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minute as compared with the great surface of material, but 
on the other hand, a shrapnel bursting just in front of may 
cause a rapid fall.  It is therefore considered prudent to 
keep the balloon well away from an enemy, and two miles are 
laid down as the nearest approach it should make habitually. 

Besides being of use on land for war purposes, balloons have 
been tried in connexion with the naval service.  In France 
especially regular trials have been made of inflating balloons 
on board ships, and sending them aloft as a look-out; but it 
is now generally contended that the difficulties of storing 
the gas and of manoeuvring the balloon are so great on 
board ship as to be hardly worth the results to be gained. 

A very important development of military ballooning is the navigable 
balloon.  If only a balloon could be sent up and driven in any 
required direction, and brought back to its starting-point, it 
is obvious that it would be of the very greatest use in war. 

Dirigible balloons. 

From the very first invention of balloons the problem has 
been how to navigate them by propulsion.  General J. B. M. 
C. Meusnier (1754-1793) proposed an elongated balloon in 
1784.  It was experimented on by the brothers Robert, who 
made two ascensions and claimed to have obtained a deviation 
of 22 deg.  from the direction of a light wind by means of aerial 
oars worked by hand.  The relative speed was probably about 
3 m. an hour, and it was so evident that a very much more 
energetic light motor than any then known was required to 
stem ordinary winds that nothing more was attempted till 
1832, when Henri Giffard (1825-1882) as ascended with a 
steam-engine of then unprecedented lightness.  The subjoined 
table exhibits some of the results subsequently obtained :--- 

 Year.  Inventor.  Length.  Dia-     Con-   Lifting  Weight  Weight  H.P.  Speed
                            meter.   tents. Capa-    of      of            per
                                            city.    Ballon. Motor.        hour.
                     Ft.     Ft.     Cub.ft. lb.        lb.       lb.            Miles
 1852   Giffard     144      39      88,300  3,978   2,794    462    3.0   6.71
 1872   Dupuy de
         Lome       118      49     120,088  8,358   4,728   2000    0.8   6.26
 1884   Tissandier   92      30      37,439  2,728     933    616    1.5   7.82
 1885   Renard and
         Krebs      165      27      65,836  4,402   2,449   1174    9.0  14.00
 1897   Schwarz     157   {46  39}  130.500  8,133   6,800   800?   16.0  17.00
 1900   Zeppelin I  420      39     400,000 25,000  19,000   1500   32.0  18.00
 1901   Santos
        Dumont VI.  108      20      22,200   ..      ..      ..    16.20 19.00
 1908   ``Repub-
          lique''   195      35     130,000  3,100    ..      ..    80       30
 1908   Zeppelin IV 446      42 1/2    450,000   ..      ..      ..   220       ..

Giffard, the future inventor of the injector, devised a 
steam-engine weighing, with fuel and water for one hour, 
154 lb.  per horse-power, and was bold enough to employ it in 
proximity to a balloon inflated with coal gas.  He was not 
able to stem a medium wind, but attained some deviation.  
He repeated the experiment in 1855 with a more elongated 
spindle, which proved unstable and dangerous.  During the 
siege of Paris the French Government decided to build a 
navigable balloon, and entrusted the work to the chief naval 
constructor, Dupuy de Lome.  He went into the subject very 
carefully, made estimates of all the strains, resistances and 
speeds, and tested the balloon in 1872.  Deviations of 12 deg.  
were obtained from the course of a wind blowing 27 to 37 m. per 
hour.  The screw propeller was driven by eight labourers, a 
steam-engine being deemed too dangerous; but it was estimated 
that had one been used, weighing as much as the men, the 
speed would have been doubled.  Tissandier and his brother 
applied an electric motor, lighter than any previously built, 
to a spindle-shaped balloon, and went up twice in 1883 and 
1884.  On the latter occasion he stemmed a wind of 7 m. per 
hour.  The brothers abandoned these experiments, which 
had been carried on at their own expense, when the French 
War Department took up the problem.  Renard and Krebs, the 
Officers in charge of the War Aeronautical Department at 
Heudon, built and experimented with in 1884 and 1885 the 
fusiform balloon `` La France,'' in which the `` master'' 
or maximum section was about one-quarter of the distance 
from the stem.  The propelling screw was at the front of 
the car and driven by an electric motor of unprecedented 
lightness.  Seven ascents were made on very calm days, a 
maximum speed of 14 m. an hour was obtained, and the balloon 
returned to its starting-point on five of the seven occasions.  
Subsequently another balloon was constructed, said to be 
capable of a speed of 22 to 28 m. per hour, with a different 
motor.  After many years of experi- ment Dr Wolfert built and 
experimented with in Berlin, in 1897, a cigar-shaped balloon 
driven by a gasoline motor.  An explosion took place in the 
air, the balloon fell and Dr Wolfert and his assistant were 
killed.  It was also in 1897 that an aluminium balloon was 
built from the designs of D. Schwarz and tested in Bedin.  
It was driven by a Daimler benzine motor, and attained a 
greater speed than ``La France''; but a driving belt slipped, 
and in coming down the balloon was injured beyond repair. 

From 1897 onwards Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, of the German 
army, was engaged in constructing an immense balloon, truly an 
airship, of most careful and most intelligent design, to carry 
five men.  It consisted of an aluminium framework containing 
sixteen gas bags with a total capacity of nearly 400,000 
cub. ft., and it had two cars, each containing a 16 h.p. 
motor.  It was first tested in June 1900, when it attained 
a speed of 18 m. an hour and travelled a distance of 3 1/2 
m. before an accident to the steering gear necessitated the 
discontinuance of the experiment.  In 1905 Zeppelin built 
a second airship which had a slightly smaller capacity 
but much greater power, its two motors each developing 85 
h.p.  This, after making some successful trips, was wrecked 
in a violent gale, and was succeeded by a third airship, 
which, at its trial in October 1906, travelled round Lake 
Constance and showed itself able to execute numerous curves and 
traverses.  At a second series of trials in September 1907, 
after some alterations had been effected, it attained a 
speed of 36 m. an hour, remaining in the air for many hours 
and carrying nine or eleven passengers.  A fourth vessel of 
similar design, but with more powerful motors, was tried in 
1908, and succeeded in travelling 250 m. in 11 hours, but 
owing to a storm it was wrecked when on land and burnt at 
Echterdingen on the 5th of August.  Subscriptions, headed by 
the emperor, were at once raised to enable Zeppelin to build 
another.  Meanwhile in 1901 Alberto Santos Dumont had begun 
experiments with dirigible balloons in Paris, and on the 19th 
of October won the Deutsch prize by steering a balloon from 
St Cloud round the Eiffel tower and back in half an hour, 
encountering on his return journey a wind of nearly 5 metres a 
second.  An airship constructed by Pierre and Paul Lebaudy in 
1904 also made a number of successful trials in the vicinity 
of Paris; with a motor of 40 h.p., its speed was about 25 m. an 
hour, and it regularly carried three passengers.  In October 
1907 the ``Nulli Secundus,'' an airship constructed for the 
British War Office, sailed from Farnborough round St Paul's 
Cathedral, London, to the Crystal Palace, Sydenham, a distance 
of about 50 m., in 3 hours 35 minutes.  The weight carried, 
including two occupants, was 3400 lb., and the maximum speed 
was 24 m. an hour, with a following wind of 8 m. an hour. 

Thus the principles which govern the design of the dirigible 
balloon may be said to have been evolved.  As the lifting 
power crows as the cube of the dimensions, and the resistance 
approximately as the square, the advantage lies with the 
larger sizes of balloons, as of ocean steamers, up to the 
limits within which they may be found practicable.  Count 
Zeppelin gained an advantage by attaching his propellers 
to the balloon, instead of to the car as heretofore; but 
this requires a rigid framework and a great increase of 
weight.  Le Compagnon endeavoured, in 1892, to substitute 
flapping wings for rotary propellers, as the former can 
be suspended near the centre of resistance.  C. Danilewsky 
followed him in 1898 and 1899, but without remarkable 
results.  Dupuy de Lome was the first to estimate in detail 
the resistances to balloon propulsion, but experiment showed 
that in the aggregate they were greater than he calculated.  
Renard and Krebs also found that their computed resistances 
were largely exceeded, and after revising the results they 
gave the formula R=0.01685 D2V2, R being the resistance in 
kilograms, D the diameter in metres and V the velocity in 
metres per second.  Reduced to British measures, in pounds, 
feet and miles per hour, R=0.0006876 D2V2, which is somewhat 
in excess of the formula computed by Dr William Pole from 
Dupuy de Lome's experiments.  The above coefficient applies 
only to the shape and rigging of the balloon ``La France,'' 
and combines all resistances into one equivalent, which is 
equal to that of a flat plane 18% of the ``master section.'' 
This coefficient may perhaps hereafter be reduced by one-half 
through a better form of hull and car, more like a fish than a 
spindle, by diminished sections of suspension lines and net, 
and by placing the propeller at the centre of resistance.  
To compute the results to be expected from new projects, it 
will be preferable to estimate the resistances in detail.  The 
following table shows how this was done by Dupuy de Lome, and 
the probable corrections which should have been made by him:-- 


          Computed by Dupuy de Lome.               More Probable Values.
             V = 2.22 m. per sec.                   V = 2.82 m. per sec.
              Area   Coeffici-  Air     Resist-    Coeffici-   Air    Resist-
    Part.      Sq.     ent.     Pres-    ance,       ent.     Pres-    ance,
             Metres             sure.     Kg.                 sure      Kg.
 without net 172.96   1/30     0.665     3.830       1/15     0.875   10.091
 Car           3.25   1/5        ,,      0.432       1/5        ,,     0.569
 Men's bodies  3.00   1/5        ,,      0.400       1/5        ,,     1.312
 Gas tubes     6.40   1/5        ,,      0.850       1/2        ,,     2.750
 Small cords  10.00   1/2        ,,      3.325       1/2        ,,     4.375
 Large cords   9.90   1/3        ,,      2.194       1/3        ,,     2.887
                                        11.031                        21.984

When the resistances have been reduced to the lowest minimum 
by careful design, the attainable speed must depend upon the 
efficiency of the propeller and the relative lightness of the 
motor.  The commercial uses of dirigible balloons, however, 
will be small, as they must remain housed when the wind aloft is 
brisk.  The sizes will be great and costly, the loads small, 
and the craft frail and short-lived, yet dirigible balloons 
constitute the obvious type for governments to evolve, 
until they are superseded by efficient flying machines. (See 
further, as to the latter, the article FLIGHT AND FLYING.) 

Practice of aerostation. 

The chief danger attending ballooning lles in the descent; for 
if a strong wind be blowing, the grapnel will sometimes trail 
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