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enemies of Stilicho reproached him for having gained his 
victory by taking an unfair advantage of the great Christian 
festival.  The wife of Alaric is said to have been taken 
prisoner after this battle; and there is some reason to suppose 
that he was hampered in his movements by the presence with 
his forces of large numbers of women and children, having 
given to his invasion of Italy the character of a national 
migration.  After another defeat before Verona, Alaric quitted 
Italy, probably in 403. He had not indeed ``penetrated to 
the city,'' but his invasion of Italy had produced important 
results; it had caused the imperial residence to be transferred 
from Milan to Ravenna, it had necessitated the withdrawal 
of the Twentieth Legion from Britain, and it had lirobably 
facilitated the great invasion of Vandals, Suevi and Alani 
into Gaul, by which that province and Spain were lost to the 
empire.  We next hear of Alaric as the friend and ally of his 
late opponent Stilicho.  The estrangement between the eastern 
and western courts had in 407 become so bitter as to threaten 
civil war, and Stilicho was actually proposing to use the arms 
of Alaric in order to enforce the claims of Honorius to the 
prefecture of Illyricum.  The death of Arcadius in May 408 
caused milder counsels to prevail in the western cabinet, but 
Alaric, who had actually entered Epirus, demanded in a somewhat 
threatening manner that if he were thus suddenly bidden to 
desist from war, he should be paid handsomely for what in 
modern language would be called the expenses of mobilization.  
The sum which he named was a large one, 4000 pounds of gold 
(about L. 160,000 sterling), but under strong pressure from 
Stilicho the Roman senate consented to promise its payment. 

Three months later Stilicho himself and the chief ministers 
of his party were treacherously slain in pursuance of an 
order extracted from the timid and jealous Honorius; and in 
the disturbances which followed the wives and children of the 
barbarian foederati throughout Italy were slain.  The natural 
consequence was that these men to the number of 30,000 flocked to 
the camp of Alaric. clamouring to be led against their cowardly 
enemies.  IIe accordingly crossed the Julian Alps, and in 
September 408 stood before the walls of Rome (now with no capable 
general like Stihcho to defend her) and began a strict blockade. 

No blood was shed this time; hunger was the weapon on which Alaric 
relied.  When the ambassadors of the senate in treating for peace 
tried to terrify him with their hints of what the despairing 
citizens might accomplish, he gave with a laugh his celebrated 
answer, ``The thicker the hay, the easier mowed!'' After much 
bargaining, the famine-stricken citizens agreed to pay a ransom 
of more than a quarter of a million sterling, besides precious
garments of silk and leather and three thousand pounds of 
pepper.  Thus ended Alaric's first siege of Rome. 

At this time, and indeed throughout his career, the one 
dominant idea of Alaric was not to pull down the fabric of 
the empire but to Secure for himself, by negotiation with 
its rulers, a regular and recognized position within its 
borders.  His demands were certainly large---the concession 
of a block of territory 200 m. long by 150 wide between the 
Danube and the Gulf of Venice (to be held probably on some 
terms of nominal dependence on the empire), and the title 
of commander-in-chief of the imperial army.  Yet large as 
the terms were, the emperor would probably have been well 
advised to grant them; but Honorius was one of those timid 
and feeble folk who are equally unable to make war or peace, 
and refused to look beyond the question of his own personal 
safety, guaranteed as it was by the dikes and marshes of 
Ravenna.  As all attempts to conduct a satisfactory negotiation 
with this emperor failed before his impenetrable stupidity, 
Alaric, after instituting a second siege and blockade of 
Rome in 409, came to terms with the senate, and with their 
consent set up a rival emperor and invested the prefect of the 
city, a Creek named Attalus, with the diadem and the purple 
robe.  He, however, proved quite unfit for his high position; 
he rejected the advice of Alaric and lost in consequence the 
province of Africa, the granary of Rome, which was defended by 
the partisans of Honorius.  The weapon of famine, formerly in 
the hand of Alaric, was thus turned against him, and loud in 
consequence were the murmurs of the Roman populace.  Honorius 
was also greatly strengthened by the arrival of six legions sent 
from Constantinople to his assistance by his nephew Theodosius 
II. Alaric therefore cashiered his puppet emperor Attalus 
after eleven months of ineffectual rule, and once more tried 
to reopen negotiations with Honorius.  These negotiatio1(s 
would probably have succeeded but for the malign influence of 
another Goth, Sarus, the hereditary enemy of Alaric and his 
house.  When Alaric found himself once more outwitted by the 
machinations of such a foe, he marched southward and began in 
deadly earnest his third, his ever-memorable siege of Rome.  
No defence apparently was possible; there are hints, not well 
substantiated, of treachery; there is greater probability of 
surprise.  However this may be--for our information at this 
point of the story is miserably meagre----on the 24th of 
August 410 Alaric and his . Goths burst in by the Salarian 
gate on the north-east of the city, and she who was of 
late the mistress of the world lay at the feet of the 
barbarians.  The Goths showed themselves not absolutely ruthless 
conquerors.  The contemporary ecclesiastics recorded with 
wonder many instances of their clemency: the Christian churches 
saved from ravage; protection granted to vast multitudes both 
of pagans and Christians who took refuge therein; vessels 
of gold and silver which were found in a private dwelling, 
spared because they ``belonged to St. Peter''; at least one 
case in which a beautiful Roman matron appealed, not in vain, 
to the better feelings of the Cothic soldier who attempted 
her dishonour; but even these exceptional instances show that 
Rome was not enlirely spared those scenes of horror which 
usually accompany the storming of a besieged city.  We do 
not, however, hear of any damage wrought by fire, save in 
the case of Sallust's palace, which was situated close to 
the gate by which the Goths had made their entrance; nor 
is there any reason to attribute any extensive destruction 
of the buildings of the city to Alaric and his followers. 

His work being done, his fated task, and Alaric having 
penetrated to the city, nothing remained for him but to 
die.  He marched southwards into Calabria.  He desired to 
invade Africa, which on account of its corn crops was now 
the key of the position; but his ships were dashed to pieces 
by a storm in which many of his soldiers perished.  He died 
soon after, probably of fever, and his body was bulied under 
the river-bed of the Busento, the stream being temporarily 
turned aside from its course while the grave was dug wherein 
the Gothic chief and some of his most precious spoils were 
interred.  When the work was finished the river was turned 
back into its usual channel, and the captives by whose hands 
the labour had been accomplished were put to death that 
none might learn their secret.  He was succeeded in the 
command of the Gothic army by his brotherin-law, Ataulphus., 

Our chief authorities for the career of Alaric are the historian 
Orosius and the poet Claudian, both strictly contemporary; 
Zosimus, a somewhat prejudiced heathen historian, who lived 
probably about half a century after the death of Alaric; 
and Jordanes, a Goth who wrote the history of his nation 
in the year 551, basing his work on the earlier history of 
Cassiodorus (now lost), which was written about 520. (T. II.) 

ALARIC II. (d. 507), eighth king of the Goths in Spain, 
succeeded his father Euric or Evaric in 485. His dominions 
not only included the whole of Spain except its north-western 
corner, but also Aquitaine and the greater part of Provence.  
In religion Alaric was an Arian, but he greatly mitigated 
the persecuting policy of his father Euric towards the 
Catholics and authorized them to hold in 506 the council of 
Agde.  He displayed similar wisdom and liberality in 
political affairs by appointing a commission to prepare 
an abstract of the Roman laws and imperial decrees, which 
should form the authoritative code for his Roman subjects.  
This is generally known as the Breviarium Alaricianuni, 
or Breviary of Alaric (q.v..) Alaric . was of a peaceful 
disposition, and endeavoured strictly to main- tain the treaty 
which his father had concluded with the Franks, whose king 
Clovis, however, desiring to obtain the Gothic province in 
Gaul, found a pretext for war in the Arianism of Alaric.  
The intervention of Theodoric, king of the Ostrogoths and 
father-in-law of Alaric, proved unavailing.  The two armies 
met in 507 at the Campus Vogladensis, near Poitiers, where 
the Goths were defeated, and their king, who took to flight, 
was overtaken and slain, it is said, by Clovis himself. 

ALA-SHEHR (anc. Philadelphia), a town of Asia Minor, in 
the Aidin vilayet, situated in the valley of the Kuzu Chai 
(Cogamus), at the foot of the Boz Dagh (Mt. Tmolus) 83 
m.  E. of Smyrna (105 by railway).  Pop. 22,000 (Moslems, 
17,000; Christians, 5000).  Philadelphia was founded by Attalus 
II. of Pergamum about 150 B.C., became one of the ``Seven 
Churches'' of Asia, and was called ``Little Athens'' on account 
of its festivals and temples.  It was subject to frequent 
earthquakes.  Philadelphia was an independent neutral city, 
under the influence of the Latin Knights of Rhodes, when taken 
in . 1390 by Sultan Bayezid I. and an auxiliary Christian force 

under the emperor Manuel II. after a prolonged resistance, 
when all the other cities of Asia Minor had surrendered.  
Twelve years later it was captured by Timur, who built a 
wall with the corpses of his prisoners.  A fragment of the 
ghastly structure is in the library of Lincoln cathedral.  
The town is connected by railway with Afium-Kara-Hissar and 
Smyrna.  It is dirty and ill-built; but, standing on elevated 
ground and commanding the extensive and fertile plain of the 
Hermus, presents at a distance an imposing appearance.  It is 
the seat of an archbishop and has several mosques and Christian 
churches.  There are small industries and a fair trade.  From 
one of the mineral springs comes a heavily charged water known 
in commerce as ``Eau de Vals,'' and in great request in Smyrna. 

See W. M. Ramsay, Letters to the Seven Ghurches (Ioo4). 
ALASKA, formerly called RUSSIAN AMERICA, a district 
of the United States of America, occupying the extreme 
northwestern part of North America and the adjacent 
islands.  The name is a corruption of a native word possibly 
meaning ``mainland'' or ``peninsula.'' The district of Alaska 
comprises, first, all that part of the continent W. of the 
141st meridian of W longitude from Greenwich;secondly,the 
eastern Diomede island in Bering Strait, and all islands in 
Bering Sea and the Aleutian chain lying E. of a line drawn 
from the Diomedes to pass midway between Copper Island, off 
Kamchatka, and Attu Island of the Aleutians; thirdly, a 
narrow strip of coast and adjacent islands N. of a line drawn 
from Cape Muzon, in lat. 54 deg.  40, N., E. and N. up Portland 
Canal to its head, and thence, as defined in the treaty of 
cession to the United States, quoting a boundary treaty of 
1825 between Great Britain and Russia, following ``the summit 
of the mountains situated parallel to the coast', to the 
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