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Project Gutenberg's Encyclopedia, vol. 1 ( A - Andropha

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have been closely associated with the district since the 
time of Sir James Smollett, the novelist's grandfather.  
The industries of Bonhill centre in the calico printing, 
dyeing and bleaching which find their headquarters in the 
valley.  Population (1891) 3843; (1901) 3333. JAMESTOWN, 
about 1 m. to the north-east of Alexandria, with a station 
on the Forth & Clyde railway from Balloch to Stirling (North 
British), contains some of the largest cotton-printing 
works in Scotland.  Population (1891) 1668; (1901) 2080. 

ALEXANDRIA, a city and a port of entry of Alexandria county, 
Virginia, U.S.A., on the W. bank of the Potomac river, 6 
m. below Washington, D.C., with which it is connected by a 
ferry.  Pop. (1890) 14,339; (1900) 14,528, of whom 4533 were 
negroes; (1910, census), 15,329.  Alexandria is served by the 
Baltimore & Ohio, the Chesapeake & Ohio, the Southern and the 
Washington Southern railways; by the Washington, Alexandria & 
Mount Vernon electric railway; and by several lines of river 
and coasting steamboats.  It is a quaint, old-fashioned city, 
with quiet, shady streets, and a number of buildings dating 
back to the 18th century; of these the most interesting is the 
old Christ Church in which George Washington and Robert E. Lee 
worshipped.  The city has a public library.  About 2 1/2 
m.  W. of Alexandria is the Protestant Episcopal Theological 
Seminary in Virginia, opened here in 1823 and chartered in 
1854; in 1906-1907 the Seminary had a faculty of 7 and 46 
students.  Alexandria is a distributing and jobbing centre for 
the north-east counties of Virginia.  Among its manufactures 
are fertilizers, bottles, carbonated beverages, flour, beer, 
shoes, silk thread, aprons, brooms, leather, bricks, and 
tiling and structural iron.  The total value of its factory 
product in 1905 was $2,186,658.  The municipality owns and 
operates its gas-lighting plant.  Alexandria, first known as 
Belhaven, was named in honour of John Alexander, who in the 
last quarter of the 17th century had bought the land on which 
the city now stands from Robert Howison; the first settlement 
here was made in 1695.  Alexandria was laid out in 1749 and 
was incorporated in 1779.  From 1790 until 1846 Alexandria 
county was a part of the District of Columbia; at present the 
city, although within the limits of Alexandria county, is not 
administratively a part of it.  The city was re-chartered in 
1852.  For some time Alexandria seemed destined to become 
an important commercial centre, but the rise of Washington 
created a rival that soon outstripped it, and since the 
Civil War the city's growth has been comparatively slight.  
At Alexandria in 1755 General Edward Braddock organized his 
fatal expedition against Fort Duquesne, and here, in April of 
the same year, the governors of Virginia, Massachusetts, New 
Yfork, Pennsylvania and Maryland met (in a house still standing) 
to determine upon concerted action against the French in 
America.  In March 1785 commissioners from Virginia and 
Maryland met here to discuss the commercial relations of 
the two states, finishing their business at Mount Vernon on 
the 28th with an agreement for freedom of trade and freedom 
of navigation of the Potomac.  The Maryland legislature in 
ratifying this agreement on the 22nd of November proposed 
a conference between representatives from all the states to 
consider the adoption of definite commercial regulations.  
This led to the calling of the Annapolis convention of 1786, 
which in turn led to the calling of the Federal convention of 
1787.  In 1814 Alexandria was threatened by a British fleet, 
but bought immunity from attack by paying about $100,000.  At 
the opening of the Civil War the city was occupied by Federal 
troops, and great excitement throughout the North was caused 
by the killing (May 24, 1861) of Colonel E. E. Ellsworth 
(1837-1861) by Captain James W. Jackson, a hotel proprietor, 
from whose building Ellsworth had removed a Confederate 
flag.  After the erection of the state of West Virginia (1863), 
and until the close of the war, Alexandria was the seat of what 
was known as the ``Alexandria Government'' (see VIRGINIA). 

ALEXANDRIAN SCHOOL. Under this title are generally included 
certain strongly marked tendencies in literature, science and 
art, which took their rise in the ancient Egyptian city of 
Alexandria.  That city, founded by Alexander the Great about 
the time when Greece, in losing her national independence, lost 
also her intellectual supremacy, was in every way admirably 
adapted for becoming the new centre of the world's activity and 
thought.  Its situation brought it into commercial relations 
with all the nations lying around the Mediterranean, and at 
the same time rendered it the one communicating link with 
the wealth and civilization of the East.  The great natural 
advantages it thus enjoyed were artificially increased to 
an enormous extent by the care of the sovereigns of Egypt.  
Ptolemy Soter (reigned 323-285 B.C.), to whom, in the 
general distribution of Alexander's conquests, this kingdom had 
fallen, began to draw around him from various parts of Greece 
a circle of men eminent in literature and philosophy.  To these 
he gave every facility for the prosecution of their learned 
researches.  Under the inspiration of his friend Demetrius of 
Phalerum, the Athenian orator, statesman and philosopher, this 
Ptolemy laid the foundations of the great Alexandrian library 
and originated the keen search for all written works, which 
resulted in the formation of a collection such as the world 
has seldom seen.  He also built, for the convenience of his 
men of letters, the Museum, in which, maintained by the royal 
bounty, they resided, studied and taught.  This Museum, or 
academy of science, was in many respects not unlike a modern 
university.  The work thus begun by Ptolemy Soter was carried 
on vigorously by his descendants, in particular by his 
two immediate successors, Ptolemy Philadelphus and Ptolemy 
Euergetes.  Philadelphus (285-247), whose librarian was the 
celebrated Callimachus, bought up all Aristotle's collection 
of books, and also introduced a number of Jewish and Egyptian 
works.  Among these appears to have been a portion pf the 
Septuagint.  Euergetes (247-222) largely increased the library 
by seizing on the original editions of the dramatists laid up 
in the Athenian archives, and by compelling all travellers who 
arrived in Alexandria to leave a copy of any work they possessed. 

The intellectual movement so originated extended over a long 
period of years.  If we date its rise from the 4th century 
B.C., at the time of the fall of Greece and the foundation 
of the Graeco- Macedonian empire, we must look for its final 
dissolution in the 7th century of the Christian era, at the 
time of the fall of Alexandria and the rise of the Mahommedan 
power.  But this very long period falls into two divisions.  
The first, extending from about 306 to 30, includes the time 
from the foundation of the Ptolemaic dynasty to its final 
subjugation by the Romans; the second extends from 30 to 
A.D. 642, when Alexandria was destroyed by the Arabs.  The 
characteristic features of these divisions are very clearly 
marked, and their difference affords an explanation of 
the variety and vagueness of meaning attaching to the term 
``Alexandrian School.'' In the first of the two periods the 
intellectual activity was of a purely literary and scientific 
nature.  It was an attempt to continue and develop, under new 
conditions, the old Hellenic culture.  This direction of 
effort was particularly noticeable under the early Ptolemies, 
Alexandria being then almost the only home in the world for pure 
literature.  During the last century and a half before the 
Christian era, the school, as it might be called, began to break 
up and to lose its individuality.  This was due partly to the 
state of government under some of the later Ptolemies, partly 
to the formation of new literary circles in Rhodes, Syria and 
elsewhere, whose supporters, though retaining the Alexandrian 
peculiarities, could scarcely be included in the Alexandrian 
school.  The loss of active life, consequent on this gradual 
dissolution, was much increased when Alexandria fell under Roman 
sway.  Then the influence of the school was extended over the 
whole known world, but men of letters began to concentrate 
at Rome rather than at Alexandria.  In that city, however, 
there were new forces in operation which produced a second 
grand outburst of intellectual life.  The new movement was 
not in the old direction--had, indeed, nothing in common 
with it.  With its character largely determined by Jewish 
elements, and even more by contact with the dogmas of 
Christianity, this second Alexandrian school resulted in 
the speculative philosophy of the Neo-Platonists and the 
religious philosophy of the Gnostics and early church fathers. 

There appear, therefore, to be at least two definite significations 
of the title Alexandrian School; or rather, there are two 
Alexandrian schools, distinct both chronologically and in 
substance.  The one is the Alexandrian school of poetry and 
science, the other the Alexandrian school of philosophy.  
The term ``school,'' however, has not the same meaning as 
when applied to the Academics or Peripatetics, the Stoics or 
Epicureans.  These consisted of a company united by holding 
in common certain speculative principles, by having the same 
theory of things.  There was nothing at all corresponding to 
this among the Alexandrians.  In literature their activities 
were directed to the most diverse objects; they have only 
in common a certain spirit or form.  There was among them 
no definite system of phllosophy.  Even in the later schools 
of philosophy proper there is found a community rather of 
tendency than of definite result or of fixed principles. 

I. Literature.--The general character of the literature of 
the school appears as the necessary consequence of the state 
of affairs brought about by the fall of Greek nationality and 
independence.  The great works of the Greek mind had formerly 
been the products of a fresh life of nature and perfect 
freedom of thought.  All their hymns, epics and histories were 
bound up with their individuality as a free people.  But the 
Macedonian conquest at Chaeroneia brought about a complete 
dissolution of this Greek life in all its relations, private and 
political.  The full, genial spirit of Greek thought vanished 
when freedom, with which it was inseparably united, was 
lost.  A substitute for this originality was found at Alexandria 
in learned research, extended and multifarious knowledge.  
Amply provided with means for acquiring information, and 
under the watchful care of a great monarch, the Alexandrians 
readily took this new direction in literature.  With all the 
great objects removed which could excite a true spirit of 
poetry, they devoted themselves to minute researches in all 
sciences subordinate to literature proper.  They studied 
criticism, grammar, prosody and metre, antiquities and 
mythology.  The results of this study constantly appear in their 
productions.  Their works are never national, never addressed 
to a people, but to a circle of learned men.  Moreover, the very 
fact of being under the protection and, as it were, in the pay 
of an absolute monarch was damaging to the character of their 
literature.  There was introduced into it a courtjy element, 
clear traces of which, with all its accompaniments, are found 
in the extant works of the school.  One other fact, not to 
be forgotten in forming a general estimate of the literary 
value of their productions, is, that the same writer was 
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