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Project Gutenberg's Encyclopedia, vol. 1 ( A - Andropha

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 1902  46,202,424   14.5    670,063,008     63.0      422,224,117
 1903  49,464,967   12.9    637,821,835     69.5      443,024,826
 1904  44,074,875   12.5    552,399,517     92.4      510,489,874
 1905  47,854,079   14.5    692,979,489     74.8      518,372,727
          Domestic Exports,
          including Flour,
            Fiscal Years
 Year.   beginning 1st July.
 1890      106,181,316
 1891      225,665,812
 1892      191,912,635
 1893      164,283,129
 1894      144,812,718
 1895      126,443,968
 1896      145,124,972
 1897      217,306,005
 1898      222,694,920
 1899      186,096,762
 1900      215,990,073
 1901      234,772,516
 1902      202,905,598
 1903      120,727,613
 1904       44,112,910
 1905          ..

The acreage and production of wheat have steadily 
increased.  The acreage in Indian corn, the great American 
crop, reached its highest in 1902, 94,043,613 acres, and its 
production its highest figure in 1905, 2,707,993,540 bushels. 

 TABLE XXXIV.--Acreage, Production, Value, Prices, Exports and Imports 
 of Oats in the United States in 1890-1905.

                   Average               Farm Price
                  Yield per              per Bushel,  Farm Value
 Year.  Acreage.    Acre.    Production.  1st Dec.     1st Dec.
         Acres.    Bushels.    Bushels.    Cents.      Dollars.
 1890  26,431,369   19.8     523,621,000    42.4     222,048,486
 1891  25,581,861   28.9     738,394,000    31.5     232,312,267
 1892  27,063,835   24.4     661,035,000    31.7     209,253,611
 1893  27,273,033   23.4     638,854,850    29.4     187,576,092
 1894  27,023,553   24.5     662,036,928    32.4     214,816,920
 1895  27,878,406   29.6     824,443,537    19.9     163,655,068
 1896  27,565,985   25.7     707,346,404    18.7     132,485,033
 1897  25,730,375   27.2     698,767,809    21.2     147,974,719
 1898  25,777,110   28.4     720,906,643    25.5     186,405,364
 1899  26,341,380   30.2     796,177,713    24.9     198,167,975
 1900  27,364,795   29.6     809,125,989    25.8     208,669,233
 1901  28,541,476   25.8     736,808,724    39.9     293,658,777
 1902  28,653,144   34.5     987,842,712    30.7     303,584,852
 1903  27,638,126   28.4     784,094,199    34.1     267,661,665
 1904  27,842,669   32.1     894,395,552    31.3     279,900,013
 1905  28,046,746   34.0     953,216,197    29.1     277,047,537
            Domestic Exports,
            including Oatmeal,        Imports during
              Fiscal Years             Fiscal Years
 Year.     beginning 1st July.       beginning 1st July.
                Bushels.                  Bushels.
 1890          1,382,836                  41,848
 1891         10,586,644                  47,782
 1892          2,700,793                  49,433
 1893          6,290,229                  31,759
 1894          1,708,824                 330,317
 1895         15,156,618                  66,602
 1896         37,725,083                 893,908
 1897         73,880,307                  25,093
 1898         33,534,264                  28,098
 1899         45,048,857                  54,576
 1900         42,268,931                  32,107
 1901         13,277,612                  38,978
 1902          8,381,805                 150,065
 1903          1,960,740                 183,983
 1904          8,394,692                  55,699
 1905              ..                       ..

Producing as the United States does so much more 
than its people can consume, its exports form a large 
percentage of some of the crops, as Table XXXVI. shows. 

Large portions of some of these crops, like Indian corn and 
oats, are exported in the form of animals and animal products 
(meats, lard, hides, &c.).  The hay crop is almost entirely 
used in this way, and the tendency is to convert more and 
more of these crops into these higher-priced products.  Still, 
the time is far distant when domestic consumption will come 
anywhere near overtaking domestic production, especially of 
wheat and the other cereals.  The certain extension of acreage 
with the growth of demand and price, the increased use of 
agricultural implements, and the improvement of methods will 
be sure to keep up a large surplus for export for many years to 
come.  The Department of Agriculture has found that for 
home use there were required per head 5.5 bushels of wheat, 
28.6 bushels of Indian corn, and 10.7 bushels of oats, the 
computations being made from the figures for population, 
production and exports for 1888-1892; in 1905, 6.15 bushels 
of wheat and wheat-flour, 28.59 bushels of Indian corn and 
corn-meal.  The following number of acres in these crops 
was required, therefore, to supply the home demand for 
1888-1892:--0.43 of an acre in wheat, 1.1.5 acre in corn, and 
0.43 acre in oats per head of the population.  Taking the year 

 TABLE XXXV.--Acreage, Production, Value, Prices and Exports of Indian 
 Corn in the United States in 1890-1905.

                    Average                  Farm Price
                   Yield per                 per Bushel,
 Year.  Acreage.     Acre.    Production.      1st Dec.
         Acres.    Bushels.    Bushels.        Cents.
 1890  71,970,763   20.7     1,489,970,000      50.6
 1891  76,204,515   27.0     2,060,154,000      40.6
 1892  70,626,658   23.1     1,628,464,000      39.4
 1893  72,036,465   22.5     1,619,496,131      36.5
 1894  62,582,269   19.4     1,212,770,052      45.7
 1895  82,075,830   26.2     2,151,138,580      25.3
 1896  81,027,156   28.2     2,283,875,165      21.5
 1897  80,095,051   23.8     1,902,967,933      26.3
 1898  77,721,781   24.8     1,924,184,660      28.7
 1899  82,108,587   25.3     2,078,143,933      30.3
 1900  83,320,872   25.3     2,105,102,516      35.7
 1901  91,349,928   16.7     1,522,519,891      60.5
 1902  94,043,613   26.8     2,523,648,312      40.3
 1903  88,091,993   25.5     2,244,176,925      42.5
 1904  92,231,581   26.8     2,467,480,934      44.1
 1905  94,011,369   28.8     2,707,993,540      41.2
                             Domestic Exports,
                             including Corn-
           Farm Value        Meal, Fiscal Years
 Year.       1st Dec.        beginning 1st July.
             Dollars.             Bushels.
 1890       754,433,451          32,041,529
 1891       836,439,228          76,602,285
 1892       642,146,630          47,121,894
 1893       591,625,627          66,489,529
 1894       554,719,162          28,585,405
 1895       544,985,534         101,100,375
 1896       491,006,967         178,817,417
 1897       501,072,952         212,055,543
 1898       552,023,428         117,255,046
 1899       629,210,110         213,123,412
 1900       751,220,324         181,405,473
 1901       921,555,768          28,028,688
 1902     1,017,017,349          76,639,261
 1903       952,868,801          58,222,061
 1904     1,087,461,440          90,293,483
 1905     1,116,696,738             ..

1890 as an illustration, this gave a surplus area in wheat of 11,264,478 
acres, of 2,648,404 acres in Indian corn, and of 238,162 acres in oats. 

 TABLE XXXVI.--Percentage of Crops Exported.  Averages for Period 

                              Annual Average.
 Crop.       1878-1882.  1888-1892.   1894-1896.   1896-1904.   1905.
 Wheat         27.84       17.68        15.96         29.9      7.99
 Indian Corn    4.82        3.49         5.39          6.4      3.66
 Rye           10.30         ..         12.21         19.5       ..
 Oats            .37         .80         2.22          3.7       ..
 Barley         1.55         ..         12.96         12.15      ..
 Potatoes        .37         ..           .30          0.31      ..
 Cotton        72.80       66.79        73.60         66.31    61.55

Tables XXXVII. and XXXVIII. give the number, total value and 
average price of farm animals in 1880, 1890, 1900 and 1906. 

 TABLE XXXVII.--Number and Value of Farm Animals in the United States, 

 January 1         Horses.                   Mules.
            Number.       Value.       Number.     Value.
 1880     11,201,800    $613,296,611  1,729,500 $105,948,319
 1890     14,213,837     978,516,562  2,331,027  182,394,099
 1900     13,537,524     603,696,422  2,086,027  111,717,092
 1906     18,718,578   1,510,889,906  3,404,061  334,680,520 
                Milch Cows.              Other Cattle.
 January 1  Number.      Value.       Number.      Value.
 1880     12,027,000  $279,899,420  21,231,000  $341,761,154
 1890     15,952,883   352,152,133  36,849,024   560,625,137
 1900     16,292,360   514,812,106  27,610,054   689,486,260
 1906     19,793,866   582,788,592  47,067,656   746,171,709
                  Sheep.                    Swine.
 January 1  Number.     Value.        Number.   Value.
 1880     40,765,900  $90,230,537   34,034,100  $145,781,515
 1890     44,336,072  100,659,761   51,602,780   243,418,336
 1900     41,883,065  122,665,913   37,079,356   185,472,321
 1906     50,631,619  179,056,144   52,102,847   321,802,571
                Total Value of
 January 1       Farm Animals.
 1880           $1,576,917,556
 1890            2,418,766,028
 1900            2,228,123,134
 1906            3,675,389,442

 TABLE XXXVIII.--Average Value of Farm Animals in the 
 United States on 1st January, 1880-1906.

                        Milch   Other
 Year. Horses.  Mules.  Cows.   Cattle.  Sheep.  Swine.
 1880  $54.76   $61.26  $23.27  $16.10   $2.21   $4.28
 1890   68.84    78.25   22.14   15.21    2.27    4.72
 1900   44.61    53.56   31.60   24.97    2.93    5.00
 1906   80.72    98.31   29.44   15.85    3.54    6.18

After the Civil War the number of horses increased and prices 
declined.  In 1893 the number of horses reached 16,206,802 (an 
increase of over 5,005,002 or 44.6% over the number in 1880), 
and in 1906, 18,718,578.  The average farm price of horses 
increased from $54.75 in 1880 to $74 in 1884, after which there 
was a decrease to $31.51 in 1896, followed by rise to $80.72 in 
1906.  The extension of street-car lines, and the substitution 
of cable and electric power for that of horses, the use of 
bicycles and, later, of automobiles, and the improvement of 
farm-machinery, in which horses are less and less used as 
power-producers and steam is more common, have been factors 
in decreasing the demand for these animals.  The fluctuation 
in prices of mules has been parallel to that for horses. 

The returns for milch cows show an increase throughout 
the period 1880-1899 in every year, with the exception of 
1895-1899, after which there was a steady rise in numbers.  
For the first ten years the numbers increase 32.6%, and from 
1890 to 1899, 2%. The total value of milch cows increased each 
year until 1884, then decreased until 1891, with a gradual 
increase until the end of the period.  The farm price of milch 
cows rose from $23.27 in 1880 to $31.37 in 1884, then fell 
to $21.40 in 1892, after which there was a steady increase 
to $31.60 in 1899, and afterwards a slight fall, $29.44 
being the average farm value on the 1st of January 1906. 

No marked changes in the numbers of sheep have taken place.  
During the period 1880-1890 there was an increase in numbers 
amounting to about 8.8%.  After 1893 there was a rather steady 
decrease, with fluctuations amounting to a marked depression 
after 1894.  This industry is very susceptible to adverse 
influences, and felt keenly a depression in the price of 
wool.  The increase began again in 1898, and in 1903 the 
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