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lb).  These beasts, it will be observed, were all under two years 
old.  Amongst prize steers of two and a half to three years 
old, on the same occasion, the three highest daily average 
gains in live weight were 2.07 lb. for an Aberdeen-Angus, 
1.99 lb. for a Shorthorn-Aberdeen cross-bred and 1.97 lb. for a 
Sussex.  In the sheep section of the Smithfield show the 
classes for ewes were finally abolished in 1898, and the 
classes restricted to wethers and wether lambs, whose function 
is exclusively the production of meat.  At the 1905 show, 
sheep of each breed, and also cross-breds, competed as (1) 
wether lambs under twelve months old, and (2) wether sheep 
above twelve and under twenty-four months old.  The only 
exception was in the case of the slowly-maturing Cheviot and 
mountain breeds, for which the second class was for wether 
sheep of any age above twelve months.  Of prize sheep at the 
centenary show the largest average daily gain was 0.77 lb. per 
head given by Oxford-Hampshire cross-bred wether lambs, aged 
nine months two weeks.  In the case of wether sheep, twelve 
to twenty-four months old, the highest daily increase was 
0.56 lb per head as yielded by Lincolns, aged twenty-one 
months.  Within the last quarter of the 19th century the 
stock-feeding practices of the country were much modified 
in accordance with these ideas of early maturity.  The 
three-year-old wethers and older oxen that used to be common 
in the fat stock markets are now rarely seen, excepting 
perhaps in the case of mountain breeds of sheep and Highland 
cattle.  It was in 1875 that the Smithfield Club first provided 
the competitive classes for lambs, and in 1883 the champion 
plate offered for the best pen of sheep of any age in the 
show was for the first time won by lambs, a pen of Hampshire 
Downs.  The young classes for bullocks were established in 
1880.  The time-honoured notion that an animal must have 
completed its growth before it could be profitably fattened is 
no longer held, and the improved breeds which now exist rival 
one another as regards the early period at which they may be 
made ready for the butcher by appropriate feeding and management. 

In 1895 the Smithfield Club instituted a carcase competition 
in association with its annual show of fat stock, and it 
has been continued each year since.  The cattle and sheep 
entered for this competition are shown alive on the first 
day, at the close of which they are slaughtered and the 
carcases hung up for exhibition, with details of live and dead 
weights.  The competition thus constitutes what is termed 
a ``block test,'' and it is instructive in affording the 
opportunity of seeing the quality of the carcases furnished by 
the several animals, and in particular the relative proportion 
and distribution of fat and lean meat.  The live animals are 
judged and subsequently the carcases, and, though the results 
sometimes agree, more often they do not.  Tables are constructed 
showing the fasted live weight, the carcase weight, and the 
weight of the various parts that are separated from and not 
included with the carcase.  An abundance of lean meat and a 
moderate amount of fat well distributed constitutes a better 
carcase, and a more economical one for the consumer, than a 
carcase in which gross accumulations of fat are prominent.  
To add to the educational value of the display, information 
as to the methods of feeding would be desirable, as it would 
then be possible to correlate the quality of the meat with the 
mode of its manufacture.  A point of high practical interest 
is the ratio of carcase weight to fasted live weight, and 
in the case of prize-winning carcases these ratios usually 
fluctuate within very narrow limits.  At the 1890 show, for 
example, the highest proportion of the carcase weight to 
live weight was 68% in the case of an Aberdeen-Angus steer 
and of a Cheviot wether, whilst the lowest was 61%, afforded 
alike by a Shorthorn-Sussex cross-bred heifer and a mountain 
lamb.  A familiar practical method of estimating carcase 
weight from live weight is to reckon one Smithfield stone 
(8 lb) of carcase for each imperial stone (14 lb) of live 
weight.  This gives carcase weight as equal to 57% of live 
weight, a ratio much inferior to the best results obtained 
at the carcase competition promoted by the Smithfield Club. 

                         Breed societies. 

A noteworthy feature of the closing decades of the 19th 
century was the formation of voluntary associations of 
stockbreeders, with the object of promoting the interests of 
the respective breeds of live stock.  As a typical example of 
these organizations the Shire Horse Society may be mentioned.  
It was incorporated in 1878 to improve and promote the breeding 
of the Shire or old English race of cart-horses, and to effect 
the distribution of sound and healthy sires throughout the 
country.  The society holds annual shows, publishes annually 
the Shire Horse Stud Book and offers gold and silver medals 
for competition amongst Shire horses at agricultural shows 
in different parts of the country, The society has carried 
on a work of high national importance, and has effected a 
marked improvement in the character and quality of the Shire 
horse.  What has thus voluntarily been done in England 
would in most other countries be left to the state, or would 
not be attempted at all.  It is hardly necessary to say 
that the Shire Horse Society has never received a penny of 
public money, nor has any other of the voluntary breeders' 
societies.  The Hackney Horse Society and the Hunters' 
Improvement Society are conducted on much the same lines as 
the Shire Horse Society, and, like it, they each hold a show 
in London in the spring of the year and publish an annual 
volume.  Other horsebreeders' associations, all doing useful 
work in the interests of their respective breeds, are the 
Suffolk Horse Society, the Clydesdale Horse Society, the 
Yorkshire Coach Horse Society, the Cleveland Bay Horse 
Society, the Polo Pony Society, the Shetland Pony Stud Book 
Society, the Welsh Pony and Cob Society and the New Forest Pony 
Association.  Thoroughbred race-horses are registered in the 
General Stud Book.  The Royal Commission on Horse Breeding, 
which dates from 1887, is, as its name implies, not a voluntary 
organization.  Through the commission the money previously 
spent upon Queen's Plates is offered in the form of ``King's 
Premiums'' (to the number of twenty-eight in 1907) of L. 150 each 
for thoroughbred stallions, on condition that each stallion 
winning a premium shall serve not less than fifty half-bred 
mares, if required.  The winning stallions are distributed 
in districts throughout Great Britain, and the use of these 
selected sires has resulted in a decided improvement in the 
quality of half-bred horses.  The annual show of the Royal 
Commission on Horse Breeding is held in London jointly. and 
concurrently with that of the Hunters' Improvement Society. 

Of organizations of cattle-breeders the English Jersey Cattle 
Society, established in 1878, may be taken as a type.  It 
offers prizes in butter-test competitions and milking trials 
at various agricultural shows, and publishes the English Herd 
Book and Register of Pure-Bred Jersey Cattle. This volume 
records the births in the herds of members of the society, 
and gives the pedigrees of cows and bulls, besides furnishing 
lists of prize-winners at the principal shows and butter-test 
awards, and reports of sales by auction of Jersey cattle.  
Other cattle societies, all well caring for the interest of 
their respective breeds, are the Shorthorn Society of Great 
Britain and Ireland, the Lincolnshire Red Shorthorn Association, 
the Hereford Herd Book Society, the Devon Cattle Breeders' 
Society, the South Devon Herd Book Society, the Sussex Herd 
Book Society, the Long-horned Cattle Society, the Red Polled 
Society, the English Guernsey Cattle Society, the English Kerry 
and Dexter Cattle Society, the Welsh Black Cattle Society, 
the Polled Cattle Society (for the Aberdeen-Angus breed), the 
English Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Association, the Galloway Cattle 
Society, the Ayrshire Cattle Herd Book Society, the Highland 
Cattle Society of Scotland and the Dairy Shorthorn Association. 

In the case of sheep the National Sheep Breeders' Association 
looks after the interests of flockmasters in general, whilst 
most of the pure breeds are represented also by separate 
organizations.  The Hampshire Down Sheep Breeders' Association 
may be taken as a type of the latter, its principal object being 
to encourage the breeding of Hampshire Down sheep at home and 
abroad, and to maintain the purity of the breed.  It publishes 
an annual Flock Book, the first volume of which appeared in 
1890.  In this book are named the recognized and pure-bred 
sires which have been used, and ewes which have been bred 
from, whilst there are also registered the pedigrees of such 
sheep as are proved to be eligible for entry.  Prizes are 
offered by the society at various agricultural shows where 
Hampshire Down sheep are exhibited.  Other sheep societies 
include the Leicester Sheep Breeders' Association, the 
Cotswold Sheep Society, the Lincoln Longwool Sheep Breeders' 
Association, the Oxford Down Sheep Breeders' Association, 
the Shropshire Sheep Breeders' Association and Flock Book 
Society, the Southdown Sheep Society, the Suffolk Sheep 
Society, the Border Leicester Sheep Breeders' Society, the 
Wensleydale Longwool Sheep Breeders' Association and Flock 
Book Society, the Incorporated Wensleydale Blue-faced Sheep 
Breeders' Association and Flock Book Society, the Kent Sheep 
Breeders' Association, the Devon Longwool Sheep Breeders' 
Society, the Dorset Horn Sheep Breeders' Association, the Cheviot 
Sheep Society and the Roscommon Sheep Breeders' Association. 

The interests of pig-breeders are the care of the 
National Pig Breeders' Association, in addition to which 
there exist the British Berkshire, the Large Black Pig, 
and the Lincoln Curly-Coated White Pig Societies, and 
the Incorporated Tamworth Pig Breeders' Association. 

The addresses of the secretaries of the various 
live-stock societies in the United Kingdom are 
published annually in the Live Stock Journal Almanac. 

        The Maintenance of the Health of Live Stock. 

It was not till the closing decade of the 19th century that 
the stock-breeders of the United Kingdom found themselves in 
a position to prosecute their industry free from the fear of 
the introduction of contagious disease through the medium of 
store animals imported from abroad for fattening on the native 
pastures.  By the Diseases of Animals Act 1896 (59 & 60 Vict. 
c. 15) it was provided that cattle, sheep and pigs imported 
into the United Kingdom should be slaughtered at the place of 
landing.  The effect was to reduce to a minimum the risk 
of the introduction of disease amongst the herds and flocks 
of the country, and at the same time to confine the trade in 
store stock exclusively to the breeders of Great Britain and 
Ireland.  This arrangement makes no difference to the food-supply 
of the people, for dead meat continues to arrive at British 
ports in ever-increasing quantity.  Moreover, live animals are 
admitted freely from certain countries, provided such animals are 
slaughtered at the place of landing.  At Deptford, for example, 
large numbers of cattle and sheep which thus arrive--mainly 
from Argentina, Canada and the United States--are at once 
slaughtered, and so furnish a steady supply of fresh-killed 
beef and mutton.  The animals which are shipped in this way 
are necessarily of the best quality, because the freight 
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