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scheduled markets in Scotland in 1905 (2) having been weighed, 
while in England the proportion was only 20%. Little use is 
made of the weighbridge in selling store-cattle, sheep or 
swine.  As the main object of the act is to obtain records of 
prices, it follows that only in so far as statements of the 
prices realized, together with the description of the animals 
involved, are obtained, is the full advantage of the statute 
secured.  In 1905 the average price per cwt. for fat cattle in 
Great Britain was 32s. 11d. as compared with 35s. 2d. in 1900. 

                Food Values and Early Maturity. 

In the feeding experiments which have been carried on at 
Rothamsted it has been shown that the amount consumed both 
for a given live weight of animal within a given time, and for 
the production of a given amount of increase, is, as current 
food stuffs go, measurable more by the amounts they contain 
of digestible and available non-nitrogenous constituents than 
by the amounts of the digestible and available nitrogenous 
constituents they supply.  The non-nitrogenous substance 
(the fat) in the increase in live weight of an animal is, 
at any rate in great part, if not entirely, derived from the 
non-nitrogenous constituents of the food.  Of the nitrogenous 
compounds in food, on the other hand, only a small proportion 
of the whole consumed is finally stored up in the increase of 
the animal--in other words, a very large amount of nitrogen 
passes through the body beyond that which is finally retained 
in the increase, and so remains for manure.  Hence it is 
that the amount of food consumed to produce a given amount 
of increase in live weight, as well as that required for 
the sustentation of a given live weight for a given time, 
should--provided the food be not abnormally deficient in 
nitrogenous substance--be characteristically dependent on 
its supplies of digestible and available non-nitrogenous 
constituents.  It has further been shown that, in the exercise 
of force by animals, there is a greatly increased expenditure 
of the non-nitrogenous constituents of food, but little, if 
any, Of the nitrogenous.  Thus, then, alike for maintenance, for 
increase, and for the exercise of force, the exigencies of the 
system are characterized more by the demand for the digestible 
non-nitrogenous or more specially respiratory and fat-forming 
constituents than by that for the nitrogenous or more specially 
flesh-forming ones.  Hence, as current fattening food-stuffs 
go--assuming, of course, that they are not abnormally low 
in the nitrogenous constituents--they are, as foods, more 
valuable in proportion to their richness in digestible and 
available non-nitrogenous than to that of their nitrogenous 
constituents.  As, however, the manure of the animals of the 
farm is valuable largely in proportion to the nitrogen it 
contains, there is, so far, an advantage in giving a food 
somewhat rich in nitrogen, provided it is in other respects 
a good one, and, weight for weight, not much more costly. 

The quantity of digestible nutritive matter in 1000 lb. of ordinary 
feeding-stuffs when supplied to sheep or oxen is shown in Table 
XIX. This table is taken from Warington's Chemistry of the 
Farm, 10th edition (Vinton and Co.), to which reference may 
be made for a detailed discussion of the feeding of animals. 

In the fattening of animals for the butcher the principle of 
early maturity has received full recognition.  If the sole 
purpose for which an animal is reared is to prepare it for 
the block--and this is the case with steers amongst cattle 
and with wethers amongst sheep--the sooner it is ready for 
slaughter the less should be the outlay involved.  During the 
whole time the animal is living the feeder has to pay what 
has been termed the ``life tax''--that is, so much of the 
food has to go to the maintenance of the animal as a living 
organism into what will subsequenctly be available in the 
form of beef or mutton.  If a bullock can be rendered fit 
for the butcher at the age of two or three years, will the 
animal repay another year's feeding? It has been proved at 
the Christmas fat stock shows that the older a bullock gets 
the less will he gain in weight per day as a result of the 
feeding.  With regard to this point the work of the Smithfield 
Club deserves recognition.  This body was instituted in 1798 
as the Smithfield Cattle and Sheep Society, the title being 

 TABLE XIX.--Digestible Matter in 1000 lb. of Various Foods. 

                          Total  Nitrogeneaous         Soluble
                         Organic   Substances.    Fat. Carbo-   Fibre
                          Matter. Alba-   Amides,      hydrates
                                  minoids. etc.
 Cotton cake
     (decorticated)       691     374     18      128    158      13
     (undecorticated)     422     150     13       50    177      32
 Linseed cake             655     230     11      103    266      45
 Peas                     747     175     25       12    499      36
 Beans                    733     196     28       12    446      51
 Wheat11                786      92     13       15    656      10
 Oats                     600      81      7       45    441      26
 Barley                   715      70      4       19    607      15
 Maize                    786      73      6       44    651      12
 Rice meal                612      67     10      102    411      22
 Wheat bran               585      90     20       27    426      22
 Malt sprouts             681     114     71       11    379     106
 Brewers' grains          137      34      2       14     67      20
       '' (dried)         529     136      8       57    266      62
 Pasture grass            156      19     11        6     84      36
 Clover (bloom beginning) 123      17      8        5     63      30
 Clover hay (medium)      440      47     25       13    242     113
 Meadow hay (best)        511      60     18       13    269     151
          (medium)        485      40     12       12    269     152
            (poor)        460      29      5       10    242     174
 Maize silage             124       1      7        7     75      34
                                     \    /
 Bean straw               412          40           6    211     155
 Oat straw                381       7      5        7    163     199
 Barley straw             426       4      3        6    211     202
                                     \    /
 Wheat straw              351           4           4    150     193
 Potatoes                 213       5      9        1    195       3
 Mangels (large)           89       1      8      1/2     74       6
         (small)          109       2      6      1/2     96       5
 Swedes                    87       2      7      1/2     71       6
 Turnips                   68       1      5      1/2     56       5

changed to that of the Smithfield Club in 1802.  The original 
object--the supply of the cattle markets of Smithfield and 
other places with the cheapest and best meat--is still kept 
strictly in view.  The judges, in making their awards at the 
show held annually in December, at Islington, North London 
(since 1862), are instructed to decide according to quality of 
flesh, lightness of offal, age and early maturity, with no 
restrictions as to feeding, and thus to promote the primary 
aim of the club in encouraging the selection and breeding of 
the best and most useful animals for the production of meat, 
and testing their capabilities in respect of early maturity.  
At the first show, held at Smithfield in 1799, two classes 
were provided for cattle and two for sheep, the prizes offered 
amounting to L. 52 : 10s. In 1839 the classes comprised seven 
for cattle, six for sheep, and one for pigs, with prizes to 
the amount of L. 300.  By 1862 the classes had risen to 29 for 
cattle, 17 for sheep and 4 for pigs, and the prize money to 
L. 2072.  At the centenary show in 1898 provision was made for 
40 classes for cattle, 29 for sheep, 18 for pigs, and 7 for 
animals to be slaughtered, whilst to mark the importance of the 
occasion the prizes offered amounted to close upon L. 5000 in 
value.  In 1907 there were 38 classes for cattle, 29 for sheep, 
20 or pigs and 12 for carcase competitors, and the value of 
the prizes was L. 4113.  The sections provided for cattle are 
properly restricted to what may be termed the beef brands; 
in the catalogue order they are Devon, South Devon, Hereford, 
Shorthorn, Sussex, Red Polled, Aberdeen-Angus, Galloway, Welsh, 
Highland, Cross-bred, Kerry and Dexter, and Small Cross-bred. 

It will be noticed that such characteristically milking 
breeds as the Ayrshire, Jersey and Guernsey have no place 
here.  Provision is made, however, for all the well-known 
breeds of sheep and swine.  In the cattle classes, aged beasts 
of huge size and of considerably over a ton in weight used 
to be common, but in recent years the tendency has been to 
reduce the upper limit of age, and thus to bring out animals 
ripe for the butcher in a shorted time than was formerly the 
case.  An important step in this direction was taken in 1896, 
when the senior class for steers, viz. animals three to four 
years old, was abolished, the maximum age at which steers 
were allowed to compete for prizes being reduced to three 
years.  The cow classes were abolished in 1897, and in the 
schedule of the 1905 exhibition the classes for each breed 
of cattle were (1) for steers not exceeding two years old, 
(2) for steers above two years and not exceeding three years 
old, and (3) for heifers not exceeding three years old.  The 
single exception is provided by the slowly-maturing Highland 
breed of cattle, for which classes were allotted to (1) steers 
not exceeding three years old, (2) steers or oxen above three 
years old (with no maximum limit), and (3) heifers not 
exceeding four years old.  As illustrating heavy weights, 
there were in the 1893 show, out of 310 entries of cattle, 
four beasts which weighed over a ton.  They were all steers of 
three to four years old, one being a Hereford weighing 20 cwt. 
2 qr. 4 lb, and the others Shorthorns weighing respectively 
20 cwt. 2 qr., 20 cwt. 3 qr. 21 lb, and 22 cwt. 2 qr. 18 
lb.  In the 1895 show, out of 356 entries of cattle, there 
were seven beasts of more than a ton in weight.  They were 
all three to four years old, and comprised four Shorthorns 
(top weight 21 cwt. 1 qr. 18 lb), one Sussex (22 cwt. 3 
qr. 7 lb), and two cross-breds (top weight 20 cwt. 3 qr. 24 
lb).  In the 1899 show, with 311 entries of cattle, and the 
age limited to three years, no beast reached the weight of a 
ton, the heaviest animal being a crossbred (Aberdeen-Angus 
and Shorthorn) which, at three years old, turned the scale 
at 19 cwt. 1 qr. 5 lb.  Out of 301 entries in 1905 the top 
weight was 19 cwt. 1 qr. 25 lb in the case of a Shorthorn 
steer.  Useful figures for purposes of comparison are obtained 
by dividing the weight of a fat beast by the number of days 
in its age, the weight at birth being thrown in.  The average 
daily gain in live weight is thus arrived at, and as the animal 
increases in age this average gradually diminishes, until the 
daily gain reaches a stage at which it does not afford any 
profitable return upon the food consumed.  At the centenary 
show of the Smithfield Club in 1898 the highest average daily 
gains in weight amongst prize-winning cattle were providrd 
by a Shorthorn-Aberdeen cross-bred steer (age, one year seven 
months; daily gain 2.47 lb); a Shorthorn steer (age, one year 
seven months; daily gain, 2.44 lb); and an Aberdeen-Shorthorn 
cross-bred steer (age, one year ten months; daily gain, 2.33 
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