According to the 
orthodox Thomism of the Roman Catholic Church, Aristotle 
rightly regarded reason as a facility of the individual 
soul.  Against this, the Averroists, led by Agostino Nito 
(q.v.), introduced the modifying theory that universal 
reason in a sense individualizes itself in each soul and 
then absorbs the active reason into itself again.  These two 
theories respectively evolved the doctrine of individual and 
universal immortality, or the absorption of the individual 
into the eternal One. The Alexandrists, led by Pietro 
Pomponazzi, boldly assailed these beliefs and denied that 
either was rightly attributed to Aristotle.  They held that 
Aristotle considered the soul as a material and therefore 
a mortal entity which operates during life only under the 
authority of universal reason.  Hence the Alexandrists denied 
the possibillty of immortality in every shape or form.  
Since the soul is organically connected with the body, the 
dissolution of the latter involves the extinction of the former. 

ALEXANDRITE, a variety of chrysoberyl (q.v.) discovered 
in the Urals in 1833, on the day set apart for celebrating 
the majority of the cesarevich, afterwards the tsar, Alexander 
II., in whose honour the stone was named by Nils Gustaf 
Nordenskiold, of Helsingfors.  It is remarkable for being 
strongly dichroic, generally appearing dark green by daylight 
and raspberry-red by candle-light, or by daylight transmitted 
through the stone.  As red and green are the military 
colours of Russia, the mineral became highly popular as a 
gem-stone.  The dark green crystals are usually cloudy and 
cracked, and grouped in triplets presenting a pseudo-hexagonal 
form.  Alexandrite was found originally in the emerald- mine of 
Takovaya, east of Ekaterinburg in the Urals, and afterwards 
in the gold-bearing sands of the Sanarka in the southern 
Urals.  Subsequently it was discovered in greater abundance 
in the gem-gravels of Ceylon.  It has been found also in 
Tasmania.  Some of the Ceylon alexandrite exhibits, 
when suitably cut, the Cat's-eye chatoyance, whence 
it has been called alexandrite cat's-eye. (F. W. R.*) 

Russian town and fortified camp in Transcaucasia, government 
of Erivan, near the junction of the Arpa-chai with the 
Aras, 48 m. by rail E.N.E. of Kars.  Altitude 5080 
ft.  It has a trade in silk.  Here the Russians defeated 
the Turks in 1853.  Pop. (1885) 22,670; (1897) 32,735. 

ALEXANDROVSK. (1) A town of N. Russia, in the government 
of Archangel, on the harbour of Catherine (Ekaterininsk), 
on the Murman coast, 5 m. from the mouth of Kola Bay. 
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